453 research outputs found

    Non-crossing nonparametric estimates of quantile curves

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    --Quantile estimation , conditional distribution , local linear estimate , Nadaraya Watson estimate , crossing quantile curves

    Testing for Homogeneity in Mixture Models

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    Statistical models of unobserved heterogeneity are typically formalized as mixtures of simple parametric models and interest naturally focuses on testing for homogeneity versus general mixture alternatives. Many tests of this type can be interpreted as C(α)C(\alpha) tests, as in Neyman (1959), and shown to be locally, asymptotically optimal. These C(α)C(\alpha) tests will be contrasted with a new approach to likelihood ratio testing for general mixture models. The latter tests are based on estimation of general nonparametric mixing distribution with the Kiefer and Wolfowitz (1956) maximum likelihood estimator. Recent developments in convex optimization have dramatically improved upon earlier EM methods for computation of these estimators, and recent results on the large sample behavior of likelihood ratios involving such estimators yield a tractable form of asymptotic inference. Improvement in computation efficiency also facilitates the use of a bootstrap methods to determine critical values that are shown to work better than the asymptotic critical values in finite samples. Consistency of the bootstrap procedure is also formally established. We compare performance of the two approaches identifying circumstances in which each is preferred

    Weak convergence of the empirical copula process with respect to weighted metrics

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    The empirical copula process plays a central role in the asymptotic analysis of many statistical procedures which are based on copulas or ranks. Among other applications, results regarding its weak convergence can be used to develop asymptotic theory for estimators of dependence measures or copula densities, they allow to derive tests for stochastic independence or specific copula structures, or they may serve as a fundamental tool for the analysis of multivariate rank statistics. In the present paper, we establish weak convergence of the empirical copula process (for observations that are allowed to be serially dependent) with respect to weighted supremum distances. The usefulness of our results is illustrated by applications to general bivariate rank statistics and to estimation procedures for the Pickands dependence function arising in multivariate extreme-value theory.Comment: 39 pages + 7 pages of supplementary material, 1 figur

    A subsampled double bootstrap for massive data

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    The bootstrap is a popular and powerful method for assessing precision of estimators and inferential methods. However, for massive datasets which are increasingly prevalent, the bootstrap becomes prohibitively costly in computation and its feasibility is questionable even with modern parallel computing platforms. Recently Kleiner, Talwalkar, Sarkar, and Jordan (2014) proposed a method called BLB (Bag of Little Bootstraps) for massive data which is more computationally scalable with little sacrifice of statistical accuracy. Building on BLB and the idea of fast double bootstrap, we propose a new resampling method, the subsampled double bootstrap, for both independent data and time series data. We establish consistency of the subsampled double bootstrap under mild conditions for both independent and dependent cases. Methodologically, the subsampled double bootstrap is superior to BLB in terms of running time, more sample coverage and automatic implementation with less tuning parameters for a given time budget. Its advantage relative to BLB and bootstrap is also demonstrated in numerical simulations and a data illustration

    Programming support for an integrated multi-party computation and MapReduce infrastructure

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    We describe and present a prototype of a distributed computational infrastructure and associated high-level programming language that allow multiple parties to leverage their own computational resources capable of supporting MapReduce [1] operations in combination with multi-party computation (MPC). Our architecture allows a programmer to author and compile a protocol using a uniform collection of standard constructs, even when that protocol involves computations that take place locally within each participant’s MapReduce cluster as well as across all the participants using an MPC protocol. The highlevel programming language provided to the user is accompanied by static analysis algorithms that allow the programmer to reason about the efficiency of the protocol before compiling and running it. We present two example applications demonstrating how such an infrastructure can be employed.This work was supported in part by NSF Grants: #1430145, #1414119, #1347522, and #1012798
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