43 research outputs found

    Municipal green waste as substrate for the microbial production of platform chemicals

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    In Germany alone, more than 5·106^6 tons of municipal green waste is produced each year. So far, this material is not used in an economically worthwhile way. In this work, grass clippings and tree pruning as examples of municipal green waste were utilized as feedstock for the microbial production of platform chemicals. A pretreatment procedure depending on the moisture and lignin content of the biomass was developed. The suitability of grass press juice and enzymatic hydrolysate of lignocellulosic biomass pretreated with an organosolv process as fermentation medium or medium supplement for the cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis, Ustilago maydis, and Clostridium acetobutylicum was demonstrated. Product concentrations of 9.4 gethanol_{ethanol} L−1^{−1}, 16.9 glactic_{lactic} acid L−1^{−1}, 20.0 gitaconicacid_{itaconic acid} L−1^{−1}, and 15.5 gsolvents_{solvents} L−1^{−1} were achieved in the different processes. Yields were in the same range as or higher than those of reference processes grown in established standard media. By reducing the waste arising in cities and using municipal green waste as feedstock to produce platform chemicals, this work contributes to the UN sustainability goals and supports the transition toward a circular bioeconomy

    Continuous Monitoring of Blood Pressure and Vascular Hemodynamic Properties With Miniature Extravascular Hall-Based Magnetic Sensor

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    Continuous measurement of vascular and hemodynamic parameters could improve monitoring of disease progression and enable timely clinical decision making and therapy surveillance in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. However, no reliable extravascular implantable sensor technology is currently available. Here, we report the design, characterization, and validation of an extravascular, magnetic flux sensing device capable of capturing the waveforms of the arterial wall diameter, arterial circumferential strain, and arterial pressure without restricting the arterial wall. The implantable sensing device, comprising a magnet and a magnetic flux sensing assembly, both encapsulated in biocompatible structures, has shown to be robust, with temperature and cyclic-loading stability. Continuous and accurate monitoring of arterial blood pressure and vascular properties was demonstrated with the proposed sensor in vitro with a silicone artery model and validated in vivo in a porcine model mimicking physiologic and pathologic hemodynamic conditions. The captured waveforms were further used to deduce the respiration frequency, the duration of the cardiac systolic phase, and the pulse wave velocity. The findings of this study not only suggest that the proposed sensing technology is a promising platform for accurate monitoring of arterial blood pressure and vascular properties, but also highlight the necessary changes in the technology and the implantation procedure to allow the translation of the sensing device in the clinical setting

    Effects of Pretreatment on the Biocatalysis of Renewable Resources

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    Within a biorefinery platform several conversion steps such as pretreatment, saccharification, fermentation and downstream processing are necessary to obtain the final bio-based product(s) from lignocellulosic biomass. The structural composition of the biomass, especially the lignin content, determines the necessary pretreatment steps. To obtain sugar monomers, the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass is an essential step. This work examines the impact of different pretreatments on the sugar release during biocatalysis. Even without prior pretreatment the biocatalysis of low lignin biomass achieves glucose yields of up to 93 %, while the biocatalysis of high lignin biomass requires an upstream hydrothermal procedure to achieve a glucose yield of 74

    NagA-Dependent Uptake of N-Acetyl-Glucosamine and N-Acetyl-Chitin Oligosaccharides across the Outer Membrane of Caulobacter crescentusâ–¿

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    Among the 67 predicted TonB-dependent outer membrane transporters of Caulobacter crescentus, NagA was found to be essential for growth on N-acetyl-β-d-glucosamine (GlcNAc) and larger chitin oligosaccharides. NagA (93 kDa) has a predicted typical domain structure of an outer membrane transport protein: a signal sequence, the TonB box EQVVIT, a hatch domain of 147 residues, and a β-barrel composed of 22 antiparallel β-strands linked by large surface loops and very short periplasmic turns. Mutations in tonB1 and exbBD, known to be required for maltose transport via MalA in C. crescentus, and in two additional predicted tonB genes (open reading frames cc2327 and cc3508) did not affect NagA-mediated GlcNAc uptake. nagA is located in a gene cluster that encodes a predicted PTS sugar transport system and two enzymes that convert GlcNAc-6-P to fructose-6-P. Since a nagA insertion mutant did not grow on and transport GlcNAc, diffusion of GlcNAc through unspecific porins in the outer membrane is excluded. Uptake of GlcNAc into tonB and exbBD mutants and reduction but not abolishment of GlcNAc transport by agents which dissipate the electrochemical potential of the cytoplasmic membrane (0.1 mM carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone and 1 mM 2,4-dinitrophenol) suggest diffusion of GlcNAc through a permanently open pore of NagA. Growth on (GlcNAc)3 and (GlcNAc)5 requires ExbB and ExbD, indicating energy-coupled transport by NagA. We propose that NagA forms a small pore through which GlcNAc specifically diffuses into the periplasm and functions as an energy-coupled transporter for the larger chitin oligosaccharides

    Fermentative α-Humulene Production from Homogenized Grass Clippings as a Growth Medium

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    Green waste, e.g., grass clippings, is currently insufficiently recycled and has untapped potential as a valuable resource. Our aim was to use juice from grass clippings as a growth medium for microorganisms. Herein, we demonstrate the production of the sesquiterpene α-humulene with the versatile organism Cupriavidus necator pKR-hum on a growth medium from grass clippings. The medium was compared with established media in terms of microbial growth and terpene production. C. necator pKR-hum shows a maximum growth rate of 0.43 h−1 in the grass medium and 0.50 h−1 in a lysogeny broth (LB) medium. With the grass medium, 2 mg/L of α-humulene were produced compared to 10 mg/L with the LB medium. By concentrating the grass medium and using a controlled bioreactor in combination with an optimized in situ product removal, comparable product concentrations could likely be achieved. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that juice from grass clippings has been used as a growth medium without any further additives for microbial product synthesis. This use of green waste as a material represents a new bioeconomic utilization option of waste materials and could contribute to improving the economics of grass biorefineries

    Characterization of an Aerosol-Based Photobioreactor for Cultivation of Phototrophic Biofilms

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    Phototrophic biofilms, in particular terrestrial cyanobacteria, offer a variety of biotechnologically interesting products such as natural dyes, antibiotics or dietary supplements. However, phototrophic biofilms are difficult to cultivate in submerged bioreactors. A new generation of biofilm photobioreactors imitates the natural habitat resulting in higher productivity. In this work, an aerosol-based photobioreactor is presented that was characterized for the cultivation of phototrophic biofilms. Experiments and simulation of aerosol distribution showed a uniform aerosol supply to biofilms. Compared to previous prototypes, the growth of the terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. could be almost tripled. Different surfaces for biofilm growth were investigated regarding hydrophobicity, contact angle, light- and temperature distribution. Further, the results were successfully simulated. Finally, the growth of Nostoc sp. was investigated on different surfaces and the biofilm thickness was measured noninvasively using optical coherence tomography. It could be shown that the cultivation surface had no influence on biomass production, but did affect biofilm thickness

    Municipal green waste as substrate for the microbial production of platform chemicals

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    Abstract In Germany alone, more than 5·106 tons of municipal green waste is produced each year. So far, this material is not used in an economically worthwhile way. In this work, grass clippings and tree pruning as examples of municipal green waste were utilized as feedstock for the microbial production of platform chemicals. A pretreatment procedure depending on the moisture and lignin content of the biomass was developed. The suitability of grass press juice and enzymatic hydrolysate of lignocellulosic biomass pretreated with an organosolv process as fermentation medium or medium supplement for the cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis, Ustilago maydis, and Clostridium acetobutylicum was demonstrated. Product concentrations of 9.4 gethanol L−1, 16.9 glactic acid L−1, 20.0 gitaconic acid L−1, and 15.5 gsolvents L−1 were achieved in the different processes. Yields were in the same range as or higher than those of reference processes grown in established standard media. By reducing the waste arising in cities and using municipal green waste as feedstock to produce platform chemicals, this work contributes to the UN sustainability goals and supports the transition toward a circular bioeconomy. Graphical Abstrac

    Continuous Monitoring of Blood Pressure and Vascular Hemodynamic Properties With Miniature Extravascular Hall-Based Magnetic Sensor

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    Continuous measurement of vascular and hemodynamic parameters could improve monitoring of disease progression and enable timely clinical decision making and therapy surveillance in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. However, no reliable extravascular implantable sensor technology is currently available. Here, we report the design, characterization, and validation of an extravascular, magnetic flux sensing device capable of capturing the waveforms of the arterial wall diameter, arterial circumferential strain, and arterial pressure without restricting the arterial wall. The implantable sensing device, comprising a magnet and a magnetic flux sensing assembly, both encapsulated in biocompatible structures, has shown to be robust, with temperature and cyclic-loading stability. Continuous and accurate monitoring of arterial blood pressure and vascular properties was demonstrated with the proposed sensor in vitro with a silicone artery model and validated in vivo in a porcine model mimicking physiologic and pathologic hemodynamic conditions. The captured waveforms were further used to deduce the respiration frequency, the duration of the cardiac systolic phase, and the pulse wave velocity. The findings of this study not only suggest that the proposed sensing technology is a promising platform for accurate monitoring of arterial blood pressure and vascular properties, but also highlight the necessary changes in the technology and the implantation procedure to allow the translation of the sensing device in the clinical setting.ISSN:2452-302