12 research outputs found

    The cultural landscape of megalithic tombs in Denmark, reconstructed by soil pollen analysis

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    Forty-four pollen spectra from 25 megalithic tombs (5 dolmens and 20 passage graves) in eastern and northern Denmark reveal a highly varied landscape with remains of woodland, coppice woods or secondary woodland and open areas of grass and herb vegetation. Very often there are traces of tree burning. The dominant land-use was cereal growing on burnt sites and pasture. A long-fallow swidden rotation based on the burning of coppice, cereal growing, pasture and coppice regeneration is indicated

    The Impact of the Trans-European Transport Networks on the Development of Short Sea Shipping

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    The need to shift goods from road to underused transport capacity led the European Commission to embark on the development of two important policies: one concerning short sea shipping (SSS) and the other concerning the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). While for many years these policies were delineated separately, the introduction of ports and Project 21 in the TEN-T brought these two policies together. In light of this, the aim of this paper is to assess the impact of the TEN-T on SSS. To achieve this, the paper describes the SSS market segment; it puts into a historical perspective the TEN-T policy; and it carries out an assessment of the impact of the TEN-T on SSS. Maritime Economics & Logistics (2007) 9, 302–323. doi:10.1057/palgrave.mel.9100184

    Evidencing Donor Heterogeneity in Aid for Trade

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    This paper is the culmination of a multi-country, multi-method investigation into the export effects of Aid for Trade (AfT). Building on previous single-donor statistical studies of AfT, this paper conducts a statistical study of 19 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) AfT donors and then examines the delivery and implementation of AfT in four recipient countries - Indonesia, the Philippines, Timor-Leste and Vietnam - from four donor countries - Germany, Japan, Norway and the US. The paper finds considerable variation in the export effects of the AfT programs, ranging from programs with no impact on recipient country exports to programs that are positively correlated with recipient country exports to the donor country and/or the rest of the world. Taking a closer look at the AfT programs of Germany, Japan, Norway and the US suggests that differences in program design and implementation may account for differences in AfT export effects.AM