2,797 research outputs found

    Quark Droplets in the NJL Mean Field

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    We study the conditions for the existence of stable quark matter in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio mean field at zero temperature and discuss its interpretation.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps-figures included, to appear in the Proc. of the workshop 'QCD at Finite Baryon Density', Bielefeld, April 27-30, 199

    Magnetic interactions of substitutional Mn pairs in GaAs

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    We employ a kinetic-exchange tight-binding model to calculate the magnetic interaction and anisotropy energies of a pair of substitutional Mn atoms in GaAs as a function of their separation distance and direction. We find that the most energetically stable configuration is usually one in which the spins are ferromagnetically aligned along the vector connecting the Mn atoms. The ferromagnetic configuration is characterized by a splitting of the topmost unoccupied acceptor levels, which is visible in scanning tunneling microscope studies when the pair is close to the surface and is strongly dependent on pair orientation. The largest acceptor splittings occur when the Mn pair is oriented along the symmetry direction, and the smallest when they are oriented along . We show explicitly that the acceptor splitting is not simply related to the effective exchange interaction between the Mn local moments. The exchange interaction constant is instead more directly related to the width of the distribution of all impurity levels -- occupied and unoccupied. When the Mn pair is at the (110) GaAs surface, both acceptor splitting and effective exchange interaction are very small except for the smallest possible Mn separation.Comment: 25 figure

    Spectral modeling of type II supernovae. I. Dilution factors

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    We present substantial extensions to the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code TARDIS to perform spectral synthesis for type II supernovae. By incorporating a non-LTE ionization and excitation treatment for hydrogen, a full account of free-free and bound-free processes, a self-consistent determination of the thermal state and by improving the handling of relativistic effects, the improved code version includes the necessary physics to perform spectral synthesis for type II supernovae to high precision as required for the reliable inference of supernova properties. We demonstrate the capabilities of the extended version of TARDIS by calculating synthetic spectra for the prototypical type II supernova SN1999em and by deriving a new and independent set of dilution factors for the expanding photosphere method. We have investigated in detail the dependence of the dilution factors on photospheric properties and, for the first time, on changes in metallicity. We also compare our results with two previously published sets of dilution factors by Eastman et al. (1996) and by Dessart & Hillier (2005), and discuss the potential sources of the discrepancies between studies.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Swiss ethnoveterinary knowledge on medicinal plants - a within-country comparison of Italian speaking regions with north-western German speaking regions

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    BACKGROUND: Ethnoveterinary knowledge in Europe may play an important role as a basis for sustainable treatment options for livestock. Aims of our study were (a) to compare the ethnoveterinary practices of two culturally and sociodemographically different regions of Switzerland, (b) to compare results with earlier ethnoveterinary studies conducted in Switzerland and in adjacent Italian regions and, (c) to evaluate possible reasons for regional differences in European ethnoveterinary medicine. METHODS: 25 interviews were conducted in 2014 in all Italian speaking regions (ItR) of Switzerland, and 31 interviews were held in five north-western German speaking Cantons (GeC). Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect detailed information regarding plant species, mode of preparation, dosage, route of administration, category of use, origin of knowledge, frequency of use, and satisfaction with outcomes of the treatments. RESULTS: A total of 162 homemade remedies in ItR and 219 in GeC were reported, out of which 125 and 145, respectively, were reported to contain only one plant species (homemade single species herbal remedy report, HSHR). 44 ItR and 43 GeC plant species were reported to treat livestock, of which only a half were used in both regions. For each HSHR, we classified the treatment intention of all use reports (UR), leading to a total of 205 and 219 UR in ItR and GeC respectively. While cattle were the most often treated livestock species in both study regions, in ItR 40% of UR were administered to small ruminants. Main indications in both regions were gastrointestinal diseases and skin afflictions, but in ItR a high number of URs were reported as antiparasitics. URs were mainly handed down from the past generation, but in GeC the source of knowledge for 20% of URs were from courses. Regarding the used plant species, ItR showed a higher concordance with Swiss than Italian studies, but with some differences to all regions. A total of 22 (14 ItR; 8 GeC) plant species in this study have not been reported before in ethnoveterinary studies of Swiss and Italian alpine regions. CONCLUSIONS: ItR and GeC, show differences and similarities with respect to their own ethnoveterinary practices and earlier Swiss and Italian ethnoveterinary studies. Linguistic, geographical, as well as social and farm-structural conditions influence the regional ethnoveterinary knowledge. However, political borders seem to be more important than language or geographical barriers

    Magnetic properties of substitutional Mn in (110) GaAs surface and subsurface layers

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    Motivated by recent STM experiments, we present a theoretical study of the electronic and magnetic properties of the Mn-induced acceptor level obtained by substituting a single Ga atom in the (110) surface layer of GaAs or in one of the atoms layers below the surface. We employ a kinetic-exchange tight-binding model in which the relaxation of the (110) surface is taken into account. The acceptor wave function is strongly anisotropic in space and its detailed features depend on the depth of the sublayer in which the Mn atom is located. The local-density-of-states (LDOS) on the (110) surface associated with the acceptor level is more sensitive to the direction of the Mn magnetic moment when the Mn atom is located further below the surface. We show that the total magnetic anisotropy energy of the system is due almost entirely to the dependence of the acceptor level energy on Mn spin orientation, and that this quantity is strongly dependent on the depth of the Mn atom.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Spin-orientation-dependent spatial structure of a magnetic acceptor state in a zincblende semiconductor

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    The spin orientation of a magnetic dopant in a zincblende semiconductor strongly influences the spatial structure of an acceptor state bound to the dopant. The acceptor state has a roughly oblate shape with the short axis aligned with the dopant's core spin. For a Mn dopant in GaAs the local density of states at a site 8 angstrom away from the dopant can change by as much by 90% when the Mn spin orientation changes. These changes in the local density of states could be probed by scanning tunneling microscopy to infer the magnetic dopant's spin orientation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Probing single jumps of surface atoms

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    Jumps of single atoms can be followed on their time and space scale (nanoseconds and Angstroms) by applying nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation. Here we develop the theory for jump diffusion in two-dimensional systems. Two types of phenomena are noteworthy: apparent acceleration of the nuclear decay and relaxation of hyperfine interactions, in particular, electric quadrupole interactions. The latter effect becomes for the first time one of significance and well measurable due to the inherent anisotropy of the surface. We show how, by way of motional narrowing, to distinguish between the motion of the probe atom itself and the motion of adatoms
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