82 research outputs found

    Evaluating Methods of Estimating Forage Intake by Grazing Cattle

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    Two methods of estimating forage intake of grazing cattle were compared to clipped estimates in 4-pasture rotational grazing systems on Sandhills subirrigated meadow from mid-May through early August over a 4-year period. Clipping standing vegetation samples within a pasture before and after cattle grazing provides for an accurate estimate of forage removal during a grazing period. A less laborious method of intake estimation commonly used is based on a percentage of an animal’s liveweight. University Extension and some federal agencies use a 2.3% factor and others such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service use a 2.7% factor. In this study on a Sandhills subirrigated meadow, the 2.3% of body weight intake factor appropriately matched the clipping estimates in 63% of the evaluations. In contrast, the 2.7% of body weight factor provided similar estimates to the clipping estimate in only 38% of the evaluations. This implies that the 2.3% estimate more accurately represents forage intake of beef cattle and has less chance of overestimating cattle intake. Allocation of surplus forage to grazing cattle reduces harvest efficiency, reduces beef production per acre, and negatively effects profitability of beef operations

    A Comparison of High-Performance Short-Duration and Repeated-Seasonal Grazing Systems

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    Six replications of l-herd 16-subunit High-Performance Short-Duration (HPSDG) and Repeated-Seasonal (RSG) (May-Sep.) grazing system treatments were compared during 1983 and 1984 at the Cottonwood Range and Livestock Research Station located in western South Dakota. Calves and lambs were allotted to the experimental pastures in sets approximately equal on an animal unit basis. Animal numbers were adjusted with put-and-take sets to attain planned forage levels for each cycle of rotation in HPSDG and comparable end of season forage use levels in both treatments. The HPSDG system was operated with four cycles of rotation that had 1, 2, 2 and 3 occupation days and 15, 30, 30 and 45 planned nonuse days during cycles one through four, respectively. Animal performance and production, diet composition and quality, vegetation, standing crop dynamics, forage utilization, soil compaction, and emergence, growth and developmental characteristics of key plant species were studied. Seasonal average daily gains (ADG) of both RSG calves and lambs were greater during 1983 (0.52 vs. 0.39 kg/d and 72.6 vs. 45.4 g/d), and RSG calf ADG was greater during 1984 (0.68 vs. 0.62 kg/d) (PAgropyron smithiiRydb.) and annual grasses and lambs selecting shortgrasses (buffalograss (Buchloe dsctyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.) and blue grama (Boutelous gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. ex Griffiths)). Distinct changes in standing crop and apparent forage use before and after subunit occupation were quantified in HPSDG as well as at selected dates in RSG. In 1984, peak live plus recent-dead stand1ng crop was observed on August 24 in an ungrazed treatment (2080 kg/ha), July 20 in RSG (1358 kg/ha) and immediately before subunit occupation during cycle 4 in HPSDG (1472 kg/ha). Western wheatgrass and shortgrasses accounted for about 80 to 82% of this peak standing crop in all three treatments. End of season use estimates of western wheatgrass were not different between treatments (P\u3e.05), but use of the two shortgrasses was higher in HPSDG (P.05)

    Spring Meadow Management Practices: What’s a Rancher to do?

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    • Subirrigated meadows are a valuable forage resource to ranching operations in the Nebraska Sandhills, being used for both hay production and livestock grazing. • The water table of these meadows is within one meter of the soil surface during the growing season. • In some years, wet conditions hinder meadow utilization, resulting in a buildup of standing dead and litter plant material which can lower forage production. • Investigate if burning and mowing are effective strategies to remove dead plant material from meadows • Determine if burning or mowing interact with grazing to influence end of season forage production Burning or mowing effectively removes dead plant material from meadows with no later loss in forage production. Burning and mowing do not interact with grazing to influence later forage production. Spring grazing acted independently to significantly lower end of season forage production. Conclusions • Ranchers can use burning or mowing to effectively remove dead plant material from subirrigated meadows in the Nebraska Sandhills with no later losses in forage production (Fig.1 & Fig.2). • On the other hand, spring grazing reduces end of season forage production (Fig.3). Therefore, caution should be used with spring grazing if a rancher’s goal is to maximize hay yields from meadow forage

    Evaluation of Plant- waxes to Estimate Forage Intake in Grazing Cattle

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    Although key to the efficiency of a cattle operation, feed intake is challenging to evaluate in a grazing setting. However, even within forage- based systems, plant- wax markers may be used to predict dietary choices and feed intake. Plant- waxes are a complex mixture of lipids found on the surface of plants. When sufficiently unique among plants, the composition of diets can be determined from the pattern of these compounds in the forages ingested. These markers were used to delineate the parts of the corn plant and, separately, 8 western rangeland grasses and legumes. Using plant waxes, the components of the corn plant were clearly distinguished. Th is technique therefore could be useful in a monoculture, such as a corn residue field, to determine the plant parts predominating in the diet. Delineating plants in a complex sward was more difficult, particularly among like species. Th e use of more markers may help to more explicitly distinguish plants within diverse pastures, such as western rangelands

    Cattle Grazing Effects on \u3ci\u3ePhragmites australis\u3c/i\u3e in Nebraska

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    Phragmites australis (common reed) is one of the most widely distributed flowering plants in North America. The introduced lineage occurs in wetland and riparian areas covering a range of climatic types. In Nebraska, an abundance of livestock could help to reduce P. australis with proper timing and grazing intensities. In 2011, a 3-yr study was initiated to evaluate targeted cattle grazing and herbicide effects and the nutritive value of this species. Treatments included a single application of imazapyr (Habitatt, BASF Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC) herbicide applied in the first year, grazing, and a control. Grazing was applied for up to five consecutive days in June and August 2011 and 2012 and in June 2013. Stem density, height, and biomass of P. australis were determined before each grazing period and in 2014. Diet samples were collected from rumenally fistulated steers each grazing period. Imazapyr provided 100% control of P. australis; however, re-establishment began 2 yr post-treatment. Grazing significantly reduced pregrazing P. australis biomass in the second and third growing season (P \u3c 0.05). Stem density and height in the grazed treatment was similar to the control through 2012; however, in 2013 and 2014, control stem density was 1.5 times greater and height was 1.4 times that of the grazed treatment. Crude protein content of diet samples was greater in 2011 (16.8%) compared with 2012 (14.3%, P \u3c 0.05). In vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of diet samples (45.4%) was not affected by year or month (P \u3c 0.05). The relatively low IVDMD suggests that some form of energy supplementation would be needed to create a better nutritional balance. The cumulative effect of grazing does have the potential to reduce P. australis populations, but other methods would have to be used for greater control and site restoration

    Temporal changes in the nutrient content of cattle dung in the Nebraska Sandhills ecosystem

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    Dung excreted by cattle composes a significant portion of the nutrient inputs in a grazed ecosystem and can have wide-ranging effects on soil properties and vegetation. However, little research has been conducted on the nutrient dynamics of excreted dung in situ that has not been disturbed prior to field sampling. In this study, we analyzed 294 dung pats (1–24 days old) collected from a Nebraska Sandhills meadow to determine water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC), water-extractable nitrogen (WEN), water-extractable phosphorus (WEP), and percent dry matter (DM) changes over time. In addition, we investigated if sample handling - frozen storage – and the formation of surface crust during dung field drying affect dung nutrient concentrations. Dung WEOC and WEN both followed exponential decay curves of nutrient loss over time and were modeled as a function of age. In contrast, WEP was poorly correlated with age. The percent dry matter in conjunction with sample WEOC concentration were stronger determinants of WEP than age alone. Freezing samples prior to analysis increased WEOC (37–98%) and WEN (37–123%), but lowered WEP (0.8–65%) compared to the samples from the same dung pat analyzed fresh. The dry surface crusts of dung pats had higher WEOC (98–112%) and WEN (112%) compared to moist interiors (on average, 3 cm from surface). This research provides evidence that dung nutrient concentrations decreased by 73% (WEOC) and 76% (WEN) over 24 days and shows that frozen storage and subsequent thawing for analysis, as well as crust formation during field drying, can significantly affect dung nutrient concentrations and spatial partitioning of dung nutrients


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    This paper discusses how economists utilize an inter-disciplinary workshop to teach marketing and management concepts to beef cattle producers and beef industry advisors. Range and animal scientists along with economists teach concepts in the classroom and then demonstrate these concepts with hands-on field activities in an 8-day Ranch Practicum, spread over an 8-month period.Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Plant Community Patterns on Upland Prairie in the Eastern Nebraska Sandhills

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    Topography is an important factor in determining vegetation patterns in grasslands. We collected frequency of occurrence data from transects on dune tops, south-facing slopes, north-facing slopes, and interdunal valleys in the eastern Sandhills of Nebraska to determine the effect of topographical position on plant species composition. We used canonical discriminant analysis to separate the four topographical positions based on frequency of occurrence of the 18 principal planttaxa. Topographic position played an important role in plant distribution on upland prairie with interdunal transects strongly separated from transects on other topographical positions. Bluegrasses (Poa L. spp.), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), and white sage (Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt.) were highly associated with interdunal valleys. Little bluestem [Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.)] and cool-season grasses, such as needlegrasses (Stipa L. spp.) and Junegrass [Koeleria pyramidata (Lam.) Beauv.], tended to be associated with north-facing slopes and warm-season grasses, such as prairie sandreed [Calamovilfa longifolia (Hook) Scrihn.] and sand bluestem (Andropogon hallii Hack.), tended to be associated with south-facing slopes. Sedges (Carex L. spp.), western ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya DC.), and Scribner dichanthelium [Dichanthelium oligosanthes (Schult.) Gould var. scribnerianum (Nash)] were the most common taxa occurring over all topographic positions. Aspect proved to be an important factor in influencing vegetation distribution in the eastern Sandhills of Nebraska

    Origin of agricultural plant pathogens: Diversity and pathogenicity of \u3ci\u3eRhizoctonia\u3c/i\u3e fungi associated with native prairie grasses in the Sandhills of Nebraska

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    The Sandhills of Nebraska is a complex ecosystem, covering 50,000 km2 in central and western Nebraska and predominantly of virgin grassland. Grasslands are the most widespread vegetation in the U.S. and once dominated regions are currently cultivated croplands, so it stands to reason that some of the current plant pathogens of cultivated crops originated from grasslands, particularly soilborne plant pathogens. The anamorphic genus Rhizoctonia includes genetically diverse organisms that are known to be necrotrophic fungal pathogens, saprophytes, mycorrhiza of orchids, and biocontrol agents. This study aimed to evaluate the diversity of Rhizoctonia spp. on four native grasses in the Sandhills of Nebraska and determine pathogenicity to native grasses and soybean. In 2016 and 2017, a total of 84 samples were collected from 11 sites in the Sandhills, located in eight counties of Nebraska. The samples included soil and symptomatic roots from the four dominant native grasses: sand bluestem, little bluestem, prairie sandreed, and needle-and-thread. Obtained were 17 Rhizoctonia-like isolates identified, including five isolates of binucleate Rhizoctonia AG-F; two isolates each from binucleate Rhizoctonia AG-B, AG-C, and AG-K, Rhizoctonia solani AGs: AG-3, and AG-4; one isolate of binucleate Rhizoctonia AG-L, and one isolate of R. zeae. Disease severity was assessed for representative isolates of each AG in a greenhouse assay using sand bluestem, needle-and-thread, and soybean; prairie sandreed and little bluestem were unable to germinate under artificial conditions. On native grasses, all but two isolates were either mildly aggressive (causing 5–21% disease severity) or aggressive (21–35% disease severity). Among those, three isolates were cross-pathogenic on soybean, with R. solani AG-4 shown to be highly aggressive (86% disease severity). Thus, it is presumed that Rhizoctonia spp. are native to the sandhills grasslands and an emerging pathogen of crops cultivated may have survived in the soil and originate from grasslands

    Risk Implications from the Selection of Rainfall Index Insurance Intervals

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    Since the passage of the 1994 Crop Insurance Reform Act, the federal crop insurance program has grown in both size and scope. The program progressed from generating under 1billioninpremiumsin1994togeneratingnearly1 billion in premiums in 1994 to generating nearly 9.3 billion in 2016 (USDA-RMA 1994, 2016b). In 2007, the federal crop insurance program introduced the Rainfall Index (RI) and Vegetation Index (VI) Insurance Pilot Program for Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF) in selected states. In 2016, RI-PRF replaced VI-PRF and was made available in all 48 contiguous states enrolling 28,538 policies and providing over a billion dollars in coverage on more than 52.3 million acres (USDA-RMA 2016b). However, insured acreage represents only about 8% of the total 649.5 million acres of pasture and hay land. This small percent of coverage contrasts greatly to corn, where 87% of acres were insured in 2016 (USDA -RMA 2016c)
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