30 research outputs found

    Djelovanje kalcija i fosfata na omjer neapsorbiranog stroncija prema kalciju u probavnom traktu

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    The results of direct measurements of nonabsorbed radioactive strontium and calcium in the gastrointestinal tract 300 mins. after the radioactive isotope application show an increased ORdigestive tract/standard value for animals given 0.5 m mols of CaCl2 and a decreased value for animals receiving 0.5 m mols of KH2P04. This confirms earlier findings of a selective action of phosphates on strontium absorption from the gut.Direktnim mjerenjem omjera neapsorbiranog stroncija-85 prema kalciju-47 u probavnorn traktu 300 minuta nakon primjene radioaktivnih izotopa ustanovili smo da fosfati (0.5 m mola KH2P04) izazivaju povišenje vrijednosti ORprobavni trakt/standard a kalcij (0.5 m mola CaCl2 izaziva sniženje te vrijednosti. Ti rezultati potvrđuju ranije indirektne nalaze o selektivnom djelovanju fosfata na apsorpciju radioaktivnog stroncija iz probavnog trakta


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    Influence of some chelating agents on radiostrontium metabolism

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    Istražili smo djelovanje novosintetiziranih kompleksona CPDTA (ciklopentandiamin tetraoctena kiselina), DIMEDTA (dimetiletilendiamin tetraoctena kiselina) i PDT A {propilendiamin tetraoctena kiselina) na pospješenje eliminacije radioaktivnog stroncija iz organizma. Pokusi su izvršeni na ženkama i mužjacima bijelog štakora. Kompleksone smo primijenili u dozi od 0.8 mmol/kg tjelesne težine štakora kao stroncijeve kelate neposredno nakon parenteralne kontaminacije radioaktivnim stroncijem (85Sr). Rezultati su izraženi u procentu doze stroncija-85 zadržanog u skeletu 72 sata nakon aplikacije. Od istraženih kelatogenih agensa jedino Na2 (Sr CPDTA), koji ima više apsolutne konstante stabilnosti kelata kalcija i stroncija i povoljniji omjer konstanti stabilnosti tih kelata od ostala dva novosintetizirana kompleksona izaziva sniženje skeletne retencije radioaktivnog stroncija za oko 20%. Taj je efekt neovisan o dobi i spolu životinje, kao i o načinu parenteralne kontaminacije (supkutana ili intraperitonealna). Primjena stroncijeva kelata CPDTA, EDTA (etilendiamin tetraoctena kiselina) ili BADE (2:2 bis[di(karboksimetil)amino] dietileter) neposredno nakon oralne kontaminacije štakora radioaktivnim stroncijem (putem želučane sonde) izaziva povišenje skeletne retencije radioaktivnog stroncija od 25-50%. To predstavlja novu dodatnu teškoću u primjeni kompleksonske terapije kod interne kontaminacije radioaktivnim stroncijem.The efficiency of newly synthesized chelating agents CPDTA (cyclopentanediamine tetraacetic acid), DIMEDTA (dimethylethylenediamine tetraacetic acid), and PDTA (propylenediamine tetraacetic acid) in influencing the skeletal retention of radiostrontium was tested on rats. The intraperitoneal injection of radioactive strontium was immediately followed by an intraperitoneal injection of the chelating agents applied as disodium salts of strontium chelates at a dose of 0.8 m mole/kg. The retention of strontium-85 in the skeleton was measured 72 hours after the injection. It was found out that only CPDT A with the higher stability constants for calcium and strontium and lowest ratio of constants caused a 20% reduction of radiostrontium retention. The effect was independent of the age and sex of animals and the way of parenteral application of radioactive strontium (subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injection). Rats treated with strontium chelates of CPDTA, EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid), BADE (2:2 bis [di(carboxymethyl)amino]dietylether) immediately after an oral application of radioactive stroncium by stomach tube showed an increased skeletal radiostrontium retention of 25-50%. The authors consider this a new additional difficulty in applying the therapy with chelating agents in the case of radioactive strontium contamination

    Prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) antibodies in Serbian blood donors

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    Introduction Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is rarely reported in industrialized countries, but recent studies have revealed quite variable seroprevalence rates among European populations, including blood donors. In Serbia, very limited data about HEV seroprevalence are available. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG antibodies and HEV RNA in the sera of volunteer blood donors in Serbia. Methodology Serum samples from 200 volunteer blood donors were tested for the presence of anti-HEV IgG by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using ORF-2 HEV genotype 3 recombinant proteins as antigen, and for the presence of HEV RNA by nested reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results In total, 15% of the volunteer blood donors were seropositive. The prevalence increased with age; 21.5%, 14.2%, and 5.4% HEV seroprevalence rates were found in individuals older than 51 years, between 31 and 50 years, and in those younger than 30 years of age, respectively. However, no HEV RNA was detected in any of the individuals analyzed. Conclusions The prevalence of anti-HEV IgG among blood donors as representatives of the general population is quite high in Serbia compared to data from many European countries. One of the reasons for this could be the high prevalence of HEV among Serbian pigs and the traditional consumption of piglet meat in the country. The relatively high HEV seroprevalence found among Serbian blood donors indicates the need for further investigation. © 2014 Petrović et al

    Eozinofilna upala u alergijskom rinitisu i nosnoj polipozi

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    On histopathological examination, nasal polyps and nasal mucosa in allergic rhinitis show different forms of pseudostratified respiratory epithelium, whereas the dominant characteristic of lamina propria is an eosinophilic infiltration. The aim of this study was to compare interleukin (IL)-5 and eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) levels in the nasal fluid of 42 patients: 12 with allergic rhinitis and nasal septal deviation, 17 non-atopic patients with nasal polyposis, and 13 atopic nasal polyp patients were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Nasal secretion samples were collected a few days before surgery. The levels of IL-5 were measured using fl ow cytometry and the ECP using a commercial ELISA kit. In addition, we counted eosinophils in hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained sections of all nasal polyp and all nasal mucosa samples taken from the inferior nasal turbinates during septoplasty. A significantly higher concentration of IL-5 was found in the nasal fluid of atopic patients with nasal polyposis than in non-atopic nasal polyp patients (p=0.025) and patients with allergic rhinitis (p=0.05). ECP was higher in atopic nasal polyp patients than in patients with allergic rhinitis (p<0.0001) and than in non-atopic nasal polyp patients (p<0.0001). Polyp eosinophils were higher in atopic’ than in non-atopic patients (p<0.0001) and higher than in the mucosa of patients with allergic rhinitis (p<0.0001). These however had signifi cantly more mucosal eosinophils than was found in the polyps of non-atopic patients’ (p=0.025). ECP levels in nasal fl uid and eosinophil counts in tissue specimens correlated well in all three groups of patients. Our study has shown that atopic nasal polyp patients have a higher level of eosinophilic inflammation than non-atopic patients with nasal polyps and patients with allergic rhinitis.Na histopatološkim pregledima nosni polipi, kao i nosna sluznica u alergijskom rinitisu pokazuju različite oblike pseudoslojevitog respiracijskog epitela, dok je osnovna karakteristika lamine proprije infiltracija eozinofilima. Cilj ove studije bio je usporediti koncentracije interleukina 5 (IL-5) i eozinofilnoga kationskog proteina (ECP) u nosnome sekretu pacijenata s alergijskim rinitisom, neatopičnih i atopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom, kao i usporediti broj eozinofi la u tkivu nosnih polipa/nosne sluznice ovih pacijenata. Četrdeset dvoje (n=42) pacijenata, 12-ero s alergijskim rinitisom i devijacijom nosnog septuma, 17-ero neatopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom i 13-ero atopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom bilo je uključeno u ovu presječnu studiju. Uzorci nosnog sekreta bili su skupljeni iz nosnih šupljina svih ispitanika nekoliko dana prije kirurškog liječenja. Koncentracije IL-5 mjerene su metodom protočne citometrije, dok su koncentracije ECP mjerene komercijalnim ELISA-kitom. Eozinofi li su brojeni u svim uzorcima tkiva nosnih polipa, kao i u svim uzorcima tkiva sluznice uzetih s donje nosne školjke tijekom septoplastike. Značajno više koncentracije IL-5 izmjerene su u nosnom sekretu atopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom u usporedbi s neatopičnim pacijentima s nosnom polipozom (p=0,025) i pacijentima s alergijskim rinitisom (p=0,05). Naši su rezultati pokazali više koncentracije ECP u atopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom nego u pacijenata s alergijskim rinitisom (p<0,0001) i u usporedbi s nealergičnim pacijentima s nosnom polipozom (p<0,0001). Veći broj eozinofi la izbrojen je u tkivu polipa atopičnih pacijenata nego u tkivu polipa neatopičnih pacijenata (p<0,0001), kao i u sluznici pacijenata s alergijskim rinitisom (p<0,0001). U nosnoj sluznici pacijenata s alergijskim rinitisom našli smo značajno veći broj eozinofila nego u polipima neatopičnih pacijenata s nosnim polipima (p=0,025). Konačno, našli smo pozitivnu korelaciju između nivoa ECP u nosnom sekretu i broja eozinofila u uzorcima tkiva u sve tri skupine ispitanika. Zaključili smo da atopični pacijenti s nosnom polipozom imaju viši stupanj eozinofilne upale u usporedbi s neatopičnim pacijentima s nosnim polipima i s pacijentima s alergijskim rinitisom

    Human Leukocyte Antigen-B27 and Disease Susceptibility in Vojvodina, Serbia

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    There are numerous studies showing the role of human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) related with susceptibility or resistance to certain diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the association of HLA-B27 with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), polyarthralgia, lumboishialgia, acute anterior uveitis (AAU), psoriatic arthritis (PA), synovitis coxae and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in patients from Vojvodina, Serbia. An HLA I class typing was performed by the serological immunomagnetic two-color fluorescence method using peripheral blood T lymphocytes in 97 patients and 224 healthy controls from the population of Vojvodina, Serbia.We calculated HLA-B27 frequencies, relative risk (RR), ethiologic fraction (EF), e.g., population attributive risk, when RR was greater than 1, while, preventive fraction (PF) was calculated when RR was lower than 1. This study revealed the strongest association of AS with HLAB27 antigen: RR = 25.0, while the EF was greater than 0.15, respectively. The χ2 test showed the significant difference (p <0.05) in HLA-B27 in patients with AS in comparison to controls (χ2 = 52.5). It was concluded that there is a positive association of HLA-B27 with AS and that HLA-B27 can serve as a marker for predisposition to diseases

    Utjecaj kompleksona BADE na eliminaciju radioaktivnog stroncija iz organizma

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    Les expériences sont effectuées sur des rattes. qui tout de suite après une injection intraperitonéale de strontium-85 reçoivent une seule injection intrapéritonéale de Na,(Sr BADE) aux doses de 0.8 et 1.66 m moles/kg (de poids du corps de J\u27animai). Les animaux sont âgés de 2 ou 5 mois. Ils sont sacrifiés 72 heures après l\u27application du strontium et on évalue la fraction de strontium-85 retenue en mesurant la radioactivité de tout le corps ou en calculant la rétention dans le squelette minéralisé. De plus on a comparé l\u27effet de Na2(Sr BADE) et de Na2(Sr CPDTA) et d\u27une quantité équimolaire de SrCl2 sur l\u27élimination du ru diostrontium de l\u27uruamsme. D\u27après les résultats on peut voir que le Na2 (Sr BADE) utilisé à la dose de 1.66 m moles/kg entraîne une diminution de la rétention du strontium-85 d\u27environ 40%. Cet effet est indépendant de l\u27âge de l\u27animal. En utilisant la solution équimolaire de chlorure de strontium, on obtient un résultat semblable

    First Report of Powdery Mildew of Blackberry Caused by Podosphaera aphanis in Serbia

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    Blackberries (Rubus L. subgenus Rubus Watson) are popular wild fruits with a high content of antioxidants and thus beneficial effect on human health (Reyes-Carmona et al. 2005). In July 2019 and May 2020, plants with typical powdery mildew symptoms were collected in the blackberry cultivar ‘Triple Crown’ orchard (2 ha) in the vicinity of Pakovraće (Moravica District, Serbia). The symptoms observed in 2019 included mild chlorotic spots on both old and young leaves accompanied by white powdery mildew colonies on the surface of the leaves, visible on both primocanes and floricanes. In 2020, even more intensive symptoms occurred on fruit-bearing shoots, which were covered with dense white fungal growth. Heavily infected leaves turned necrotic along the edges, followed by defoliation. Disease incidence was calculated by randomly counting and rating 100 plants in four replications and estimated to be over 90%, and disease severity was estimated to be over 40%. Morphological characteristics were assessed using bright-field and phase-contrast microscopy (Jankovics et al. 2011) and revealed the presence of unbranched, erect conidiophores (n = 50, 75 to 200 μm) with a cylindrical foot cell and up to five short cells. Conidia were unicellular, hyaline, and ellipsoid-barrel-shaped (n = 50, 22.5 to 35.5 × 12.5 to 15 μm) containing fibrosin bodies (in 3% KOH). All observed characteristics resembled Podosphaera spp. (Braun and Takamatsu 2000). The presence of chasmothecia was not recorded. Further molecular identification was conducted using internal transcribed spacer sequence analysis of two isolates, 420G-19 and 30G-20, sampled in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Total DNA was extracted directly from epiphytic mycelium on the leaves using a DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing were performed with primers ITS1F and ITS4 (Takamatsu et al. 2010). The nucleotide sequence of the representative isolates 420G-19 (530 bp) and 30G-20 (530 bp) (accession nos. MN914995 and MT514661) shared 100% identity, and both shared 99.49 to 99.81% nt identity with 32 Podosphaera aphanis strawberry and raspberry isolates in GenBank (the highest 99.81% with GU942455, Harvey and Xu 2010), confirming that powdery mildew of blackberry in Serbia is caused by P. aphanis. To fulfill Koch’s postulates, 10 rooted, healthy blackberry plants (cv. Triple Crown) were dusted with conidia of isolate 30G-20 and incubated at 23°C under high relative humidity in the glasshouse. Healthy blackberry plants incubated in the same conditions served as a negative control. Minute white fungal colonies sharing the same microscopic features with the original isolate were visible 7 to 8 days postinoculation on all inoculated plants. No fungal growth was observed in the negative control. Serbia is the fourth largest blackberry producer in the world (Strik et al. 2007), and the occurrence of P. aphanis causing powdery mildew as a new pathogen is of utmost importance. P. aphanis is described as a strawberry and raspberry powdery mildew pathogen with a population expressing substantial genetic diversity (Harvey and Xu 2010). The molecular data on blackberry-originating isolates of P. aphanis are missing. Our study showed that P. aphanis could be destructive for blackberry in Serbia, thus representing a threat for the production of these valuable crops