20 research outputs found

    A serological survey of canine leptospirosis in the city of Belgrade, Serbia

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    Canine leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Leptospira. Dogs are one of the animal species involved in the cycle of preservation and transmission of leptospirosis in urban areas. Serological testing for the presence of specific antibodies against Leptospira spp. in dogs was continuously performed between 2010 and 2020 in the city of Belgrade. At the request of the owners themselves, other veterinary laboratories or laboratory clinics, 179 blood sera from 179 dogs were examined in the Laboratory for Immunology, Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia. Blood sera samples from dogs were examined using the standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for the presence of specific antibodies against seven different serovars of Leptospira: Pomona, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Grippotyphosa, Sejroe, Canicola, Bataviae, and Australis. The number of seropositive dogs was 17/179 (9.5%). Among all examined sera, the highest titre of seropositive samples was to serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae (10/17, 58.8%), followed by Pomona (4/17, 23.5%), and serovar Canicola (3/17, 17.6%). Specific antibodies for serovars Grippotyphosa, Sejroe, Bataviae and Australis were not detected in any of the dog sera. Cross-reaction (the presence of two or three titres with different values where one of them was higher than others) between different serovars was diagnosed in a low number of sera (n=4), with the following serovars: Icterohaemorrhagiae and Pomona (n=3) and Pomona and Canicola (n=1). The confirmed specific antibody titres for Leptospira spp. were between 1:100 to 1:3000 (5 sera had titres of 1:100, 7 had titres of 1:300, 4 had titres of 1:1000, and 1 serum had a titre 1:3000). Monitoring canine leptospirosis is a useful tool in preventing leptospirosis in Belgrade

    Leptospiroza svinja na teritoriji beograda

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    Examinations of pig blood samples have been carried out at public pig farms in three Belgrade municipalities: Palilula, Surcin and Obrenovac. The number of tested blood serums of pigs at Palilula was 18990, in Surcin 7739 and in Obrenovac it was 8200. The number of positive blood serums on leptospirosis in pigs was 760, and out of that number the most positive samples (496) were in Surcin, followed by Palilula (217), and the least were found in Obrenovac (47). In the period from 2000 to 2009, there were tested 34929 blood serums of pigs from farms located at the territory of Belgrade. For the investigations there was used the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) on seven varieties of L. interrogans: L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. sejroe, L. canicola, L. bataviae and L. australis. Seropositivity in pigs was determined in 760 blood serums, or in 2.17%. Leptospirosis prevalence was not very high, but it was constant, which indicates that leptospirosis infection maintained at the territory of Belgrade for ten years throughout our continual investigation.Ispitivanje prisustva leptospiroze kod svinja izvedeno je na svinjarskim farmama u društvenom sektoru sa područja tri beogradske opštine: Palilula, Surčin i Obrenovac. Broj pregledanih krvnih seruma svinja na opštini Palilula iznosio je 18990, a na Surčinu 7739 i u Obrenovcu 8200. Broj pozitivnih krvnih seruma na leptospirozu kod svinja bio je 760, gde je najviše pozitivnih (496) uzoraka bilo pozitivno na farmama u opštini Surčin, zatim u opštini Palilula (217), a najmanje (47) u opštini Obrenovac. U periodu od 2000. do 2009. godine testirali smo 34929 krvnih seruma svinja sa farmi poreklom sa teritorije Beograda. Ispitivanja su urađena testom mikroskopske aglutinacije (MAT) na sedam serovarijeteta L. interrogans: L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. sejröe, L. canicola, L. bataviae i L. australis. Kod svinja smo ustanovili seropozitivnost u 760 krvnih seruma odnosno 2,17%. Prevalencija leptospiroze nije bila visokog stepena, ali je bila konstantna, što ukazuje da se infekcija leptospirama održavala na teritoriji Beograda punih deset godina tokom našeg kontinuiranog ispitivanja

    Infekcije izazvane leptospirama kod goveda na teritoriji beograda u periodu od 2000. Do 2010. godine

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    Ispitivanja krvnih uzoraka goveda na leptospirozu obavljena su na velikim farmama u društvenom sektoru lociranim na četiri beogradske opštine: Palilula, Surčin, Zemun, Obrenovac kao i na individualnom sektoru gde je pored navedenih opština bilo uključeno još pet opština: Mladenovac, Grocka, Čukarica, Zvezdara i Lazarevac. Ispitivanje infekcije izazvane leptospirama kod goveda obavljena su u periodu od 2000. do 2010. godine, na teritoriji Beograda. Izvršen je serološki pregled 123.971 uzoraka krvi goveda. Broj seropozitivnih životinja iznosio je 1.132 (0,91%). Najveći broj seropozitivnih uzoraka goveda bio je utvrđen na opštini Palilula (498), zatim u opštini Surčin (245), u opštini Obrenovac (183), u Zemunu (177), a najmanji u opštini Zvezdara, samo dva. Kod goveda je dominirao serovarijetet Leptospira grippotyphosa koji je ustanovljen u 459 krvnih uzoraka (40,54%), zatim slede Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae 356 (31,44%), Leptospira pomona 258 (22,79%), Leptospira bataviae 53 (4,68%) i Leptospira hardjo 6 (0,53%). U krvnim serumima goveda nisu utvrđena specifična antitela protiv L.canicola, L.sejröe i L.australis. Visina titra antitela na leptospire kretala se od 1:100 do 1:300000. Ispitivanje krvnih seruma goveda pokazala su da je procenat inficiranih životinja bio u rasponu od 2,82 do 0% što globalno gledano nije značajan procenat za ovu infekciju. Gledajući tok širenja oboljenja zapaža se da je on u opadanju počevši od 2000. godine kada je bio najveći (2,82%) što se može pripisati merama kontinuirane kontrole i eradikacije ove zoonoze.Examining of blood samples on leptospirosis were carried out at big public property farms located in four Belgrade municipalities: Palilula, Surcin, Zemun, Obrenovac, as well as in private sector which, besides the above mentioned, included the additional five municipalities: Mladenovac, Grocka, Cukarica, Zvezdara and Lazarevac. Research on leptospira infections in cattle was carried out in the period from 2000. to 2010., at the territory of Belgrade. Serological examination of 123.971 cattle blood samples was done. The number of seropositive animals was 1.132 (0.91%). The biggest number of seropositive samples was noticed at Palilula (498), then in Surcin (245), Obrenovac (183), Zemun (177), and the least, only two in Zvezdara municipality. In the cattle, serovariety Leptospira grippotyphosa found in 459 blood samples (40.54%) dominated, then came Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae 356 (31.44%), Leptospira pomona 258 (22.79%), Leptospira bataviae 53 (4.68%) and Leptospira hardjo 6 (0.53%). In cattle blood serums no specific antibodies against L.canicola, L.serjöe and L.australis were determined. Titre height of antibodies against leptospires ranged from 1:100 to 1:300000. Examining of cattle blood serums showed that the percentage of infected aminals ranged from 2.82 to 0%, what globally is not a significant percentage for this infection. Observing the disease course of spreading, it can be noticed that it has been decreasing since 2000. when it was at its peak (2.82%), what can be the result of a continual control, as well as of measures that are conducted with the aim of eradication the zoonosis

    Seroprevalence nekih zaraznih bolesti u pasa lutalica u širem području Leskovca

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    Since the last decade, stray dogs have been significant ecological, economical and sociological problem in the world as well as in the Republic of Serbia. They occupy specifi c place in the ecology of big cities and their contact with human population represents danger since they are carriers of many zoonotic infectious diseases. The goal of this paper is to present epizootiological survey on some diseases of bacterial, viral and parasitic origin through serological investigation of blood sera and full blood. The prevalence of leptospirosis, Tularaemia, West Nile fever and dirofilariosis has been determined in this research. The material included full blood and blood sera of stray dogs in the wider territory of Leskovac city. The research methods encompassed standard serological tests: microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for determination of specific antibodies against Leptospira spp.; slow and fast agglutination test for determination of antibodies against Tularaemia causative agent (Francisella tularensis); agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) for detection of specific antibodies against West Nile virus -WNV; modified Knot's test for the detection of microfilaria. The results revealed seropositivity for causative agents of Leptospirosis, Tularaemia and dirofilariosis, while there were no positive findings for WNV.Tokom poslednjih deset godina, psi lutalice se smatraju značajnim ekološkim, ekonomskim i socijalnim problemom kako u celom svetu tako i u Republici Srbiji. Psi lutalice zauzimaju posebno mesto u ekologiji velikih gradova i njihov kontakt sa ljudima, predstavlja opasnost, jer oni mogu biti nosioci uzročnika mnogih zoonotskih infektivnih oboljenja. Cilj ovog rada je da se predstavi epizootiološka studija nekih bakterijskih, virusnih i parazitskih oboljenja, pomoću seroloških ispitivanja krvnih seruma i pune krvi pasa. Tokom ovog istraživanja, ispitivana je prevalenca na leptospirozu, tularemiju, groznicu zapadnog Nila i dirofilariozu. Materijal su predstavljali uzorci pune krvi i krvnog seruma pasa lutalica, iz šire okoline grada Leskovca. Metode ispitivanja su obuhvatale standardne serološke testove: test mikroskopske aglutinacije (MAT) za utvrđivanje specifičnih antitela protiv Leptospira spp.; spora i brza aglutinacija za utvrđivanje antitela protiv uzročnika tularaemije (Francisella tularensis); agar gel imunodifuzioni test (AGID) za detekciju specifičnih antitela protiv virusa Zapadnog Nila -WNV; modifikovani Knotov test za detekciju mikrofilarija. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju seropozitivnost na uzročnike leptospiroze, tularemije i dirofilarioze, dok nisu dobijeni pozitivni nalazi za WNV. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 37015

    Seroepidemiological survey of leptospiral infection in stray dogs in Serbia

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    Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis with worldwide distribution. This disease is facilitated among stray dogs due to their lifestyle and the absence of immunoprophylaxis. The aim of the present study was to provide serological data on the presence of certain serovars of Leptospira spp., which are assumed to circulate in the population of stray dogs in Serbia. During a period of 3 years (from April 2010 to June 2013), 1045 canine sera originating from 11 shelters were submitted to the laboratory of the Department of Infectious Animal Diseases and Diseases of Bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade. A microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was performed to detect antibodies to Leptospira (cutoff, 1: 100). The overall seroprevalence was 5.45% (57/1045) and the most prevalent Leptospira serovars were Icterohaemorrhagiae 33.3% (19/57), Pomona 29.8% (17/57), Canicola 14.0% (8/57), Grippotyphosa 3.5% (2/57), Bataviae 1.7 % (1/57), and Sejroe 1.7% (1/57). All dogs were seronegative for antibodies against serovars Australis and Bratislava. The results showed that stray dogs contribute to the spread and maintenance of Leptospira spp. in Serbia. Due to close contact with humans it is very important to improve the prevention of leptospirosis in dogs and support a One Health approach

    Seroprevalence of ehrlichia canis infection in stray dogs from Serbia

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    Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis is a zoonotic bacterial disease with worldwide distribution. With regards to the population of stray dogs, the disease is facilitated due to their lifestyle and the lack of anti-parasitic protection. The aim of this study was to provide serological data on the presence of a specific Ehrlichia canis IgG antibodies in stray dogs, originating from 7 municipalities in Serbia. During the period from April 2013 to June 2014, 217 canine sera were submitted to the laboratory of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Animals and Bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. An immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was performed to detect antibodies to Ehrlichia canis (cut off, 1: 50). Seropositive dogs were found in 5 out of 7 counties with a seroprevalence varying from 3.57% to 20% and an overall seroprevalence of 11.06% (24/217). There was no statistically significant difference between the prevalence of infection and the host age or gender. Results showed that stray dogs contribute to maintaining and spreading of Ehrlichia canis in Serbia. Due to the close relationship between people and dogs, it is of great importance to constantly monitor and improve prevention of this disease

    Seroepizootiološko-epidemiološka istraživanja i mapiranje infekcije Zapadnog Nila u Republici Srbiji

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    The disease caused by the West Nile virus (WNV) has been known since 1937 when it was described for the first time in Uganda. After spreading to Europe and the Middle East, the disease has changed its primary location. Today WN infection is a significant health problem in the world. As a result of the current epizootiological and epidemiological situation in Europe studies on the occurrence of WND were introduced in Serbia, also. The investigation on the presence of WNV antibodies was intensified in the period from 2008 to 2012. In this period a total of 3618 serum samples were tested from 18 localities (2736 animal sera from 8 different species and 882 human sera samples). The method applied was gel immunodiffusion and the representative samples were confirmed by the plaque reduction test (PRNT-90). Out of the total number of samples WNV antibodies were present in 3.97% horses, 0.93% dogs, 0.31% poultry and 1.36% man. In one horse serum sample there was a positive reaction with a positive control serum, thus indicating the presence of WNV antigen. The results have confirmed that WNV antibodies are present in 9 out of 18 tested locations in the Republic of Serbia. The percentage of seropositive samples varies from 0.42% in Pozarevac (horses and humans) up to 6.45% in Novi Pazar (dogs). Out of the investigated species the highest seropositivity was recorded in horses (3.97%), and lowest in poultry (0.31%). WNV is present and widespread in the Republic of Serbia, thus enabling distribution mapping.Bolest koju izaziva virus Zapadnog Nila (WNV) je poznata još od 1937. kada je po prvi put opisana u Ugandi. Posle širenja virusa u Evropu i na Bliski istok, bolest je promenila prvobitnu lokaciju. Danas je WN infekcija značajan zdravstveni problem u svetu. Kao rezultat trenutne epizootiološko-epidemiološke situacije u Evropi, uvedena su istraživanja prisustva WNV i u Srbiji. Istraživanja prisustva antitela za WNV intenzivirana su u periodu od 2008. do 2012. godine. U ovom periodu ukupno je ispitano 3618 seruma sa 18 lokaliteta (2736 seruma životinja, od 8 različitih vrsta i 882 seruma ljudi). Korišćen je metod imunodifuzije u gelu a reprezentativni uzorak potvrđen je testom neutralizacije plaka (PRNT- 90). Od ukupnog broja uzoraka na prisustvo antitela za WNV bilo je pozitivno 3,97% konja, 0,93% pasa, 0,31% domaće živine i 1,36% ljudi. U serumu jednog konja pojavila se pozitivna reakcija sa pozitivnim kontrolnim serumom, ukazujući na prisustvo antigena WNV. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili da su antitela za WNV prisutna u 9 od 18 ispitivanih lokacija u Republici Srbiji. Procenat seropozitivnih varira od 0.42% u Požarevcu (konji i ljudi) do 6,45% u Novom Pazaru (psi). Od ispitivanih vrsta najveća seropozitivnost je registrovana kod konja (3,97%), a najniža kod živine (0,31%). Raspoloživi podaci ukazuju da je WNV prisutan i značajno raširen u Republici Srbiji, što je omogućilo i mapiranje njegovog širenja

    Gastrointestinal helminths of small ruminants in Serbia

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    During study of gastrointestinal helminths of small ruminants in Serbia, performed from 2010 to 2020 we collected fecal samples from 470 herds in various part of Serbia. Samples were colected at monthly intervals and we examined more than 6500 faecal samples. Examination was performed using standard coprological technique. During ten years 738 sheep and goats we were examined by post-mortem examination. Determination of adult parasites and eggs of parasites were done by morphological characteristic. During these investigations, the following GI helminths were found in sheep:: Haemonchus contortus, Teladorsagia (Ostertagia) circumcincta, Ostertagia trifurcata, Ostertagia ostertagi, Ostertagia occidentalis, Marshallagia marshalli, Trichostrongylus axei, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Trichostrongylus vitrinus, Nematodirus filicoliis, Nematodirus spathiger, Nematodirus abnormalis, Cooperia curticei, Cooperia oncophora, Cooperia punctata, Cooperia zurnabada, Skrjabinema ovis, Bunostomum trigonocephalum, Oesophagostomum venulosum and Chabertia ovina. In goats, the presence has been establishedOstertagia circumcincta, O. ostertagi, Ostertagia occidentalis, Trichostrongylus axei, T. Colubriformis, T. capricola, Nematodirus spathiger, N. filicollis, Haemonchus contortus, Marshallagia marshalli, Skrjabinema ovis, Bunostomum trigonocephalum, Chabertia ovina, Oesophagostomum venulosum i Cooperia curticei. The intensity of infection and polyparasitsm was monitored in relation to the age of sheep and goats. It was found that in younger animals intensity of infection was lower than that of older animals. The dynamics of the first appearance of established gastrointestinal strongylid species in both populations of small ruminants was as follows: in March in sheep faeces we have occurred eggs of Ostertagia sp., Trichostrongylus sp. and Nematodirus sp.. In May, were observed infection withBunostomum sp. and Chabertia spp. (ovina);. During June we had first record of Skrjabinema sp.. In Modern Trends in Agricultural Production, Rural Development, Agro-economy, Cooperatives and Environmental ProtectionJuly were established eggs of Haemonchus sp. (contortus) and Cooperia sp. finally, in October and Novembar, before withdrawing sheep from the pasture, we showed the presence of Marshallagia sp

    Leptospira infections in cattle at the territory of Belgrade in the period from 2000. to 2010

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    Ispitivanja krvnih uzoraka goveda na leptospirozu obavljena su na velikim farmama u društvenom sektoru lociranim na četiri beogradske opštine: Palilula, Surčin, Zemun, Obrenovac kao i na individualnom sektoru gde je pored navedenih opština bilo uključeno još pet opština: Mladenovac, Grocka, Čukarica, Zvezdara i Lazarevac. Ispitivanje infekcije izazvane leptospirama kod goveda obavljena su u periodu od 2000. do 2010. godine, na teritoriji Beograda. Izvršen je serološki pregled 123.971 uzoraka krvi goveda. Broj seropozitivnih životinja iznosio je 1.132 (0,91%). Najveći broj seropozitivnih uzoraka goveda bio je utvrđen na opštini Palilula (498), zatim u opštini Surčin (245), u opštini Obrenovac (183), u Zemunu (177), a najmanji u opštini Zvezdara, samo dva. Kod goveda je dominirao serovarijetet Leptospira grippotyphosa koji je ustanovljen u 459 krvnih uzoraka (40,54%), zatim slede Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae 356 (31,44%), Leptospira pomona 258 (22,79%), Leptospira bataviae 53 (4,68%) i Leptospira hardjo 6 (0,53%). U krvnim serumima goveda nisu utvrđena specifična antitela protiv L.canicola, L.sejröe i L.australis. Visina titra antitela na leptospire kretala se od 1:100 do 1:300000. Ispitivanje krvnih seruma goveda pokazala su da je procenat inficiranih životinja bio u rasponu od 2,82 do 0% što globalno gledano nije značajan procenat za ovu infekciju. Gledajući tok širenja oboljenja zapaža se da je on u opadanju počevši od 2000. godine kada je bio najveći (2,82%) što se može pripisati merama kontinuirane kontrole i eradikacije ove zoonoze.Examining of blood samples on leptospirosis were carried out at big public property farms located in four Belgrade municipalities: Palilula, Surcin, Zemun, Obrenovac, as well as in private sector which, besides the above mentioned, included the additional five municipalities: Mladenovac, Grocka, Cukarica, Zvezdara and Lazarevac. Research on leptospira infections in cattle was carried out in the period from 2000. to 2010., at the territory of Belgrade. Serological examination of 123.971 cattle blood samples was done. The number of seropositive animals was 1.132 (0.91%). The biggest number of seropositive samples was noticed at Palilula (498), then in Surcin (245), Obrenovac (183), Zemun (177), and the least, only two in Zvezdara municipality. In the cattle, serovariety Leptospira grippotyphosa found in 459 blood samples (40.54%) dominated, then came Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae 356 (31.44%), Leptospira pomona 258 (22.79%), Leptospira bataviae 53 (4.68%) and Leptospira hardjo 6 (0.53%). In cattle blood serums no specific antibodies against L.canicola, L.serjöe and L.australis were determined. Titre height of antibodies against leptospires ranged from 1:100 to 1:300000. Examining of cattle blood serums showed that the percentage of infected aminals ranged from 2.82 to 0%, what globally is not a significant percentage for this infection. Observing the disease course of spreading, it can be noticed that it has been decreasing since 2000. when it was at its peak (2.82%), what can be the result of a continual control, as well as of measures that are conducted with the aim of eradication the zoonosis

    Pigs leptospirosis at the territory of Belgrade

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    Examinations of pig blood samples have been carried out at public pig farms in three Belgrade municipalities: Palilula, Surcin and Obrenovac. The number of tested blood serums of pigs at Palilula was 18990, in Surcin 7739 and in Obrenovac it was 8200. The number of positive blood serums on leptospirosis in pigs was 760, and out of that number the most positive samples (496) were in Surcin, followed by Palilula (217), and the least were found in Obrenovac (47). In the period from 2000 to 2009, there were tested 34929 blood serums of pigs from farms located at the territory of Belgrade. For the investigations there was used the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) on seven varieties of L. interrogans: L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. sejroe, L. canicola, L. bataviae and L. australis. Seropositivity in pigs was determined in 760 blood serums, or in 2.17%. Leptospirosis prevalence was not very high, but it was constant, which indicates that leptospirosis infection maintained at the territory of Belgrade for ten years throughout our continual investigation.Ispitivanje prisustva leptospiroze kod svinja izvedeno je na svinjarskim farmama u društvenom sektoru sa područja tri beogradske opštine: Palilula, Surčin i Obrenovac. Broj pregledanih krvnih seruma svinja na opštini Palilula iznosio je 18990, a na Surčinu 7739 i u Obrenovcu 8200. Broj pozitivnih krvnih seruma na leptospirozu kod svinja bio je 760, gde je najviše pozitivnih (496) uzoraka bilo pozitivno na farmama u opštini Surčin, zatim u opštini Palilula (217), a najmanje (47) u opštini Obrenovac. U periodu od 2000. do 2009. godine testirali smo 34929 krvnih seruma svinja sa farmi poreklom sa teritorije Beograda. Ispitivanja su urađena testom mikroskopske aglutinacije (MAT) na sedam serovarijeteta L. interrogans: L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. sejröe, L. canicola, L. bataviae i L. australis. Kod svinja smo ustanovili seropozitivnost u 760 krvnih seruma odnosno 2,17%. Prevalencija leptospiroze nije bila visokog stepena, ali je bila konstantna, što ukazuje da se infekcija leptospirama održavala na teritoriji Beograda punih deset godina tokom našeg kontinuiranog ispitivanja