169 research outputs found

    Англійська мова для біологів

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    Навчальний посібник укладений відповідно до вимог програми рівневого вивчення іноземної мови в університеті і призначений для студентів 1-3 курсів біологічного факультету, які вивчають мову у групах середнього та вищого рівнів. Мета посібника - поглиблення теоретичних і практичних знань студентів з англійської мови, формування та розвиток умінь і навичок сприймати і відтворювати іншомовний науковий фаховий дискурс, розширення словникового запасу загально-наукової та професійної лексики. Посібник містить сучасний автентичний текстовий матеріал, який охоплює базову лексику основних галузей біологічної науки. Практичні завдання укладено з урахуванням новітніх методичних стратегій викладання іноземної мови професійного спрямування. Посібник може бути корисним для магістрантів, аспірантів та науковців-біологів, які самостійно удосконалюють свої знання з англійської мови.CONTENTS : Передмова 5; UNIT 1 7; Lesson 1. Biology – the Science of Life 7; Lesson 2. Life 15; Lesson 3. The Origin of Life 23; Unit 1 Focus Words and Phrases 31; Revision and Additional Practice 1 32; UNIT 2 42; Lesson 1. Macromolecules 42; Lesson 2. Cell as a Basic Unit of Life 53; Lesson 3. Cell Structure 64; Lesson 4. Cell Division 74; Unit 2 Focus Words and Phrases 84; Revision and Additional Practice 2 85; UNIT 3 96; Lesson 1. The Protista 96; Lesson 2. The Bacteria 109; Lesson 3. Viruses 119; Unit 3 Focus Words and Phrases 131; Revision and Additional Practice 3 132; UNIT 4 143 ; Lesson 1. Vascular Plants 143 ; Lesson 2. Development of Gametophytes in Angiosperms 153 ; Lesson 3. Animals 165; Lesson 4. Phylum Chordata 175; Unit 4 Focus Words and Phrases 186; Revision and Additional Practice 4 188; UNIT 5 199; Lesson 1. Anthropogenesis 199; Lesson 2. Evolution 212; Lesson 3. Genetics 225; Lesson 4. Ecology 236; Unit 5 Focus Words and Phrases 248; Revision and Additional Practice 5 250; List of Biology Terms and Biology Related Words 261; References 277; List of Sources 278; Appendix 279; Tapescripts 280

    Курсова та кваліфікаційні роботи ОКР "бакалавр", "спеціаліст", "магістр" : методичні рекомендації до написання та оформлення

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    Наведено основні вимоги до написання курсових і кваліфікаційних робіт, викладені послідовні етапи їх підготовки, оформлення та процедуру захисту. Подана орієнтовна тематика курсових і випускних робіт, які виконуються студентами, що спеціалізуються на кафедрі ботаніки біологічного факультету СНУ імені Лесі Українки. Для студентів кафедри ботаніки біологічного факультету, викладачів

    Detection of Pancreatic Carcinomas by Imaging Lactose-Binding Protein Expression in Peritumoral Pancreas Using [18F]Fluoroethyl-Deoxylactose PET/CT

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    BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma with highly sensitive diagnostic imaging methods could save lives of many thousands of patients, because early detection increases resectability and survival rates. Current non-invasive diagnostic imaging techniques have inadequate resolution and sensitivity for detection of small size ( approximately 2-3 mm) early pancreatic carcinoma lesions. Therefore, we have assessed the efficacy of positron emission tomography and computer tomography (PET/CT) imaging with beta-O-D-galactopyranosyl-(1,4')-2'-deoxy-2'-[(18)F]fluoroethyl-D-glucopyranose ([(18)F]FEDL) for detection of less than 3 mm orthotopic xenografts of L3.6pl pancreatic carcinomas in mice. [(18)F]FEDL is a novel radioligand of hepatocarcinoma-intestine-pancreas/pancreatitis-associated protein (HIP/PAP), which is overexpressed in peritumoral pancreatic acinar cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Dynamic PET/CT imaging demonstrated rapid accumulation of [(18)F]FEDL in peritumoral pancreatic tissue (4.04+/-2.06%ID/g), bi-exponential blood clearance with half-lives of 1.65+/-0.50 min and 14.14+/-3.60 min, and rapid elimination from other organs and tissues, predominantly by renal clearance. Using model-independent graphical analysis of dynamic PET data, the average distribution volume ratio (DVR) for [(18)F]FEDL in peritumoral pancreatic tissue was estimated as 3.57+/-0.60 and 0.94+/-0.72 in sham-operated control pancreas. Comparative analysis of quantitative autoradiographic images and densitometry of immunohistochemically stained and co-registered adjacent tissue sections demonstrated a strong linear correlation between the magnitude of [(18)F]FEDL binding and HIP/PAP expression in corresponding regions (r = 0.88). The in situ analysis demonstrated that at least a 2-4 fold apparent lesion size amplification was achieved for submillimeter tumors and to nearly half a murine pancreas for tumors larger than 3 mm. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: We have demonstrated the feasibility of detection of early pancreatic tumors by non-invasive imaging with [(18)F]FEDL PET/CT of tumor biomarker HIP/PAP over-expressed in peritumoral pancreatic tissue. Non-invasive non-invasive detection of early pancreatic carcinomas with [(18)F]FEDL PET/CT imaging should aid the guidance of biopsies and additional imaging procedures, facilitate the resectability and improve the overall prognosis

    Forecasting of Brucellosis Morbidity Rates in the Russian Federation Using Wald Method

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    Objective of the study is to conduct epidemiological analysis of official statistical data on brucellosis morbidity rates over the period of 2005–2014 in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, using Wald method. Materials and methods. Utilized were recording and reporting documents of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Welfare, FBHI “Federal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology” of the Rospotrebnadzor, and WHO information resources.Results and conclusions. Studies of peculiarities of epidemic process development over the long-term period have allowed for identification of entities that are the most affected by the diseases. The results obtained on the morbidity rates in the Russian Federation over the period of 2005–2014 testify to the fact that first comes North Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) (62 %), next go Siberian (SbFD) (16 %) and Southern (SFD) (13 %) Federal Districts, second and third lines of the list respectively. Other regions account for 9 % of the load. The largest share of morbidity in NCFD entities belongs to the Republic of Dagestan – 62 %. Thereat, annual increment rate is 5.54 cases, which points to stabilization and some downward trend. Application of this morbidity rate prediction tool provides for in-time planning of clinical-diagnostic, prophylactic, and anti-epidemic measures in brucellosis foci. Wald method for forecasting of morbidity can be used for other infectious diseases too

    Фотодинамическая терапия базальноклеточного рака кожи ЛОР-органов

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    Results of photodynamic therapy in 96 patients with primary and recurrent basal cell skin cancer of ENT-organs are represented. For photodynamic therapy the Russian-made photosensitizer Photoditazine at dose of 0.6–1.4 mg/kg was used. Parameters were selected taking into account type and extent of tumor and were as follows: output power – 0.1–3.0 W, power density – 0.1–1.3 W/cm2, light dose – 100–400 J/cm2. The studies showed high efficacy of treatment for primary and recurrent basal cell skin cancer of nose, ear and external auditory canal – from 87.5 to 94.7% of complete regression. Examples of efficacy of the method are represented in the article. High efficacy and good cosmetic effects allowed to make a conclusion about perspectivity of photodynamic therapy for recurrent basal cell skin cancer of ENT-organs. Приведены результаты лечения методом фотодинамической терапии 96 пациентов с первичным и рецидивным базальноклеточным раком кожи ЛОР-органов. Для проведения фотодинамической терапии применяли фотосенсибилизатор отечественного производства – фотодитазин – в дозе 0,6–1,4 мг/кг. Параметры облучения подбирались с учетом формы и распространенности опухолевого процесса и составляли: выходная мощность – 0,1–3,0 Вт, плотность мощности – 0,1–1,3 Вт/см2, доза света – 100–400 Дж/см2. Исследования показали высокую эффективность лечения первичного и рецидивного базальноклеточного рака кожи носа, ушной раковины и наружного слухового прохода – от 87,5 до 94,7% случаев полной регрессии. В статье приведены примеры, иллюстрирующие эффективность предложенной методики. Высокая эффективность и хорошие косметические результаты позволили сделать вывод о перспективности применения фотодинамической терапии в лечении базальноклеточного рака кожи ЛОР-органов. 

    Animal models of major depressive disorder and the implications for drug discovery and development

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    Introduction: Depression is a highly debilitating psychiatric disorder that affects the global population and causes severe disabilities and suicide. Depression pathogenesis remains poorly understood, and the disorder is often treatment-resistant and recurrent, necessitating the development of novel therapies, models and concepts in this field. Areas covered: Animal models are indispensable for translational biological psychiatry, and markedly advance the study of depression. Novel approaches continuously emerge that may help untangle the disorder heterogeneity and unclear categories of disease classification systems. Some of these approaches include widening the spectrum of model species used for translational research, using a broader range of test paradigms, exploring new pathogenic pathways and biomarkers, and focusing more closely on processes beyond neural cells (e.g. glial, inflammatory and metabolic deficits). Expert opinion: Dividing the core symptoms into easily translatable, evolutionarily conserved phenotypes is an effective way to reevaluate current depression modeling. Conceptually novel approaches based on the endophenotype paradigm, cross-species trait genetics and ‘domain interplay concept’, as well as using a wider spectrum of model organisms and target systems will enhance experimental modeling of depression and antidepressant drug discovery. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Cross-species Analyses of Intra-species Behavioral Differences in Mammals and Fish

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    Multiple species display robust behavioral variance among individuals due to different genetic, genomic, epigenetic, neuroplasticity and environmental factors. Behavioral individuality has been extensively studied in various animal models, including rodents and other mammals. Fish, such as zebrafish (Danio rerio), have recently emerged as powerful aquatic model organisms with overt individual differences in behavioral, nociceptive and other CNS traits. Here, we evaluate individual behavioral differences in mammals and fish, emphasizing the importance of cross-species analyses of intraspecies variance in experimental models of normal and pathological CNS functions. © 2019 IBROAVK laboratory is supported by the Southwest University (Chongqing, China) Zebrafish Platform construction funds. This research is supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 19-15-00053 . KAD is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research ( RFBR) grant 18-34-00996 , Fellowship of the President of Russia and Special Rector’s Fellowship for SPSU PhD Students. DBR receives the CNPq research productivity grant (305051/2018-0), and his work is also supported by the PROEX/CAPES fellowhip grant 23038.004173/2019-93 (Brazil). MP receives funding from the British Academy (UK) . BDF is supported by a CAPES Foundation studentship (Brazil). FC is supported by the Father’s Foundation and the Fast Data Sharing-2036 programs. AVK is the Chair of the International Zebrafish Neuroscience Research Consortium (ZNRC) Special 2018-2019 Task Force that coordinated this multi-laboratory collaborative project

    Imaging Long-Term Fate of Intramyocardially Implanted Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Porcine Myocardial Infarction Model

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    The long-term fate of stem cells after intramyocardial delivery is unknown. We used noninvasive, repetitive PET/CT imaging with [18F]FEAU to monitor the long-term (up to 5 months) spatial-temporal dynamics of MSCs retrovirally transduced with the sr39HSV1-tk gene (sr39HSV1-tk-MSC) and implanted intramyocardially in pigs with induced acute myocardial infarction. Repetitive [18F]FEAU PET/CT revealed a biphasic pattern of sr39HSV1-tk-MSC dynamics; cell proliferation peaked at 33–35 days after injection, in periinfarct regions and the major cardiac lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. The sr39HSV1-tk-MSC–associated [18F]FEAU signals gradually decreased thereafter. Cardiac lymphography studies using PG-Gd-NIRF813 contrast for MRI and near-infrared fluorescence imaging showed rapid clearance of the contrast from the site of intramyocardial injection through the subepicardial lymphatic network into the lymphatic vessels and periaortic lymph nodes. Immunohistochemical analysis of cardiac tissue obtained at 35 and 150 days demonstrated several types of sr39HSV1-tk expressing cells, including fibro-myoblasts, lymphovascular cells, and microvascular and arterial endothelium. In summary, this study demonstrated the feasibility and sensitivity of [18F]FEAU PET/CT imaging for long-term, in-vivo monitoring (up to 5 months) of the fate of intramyocardially injected sr39HSV1-tk-MSC cells. Intramyocardially transplanted MSCs appear to integrate into the lymphatic endothelium and may help improve myocardial lymphatic system function after MI