21 research outputs found

    Gathering behavioral samples through a computerized and standardized assessment center exercise yes, it is possible

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    Although computerization and standardization might make assessment center (AC) exercises easier to administer and score, drawbacks are that most of such exercises have a static and multiple-choice format. This study reports on the development and initial validation of a computerized and standardized AC exercise that simulates key managerial tasks. This AC exercise capitalizes not only on the benefits of computerization and standardization (efficiency and cost savings) but at the same time aims to avoid their usual drawbacks (lower respons e fidelity and interactivity). The composite exercise score was significantly related to several criteria of interest and had incremental validity beyond cognitive ability. The exercise was also significantly related to candidates’ people management competencies

    Noise-induced distortion of nonequilibrium oscillator mean limit cycle

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    Under general conditions imposed on an active stochastic oscillator, we study change in the size and shape of its average limit cycle as a function of temperature. Such dynamics occur in a multitude of nonequilibrium systems, including the spontaneous oscillations of hair cells of the inner ear. We demonstrate one of the many mechanisms through which distortion of the mean curve may occur and identify regions in the driven oscillator phase space susceptible to corner-cutting due to noise. This we infer causes rounding of certain sharp features in the noiseless curve given by the underlying complex theoretical model, making them inaccessible under any amount of averaging of the experimentally obtained finite-temperature trajectory.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    HR Barometer 2018. HRM trends and challenges in Belgian organisations

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    The Belgian human resources departments are focused on attracting, developing and motivating talent once again this year. Recruitment and selection are number one here, followed by leadership development and talent management. Those are the results from the fourth annual HR Barometer study by HR consultancy firm Hudson and Vlerick Business School. HR analytics, however, has not really established itself yet. Although companies collect lots of data, those responsible for HR indicate that they are often not proficient enough in analysing it

    HR Barometer 2016. A survey of HR managers of the BEL20 and the 200 biggest Belgian companies

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    Key insights for you: Hudson and Vlerick Business School mapped the trends and challenges for HRM at leading Belgian companies by way of an HR Barometer. The main conclusions of the HR Barometer 2016 are: Leadership development remains top priority for HR departments. Talent management, the attraction, development and motivation of talent in the organisation is still ranked a clear second. The recruitment of older employees, foreign members of staff and people with disabilities is ,despite the social focus, not an objective in itself for HR departments

    HR Barometer 2017. HRM trends and challenges in Belgian organisations

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    The HR barometer is a yearly initiative launched in January and involves two parts. The first part of the barometer focuses on the strategic importance of different HR practices and policies, so that over time, the shifts in these priorities can be explored. The second part examines a hot topic in HR. For this edition of the HR barometer, we look into the topic of HR impact on the organization. This report provides you with an overview of the most important findings of the study in 2017 and the shifts compared to 2016, based on a quantitative analysis of the HR priorities of leading Belgian organisations

    HR Barometer 2021. HRM trends and challenges in Belgian organisations

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    Hudson and Vlerick Business School publish their HR Barometer annually to identify the most significant HR trends and challenges of the previous year. The COVID-19 pandemic has made the past year an exceptional one for everyone. In uncertain times, it was a challenge to set the right priorities. What impact did COVID-19 have on the performance of HR? Our online survey resulted in 104 organisations sharing their experiences and concerns. This year, the HR Barometer covered no less than 363,631 employees in Belgium through these organisations

    HR Barometer 2023. HRM trends and challenges in Belgian organisations

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    Recruitment and selection continues to be the top priority for HR professionals in a very tight, competitive labour market, along with a stronger focus on current talent retention. At the same time, there is also an increasing push to prioritise diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). According to 78% of participants, while DEI is enshrined in their company’s mission statement, this very often is not reflected in the company’s strategy and only 36% have been allocated a separate, dedicated DEI budget. Concrete action is thus necessarily limited to ad hoc initiatives

    De comparatieve beoordelingsmethode voor een betrouwbare en valide cv-screening: een vergelijking tussen experts en studenten

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    In de praktijk en uit eerder empirisch onderzoek blijkt dat cv-screening niet altijd zorgt voor geschikte kandidaten voor een vacature. Verschillende zaken kunnen hiervan de oorzaak zijn: Ă©Ă©n beoordelaar voert de screening uit, waardoor cognitieve vertekeningen het selectieproces kunnen beĂŻnvloeden; de beoordeling focust niet op alle relevante aspecten van de selectie of laat bepaalde criteria harder doorwegen dan andere; en/of de beoordelaar heeft onvoldoende expertise om de cv-screening uit te voeren. De huidige studie komt aan deze tekortkomingen tegemoet door de alternatieve beoordelingsmethode, comparatieve vergelijking, te beschrijven en de interbeoordelaarsbetrouwbaarheid en constructvaliditeit ervan voor cv-screening na te gaan. In deze studie is gebruikgemaakt van een bestaande vacature waarvoor 42 kandidaten hun cv hebben ingestuurd. Deze cv's zijn comparatief met elkaar vergeleken door ervaren (experts; N = 7) en minder ervaren beoordelaars (studenten; N = 57). De resultaten tonen aan dat comparatieve oordelen van ervaren beoordelaars samenhangen met een valide en betrouwbare cv-screening. De interbeoordelaarsbetrouwbaarheid van de oordelen van de studenten was lager dan de interbeoordelaarsbetrouwbaarheid van de oordelen van de experts. Hoewel er een sterke correlatie was tussen de rangorde van de ervaren beoordelaars en de rangorde van de studenten, lieten de studenten hun oordeel vaker afhangen van irrelevante aspecten.In practice and in earlier empirical research, it is indicated that resume screening does not always provide suitable candidates for a vacancy. This might be due to several issues: one assessor carries out the screening, resulting in cognitive distortions influencing the selection process; the assessment does not focus on all aspects of the selection, nor does it allow for certain criteria to weigh more heavily than others; and/or the assessor is insufficiently trained to carry out the resume screening. The current study captures these issues by offering an alternative assessment method (Comparative Judgment) in which the inter-rater reliability and construct validity of the resume screening is studied: several assessors with different levels of expertise assess resumes comparatively. In this study, resumes from 42 candidates applying for an existing vacancy were used. These resumes were directly compared by experienced (N = 7; experts), and less experienced assessors (N = 57; students). Results show that the comparative judgements of experienced assessors are linked to valid and reliable resume screening. The inter-rater reliability of the student assessments was lower than that of the experts. Even though the final rank ordering of the resumes correlated, students often relied on irrelevant aspects in the resumes