1,795 research outputs found

    Anomalous temperature dependence of the single-particle spectrum in the organic conductor TTF-TCNQ

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    The angle-resolved photoemission spectrum of the organic conductor TTF-TCNQ exhibits an unusual transfer of spectral weight over a wide energy range for temperatures 60K<T<260K. In order to investigate the origin of this finding, here we report numerical results on the single-particle spectral weight A(k,omega) for the one-dimensional (1D) Hubbard model and, in addition, for the 1D extended Hubbard and the 1D Hubbard-Holstein models. Comparisons with the photoemission data suggest that the 1D Hubbard model is not sufficient for explaining the unusual T dependence, and the long-range part of the Coulomb repulsion also needs to be included.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Phase diagram of an asymmetric spin ladder

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    We investigate an asymmetric zig-zag spin ladder with different exchange integrals on both legs using bosonization and renormalization group. When the leg exchange integrals and frustration both are sufficiently small, renormalization group analysis shows that the Heisenberg critical point flows to an intermediate-coupling fixed point with gapless excitations and a vanishing spin velocity. When they are large, a spin gap opens and a dimer liquid is realized. Here, we find a continuous manifold of Hamiltonians with dimer product ground states, interpolating between the Majumdar-Ghosh and sawtooth spin-chain model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 EPS figures, to be published in PR

    Galaxy cluster outskirts: a universal entropy profile for relaxed clusters?

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    We fit a functional form for a universal ICM entropy profile to the scaled entropy profiles of a catalogue of X-ray galaxy cluster outskirts results, which are all relaxed cool core clusters at redshift below 0.25. We also investigate the functional form suggested by Lapi et al. and Cavaliere et al. for the behaviour of the entropy profile in the outskirts and find it to fit the data well outside 0.3r200 . We highlight the discrepancy in the entropy profile behaviour in the outskirts between observations and the numerical simulations of Burns et al., and show that the entropy profile flattening due to gas clumping calculated by Nagai & Lau is insufficient to match observations, suggesting that gas clumping alone cannot be responsible for all of the entropy profile flattening in the cluster outskirts. The entropy profiles found with Suzaku are found to be consistent with ROSAT, XMM-Newton and Planck results.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Quantum phase diagrams of fermionic dipolar gases for an arbitrary orientation of dipole moment in a planar array of 1D tubes

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    We systematically study ground state properties of fermionic dipolar gases in a planar array of one-dimensional potential tubes for an arbitrary orientation of dipole moments. Using the Luttinger liquid theory with the generalized Bogoliubov transformation, we calculate the elementary excitations and the Luttinger scaling exponents for various relevant quantum orders. The complete quantum phase diagrams for arbitrary polar angle of the dipole moment is obtained, including charge density wave, p-wave superfluid, inter-tube gauge-phase density wave, and inter-tube s-wave superfluid, where the last two breaks the U(1) gauge symmetry of the system (conservation of particle number in each tube) and occurs only when the inter-tube interaction is larger than the intra-tube interaction. We then discuss the physical properties of these many-body phases and their relationship with some solid state systems.Comment: 10 pages and 10 figure

    Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters for doped Mott insulators

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    The Tomonaga--Luttinger parameter KρK_{\rho} determines the critical behavior in quasi one-dimensional correlated electron systems, e.g., the exponent α\alpha for the density of states near the Fermi energy. We use the numerical density-matrix renormalization group method to calculate KρK_{\rho} from the slope of the density-density correlation function in momentum space at zero wave vector. We check the accuracy of our new approach against exact results for the Hubbard and XXZ Heisenberg models. We determine KρK_{\rho} in the phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model at quarter filling, nc=1/2n_{\rm c}=1/2, and confirm the bosonization results Kρ=nc2=1/4K_{\rho}=n_{\rm c}^2=1/4 on the critical line and KρCDW=nc2/2=1/8K_{\rho}^{\rm CDW}=n_{\rm c}^2/2=1/8 at infinitesimal doping of the charge-density-wave (CDW) insulator for all interaction strengths. The doped CDW insulator exhibits exponents α>1\alpha>1 only for small doping and strong correlations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Boundary Effects on Spectral Properties of Interacting Electrons in One Dimension

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    The single electron Green's function of the one-dimensional Tomonaga-Luttinger model in the presence of open boundaries is calculated with bosonization methods. We show that the critical exponents of the local spectral density and of the momentum distribution change in the presence of a boundary. The well understood universal bulk behavior always crosses over to a boundary dominated regime for small energies or small momenta. We show this crossover explicitly for the large-U Hubbard model in the low-temperature limit. Consequences for photoemission experiments are discussed.Comment: revised and reformatted paper to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (Feb. 1996). 5 pages (revtex) and 3 embedded figures (macro included). A complete postscript file is available from http://FY.CHALMERS.SE/~eggert/luttinger.ps or by request from [email protected]

    A strong-coupling expansion for the Hubbard model

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    We reconsider the strong-coupling expansion for the Hubbard model recently introduced by Sarker and Pairault {\it et al.} By introducing slave particles that act as projection operators onto the empty, singly occupied and doubly occupied atomic states, the perturbation theory around the atomic limit distinguishes between processes that do conserve or do not conserve the total number of doubly occupied sites. This allows for a systematic t/Ut/U expansion that does not break down at low temperature (tt being the intersite hopping amplitude and UU the local Coulomb repulsion). The fermionic field becomes a two-component field, which reflects the presence of the two Hubbard bands. The single-particle propagator is naturally expressed as a function of a 2×22 \times 2 matrix self-energy. Furthermore, by introducing a time- and space-fluctuating spin-quantization axis in the functional integral, we can expand around a ``non-degenerate'' ground-state where each singly occupied site has a well defined spin direction (which may fluctuate in time). This formalism is used to derive the effective action of charge carriers in the lower Hubbard band to first order in t/Ut/U. We recover the action of the t-J model in the spin-hole coherent-state path integral. We also compare our results with those previously obtained by studying fluctuations around the large-UU Hartree-Fock saddle point.Comment: 20 pages RevTex, 3 figure

    Transport in Nanotubes: Effect of Remote Impurity Scattering

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    Theory of the remote Coulomb impurity scattering in single--wall carbon nanotubes is developed within one--electron approximation. Boltzmann equation is solved within drift--diffusion model to obtain the tube conductivity. The conductivity depends on the type of the nanotube bandstructure (metal or semiconductor) and on the electron Fermi level. We found exponential dependence of the conductivity on the Fermi energy due to the Coulomb scattering rate has a strong dependence on the momentum transfer. We calculate intra-- and inter--subband scattering rates and present general expressions for the conductivity. Numerical results, as well as obtained analytical expressions, show that the degenerately doped semiconductor tubes may have very high mobility unless the doping level becomes too high and the inter--subband transitions impede the electron transport.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Ga-induced atom wire formation and passivation of stepped Si(112)

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    We present an in-depth analysis of the atomic and electronic structure of the quasi one-dimensional (1D) surface reconstruction of Ga on Si(112) based on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM and STS), Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. A new structural model of the Si(112)6 x 1-Ga surface is inferred. It consists of Ga zig-zag chains that are intersected by quasi-periodic vacancy lines or misfit dislocations. The experimentally observed meandering of the vacancy lines is caused by the co-existence of competing 6 x 1 and 5 x 1 unit cells and by the orientational disorder of symmetry breaking Si-Ga dimers inside the vacancy lines. The Ga atoms are fully coordinated, and the surface is chemically passivated. STS data reveal a semiconducting surface and show excellent agreement with calculated Local Density of States (LDOS) and STS curves. The energy gain obtained by fully passivating the surface calls the idea of step-edge decoration as a viable growth method toward 1D metallic structures into question.Comment: Submitted, 13 pages, accepted in Phys. Rev. B, notational change in Fig.

    Lattice Twisting Operators and Vertex Operators in Sine-Gordon Theory in One Dimension

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    In one dimension, the exponential position operators introduced in a theory of polarization are identified with the twisting operators appearing in the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis argument, and their finite-size expectation values zLz_L measure the overlap between the unique ground state and an excited state. Insulators are characterized by z∞≠0z_{\infty}\neq 0. We identify zLz_L with ground-state expectation values of vertex operators in the sine-Gordon model. This allows an accurate detection of quantum phase transitions in the universality classes of the Gaussian model. We apply this theory to the half-filled extended Hubbard model and obtain agreement with the level-crossing approach.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
