87 research outputs found

    Impacto de los componentes multimedia en revistas infantiles sobre el perfil psicológico: caso de las ediciones rusas en línea

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    The article analyzes the use of various multimedia components and reveals changes in the personal characteristics of children with varying degrees of Internet addiction, including those caused by the abundance of multimedia components in online publications, based on the analysis of multimedia components often found in Russian online magazines for children. All the analyzed media are classified into two categories: representing a copy of a printed magazine without any video materials and online games; an online magazine containing games, videos and graphic elements without any text content. The abundant use of multimedia components affects the level of child’s Internet addiction that has an influence, in its turn, on personal psychological profile. The abundance of multimedia components in online magazines for children of different types causes an increase in the level of Internet addiction that affects, in its turn, child’s personality.El artículo analiza el uso de varios componentes multimedia y revela cambios en las características personales de los niños con diversos grados de adicción a Internet, incluidos los causados por la abundancia de componentes multimedia en publicaciones en línea, basado en el análisis de componentes multimedia que a menudo se encuentran en línea en ruso. revistas para niños. Todos los medios analizados se clasifican en dos categorías: que representan una copia de una revista impresa sin ningún material de video y juegos en línea; una revista en línea que contiene juegos, videos y elementos gráficos sin ningún contenido de texto. El uso abundante de componentes multimedia afecta el nivel de adicción a Internet del niño que influye, a su vez, en el perfil psicológico personal. La abundancia de componentes multimedia en revistas en línea para niños de diferentes tipos provoca un aumento en el nivel de adicción a Internet que afecta, a su vez, la personalidad del niño


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    Sedimentation in Lake Baikal is significantly affected by continuous seismic activity in the Baikal Rift Zone. Our study shows that historical earthquakes, as well as recent seismic events, considerably influenced sedimentation in this deep tectonic basin. Here we present some of the results of extensive international research activities during the period of 1996–2019. To identify traces of seismic events in the uppermost sediments (<1.5 m), short cores were recovered from many coring stations throughout the entire lake. Based on lithological descriptions, measurements of magnetic susceptibility, and concentration of inorganic and organic components, we identified earthquake indicators in the sediment cores. Impacts of historical earthquakes were traced within South Baikal (near the Sharyzhalgai Station and the Station 106-km of the Circum-Baikal railway, hereafter CBR) and Proval Bay (near the Selenga River delta)


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    Sedimentation in Lake Baikal is significantly affected by continuous seismic activity in the Baikal Rift Zone. Our study shows that historical earthquakes, as well as recent seismic events, considerably influenced sedimentation in this deep tectonic basin. Here we present some of the results of extensive international research activities during the period of 1996–2019. To identify traces of seismic events in the uppermost sediments (<1.5 m), short cores were recovered from many coring stations throughout the entire lake. Based on lithological descriptions, measurements of magnetic susceptibility, and concentration of inorganic and organic components, we identified earthquake indicators in the sediment cores. Impacts of historical earthquakes were traced within South Baikal (near the Sharyzhalgai Station and the Station 106-km of the Circum-Baikal railway, hereafter CBR) and Proval Bay (near the Selenga River delta).Осадконакопление в озере Байкал происходит на фоне постоянной сейсмической активности Байкальской рифтовой зоны. Современные и исторические землетрясения оказывают значительное влияние на формирование донных отложений в этом глубоком тектоническом бассейне. В статье представлены результаты международных исследований за период 1996–2019 гг. Для обнаружения следов сейсмических событий в самых верхних слоях отложений (<1.5 м) были отобраны короткие керны по всему озеру. Приведены карты с точками отбора кернов и сейсмичностью озера. Литологический состав, данные измерения магнитной восприимчивости, оценка органических и неорганических компонентов осадков позволяют определить индикаторы землетрясений в донных отложениях озера. Следы исторических землетрясений были обнаружены в пределах Южной котловины Байкала (районы станций Шарыжалгай и 106-й км Кругобайкальской железной дороги) и в заливе Провал рядом с дельтой р. Селенги

    Insights into the transfer of silicon isotopes into the sediment record

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    The first δ30Sidiatom data from lacustrine sediment traps are presented from Lake Baikal, Siberia. Data are compared with March surface water (upper 180 m) δ30SiDSi compositions for which a mean value of +2.28‰ ±  0.09 (95 % confidence) is derived. This value acts as the pre-diatom bloom baseline silicic acid isotopic composition of waters (δ30SiDSi initial). Open traps were deployed along the depth of the Lake Baikal south basin water column between 2012 and 2013. Diatom assemblages display a dominance ( > 85 %) of the spring/summer bloom species Synedra acus var radians, so that δ30Sidiatom compositions reflect predominantly spring/summer bloom utilisation. Diatoms were isolated from open traps and, in addition, from 3-monthly (sequencing) traps (May, July and August 2012) for δ30Sidiatom analyses. Mean δ30Sidiatom values for open traps are +1.23‰ ±  0.06 (at 95 % confidence and MSWD of 2.9, n = 10). Total dry mass sediment fluxes are highest in June 2012, which we attribute to the initial export of the dominant spring diatom bloom. We therefore argue that May δ30Sidiatom signatures (+0.67‰ ±  0.06, 2σ) when compared with mean upper water δ30SiDSi initial (e.g. pre-bloom) signatures can be used to provide a snapshot estimation of diatom uptake fractionation factors (ϵuptake) in Lake Baikal. A ϵuptake estimation of −1.61 ‰ is therefore derived, although we emphasise that synchronous monthly δ30SiDSi and δ30Sidiatom data would be needed to provide more robust estimations and therefore more rigorously test this, particularly when taking into consideration any progressive enrichment of the DSi pool as blooms persist. The near-constant δ30Sidiatom composition in open traps demonstrates the full preservation of the signal through the water column and thereby justifies the use and application of the technique in biogeochemical and palaeoenvironmental research. Data are finally compared with lake sediment core samples, collected from the south basin. Values of +1.30‰ ±  0.08 (2σ) and +1.43‰ ±  0.13 (2σ) were derived for cores BAIK13-1C (0.6–0.8 cm core depth) and at BAIK13-4F (0.2–0.4 cm core depth) respectively. Trap data highlight the absence of a fractionation factor associated with diatom dissolution (ϵdissolution) (particularly as Synedra acus var radians, the dominant taxa in the traps, is very susceptible to dissolution) down the water column and in the lake surface sediments, thus validating the application of δ30Sidiatom analyses in Lake Baikal and other freshwater systems, in palaeoreconstructions

    Changing nutrient cycling in Lake Baikal, the world's oldest lake

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    Lake Baikal, lying in a rift zone in southeastern Siberia, is the world's oldest, deepest, and most voluminous lake that began to form over 30 million years ago. Cited as the "most outstanding example of a freshwater ecosystem" and designated a World Heritage Site in 1996 due to its high level of endemicity, the lake and its ecosystem have become increasingly threatened by both climate change and anthropogenic disturbance. Here, we present a record of nutrient cycling in the lake, derived from the silicon isotope composition of diatoms, which dominate aquatic primary productivity. Using historical records from the region, we assess the extent to which natural and anthropogenic factors have altered biogeochemical cycling in the lake over the last 2,000 y. We show that rates of nutrient supply from deep waters to the photic zone have dramatically increased since the mid-19th century in response to changing wind dynamics, reduced ice cover, and their associated impact on limnological processes in the lake. With stressors linked to untreated sewage and catchment development also now impacting the near-shore region of Lake Baikal, the resilience of the lake's highly endemic ecosystem to ongoing and future disturbance is increasingly uncertain

    Spatial differences in dissolved silicon utilisation in Lake Baikal, Siberia: examining the impact of high diatom biomass events and eutrophication

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    Recent research has highlighted how Lake Baikal, Siberia, has responded to the direct and indirect effects of climate change (e.g., ice-cover duration), nutrient loading, and pollution, manifesting as changes in phytoplankton/zooplankton populations, community structure, and seasonal succession. Here, we combine and compare= analyses of chlorophyll a (an estimate of total algal biomass), carotenoid pigments (biomarkers of algal groups), and lake water silicon isotope geochemistry (d30SiDSi) to differentiate spatial patterns in dissolved silicon (DSi) uptake at Lake Baikal. A total of 15 sites across the three basins (south, central, and north) of Lake Baikal were sampled in August 2013 along a depth gradient of 0–180 m. Strong, significant correlations were found between vertical profiles of photic zone DSi concentrations and d30SiDSi compositions (r 5 20.81, p < 0.001), although these are strongest in the central basin aphotic zone (r 5 20.98, p < 0.001). Data refute the hypothesis of DSi uptake by picocyanobacteria. Algal biomass profiles and high surface d30SiDSi compositions suggest greater productivity in the south basin and more oligotrophic conditions in the north basin. d30SiDSi signatures are highest at depth (20 m) in central basin sites, indicating greater (10–40%) DSi utilization at deep chlorophyll maxima. DSi limitation occurs in the pelagic central basin, probably reflecting a high diatom biomass bloom event (Aulacoseira baicalensis). Meanwhile in the more hydrologically restricted, shallow Maloe More region (central basin), both high d30SiDSi compositions and picocyanobacteria (zeaxanthin) concentrations, respectively point to the legacy of an “Aulacoseira bloom year” and continuous nutrient supply in summer months (e.g., localized eutrophication)

    A GEOPASS-NERC project on diatom deposition and sediment accumulation in Lake Biakal, Siberia

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    Siberian Lake Baikal is arguably the world's most interesting freshwater lake.Its main features of great age and depth and a high incidence of endemism arewell known (e.g. Koshov 1963). The lake has attracted much internationalattention during the 1990s and joint British research on Baikal wassummarized previously in Freshwater Forum (Flower 1994). However, thereis now increasing interest in the palaeoenvironmental records stored in the ca.7 km of sediments that lie beneath modern Lake Baikal (BDP-93 1997). Thesedeposits offer major opportunities for reconstructing environmental changeover a variety of time-scales ranging from decades (Flower et al. 1995;Mackay et al. 1998) to millennia (Grachev et al. 1997; Williams et al. 1997).Sediment records of climate change over the past 5 million years are the focusof an international deep-drilling programme, the Baikal Drilling Project(BDP; see BPD-93 1997). The lake is also a key site in the Pole-Equator-Pole(PEP II) programme that aims to produce a coherent quantitative record ofglobal palaeoclimates during the Quaternary Period (PAGES 1995)


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    The late Cretaceous-Cenozoic sediments of fossil soils and weathering crusts of the Baikal rift have been subject to long-term studies. Based on our research results, it is possible to distinguish the following litho-stratigraphic complexes which are related to particular stages of the rift development: the late Cretaceous–early Oligocene (crypto-rift Arheo-baikalian), the late Oligocene–early Pliocene (ecto-rift early orogenic Pra-baikalian), and the late Pliocene-Quaternary (ecto-rift late orogenic Pra-baikalian – Baikalian) complexes. Changes of weathering modes (Cretaceous-quarter), soil formation (Miocene-quarter) and differences of precipitation by vertical and lateral stratigraphy are analysed with regard to specific features of climate, tectonics and facial conditions of sedimentation. Tectonic phases are defined in the Cenozoic period of the Pribaikalie.Подведены итоги многолетних исследований позднемеловых–кайнозойских отложений, палеопочв и кор выветривания Байкальского рифта. Они расчленены на позднемеловой–раннеолигоценовый (крипторифтовый – Археобайкальский), позднеолигоценовый–раннеплиоценовый (экторифтовый раннеорогенный – Прабайкальский) и позднеплиоценовый–четвертичный (экторифтовый позднеорогенный Палеобайкальский – Байкальский) литостратиграфические комплексы, связанные с отдельными этапами геологического развития рифта. Прослежены изменения характера выветривания (мел–квартер), почвообразования (миоцен–квартер) и различия осадков по стратиграфической вертикали и латерали, определяемые особенностями климата, тектоники и фациальных условий осадконакопления. Выявлены тектонические фазы в кайнозое Прибайкалья – Тункинская (27–25 млн), Северобайкальская (10 млн), Ольхонская (4–3 млн), Приморская (1.2–0.8 млн), Тыйская (0.15–0.12 млн лет)


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    The study is focused on micrometeorites from bottom sediments sampled from the Selenga-Buguldeika lintel of Lake Baikal. Their diatom analysis showed continuous sedimentation during the Holocene. Mineralogical analysis identified a complex of minerals, including micrometeorites, which amount to 0.6 % of the heavy fraction weight. A detailed study of the micrometeorites was carried out using a JXA8200 electron probe x-ray microanalyzer. It was established that their chemical composition is predominantly represented by Fe, O, C, and Zn, i.e. these are type 1 α-micrometeorites. Based on the difference in the chemical composition of the micrometeorites in the sedimentary strata section, it is proposed to refer to such micrometeorites not only for stratigraphic correlations, but also for impact stratigraphy schemes.Приведены сведения о микрометеоритах из донных отложений, отобранных на Селенгино-Бугульдейской перемычке озера Байкал. Их диатомовый анализ показал, что формирование осадков происходило непрерывно в течение голоцена. Минералогический анализ позволил выявить в составе тяжелой фракции целый комплекс минералов, в том числе и микрометеориты. Количество микрометеоритов достигает 0.6 % от веса тяжелой фракции. Проведено детальное изучение микрометеоритов с помощью электронно-зондового рентгеноспектрального микроанализатора JXA8200. Установлено, что их химический состав представлен преимущественно Fe, O, C и Zn, что позволяет отнести их к α-микрометеоритам 1-го типа. На основе различия химического состава микрометеоритов в разрезе осадочных толщ предложено использовать их не только для стратиграфической корреляции, но и для импакт-стратиграфических построений

    Lake Baikal isotope records of Holocene Central Asian precipitation

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    Climate models currently provide conflicting predictions of future climate change across Central Asia. With concern over the potential for a change in water availability to impact communities and ecosystems across the region, an understanding of historical trends in precipitation is required to aid model development and assess the vulnerability of the region to future changes in the hydroclimate. Here we present a record from Lake Baikal, located in the southern Siberian region of central Asia close to the Mongolian border, which demonstrates a relationship between the oxygen isotope composition of diatom silica (δ18Odiatom) and precipitation to the region over the 20th and 21st Century. From this, we suggest that annual rates of precipitation in recent times are at their lowest for the past 10,000 years and identify significant long-term variations in precipitation throughout the early to late Holocene interval. Based on comparisons to other regional records, these trends are suggested to reflect conditions across the wider Central Asian region around Lake Baikal and highlight the potential for further changes in precipitation with future climate change