1,358 research outputs found

    Renormalization-group study of a magnetic impurity in a Luttinger liquid

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    A generalized Anderson model for a magnetic impurity in an interacting one-dimensional electron gas is studied via a mapping onto a classical Coulomb gas. For weak potential scattering, the local-moment parameter regime expands as repulsive bulk interactions become stronger, but the Kondo scale for the quenching of the impurity moment varies nonmonotonically. There also exist two regimes dominated by backward potential scattering: one in which the impurity is nonmagnetic, and another in which an unquenched local moment survives down to very low temperatures.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages, 3 epsf-embedded EPS figure

    Does Luttinger liquid behaviour survive in an atomic wire on a surface?

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    We form a highly simplified model of an atomic wire on a surface by the coupling of two one-dimensional chains, one with electron-electron interactions to represent the wire and and one with no electron-electron interactions to represent the surface. We use exact diagonalization techniques to calculate the eigenstates and response functions of our model, in order to determine both the nature of the coupling and to what extent the coupling affects the Luttinger liquid properties we would expect in a purely one-dimensional system. We find that while there are indeed Luttinger liquid indicators present, some residual Fermi liquid characteristics remain.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to J Phys

    Phase diagram of an asymmetric spin ladder

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    We investigate an asymmetric zig-zag spin ladder with different exchange integrals on both legs using bosonization and renormalization group. When the leg exchange integrals and frustration both are sufficiently small, renormalization group analysis shows that the Heisenberg critical point flows to an intermediate-coupling fixed point with gapless excitations and a vanishing spin velocity. When they are large, a spin gap opens and a dimer liquid is realized. Here, we find a continuous manifold of Hamiltonians with dimer product ground states, interpolating between the Majumdar-Ghosh and sawtooth spin-chain model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 EPS figures, to be published in PR

    Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters for doped Mott insulators

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    The Tomonaga--Luttinger parameter KρK_{\rho} determines the critical behavior in quasi one-dimensional correlated electron systems, e.g., the exponent α\alpha for the density of states near the Fermi energy. We use the numerical density-matrix renormalization group method to calculate KρK_{\rho} from the slope of the density-density correlation function in momentum space at zero wave vector. We check the accuracy of our new approach against exact results for the Hubbard and XXZ Heisenberg models. We determine KρK_{\rho} in the phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model at quarter filling, nc=1/2n_{\rm c}=1/2, and confirm the bosonization results Kρ=nc2=1/4K_{\rho}=n_{\rm c}^2=1/4 on the critical line and KρCDW=nc2/2=1/8K_{\rho}^{\rm CDW}=n_{\rm c}^2/2=1/8 at infinitesimal doping of the charge-density-wave (CDW) insulator for all interaction strengths. The doped CDW insulator exhibits exponents α>1\alpha>1 only for small doping and strong correlations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    An Exactly Solvable Kondo Problem for Interacting One-Dimensional Fermions

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    The single impurity Kondo problem in the one-dimensional δ\delta-potential Fermi gas is exactly solved for two sets of special coupling constants via Bethe ansatz. It is found that ferromagnetic Kondo screening does occur in one case which confirms the Furusaki-Nagaosa conjecture while in the other case it does not, which we explain in a simple physical picture. The surface energy, the low temperature specific heat and the Pauli susceptibility induced by the impurity and thereby the Kondo temperature are derived explicitly.Comment: 8 pages, LATEX, REVTE

    Friedel oscillations in a gas of interacting one-dimensional fermionic atoms confined in a harmonic trap

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    Using an asymptotic phase representation of the particle density operator ρ^(z)\hat{\rho}(z) in the one-dimensional harmonic trap, the part δρ^F(z)\delta \hat{\rho}_F(z) which describes the Friedel oscillations is extracted. The expectation value with respect to the interacting ground state requires the calculation of the mean square average of a properly defined phase operator. This calculation is performed analytically for the Tomonaga-Luttinger model with harmonic confinement. It is found that the envelope of the Friedel oscillations at zero temperature decays with the boundary exponent ν=(K+1)/2\nu = (K+1)/2 away from the classical boundaries. This value differs from that known for open boundary conditions or strong pinning impurities. The soft boundary in the present case thus modifies the decay of Friedel oscillations. The case of two components is also discussed.Comment: Revised version to appear in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic

    Perturbation theory for optical excitations in the one-dimensional extended Peierls--Hubbard model

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    For the one-dimensional, extended Peierls--Hubbard model we calculate analytically the ground-state energy and the single-particle gap to second order in the Coulomb interaction for a given lattice dimerization. The comparison with numerically exact data from the Density-Matrix Renormalization Group shows that the ground-state energy is quantitatively reliable for Coulomb parameters as large as the band width. The single-particle gap can almost triple from its bare Peierls value before substantial deviations appear. For the calculation of the dominant optical excitations, we follow two approaches. In Wannier theory, we perturb the Wannier exciton states to second order. In two-step perturbation theory, similar in spirit to the GW-BSE approach, we form excitons from dressed electron-hole excitations. We find the Wannier approach to be superior to the two-step perturbation theory. For singlet excitons, Wannier theory is applicable up to Coulomb parameters as large as half band width. For triplet excitons, second-order perturbation theory quickly fails completely.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, submtted to JSTA

    Effect of nearest neighbor repulsion on the low frequency phase diagram of a quarter-filled Hubbard-Holstein chain

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    We have studied the influence of nearest-neighbor (NN) repulsion on the low frequency phase diagram of a quarter-filled Hubbard-Holstein chain. The NN repulsion term induces the apparition of two new long range ordered phases (one 4kF4k_F CDW for positive Ueff=U2g2/ωU_{eff} = U-2g^2/\omega and one 2kF2k_F CDW for negative UeffU_{eff}) that did not exist in the V=0 phase diagram. These results are put into perspective with the newly observed charge ordered phases in organic conductors and an interpretation of their origin in terms of electron-molecular vibration coupling is suggested.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure