1,376 research outputs found

    Theory of excitons in cubic III-V semiconductor GaAs, InAs and GaN quantum dots: fine structure and spin relaxation

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    Exciton fine structures in cubic III-V semiconductor GaAs, InAs and GaN quantum dots are investigated systematically and the exciton spin relaxation in GaN quantum dots is calculated by first setting up the effective exciton Hamiltonian. The electron-hole exchange interaction Hamiltonian, which consists of the long- and short-range parts, is derived within the effective-mass approximation by taking into account the conduction, heavy- and light-hole bands, and especially the split-off band. The scheme applied in this work allows the description of excitons in both the strong and weak confinement regimes. The importance of treating the direct electron-hole Coulomb interaction unperturbatively is demonstrated. We show in our calculation that the light-hole and split-off bands are negligible when considering the exciton fine structure, even for GaN quantum dots, and the short-range exchange interaction is irrelevant when considering the optically active doublet splitting. We point out that the long-range exchange interaction, which is neglected in many previous works, contributes to the energy splitting between the bright and dark states, together with the short-range exchange interaction. Strong dependence of the optically active doublet splitting on the anisotropy of dot shape is reported. Large doublet splittings up to 600 μ\mueV, and even up to several meV for small dot size with large anisotropy, is shown in GaN quantum dots. The spin relaxation between the lowest two optically active exciton states in GaN quantum dots is calculated, showing a strong dependence on the dot anisotropy. Long exciton spin relaxation time is reported in GaN quantum dots. These findings are in good agreement with the experimental results.Comment: 22+ pages, 16 figures, several typos in the published paper are corrected in re

    Spatial Mode Side Channels in Free-Space QKD Implementations

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    Thermalization of coupled atom-light states in the presence of optical collisions

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    The interaction of a two-level atomic ensemble with a quantized single mode electromagnetic field in the presence of optical collisions (OC) is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The main accent is made on achieving thermal equilibrium for coupled atom-light states (in particular dressed states). We propose a model of atomic dressed state thermalization that accounts for the evolution of the pseudo-spin Bloch vector components and characterize the essential role of the spontaneous emission rate in the thermalization process. Our model shows that the time of thermalization of the coupled atom-light states strictly depends on the ratio of the detuning and the resonant Rabi frequency. The predicted time of thermalization is in the nanosecond domain and about ten times shorter than the natural lifetime at full optical power in our experiment. Experimentally we are investigating the interaction of the optical field with rubidium atoms in an ultra-high pressure buffer gas cell under the condition of large atom-field detuning comparable to the thermal energy in frequency units. In particular, an observed detuning dependence of the saturated lineshape is interpreted as evidence for thermal equilibrium of coupled atom-light states. A significant modification of sideband intensity weights is predicted and obtained in this case as well.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures; the content was edite

    Spatial structure of Mn-Mn acceptor pairs in GaAs

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    The local density of states of Mn-Mn pairs in GaAs is mapped with cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy and compared with theoretical calculations based on envelope-function and tight-binding models. These measurements and calculations show that the crosslike shape of the Mn-acceptor wavefunction in GaAs persists even at very short Mn-Mn spatial separations. The resilience of the Mn-acceptor wave-function to high doping levels suggests that ferromagnetism in GaMnAs is strongly influenced by impurity-band formation. The envelope-function and tight-binding models predict similarly anisotropic overlaps of the Mn wave-functions for Mn-Mn pairs. This anisotropy implies differing Curie temperatures for Mn δ\delta-doped layers grown on differently oriented substrates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Realistic Tight Binding Model for the Electronic Structure of II-VI Semiconductors

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    We analyze the electronic structure of group II-VI semiconductors obtained within LMTO approach in order to arrive at a realistic and minimal tight binding model, parameterized to provide an accurate description of both valence and conduction bands. It is shown that a nearest-neighbor sp3d5sp^3d^5 model is fairly sufficient to describe to a large extent the electronic structure of these systems over a wide energy range, obviating the use of any fictitious s∗s^* orbital. The obtained hopping parameters obey the universal scaling law proposed by Harrison, ensuring transferability to other systems. Furthermore, we show that certain subtle features in the bonding of these compounds require the inclusion of anion-anion interactions in addition to the nearest-neighbor cation-anion interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    EQUIPT: protocol of a comparative effectiveness research study evaluating cross-context transferability of economic evidence on tobacco control

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    This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Tobacco smoking claims 700 000 lives every year in Europe and the cost of tobacco smoking in the EU is estimated between €98 and €130 billion annually; direct medical care costs and indirect costs such as workday losses each represent half of this amount. Policymakers all across Europe are in need of bespoke information on the economic and wider returns of investing in evidence-based tobacco control, including smoking cessation agendas. EQUIPT is designed to test the transferability of one such economic evidence base-the English Tobacco Return on Investment (ROI) tool-to other EU member states

    The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in a Chiral Constituent Quark Model

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    We study the short-range nucleon-nucleon interaction in a chiral constituent quark model by diagonalizing a Hamiltonian comprising a linear confinement and a Goldstone boson exchange interaction between quarks. The six-quark harmonic oscillator basis contains up to two excitation quanta. We show that the highly dominant configuration is ∣s4p2[42]O[51]FS>\mid s^4p^2[42]_O [51]_{FS}> due to its specific flavour-spin symmetry. Using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation we find a strong effective repulsion at zero separation between nucleons in both 3S1^3S_1 and 1S0^1S_0 channels. The symmetry structure of the highly dominant configuration implies the existence of a node in the S-wave relative motion wave function at short distances. The amplitude of the oscillation of the wave function at short range will be however strongly suppressed. We discuss the mechanism leading to the effective short-range repulsion within the chiral constituent quark model as compared to that related with the one-gluon exchange interaction.Comment: 31 pages, LaTe

    The phase diagram and bulk thermodynamical quantities in the NJL model at finite temperature and density

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    We reexamine the recent instanton motivated studies of Alford, Rajagopal and Wilczek, and Berges and Rajagopal in the framework of the standard SU(2) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The chiral phase diagram is calculated in the temperature--density plane, and the pressure is evaluated as the function of the density. Obtaining simple approximate relations describing the TT-μ\mu and TT-pFp_F phase transition lines we find that the results of the instanton based model and that of the NJL model are identical. The diquark transition line is also given.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX plus 7 PS figures. One figure has been added and there are some changes in the text describing thi
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