7 research outputs found

    Metodika automatického měření a vyhodnocování teplot v hlubinných vrtech

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    Import 23/07/2015Tato disertace se zabývá problematikou návrhu komplexně pojaté metodiky zaměřené na popis, měření a vyhodnocování hodnot vybraných termo-fyzikálních vlastností horninového prostředí (tj. součinitel tepelné vodivosti, součinitel tepelného odporu, neovlivněná teplota) v rámci realizace tzv. TRT experimentů. Hlavní cíl při jejich evaluacích spočívá v nalezení souvislostí mezi geovědním hlediskem (tj. z pohledů geografie, geomorfologie, geologie konkrétní zkoumané lokality), příslušným analytickým či numerickým matematickým popisem a výsledky reálných in-situ TRT testů, zahrnujících původní základní a doplňkové metodické postupy. Při samotném vyhodnocování takto nashromážděných dat jsou použity a diskutovány – díky uvedenému matematickému aparátu – nejen jednodušší analytické přístupy (evaluačně založené na konvenční Kelvinově teorii liniového zdroje a souvisejících teoriích), ale také složitější analytické přístupy (pro popis jednotlivých tepelných odporů ve vrtu dle Hellströma a pro řídicí rovnice teplotních procesů uvnitř vrtu v závislostech na geometrii vrtaného tepelného výměníku a na jeho konfiguraci dle Eskilsona a Claessona). V této souvislosti jsou rovněž nastíněny příklady využití numerických přístupů (založených na metodách konečných prvků a konečných diferencí) pro vytváření komplexněji pojatých úloh v rámci multifyzikálního modelování v prostředích COMSOL Multiphysics a FEFLOW. V praktické části (tj. v rámci navržené metodiky realizace a evaluace TRT experimentů) jsou diskutovány nejen možné prakticky využitelné přístupy měření teplotních profilů (pomocí teplotních snímačů typů Pt1000, Dallas DS18B20 a pomocí optického kabelu), ale také navržená ustálená sekvence 4 procedur (tj. měření neovlivněného teplotního profilu, realizace TRT testu spojená s prvním stupněm evaluace dat, měření ovlivněných teplotních profilů, druhý stupeň evaluace dat), postupně aplikována u 13 realizací TRT experimentu a 12 realizací samotných TRT testů (tj. bez ostatních procedur); detailní popis realizace a evaluace TRT experimentu je uveden pro lokalitu Ovčárna pod Pradědem. Z obecného hlediska slouží výsledky TRT experimentů – v přímé návaznosti na certifikovanou metodiku, viz [1] – jako metodické podklady v oblastech praktického návrhu, dimenzování svislých vrtaných výměníků tepla (napojených na tepelná čerpadla typu země/voda) a jejich případné výkonové optimalizace v závislostech na specifickém horninovém prostředí a plánované spotřebě tepelné energie pro danou lokalitu.This dissertation deals with issue of designing a comprehensively solved methodology focused on description, measurement and evaluation of certain thermo-physical rock environment parameters (i. e., coefficient of thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal resistance, and an uninfluenced temperature) at performing so-called TRT experiments. At their evaluation, the main aim is to find relationships for a geoscience viewpoint (i. e., viewpoints of geography, geomorphology, and geology for certain examined locality), a relevant analytical or a numerical mathematical description, and results of in-situ TRT tests, including principal and supplemental procedures. In case of evaluating data acquired by this way, there are used and discussed – due to the given maths description – not only some simpler analytical approaches (based on conventional Kelvin line-source theory and on related theories), but also complicated analytical ones (i. e., descriptions of thermal resistances inside a borehole by Hellström, and control equations of temperature processes inside the borehole, namely in dependencies on geometry of a borehole heat exchanger and its configuration by Eskilson & Claesson). In this context, some samples using numerical approaches (based on methods of finite elements and finite differences) are also introduced to creating advanced and complex models within a multiphysical modelling by using COMSOL Multiphysics and FEFLOW. In the practical part of this dissertation (related to the designed methodology for performance and evaluation of the TRT experiments), there are discussed not only applicable practical approaches to measuring temperature profiles (by using temperature sensors of Pt1000 and Dallas DS18B20, and by using an optical cabel), but also designed fixed 4-procedure sequence (i. e., measuring an uninfluenced temperature profile, performing the TRT test with the first data evaluation stage, measuring influenced temperature profiles, and the second data evaluation stage), gradually applied to 13 performances of the TRT experiment and 12 performances of the TRT test (i. e., with no supplemental procedures); detailed description centred on performing and evaluating the TRT experiment is introduced to the locality of Ovčárna pod Pradědem. Generally, results of the TRT experiments – directly related to the certified methodology, see [1] – can serve as a methodological material for practical design and dimensioning of vertical borehole heat exchangers (connected to ground-water heat pumps), and their performance optimization in dependencies on features of the rock environment and planned heat energy consumption for a certain locality.Prezenční450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívyhově

    Control design of mixed sensitivity problem for educational model of helicopter

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    The paper deals with the design of H-∞ robust controller, particularly with mixed sensitivity problem for elevation control. It briefly introduces basic mathematical background concerning robust control approach, which is then applied for typical example of MIMO system, that is a helicopter model. The obtained results are verified on real educational physical model CE 150 by Humusoft, ltd

    Virtual simulator for the generation of patho-physiological foetal ECGs during the prenatal period

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    The design, implementation, and verification of a signal simulator for the generation of patho-physiological records of foetal electrocardiograms (fECGs) during the prenatal period are briefly reported. The simulator enables users to model the patho-physiological changes that occur within the foetus’ myocardium under hypoxic conditions (hypoxemia, hypoxia, asphyxia, etc.) during the 20th to 42nd week of pregnancy. The simulator deploys a dynamic fECG model including an actual fECG record taken from clinical practice, patho-physiological cardiotocography (CTG), and ST-analysis (STAN) records along with the ratio of T waves to the QRS complex; as well as clinical recommendations by FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) for classifying these records. By comparing synthesised and real patho-physiological CTG and STAN records, the functionality of the simulator, which effectively captured significant indicators of the foetus’ condition during the prenatal period including fECG morphology, dynamic fECG characteristics, and others is evaluated and validated. The simulator enables users to test both current and emerging approaches in a very challenging area of gynaecology, namely the identification/classification of hypoxic conditions in the foetus during labour. Obstetricians can also use the simulator as a reference tool during the evaluation of suspect fECG abnormalitiesWeb of Science51221739173

    Assessment of the influence of shortening the duration of TRT (thermal response test) on the precision of measured values

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    In this paper the results of testing thermal parameters of the rock environment and measurement of borehole temperature profiles of the newly constructed experimental underground heat storage (BTES (Borehole Thermal Energy Storage)) in Paskov (Czech Republic) obtained with the TRT (thermal response method) and temperature measurement on boreholes at selected depth levels are summarised. The TRT measurement series on eight boreholes has shown the possibility to compare the differences among individual measurements in a practically identical rock environment. The temperature profiling of boreholes enabled studying the dynamics of temperature changes occurring in the rock environment as a reaction to the heat supply during the TRT. The measurement series was performed with the aim to assess the possibility of shortening the TRT duration while maintaining the acceptable precision of the measured results. For this reason the software simulation of shortening the TRT duration to 24 h was performed, and the influence of such shortening to the precision of determination of values λλ and RBRB was studied. The simulation has shown that shortening the test to 24 h in our case would have brought an acceptable amount of inaccuracy with regard to the dispersion of measured values obtained from the real test.Web of Science6412912

    Vestavný systém pro analýzu signálu - osciloskop

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    Import 19/06/2007Prezenční455 - Katedra měřicí a řídicí technik

    Design and Realization of Robust Controller for Laboratory Model of the Helicopter with Use of .NET Framework, Matlab&Simlunik+.NET Builder

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu H∞ robustního řízení laboratorního modelu vrtulníku CE 150 a jeho implementací na .NET platformu pomocí nástroje MATLAB Builder for .NET. Zpočátku se zaměříme na celkový matematický popis reálného modelu vrtulníku, tj. od teoretického modelu až po linearizovaný model. Další část se věnuje tématice robustního řízení a návrhů H∞ regulátorů pro řízení elevačního úhlu a azimutového úhlu. Závěrečná část práce je věnována nástroji MATLAB Builder for .NET a jeho implementací na cílovou platformu .NET Framework ve formě .NET komponenty a následné formulářové aplikace systému Windows.This diploma thesis is concerned with H∞ robust control problem of CE 150 helicopter laboratory model, and its .NET platform implementation using MATLAB Builder for .NET. At first, we target the general mathematical description of the helicopter model, i. e. from a theoretical model till a linearizated model. The next part of this thesis is devoted to robust control and H∞ controller design for elevation and azimuth angles control. The final part is focused on MATLAB Builder for .NET tool, and its target .NET Framework platform implementation in the form of a .NET component and a follow-on WinForms application.Prezenční455 - Katedra měřicí a řídicí technikyvýborn

    Optimisation of experimental operation of borehole thermal energy storage

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    Although a variety of engineering guidelines, planning software, and modelling techniques are available for shallow geothermal system planning and design, only a few studies have investigated their long-term operational effects in the field. The present study deals with an in-situ experiment on a borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) from combined heat and power production (CHP), which has been in operation on the site of Green Gas DPB in Paskov (the Czech Republic) for more than three years. This experimental BTES was monitored through six monitoring boreholes, and the temperatures were measured at various depths up to 80 m under the ground. The maximum temperatures measured at the centre of the BTES at the depths of 2–60 m under the ground ranged from 69.0 °C to 78.5 °C. The data acquired from the BTES operation was then used to set up and calibrate a heat transport model in the rock environment by means of the FEFLOW code. The calibrated numerical model contributed to optimisation of the BTES operation by simulation of various cycles of injection and exploitation of heat with an objective to minimise the loss of heat due to dissipation to the ground. The long-term feasibility of 65-percent recovery of heat stored underground in the BTES in Paskov was predicted, and recommendations concerning efficient operation of this BTES were provided.Web of Science18147646