10,324 research outputs found

    Life History and Laboratory Rearing of \u3ci\u3eCorythucha Juglandis\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Tingidae) With Descriptions of Immature Stages

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    The life history of Corythucha juglandis was investigated in Jackson and Alexander counties. Illinois. August 1981-December 1985 and the immature stages were described. The bug was also raised from egg to adult under controlled laboratory conditions. This apparently bivoltine species overwintered as adults that became active in late April-early May. began feeding on the undersides of black walnut leaflets, and reproduced shortly thereafter. The seasonal occurrence of the adults and subsequent immature stages is discussed. Adults were last observed in mid-October. C. juglandis was reared on black walnut leaflets under a 16L:8D photoperiod at ca. 23.9°C. The pre-ovipositional, ovipositionaL and post-ovipositional periods averaged 14.0, 50.3, and 11.9 days, respectively: average fecundity was 118.6. The incubation period, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th stadia averaged 16.4,4.3,3.8,4.2,4.6, and 6.7 days, respectively

    A List of the Odonata of the La Rue-pine Hills Ecological Area

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    A survey of the adult odonate fauna of the La Rue-Pine Hills Ecological Area, Union County, Illinois, was conducted during 1983-1985. Thirty six. species were collected including the damselfly Telebasis byersi Westfall; this damselfly is known to occur in Illinois only at Pine Hills

    Effects of Various Split Developmental Photophases and Constant Light During Each 24 Hour Period on Adult Morphology in \u3ci\u3eThyanta Calceata\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)

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    Rearing immatures of Thyanta calceata in a range of split photophases during each 24 h period and in constant light showed that the adult dimorphic response in color and pu- bescence could be produced; individuals reared in photoperiods in which each scotophase was at least 2 h in length generally developed into the fall/spring morph

    Odonata at a Small Woodland Pond in Southern Illinois

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    A survey of the adult odonate fauna of a small woodland pond in Pope County, Illinois, was conducted during 1983--·1984. Twenty-four species were collected including Aeshna mutata and Anax longipes. In addition, Libellula vibrans was collected in 1982, and Aeshna sp. (probably u. umbrosa) observed the same year but not collected

    Impingement of Cloud Droplets on 36.5-Percent-Thick Joukowski Airfoil at Zero Angle of Attack and Discussion of Use as Cloud Measuring Instrument in Dye-Tracer Technique

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    The trajectories of droplets i n the air flowing past a 36.5-percent-thick Joukowski airfoil at zero angle of attack were determined. The amount of water i n droplet form impinging on the airfoil, the area of droplet impingement, and the rate of droplet impingement per unit area on the airfoil surface were calculated from the trajectories and cover a large range of flight and atmospheric conditions. With the detailed impingement information available, the 36.5-percent-thick Joukowski airfoil can serve the dual purpose of use as the principal element in instruments for making measurements in clouds and of a basic shape for estimating impingement on a thick streamlined body. Methods and examples are presented for illustrating some limitations when the airfoil is used as the principal element in the dye-tracer technique

    Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65A004 Airfoil at 0 Deg Angle of Attack

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    The trajectories of water droplets in the air flowing past an NACA 6511004 airfoil at a n angle of attack of 0 deg were determined. The amount of water in droplet form impinging on the airfoil , the area of droplet impingement, and the rate of droplet impingement per unit area on the airfoil surface were calculated from the trajectories and presented t o cover a large range of flight and atmospheric conditions. These impingement characteristics are compared briefly with those previously reported for the same airfoil at angles of attack of 4 deg and 8 deg

    Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65A004 Airfoil at 8 deg Angle of Attack

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    The trajectories of droplets in the air flowing past an NACA 65AO04 airfoil at an angle of attack of 8 deg were determined.. The amount of water in droplet form impinging on the airfoil, the area of droplet impingement, and the rate of droplet impingement per unit area on the airfoil surface were calculated from the trajectories and presented to cover a large range of flight and atmospheric conditions. These impingement characteristics are compared briefly with those previously reported for the same airfoil at an angle of attack of 4 deg

    X-ray and infrared studies of several ruthenium-sulfur dioxide complexes

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    X-ray and infrared data on crystal and molecular structure of ruthenium-sulfur dioxide complexe

    The First Report of the Occurrence of \u3ci\u3eMecidea Major\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Illinois

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    (excerpt) Species of the phytophagous genus Mecidea occur in the subtropical and adjacent tem- perate parts of the world and appear to be associated with xerophytic and semixerophytic areas (Sailer, Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 102:471-505, 1952)