492 research outputs found

    Effect of ferromagnetic film thickness on magnetoresistance of thin-film superconductor-ferromagnet hybrids

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    We study the influence of the thickness Df of the plain ferromagnetic (F) film on the electrical resistance of the flux-coupled hybrids, consisting of superconducting (S) Al film and multilayer [Co/Pt] F film with out-of-plain magnetization. The behavior of such hybrids at high and low temperatures is found to be different: the nucleation of superconductivity at high temperatures is governed mainly by the typical lateral dimensions of the magnetic domains, while low temperature properties are determined by topology of the magnetic template. We show that an increase in the Df value leads to a broadening of the field- and temperature intervals where non-monotonous dependence of the superconducting critical temperature Tc on the applied magnetic field H is observed (for demagnetized F films). Further increase in the Df value results in a global suppression of superconductivity. Thus, we determined an optimal thickness, when the non-monotonous dependence Tc(H) can be observed in rather broad T and H range, what can be interesting for further studies of the localized superconductivity in planar Al-based S/F hybrids and for development of the devices which can exploit the localized superconductivity.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Bistability and Hysteresis of Intersubband Absorption in Strongly Interacting Electrons on Liquid Helium

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    We study nonlinear inter-subband microwave absorption of electrons bound to the liquid helium surface. Already for a comparatively low radiation intensity, resonant absorption due to transitions between the two lowest subbands is accompanied by electron overheating. The overheating results in a significant population of higher subbands. The Coulomb interaction between electrons causes a shift of the resonant frequency, which depends on the population of the excited states and thus on the electron temperature TeT_e. The latter is determined experimentally from the electron photoconductivity. The experimentally established relationship between the frequency shift and TeT_e is in reasonable agreement with the theory. The dependence of the shift on the radiation intensity introduces nonlinearity into the rate of the inter-subband absorption resulting in bistability and hysteresis of the resonant response. The hysteresis of the response explains the behavior in the regime of frequency modulation, which we observe for electrons on liquid 3^3He and which was previously seen for electrons on liquid 4^4He

    Sonoluminescence and collapse dynamics of multielectron bubbles in helium

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    Multielectron bubbles (MEBs) differ from gas-filled bubbles in that it is the Coulomb repulsion of a nanometer thin layer of electrons that forces the bubble open rather than the pressure of an enclosed gas. We analyze the implosion of MEBs subjected to a pressure step, and find that despite the difference in the underlying processes the collapse dynamics is similar to that of gas-filled bubbles. When the MEB collapses, the electrons inside it undergo strong accelerations, leading to the emission of radiation. This type of sonoluminescence does not involve heating and ionisation of any gas inside the bubble. We investigate the conditions necessary to obtain sonoluminescence from multielectron bubbles and calculate the power spectrum of the emitted radiation.Comment: 6 figure

    Equilibrium properties of the mixed state in superconducting niobium in a transverse magnetic field: Experiment and theoretical model

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    Equilibrium magnetic properties of the mixed state in type-II superconductors were measured with high purity bulk and film niobium samples in parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields using dc magnetometry and scanning Hall-probe microscopy. Equilibrium magnetization data for the perpendicular geometry were obtained for the first time. It was found that none of the existing theories is consistent with these new data. To address this problem, a theoretical model is developed and experimentally validated. The new model describes the mixed state in an averaged limit, i.e. %without detailing the samples' magnetic structure and therefore ignoring interactions between vortices. It is quantitatively consistent with the data obtained in a perpendicular field and provides new insights on properties of vortices. % and the entire mixed state. At low values of the Ginzburg-Landau parameter, the model converts to that of Peierls and London for the intermediate state in type-I superconductors. It is shown that description of the vortex matter in superconductors in terms of a 2D gas is more appropriate than the frequently used crystal- and glass-like scenarios.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Climate variations in the Northern Hemisphere based on the use of an atmosphere-ocean IPCC model

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    Forced and natural variability of modelled and observed Atlantic Ocean temperature and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is studied. In the observations and in a forced climate model run, we find increasing temperature at 1000m in the Atlantic (20N). SVD analysis shows that, for both model data and observations, a high index of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) corresponds to negative temperature anomaly at 1000m to the north of 55N, although geographical details of temperature anomaly distribution are different for the model and observations. Particular attention has been paid to the influence of the fresh water flux due to the present global warning on the slowing down of the AMOC. It is shown that fresh water flux change is only a secondary cause of reduced AMOC in global warming conditions, while heat flux change is probably the main reason. Finally, it is shown that internal model AMOC variability is positively correlated with the near-surface air temperature in Atlantic-European Arctic sector on a 10-year time scale


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    In article various theoretical aspects of an exit of the companies on the foreign markets are considered. Influence of globalization on productivity of the companies is considered, ways and factors of a choice of strategy of an exit to the world market are analysed. The behavioural and cultural aspects influencing strategy of an exit to the world market are analysed. The analysis of strategy of the companies which have entered the foreign markets, is carried out taking into account the previous researches in this area.The following conclusions became result of research: 1) globalization positively influences the companies as the market increases, however the small companies and the companies in emerging markets lose in competitive fight; 2) the companies with considerable experience are inclined to choose strategy of opening of own enterprise while the organizations without similar experience prefer export or joint venture in the host country territory; 3) the strategy choice with a bigger involvement of resources is directly proportional to knowledge of culture of the country to which there is a company. At entry into the market with other culture smooth adaptation is necessary for successful realization of strategy. At last, people are inclined to make behavioural mistakes, and knowledge of them and continuous control will help to achieve successful results; 4) for an exit and successful work in the foreign markets of the company important not only to possess competences, but also to be able to protect them and to keep in time; 5) on the market with high political and investment risks, and also adverse economic conditions of the company are inclined to choose strategy with the minimum investment of money (franchizes, licensing)

    Electric field induced strong localization of electrons on solid hydrogen surface: possible applications to quantum computing

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    Two-dimensional electron system on the liquid helium surface is one of the leading candidates for constructing large analog quantum computers (P.M. Platzman and M.I. Dykman, Science 284, 1967 (1999)). Similar electron systems on the surfaces of solid hydrogen or solid neon may have some important advantages with respect to electrons on liquid helium in quantum computing applications, such as larger state separation ΔE\Delta E, absence of propagating capillary waves (or ripplons), smaller vapor pressure, etc. As a result, it may operate at higher temperatures. Surface roughness is the main hurdle to overcome in building a realistic quantum computer using these states. Electric field induced strong localization of surface electrons is shown to be a convenient tool to characterize surface roughness.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Charged-Surface Instability Development in Liquid Helium; Exact Solutions

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    The nonlinear dynamics of charged-surface instability development was investigated for liquid helium far above the critical point. It is found that, if the surface charge completely screens the field above the surface, the equations of three-dimensional (3D) potential motion of a fluid are reduced to the well-known equations describing the 3D Laplacian growth process. The integrability of these equations in 2D geometry allows the analytic description of the free-surface evolution up to the formation of cuspidal singularities at the surface.Comment: latex, 5 pages, no figure

    Microwave saturation of the Rydberg states of electrons on helium

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    We present measurements of the resonant microwave excitation of the Rydberg energy levels of surface state electrons on superfluid helium. The temperature dependent linewidth agrees well with theoretical predictions and is very small below 300 mK. Absorption saturation and power broadening were observed as the fraction of electrons in the first excited state was increased to 0.49, close to the thermal excitation limit of 0.5. The Rabi frequency was determined as a function of microwave power. The high values of the ratio of the Rabi frequency to linewidth confirm this system as an excellent candidate for creating qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure