1,045 research outputs found

    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia with apical thrombus atypical presentation of cardiomyopaties

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    Aritmojenik sağ ventrikül displazisi (ARVD) na-dir görülen bir kardiyomiyopatidir. ARVD ço-ğunlukla genç yaşlarda tanı alır ve kendisini ventriküler aritmiler, çarpıntı, baş dönmesi, kalp yetmezliği ve hatta ani kardiyak ölüm ile gösterebilir. Görüntüleme yöntemleri ile sağ ventrikül (SV) dilatasyonu ve apikal anevrizma tipik bulgusudur. Fakat ARVD olgularında int-raventriküler trombüs çok nadir görülmektedir. 19 yaşında erkek hasta, hastanemize çarpıntı ve bayılma şikâyetleri ile başvurdu. Elektrokar-diyografisinde ön yüz derivasyonlarda T nega-tifliği bulunmakta idi. Ekokardiyografide sağ ventrikül dilate ve SV apeksinde anevrizmatik oluşum içinde trombüs görüldü (Fig-1). Kardi-yak manyetik rezonans incelemede sağ vent-rikül genişlemesini, yağ infiltrasyonunu, fibro-tik dokuları, SV duvar hareket bozukluğunu ve trombüslü apikal anevrizma doğrulandı. Anti-koagulan tedaviyle üç ay sonra trombüsün rezole olduğu gözlendi ve ICD implante edildi. ARVD tanısında elektrokardiyografik, aritmik, histolojik ve ailesel özelliklerin yanında görün-tüleme yöntemleri de büyük önem taşımak-tadır. Sağ ventrikül dilatasyonu ve apikal anev-rizması tanı sürecinde önemli kriterler olmakla birlikte bu gibi bulgular saptandığında trom-büs varlığı da dikkatlice değerlendirilmelidArrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) is a rare form of cardiomyopathy. It commonly presents in young adults with ventricular tachycardia or sudden death. Right ventricular (RV) dilatation and apical aneurysm are the typical findings in imaging methods. However intraventricular thrombus is rarely seen in ARVD cases. A 19 year old male was admitted to hospital with palpitation and syncope. T wave inversion was detected on anterior surface electrocardiogram. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed dilated RV and apical aneurysm in which thrombus located (Fig-1). Cardiac magnetic rezonans imaging comfirmed RV enlargement, fatty infiltration, fibrosis, wall motion abnormalities and apical aneursym with thrombus. Anticoagulation theraphy commenced to the patient. After three months later trombus resoluted and ICD was implanted. Imaging methods have a great importance in the diagnosis of ARVD besides electrocardiographic, arrhythmic, histological and familial characteristics. While right ventricular dilatation and apical aneurysm are important criteria for the diagnosis process, the presence of thrombus should be evaluated carefully

    Effects of Preference for Attachment to Low-degree Nodes on the Degree Distributions of a Growing Directed Network and a Simple Food-Web Model

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    We study the growth of a directed network, in which the growth is constrained by the cost of adding links to the existing nodes. We propose a new preferential-attachment scheme, in which a new node attaches to an existing node i with probability proportional to 1/k_i, where k_i is the number of outgoing links at i. We calculate the degree distribution for the outgoing links in the asymptotic regime (t->infinity), both analytically and by Monte Carlo simulations. The distribution decays like k c^k/Gamma(k) for large k, where c is a constant. We investigate the effect of this preferential-attachment scheme, by comparing the results to an equivalent growth model with a degree-independent probability of attachment, which gives an exponential outdegree distribution. Also, we relate this mechanism to simple food-web models by implementing it in the cascade model. We show that the low-degree preferential-attachment mechanism breaks the symmetry between in- and outdegree distributions in the cascade model. It also causes a faster decay in the tails of the outdegree distributions for both our network growth model and the cascade model.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. A new figure added. Minor modifications made in the tex

    Team trust and team learning in new product development teams

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    Farklı örgütsel seviyelerde güven ve öğrenme üzerine yapılan çalışmaların yanı sıra, güvenin takım bağlamında bilgi paylaşımı ve edinimi için önemli bir faktör olduğunu bildiren birtakım çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Ancak bugüne kadar yeni ürün geliştirme takımlarında (new product development – NPD) Takım Güveni ve Takım Öğrenmesi ilişkileri hakkında çok az tartışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma, Takım Güveninin, çeşitli takım faktörleri (Takım Üyesi Deneyimi, Takım İstikrarı ve Takım Otonomisi) ve Takım Öğrenimi arasında arabuluculuk etkisi olup olmadığını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.Besides studies on trust and learning at different organizational levels, there are a number of studies reporting that trust is an important factor for knowledge sharing and acquisition in team context. So far, however, there has been little discussion about Team Trust and Team Learning relations in NPD teams. This study focuses on examining whether there is a mediational effect of Team Trust between various team level factors and Team Learning

    A paratubal cyst associated with flegmonous appendicitis: A case report and review of literature

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    Paratubal cysts (PTCs) are rare clinical entities and are believed to originate from the mesothelium or to be a remnant of Mullerian duct and Wolffian duct. These masses have been reported in all age groups,  beginning from the premenarchial period up to menopause, and are mostly benign. A 14-year-old girl with flegmonous appendicitis diagnosed and treated during the management of PTC is presented. This report shows that PTC and flegmonous appendicitis can be seen together as distinct entities in children.Keywords: children, flegmonous appendicitis, paratubal cys

    Combinations of DIPs and Dprs control organization of olfactory receptor neuron terminals in Drosophila

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    In Drosophila, 50 classes of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) connect to 50 class-specific and uniquely positioned glomeruli in the antennal lobe. Despite the identification of cell surface receptors regulating axon guidance, how ORN axons sort to form 50 stereotypical glomeruli remains unclear. Here we show that the heterophilic cell adhesion proteins, DIPs and Dprs, are expressed in ORNs during glomerular formation. Many ORN classes express a unique combination of DIPs/dprs, with neurons of the same class expressing interacting partners, suggesting a role in class-specific self-adhesion between ORN axons. Analysis of DIP/Dpr expression revealed that ORNs that target neighboring glomeruli have different combinations, and ORNs with very similar DIP/Dpr combinations can project to distant glomeruli in the antennal lobe. DIP/Dpr profiles are dynamic during development and correlate with sensilla type lineage for some ORN classes. Perturbations of DIP/dpr gene function result in local projection defects of ORN axons and glomerular positioning, without altering correct matching of ORNs with their target neurons. Our results suggest that context-dependent differential adhesion through DIP/Dpr combinations regulate self-adhesion and sort ORN axons into uniquely positioned glomeruli

    Poster Abstract: Towards Scalable and Trustworthy Decentralized Collaborative Intrusion Detection System for IoT

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    An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) aims to alert users of incoming attacks by deploying a detector that monitors network traffic continuously. As an effort to increase detection capabilities, a set of independent IDS detectors typically work collaboratively to build intelligence of holistic network representation, which is referred to as Collaborative Intrusion Detection System (CIDS). However, developing an effective CIDS, particularly for the IoT ecosystem raises several challenges. Recent trends and advances in blockchain technology, which provides assurance in distributed trust and secure immutable storage, may contribute towards the design of effective CIDS. In this poster abstract, we present our ongoing work on a decentralized CIDS for IoT, which is based on blockchain technology. We propose an architecture that provides accountable trust establishment, which promotes incentives and penalties, and scalable intrusion information storage by exchanging bloom filters. We are currently implementing a proof-of-concept of our modular architecture in a local test-bed and evaluate its effectiveness in detecting common attacks in IoT networks and the associated overhead.Comment: Accepted to ACM/IEEE IoTDI 202

    Energy-aware Demand Selection and Allocation for Real-time IoT Data Trading

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    Personal IoT data is a new economic asset that individuals can trade to generate revenue on the emerging data marketplaces. Typically, marketplaces are centralized systems that raise concerns of privacy, single point of failure, little transparency and involve trusted intermediaries to be fair. Furthermore, the battery-operated IoT devices limit the amount of IoT data to be traded in real-time that affects buyer/seller satisfaction and hence, impacting the sustainability and usability of such a marketplace. This work proposes to utilize blockchain technology to realize a trusted and transparent decentralized marketplace for contract compliance for trading IoT data streams generated by battery-operated IoT devices in real-time. The contribution of this paper is two-fold: (1) we propose an autonomous blockchain-based marketplace equipped with essential functionalities such as agreement framework, pricing model and rating mechanism to create an effective marketplace framework without involving a mediator, (2) we propose a mechanism for selection and allocation of buyers' demands on seller's devices under quality and battery constraints. We present a proof-of-concept implementation in Ethereum to demonstrate the feasibility of the framework. We investigated the impact of buyer's demand on the battery drainage of the IoT devices under different scenarios through extensive simulations. Our results show that this approach is viable and benefits the seller and buyer for creating a sustainable marketplace model for trading IoT data in real-time from battery-powered IoT devices.Comment: Accepted in SmartComp 202