27 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium functional renormalization group for interacting quantum systems

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    We propose a nonequilibrium version of functional renormalization within the Keldysh formalism by introducing a complex valued flow parameter in the Fermi or Bose functions of each reservoir. Our cutoff scheme provides a unified approach to equilibrium and nonequilibrium situations. We apply it to nonequilibrium transport through an interacting quantum wire coupled to two reservoirs and show that the nonequilibrium occupation induces new power law exponents for the conductance.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; published versio

    Two-particle irreducible functional renormalization group schemes---a comparative study

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    We derive functional renormalization group schemes for Fermi systems which are based on the two-particle irreducible approach to the quantum many-body problem. In a first step, the cutoff is introduced in the non-interacting propagator as it is commonly done in functional renormalization group based on one-particle irreducible vertex functions. The most natural truncation of the resulting infinite hierarchy of flow equations is shown to be fully equivalent to self-consistent perturbation theory. An earlier suggested alternative truncation strategy is considered as well. In a second step, the cutoff is introduced in the two-particle interaction. Again two truncation procedures are investigated, one of which was derived before. In the latter, the mean-field solution of the many-body problem is considered as the starting point of the renormalization group flow. We compare the performance and the required numerical resources for solving the coupled flow equations for all the approximate schemes by applying them to the problem of the quantum anharmonic oscillator. In a functional integral representation, this model has a formal similarity to the quantum many-body problem. The perspectives for applying the derived two-particle irreducible functional renormalization group approaches to zero- and one-dimensional systems of correlated fermions are discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures (9 plots

    Magneto-electric spectroscopy of Andreev bound states in Josephson quantum dots

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    We theoretically investigate the behavior of Andreev levels in a single-orbital interacting quantum dot in contact to superconducting leads, focusing on the effect of electrostatic gating and applied magnetic field, as relevant for recent experimental spectroscopic studies. In order to account reliably for spin-polarization effects in presence of correlations, we extend here two simple and complementary approaches that are tailored to capture effective Andreev levels: the static functional renormalization group (fRG) and the self-consistent Andreev bound states (SCABS) theory. We provide benchmarks against the exact large-gap solution as well as NRG calculations and find good quantitative agreement in the range of validity. The large flexibility of the implemented approaches then allows us to analyze a sizeable parameter space, allowing to get a deeper physical understanding into the Zeeman field, electrostatic gate, and flux dependence of Andreev levels in interacting nanostructures.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    RG transport theory for open quantum systems: Charge fluctuations in multilevel quantum dots in and out of equilibrium

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    We present the real-time renormalization group (RTRG) method as a method to describe the stationary state current through generic multi-level quantum dots with a complex setup in nonequilibrium. The employed approach consists of a very rudiment approximation for the RG equations which neglects all vertex corrections while it provides a means to compute the effective dot Liouvillian self-consistently. Being based on a weak-coupling expansion in the tunneling between dot and reservoirs, the RTRG approach turns out to reliably describe charge fluctuations in and out of equilibrium for arbitrary coupling strength, even at zero temperature. We confirm this in the linear response regime with a benchmark against highly-accurate numerically renormalization group data in the exemplary case of three-level quantum dots. For small to intermediate bias voltages and weak Coulomb interactions, we find an excellent agreement between RTRG and functional renormalization group data, which can be expected to be accurate in this regime. As a consequence, we advertise the presented RTRG approach as an efficient and versatile tool to describe charge fluctuations theoretically in quantum dot systems

    Friedel oscillations of one-dimensional correlated fermions from perturbation theory and density functional theory

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    We study the asymptotic decay of the Friedel density oscillations induced by an open boundary in a one-dimensional chain of lattice fermions with a short-range two-particle interaction. From Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory it is known that the decay follows a power law, with an interaction dependent exponent, which, for repulsive interactions, is larger than the noninteracting value 1-1. We first investigate if this behavior can be captured by many-body perturbation theory for either the Green function or the self-energy in lowest order in the two-particle interaction. The analytic results of the former show a logarithmic divergence indicative of the power law. One might hope that the resummation of higher order terms inherent to the Dyson equation then leads to a power law in the perturbation theory for the self-energy. However, the numerical results do not support this. Next we use density functional theory within the local-density approximation and an exchange-correlation functional derived from the exact Bethe ansatz solution of the translational invariant model. While the numerical results are consistent with power-law scaling if systems of 10410^4 or more lattice sites are considered, the extracted exponent is very close to the noninteracting value even for sizeable interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Understanding the Josephson current through a Kondo-correlated quantum dot

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    We study the Josephson current 0-π\pi transition of a quantum dot tuned to the Kondo regime. The physics can be quantitatively captured by the numerically exact continuous time quantum Monte Carlo method applied to the single-impurity Anderson model with BCS superconducting leads. For a comparison to an experiment the tunnel couplings are determined by fitting the normal-state linear conductance. Excellent agreement for the dependence of the critical Josephson current on the level energy is achieved. For increased tunnel couplings the Kondo scale becomes comparable to the superconducting gap and the regime of the strongest competition between superconductivity and Kondo correlations is reached; we predict the gate voltage dependence of the critical current in this regime.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The conductance of correlated many-fermion systems from charge fluctuations

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    We put forward a relation between the static charge correlations and the conductance of correlated many-fermion systems at zero temperature. The former can efficiently be computed for low-dimensional systems using tensor network approaches, while the latter is often significantly more difficult to obtain, requiring a challenging low-frequency linear response computation or an explicit time evolution. We put this relation to the test for quantum dot and quantum point contact setups, where in limiting cases exact results are known. Our study includes systems in which the one-dimensional reservoirs are interacting.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Temperature induced phase averaging in one-dimensional mesoscopic systems

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    We analyse phase averaging in one-dimensional interacting mesoscopic systems with several barriers and show that for incommensurate positions an independent average over several phases can be induced by finite temperature. For three strong barriers with conductances G_i and mutual distances larger than the thermal length, we obtain G ~ sqrt{G_1 G_2 G_3} for the total conductance G. For an interacting wire, this implies power laws in G(T) with novel exponents, which we propose as an experimental fingerprint to distinguish temperature induced phase averaging from dephasing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; added one figure; slightly extende