186 research outputs found

    Problems of Management of Migration Processes in Contemporary Russia

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    The article analyzes the migration situation in Russia and the relevant results in accordance with the Concept of state migration policy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2025. Successful work of the Federal Migration Service is shown. However, Presidential Decree No. 156 of 5 April 2016 “On the improvement of public administration in the sphere of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and in the sphere of migration” the Federal Migration Service was abolished, and its functions were fully transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author notes that for an absolute community of experts and specialists in the field of population migration, this decision was an unexpected. The author analyzes the situation of institution support for the state migration policy and prospects for further development. Particular attention is paid to the process of establishing institutional support for the state migration policy of Russia


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    The article is devoted to the consideration of amendments to the Constitution of Russia approved during the vote on July 1, 2020, which set the main parameters of identity policy in our country. Special attention is paid to the reaction of public figures, experts and representatives of the leadership of the republics within the Russian Federation. During the discussion of the amendments, there was a strong public demand to clarify and fix in the form of constitutional provisions the main content of cultural and civilizational parameters of the Russian identity. The adoption of the amendments demonstrated broad public agreement on the constitutionally defined parameters of Russian national identity. The discussion showed an ambiguous attitude of ethnic activists in the republics to the set parameters of identity policy. And the leaders of a number of republics expressed their dissenting opinion, which reflected a certain tension over the inclusion of the concept of “state-forming people”in the article on the state language

    Vegetation changes of Birjuchiy Peninsula (Azov-Sivash National Nature Park) under the influence of ungulates

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    UK: Наводяться дані щодо особливостей пасквальної дигресії рослинного покриву на території півострова Бірючий, який входить до складу Азово-Сиваського НПП, внаслідок надвисокого тиску чисельних диких копитних. Її характерними рисами стали: пришвидшення процесів синантропізації аборигенної флори та її збіднення. Наведені показники розрахунку максимально можливої, за даних екологічних умов, чисельності диких тварин дозволять розробити заходи щодо оптимального управління рослинними і тваринними ресурсами національного парку. RU: Приводятся данные относительно особенностей пасквальной дигрессии растительного покрова на территории полуострова Бирючий, который входит в состав Азово-Сивашского НПП, в результате сверхвысокого давления многочисленных диких копытных. Ее характерными чертами стали: ускорение процессов синантропизации аборигенной флоры и ее обеднения. Приведенные показатели расчета максимально возможной, при данных экологических условиях, численности диких животных позволят разработать мероприятия относительно оптимального управления растительными и животными ресурсами национального парка. EN: The data on features of pasture digression of vegetation on Biruchiy peninsula, which is a part of the Azov-Sivash National Nature Park, are given, as a result of ultra-high pressure of numerous ungulates. These features are: acceleration of synanthropization of native flora and its depletion. The given figures of maximum possible number of wild animals under the given environmental conditions will allow developing activities with respect to the effective management of plant and animal resources of the national park

    Bat ringing in the Crimea mountains

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    RU: Приводится информация о результатах кольцевания и численности летучих мышей в пещерах горного Крыма во время их зимовки 1982-1990 гг. Сообщается о оседлости большого и малого подковоносов, а также подчёркивается необходимость продолжения работ по кольцеванию рукокрылых и мониторинга их популяций. UK: Наводиться iнформацiя про результати кiльцювання та чисельнiсть летючих мишей в печерах гiрського Криму пiд час зимiвлi у 1982-1990 рр. Пiдтверджується осiлий характер перебування великого та малого пiдкiвникiв, а також висловлюється думка про необхiднiсть продовжения робiт по кiльцюванню рукокрилих i мониторингу їх популяцiй. EN: Information about the results of bat ringing is given and their numbers wintering in the Crimea caves in 1982-1990 are presented. The settled way of life in little and greater horseshoe bats is discussed. Necessity of the continuation of bat ringing and population monitoring is shown

    The Observatory of Finno-Ugric Indigenous Peoples in the Republic of Karelia

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    The article deals with the potential rights implementation assessment for the Karelians, the Vepsians, and the Finns — indigenous minorities and ethnic (national) minorities in the Republic of Karelia. The purpose of the article is to form an observational passport of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Republic of Karelia (i.e., the Vepsians, the Karelians, and the Finns), which would record the varying degrees of satisfaction of the indigenous small-numbered population of the Republic with the results of the policy pursued. The subject of this article is the peculiarities of the potential rights implementation Karelians, Vepsians, and Finns - indigenous peoples and ethnic (national) minorities of Karelia. As part of the study, a tool was developed to assess the potential rights implementation in the Republic of Karelia - an observational passport of indigenous peoples. The presented material is based on the results of a survey organized in the fall of 2017 in all municipalities of the Republic of Karelia. The authors substantiate the differentiation of potential rights implementation of the indigenous peoples of the Republic in 4 sectors (economic, social, cultural, and religious), according to 3 levels (low, medium, and high). It was found that the low potential rights implementation in almost every sector of the study is typical of the Vepsians, the Karelians, and the Finns are generally characterized by the potential rights implementation of the average level

    Renewal of beaver (Castor fiber L.) population in Left-Bank Ukraine

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    RU: На основе литературных источников, официальных документов, анкетных данных и результатов многолетних оригинальных исследований показаны особенности распространения и динамика численности бобра речного (Castor fiber L.) на территории Левобережной Украины с начала ХХ века – со 100 особей в 1930 г. до почти 43000 особей в 2010 г. Рассмотрена история реакклиматизации бобров на указанной территории. Для ряда участков приведены таблицы и схемы с указанием мест выпуска животных и их количества. Значительная антропогенизация Левобережной Украины и интенсивное хозяйственное использование подавляющей части внутренних водоёмов не явились препятствием для экспансии этого полуводного грызуна – благодаря высокой толерантности бобрами успешно освоены водно-болотные угодья основных рек Харьковской, Луганской, Сумской и Полтавской областей. Таким образом, можно говорить о восстановлении исторического ареала этого вида в пределах Украины. EN: Based on the literature, official documents, questionnaires and the results of many years of original research there have been shown the features of distribution and population dynamics of the river beaver (Castor fiber L.) in Left-Bank Ukraine since the beginning of ХХ century – from 100 individuals in 1930 to nearly 43,000 individuals in 2010. The history of reacclimatization of beavers at this territory has been considered. For a number of areas tables and schemes showing locations of animals release and their quantity have been given. Essential antropogenization of Left-bank Ukraine and intensive economic use of the vast majority of inland water bodies were not an obstacle to the expansion of this semi-aquatic rodent – due to high tolerance beavers have successfully settled wetlands of main rivers of Kharkiv, Luhansk, Sumy and Poltava regions. Thus, we can say about renewal of historic range of this species in Ukraine

    Optimization of the Conditions for Cultivation of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in the Process of Obtaining Cell Mass

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    Objective of the study was to optimize the conditions of submerged recurrent cultivation and the composition of the nutrient medium for obtaining the cell mass of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains, used as an adsorbent in the preparation of diagnostic plague immunoglobulins. Materials and methods. We utilized Y. pseudotuberculosis adsorbent strains 6; 31; 68; 69; and 70 belonging to V, I, III, IV, and V serotypes, respectively, received from the State Collection of Pathogenic Bacteria at the premises of the RusRAPI “Microbe”. The cultivation process was carried out on an incubator-shaker, laboratory and pilot fermenters with variation of the process parameters, different options for feeding and nutrient media. Results and discussion. In the course of work, the optimal parameters of recurring submerged cultivation have been established. It was found that the highest biomass yield is provided by a combination of a nutrient medium – a carbon substrate in the form of a broth, based on an enzymatic fibrin hydrolysate, with the addition of galactose as a substrate feeding. Thereat, the morphology and immunochemical properties of microbial cells obtained through modified preparation process do not differ from those produced in the control run. The optimization of the parameters for Y. pseudotuberculosis cell mass cultivation with subsequent upscaling has been performed

    Experimental Substantiation of the Possibility to Use Finite Cell Line CHO-K1 for Determination of Specific Activity of Components of Chemical Cholera Vaccine

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    Objective was to experimentally substantiate the possibility to use the finite cell line CHO-K1 for measuring specific activity of cholera toxin and component of the vaccine choleragen-anatoxin in the process of chemical cholera vaccine manufacturing. Materials and methods. The studies involved the finite cell line CHO-K. The registration of results of bio-indication method was performed visually with the help of inverted microscope and photometrically - in colorimetric test for the assessment of metabolic activity of the cells at the wave length of 595 nm. Results and discussion. The proposed method allows for determining the toxin-production activity of Vibrio cholerae 569B strain during submerged cultivation in bioreactor and specific activity of choleragen-anatoxin by anatoxin binding measuring using cell cultures. The results correlate with the data obtained using intradermal Craig’s technique, GM1-ELISA and radial passive immune hemolysis (RPIH). Introduction of cell culture method into practice will provide for significant decrease in the volumes of usage of animals at the stages of manufacturing of chemical bivalent cholera vaccine

    A European Concern? Genetic Structure and Expansion of Golden Jackals (Canis aureus) in Europe and the Caucasus

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    In the first continent-wide study of the golden jackal (Canis aureus), we characterised its population genetic structure and attempted to identify the origin of European populations. This provided a unique insight into genetic characteristics of a native carnivore population with rapid large-scale expansion. We analysed 15 microsatellite markers and a 406 basepair fragment of the mitochondrial control region. Bayesian-based and principal components methods were applied to evaluate whether the geographical grouping of samples corresponded with genetic groups. Our analysis revealed low levels of genetic diversity, reflecting the unique history of the golden jackal among Europe’s native carnivores. The results suggest ongoing gene flow between south-eastern Europe and the Caucasus, with both contributing to the Baltic population, which appeared only recently. The population from the Peloponnese Peninsula in southern Greece forms a common genetic cluster with samples from south-eastern Europe (ΔK approach in STRUCTURE, Principal Components Analysis [PCA]), although the results based on BAPS and the estimated likelihood in STRUCTURE indicate that Peloponnesian jackals may represent a distinct population. Moreover, analyses of population structure also suggest either genetic distinctiveness of the island population from Samos near the coast of Asia Minor (BAPS, most STRUCTURE, PCA), or possibly its connection with the Caucasus population (one analysis in STRUCTURE). We speculate from our results that ancient Mediterranean jackal populations have persisted to the present day, and have merged with jackals colonising from Asia. These data also suggest that new populations of the golden jackal may be founded by long-distance dispersal, and thus should not be treated as an invasive alien species, i.e. an organism that is “non-native to an ecosystem, and which may cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect human health”. These insights into the genetic structure and ancestry of Baltic jackals have important implications for management and conservation of jackals in Europe. The golden jackal is listed as an Annex V species in the EU Habitats Directive and as such, considering also the results presented here, should be legally protected in all EU member states