1,508 research outputs found

    Unary enhancements of inherently nonfinitely based semigroups

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    We exhibit a simple condition under which a finite involutary semigroup whose semigroup reduct is inherently nonfinitely based is also inherently nonfinitely based as a unary semigroup. As applications, we get already known as well as new examples of inherently nonfinitely based involutory semigroups. We also show that for finite regular semigroups, our condition is not only sufficient but also necessary for the property of being inherently nonfinitely based to persist. This leads to an algorithmic description of regular inherently nonfinitely based involutory semigroups.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Section 4 has been improved and expanded according to suggestions of an anonymous referee of the journal version. A few minor improvements have been done in Section

    Towards a Complete Twistorization of the Heterotic String

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    In D=3,4,6D=3,4,6 and 10 space--time dimensions considered is a string model invariant under transformations of N=1N=1 space--time supersymmetry and n=D2n=D-2 local worldsheet supersymmetry with the both Virasoro constraints solved in the twistor form. The twistor solution survives in a modified form even in the presence of the heterotic fermions.Comment: 11 pages, latex, report no. Goteborg-ITP-94-1

    Semiring and involution identities of powers of inverse semigroups

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    The set of all subsets of any inverse semigroup forms an involution semiring under set-theoretical union and element-wise multiplication and inversion. We find structural conditions on a finite inverse semigroup guaranteeing that neither semiring nor involution identities of the involution semiring of its subsets admit a finite identity basis.Comment: 9 page

    Matrix identities involving multiplication and transposition

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    We study matrix identities involving multiplication and unary operations such as transposition or Moore-Penrose inversion. We prove that in many cases such identities admit no finite basis. © European Mathematical Society 2012

    Dualities between Poisson brackets and antibrackets

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    Recently it has been shown that antibrackets may be expressed in terms of Poisson brackets and vice versa for commuting functions in the original bracket. Here we also introduce generalized brackets involving higher antibrackets or higher Poisson brackets where the latter are of a new type. We give generating functions for these brackets for functions in arbitrary involutions in the original bracket. We also give master equations for generalized Maurer-Cartan equations. The presentation is completely symmetric with respect to Poisson brackets and antibrackets.Comment: 24 pages,Latexfile,corrected (2.7-8) and removed text between (2.9) and (2.10

    South-Siberian mountain mires: Perspectives on a potentially vulnerable remote source of biodiversity

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    Changes in climate, land-use and pollution are having disproportionate impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity of arctic and mountain ecosystems. While these impacts are well-documented for many areas of the Arctic and alpine regions, some isolated and inaccessible mountain areas are poorly studied. Furthermore, even in well-studied regions, assessments of biodiversity and species to environmental change are biased towards vascular plants and cryptogams, particularly bryophytes are far less represented. This paper aims to document the environments of the remove and inaccessible Altai-Sayan mountain mires and particularly their bryofloras where threatened specias exist and species new to the regional flora are still being found. As these mountain mires are relatively inaccessible, changes in drivers of change ad their ecosystem and biodiversity impacts have not been monitored. However, the remoteness of the mires has so far protected them and their species. In this study, we describe the mires, their bryophyte species and the expected impacts of environmental stressors to bring attention to the urgency of documenting change and conserving these pristine ecosystems

    Ignition of premixed air/fuel mixtures by microwave steamer discharge

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    A variety of methods exists for fast and efficient combustion of air-fuel mixtures. In this study, a microwave subcritical streamer discharge is used to ignite propane-air mixtures at atmospheric pressure. The streamer is initiated at the inner surface of a dielectric tube with the help of a passive half-wave vibrator. By creating a network of ignition lines, the streamer discharge forms the network of burning channels with large total surface area. This leads to the apparent speed of combustion propagation along the cylinder in excess of 100 m/s, which is more than 200 times the laminar flame propagation speed. The axial propagation of the combustion front in a cylindrical tube filled with the air/propane mixture is investigated by high speed video recording in visible light. A simple model is presented to explain observed results