1,004 research outputs found

    Utilisation of waste heat from biogas plants for drying fine-grained legumes (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

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    Continuous dryer • The legumes must be mown early. Then they are chopped with knives in the loader wagon (length 3.5 cm). • As a rule, it is left to dry in the field for one day before being loaded onto wagons. Depending on the weather, two days are also possible to reduce moisture content from 50% to 33%. • A large loader wagon (see Fig. 2) is always delivered full, which corresponds to one hectare depending on the yield. • The drying temperature for clover is 79°C on average. The hay runs through the system in 10 to 20 hours, depending on the humidity. The actual residence time in the dryer is 3 to 6 hours. • The dried clover is baled under high pressure into large square bales weighing around 300 kg (see Fig. 4). • Instead of using a bale press, the dried hay can be pelleted. Bale drying • The fine-grained legumes are mown at the beginning of flowering. • As long as the crop is still green, it is turned twice on the field. • In the evening, the hay is rowed. At noon of the following day, the crop is rowed for baling. • In the afternoon, it is baled. Residual moisture should be between 16-20% and no higher than 22% • The bales are dried at 40°C for 20 to 24 hours. They must be turned once. Recommendations for both procedures: • The dried bales can now be stored and fed directly • For feeding monogastric animals, the dried legumes should be ground in a mobile grinding and mixing plant (see Fig. 5) and mixed homogeneously into the ration

    Pflanzenzüchtung für den ökologischen Landbau am Beispiel wichtiger ackerbaulicher Kulturen

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    Das Thema „Ökologische Pflanzenzüchtung“, vielfach auch mit einer „Pflanzenzüchtung für den Ökolandbau“ verwechselt oder in einen Topf geworfen, wurde bis vor wenigen Jahren und noch immer überwiegend von Vertretern der biologisch-dynamischen Wirtschaftsweise bearbeitet. Dabei wurden leider in verschiedenen Veröffentlichungen Themen, die nichts miteinander zu tun haben, inhaltlich vermischt, z. B. die Notwendigkeit der Öko-Vermehrung ab 2003 mit Öko-Züchtung, oder Gentechnik mit der Forderung nach einem Verbot von Hybridsorten. Dazu wird ein Begriffsklärung gegeben. Wenn es staatliches Ziel ist, den Anteil des Ökolandbaus auszuweiten, dann muss der Staat auch entsprechend Gelder für Forschung bereitstellen, auch für den Bereich der Pflanzenzüchtung. Dies betrifft insbesondere längerfristige Fragestellungen, deren Erfolg noch nicht absehbar ist

    Entwicklung von Winter-Ackerbohnen für den ökologischen Landbau - Teilprojekt 1

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    Der Anbau von Körnerleguminosen spielt bei den ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieben eine wesentlich wichtigere Rolle als bei konventionellen Betrieben. Während der Anbau der Sommerformen von Erbsen, Ackerbohnen, Lupinen und Sojabohnen in Deutschland gut eingeführt ist, ist der Anbau der Winterformen fast völlig unbekannt. Auf 20 Praxisbetrieben in ganz Deutschland wurden 3 Winter-Ackerbohnen-Typen und 3 Winter-Erbsen-Typen ausgesät. Dabei handelte es sich bei den Ackerbohnen um die „Göttinger Population“, Silver und Target, bei den Erbsen um EFB 33, Assas (beides Blatttypen) und Iceberg (halbblattlos). Bei den Praxisbetrieben wurden Temperaturen, Überwinterung, Blütezeit, Standfestigkeit, Reifezeit und Kornertrag gemessen bzw. geschätzt. Durch die ungünstigen klimatischen Bedingungen mit feuchter Aussaat, starken Frösten im Winter und Wechselfrösten im März kam es zum Verluste vieler Pflanzen bis hin zu Totalausfällen ganzer Standorte. Dabei schnitten die Winter-Erbsen im Durchschnitt besser als die Winter-Ackerbohnen ab. Bei den Winter-Erbsen lag die Sorte EFB 33 vor Assas und Iceberg, bei den Winter-Ackerbohnen die Göttinger Population vor Silver und Target. Die überlebenden Pflanzen der Göttinger Population bedeuten eine deutliche Selektion in Richtung Winterhärte. Mit diesen Pflanzen wird jetzt weitergearbeitet. Weitere Beobachtungen des Versuches waren, dass eine verspätete Herbstaussaat zu Totalausfällen geführt hat. Dünne Winter-Erbsenbestände konnten ihren Ertrag durch die Bildung von weiteren Seitentrieben ausgleichen. Die Standfestigkeit der langstrohigsten Winter-Erbsen-Sorte EFB 33 war schlechter als angenommen, was zu einer Änderung des Mischungsverhältnisses mit Roggen geführt hat. Durch die verzögerte Jugendentwicklung bekamen die Winter-Erbsen im Gegensatz zu früheren Beobachtungen große Probleme mit Erbsenwicklern. Durch verschiedene Versuchsbesichtigungen angeregt haben mehrere Praktiker mit dem Anbau von Winter-Erbsen begonnen und mehrere Versuchsanstalten zur Ernte 2004 Versuche angelegt. Bei der Winter-Ackerbohne muss das durch den Winter reduzierte Material erst wieder aufgebaut werden, so dass es hier noch einige Jahre dauern wird, bis ausreichend winterhartes Material für den Anbau zur Verfügung steht

    Applied argument analysis, Nappe tectonics and Palynostratigraphy in the middle Lahn-syncline (Stratigraphy and facies relations in the Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of the middle Lahn-syncline between Weilburg and ruin Aardeck)

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    INTRODUCTION: The study area is situated in Germany in the federal state Hesse at the eastern margin of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge within the Lahn syncline. It is part of the former Variscan geosyncline. In 1910 and 1921 AHLBURG developed a new concept for the interpretation of the geological situation in the Lahn region between Marburg and Limburg: the syncline-theory. Within this "Lahn-syncline" an idealised symmetrical succession of structural and facies features - most obvious within Middle Devonian strata - was proposed. He recognised a general trend to a basinal facies from Emsian to Upper Devonian times within the "syncline", which was divided from the Middle Devonian onwards by the build-up of volcanoes and reefs in its middle part. The syncline was thus 3-fold divided into: a) the "Southern Marginal Facies", b) a zone of volcanic ridges and reefs in the middle and c) the "Northern Marginal Facies" which nowadays is called Hörre-facies. Small remnants of proposed Upper Devonian basinal facies within the middle volcano-and-reef facies were attributed by him to the Northern Marginal Facies; but since no direct contact to the latter was observable, he gave them a separate name: "Gaudernbacher Schichten (layers)". Within this study the struggle which persisted over 80 years about the nature, origin, spatial distribution and palaeogeographic setting of the "Gaudernbacher Schichten" sensu AHLBURG (1918) will be settled: The Gaudernbach layers as a separate stratigraphic unit does not exist! It will be shown in this study that this conclusion can be, in the first instance, verified solely by logical inferences and historical contradictions. But what else - if not the occurrence of a "special facies" - could have forced AHLBURG to recognise something unique in this region? In order to solve this problem the following methods have been applied: a) reconstruction of palynostratigraphy and palynofacies, b) applied argument analysis, c) compilation of new correlation charts and historical analysis, d) analysis of Milankovitch cycles, e) fractal analysis, f) petrographic analyses, g) drill core descriptions. RESULTS: 1) The Gaudernbach layers do not exist. 2) Remnants of the Giessen nappe have been encountered in the area between Weilburg and Holzheim. 3) The Giessen nappe in the middle Lahn-syncline comprises a) late Viséan Kulm-slates (Kulmtonschiefer), b) the Viséan Bruchberg sandstone north of Limburg, c) Viséan light flinty-slates, d) Tournaisian dark flinty-slates, e) Tournaisian dark slates, f) Deckdiabas and Erdbach limestone, g) newly encountered early Famennian debris flow sediments and small occurrences of greywacke. 4) The clasts of the Viséan Bruchberg sandstone were derived from the north (Laurussia), whereas the components of the Famennian greywackes came from a southerly situated source region. 5) Milankovitch cycles have been detected within the background sediments of the Bruchberg sandstone formation and the Helle Lydite (Light flinty slate) formation. Sedimentation rates in the order of less than 10 mm/ka have been derived for both analysed sediments with the obtained data. 6) Autochthonous and allochthonous lithologies show no differences in their fractal properties. But apart from that, fractal analysis proved to be a valuable tool for the quantification of tectonic trends. 7) A new Lower Carboniferous correlation chart (LCC2003) is presented. 8) Applied argument analysis has been introduced to geology for the first time. In exemplary analyses the reliability of the Giessen-Harz Nappe concept is analysed and a scheme to make appropriate judgements on the speculative nature of two palaeogeographic texts is presented. 9) A scheme for the structured registration of biostratigraphic results in electronically processable data sets is presented. 10) 18 drill cores from mostly Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous lithologies, drilled north of Limburg, have been analysed and their strata graphically rotated to zero dip for palaeofacies analysis. 11) The palynostratigraphy has been - for the first time - successfully applied in the area between Weilburg and Holzheim. Palynofacies determinations have been undertaken. For the first time reliable statistical data about to what extent reworked fossils could be comprised in greywacke-bearing Upper Devonian debris flow sediments become available. 12) Special attention has been paid on the description of occurrence and formation of framboidal pyrite in pelites and in phycomata of acritarchs therein. 13) A geological sketch map 1:25000, featuring the area between Weilburg and Holzheim, is presented in enclosure 4. 14) Hypothetical reconnaissance maps showing the northern Gondwana — southern Laurussia topography during the Middle Devonian and Lower Carboniferous are presented

    Cardinal Composition

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    The thesis of Weak Unrestricted Composition says that every pair of objects has a fusion. This thesis has been argued by Contessa (Analysis 72(3):455–457, 2012) and Smith (Erkenntnis 84(1):41–55, 2019) to be compatible with the world being junky and hence to evade an argument against the necessity of Strong Unrestricted Composition proposed by Bohn (Analysis 69(1):27–31, 2009a, Philos Q 59(235):193–201, 2009b). However, neither Weak Unrestricted Composition alone nor the different variants of it that have been proposed in the literature can provide us with a satisfying answer to the special composition question, or so we will argue. We will then go on to explore an alternative family of purely mereological rules in the vicinity of Weak Unrestricted Composition, Cardinal Composition: A plurality of pairwise non-overlapping objects composes an object iff the objects in the plurality are of cardinality smaller than κ. As we will show, all the instances for infinite κs determine fusion and are compatible with junk, and every instance for a κ>ℵ0 is furthermore compatible with gunk and dense chains of parthood

    Valley-wind characteristics in the Alpine Rhine Valley: Measurements with a wind-temperature-profiler and numerical simulations

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    At the beginning of the MAP intensive measurements phase (Sept. 1999), a late summer high-pressure weather system prevailed for nearly three weeks over the Alps. As a result a pronounced valley wind system developed. By means of a wind-temperature-profiler (WTR), the wind and temperature characteristics were measured continuously in the middle of the Alpine Rhine valley near Rankweil. Numerical simulations have been performed with the MM5 model for one selected day (24h cycle of valley wind system), Model calculation and WTR measurements of wind and temperature are in good agreement

    Valley-wind characteristics in the Alpine Rhine Valley: Measurements with a wind-temperature-profiler and numerical simulations

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    At the beginning of the MAP intensive measurements phase (Sept. 1999), a late summer high-pressure weather system prevailed for nearly three weeks over the Alps. As a result a pronounced valley wind system developed. By means of a wind-temperature-profiler (WTR), the wind and temperature characteristics were measured continuously in the middle of the Alpine Rhine valley near Rankweil. Numerical simulations have been performed with the MM5 model for one selected day (24h cycle of valley wind system), Model calculation and WTR measurements of wind and temperature are in good agreement

    Valley-wind characteristics in the Alpine Rhine Valley: Measurements with a wind-temperature-profiler and numerical simulations

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    At the beginning of the MAP intensive measurements phase (Sept. 1999), a late summer high-pressure weather system prevailed for nearly three weeks over the Alps. As a result a pronounced valley wind system developed. By means of a wind-temperature-profiler (WTR), the wind and temperature characteristics were measured continuously in the middle of the Alpine Rhine valley near Rankweil. Numerical simulations have been performed with the MM5 model for one selected day (24h cycle of valley wind system), Model calculation and WTR measurements of wind and temperature are in good agreement

    Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von alternativen Saatgutbehandlungsmitteln gegen den Schneeschimmel an Weizen

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    Der Schneeschimmel (Microdochium nivale) ist eine wichtige samenbürtige Krankheit in der ökologischen Weizen-, Triticale- und Roggenproduktion. Sie führt besonders bei niedrigen Bodentemperaturen zu einem geringeren Feldaufgang. Einige wirksame Saatgutbehandlungen für die ökologische Landwirtschaft wurden bereits gefunden. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden auch neue Saatgutbehandlungen geprüft. In beiden Jahren zeigten die Saatgutbehandlungsmethoden gute Ergebnisse, indem der Feldaufgang verbessert wurde. Die beste Ergebnisse zeigte die Warmwasserbehandlung

    Gibt es bei Körnererbsen Sortenunterschiede in der Anfälligkeit gegenüber bodenbürtigen Krankheiten?

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    Soil borne diseases cause damage in production of peas on many organic farms. Several varieties and breeding lines from Czech Republic and the United States were compared with German varieties in naturally infected soils. Because of very dry weather conditions a field trial with spring peas did not show diseases. In pot trials some varieties with colored flowers (containing tannine) and some winter peas were included in the trials. Some genotypes showed a tendency to a lower level of infection and to higher plant weights compared to plants grown in soil being treated with heat. But in most cases there were no statistic significances. Nevertheless there is a potential for plant breeding to develop peas varieties with a better tolerance against soil borne diseases. Differential diagnosis can be used for testing varieties
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