1,241 research outputs found

    A First Year Program Evaluation of Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling: The Effect on Student Achievement and Teacher Perception

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    An indicator of student achievement is the ability to read. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2000) stated that reading comprehension is critically important to the development of children’s reading skills and their ability to obtain an education. The ability to read was found to be both necessary and crucial for academic success. With the adoption of No Child Left Behind, national concern about the quality of our schools and the achievement of all students was as high as it has ever been. The primary purposes of this study were to (a) investigate the impact of the Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) program on student achievement as measured by the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test in the area of communication arts, and (b) explore the teacher perceived effectiveness of the LETRS program along with teacher perceived roles and responsibilities to daily implementation. This study concentrated on student achievement, as determined by the MAP test, and the teachers’ knowledge and skill level as they integrated research-based reading strategies supported by LETRS into the curriculum. The study also focused on the perceived effectiveness of the LETRS professional development opportunities provided to teachers as determined by surveys and roundtable discussions. Data from the Lincoln County R-III and Warren County R-III School District MAP tests, survey questionnaire, and roundtable discussions were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The data were analyzed together in order to combine the results and interpret them. Triangulation was achieved by utilizing survey results and the roundtable discussions in order to determine future outcomes for integrating LETRS into reading instruction. No statistically significant difference was found between the student achievement of the LETRS school district, Lincoln County R-III, and the non-LETRS school district, Warren County R-III. Qualitative data revealed that teachers in the LETRS school district believed that barriers to the implementation of the professional development existed. These barriers included time out of the teacher’s classroom, the presentation of the material by the LETRS facilitators, and the lack of real-world application with the LETRS strategies. This study suggests seven similar studies for future research

    Probing Gluonic Spin-Orbit Correlations in Photon Pair Production

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    We consider photon pair production in hadronic collisions at large mass and small transverse momentum of the pair, assuming that factorization in terms of transverse momentum dependent parton distributions applies. The unpolarized cross section is found to have azimuthal angular dependencies that are generated by a gluonic version of the Boer-Mulders function. In addition, the single-transversely polarized cross section is sensitive to the gluon Sivers function. We present simple numerical estimates for the Boer-Mulders and Sivers effects in diphoton production at RHIC and find that the process would offer unique opportunities for exploring transverse momentum dependent gluon distributions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, final version, to be published in PR

    Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to single-inclusive hadron production in transversely polarized p-p and pbar-p collisions

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    We present a calculation of the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the partonic cross sections contributing to single-inclusive high-p_T hadron production in collisions of transversely polarized hadrons. We use a recently developed projection technique for treating the phase space integrals in the presence of the cos(2Phi) azimuthal-angular dependence associated with transverse polarization. Our phenomenological results show that the double-spin asymmetry A_TT^pi for neutral-pion production is expected to be very small for polarized pp scattering at RHIC and could be much larger for the proposed experiments with an asymmetric pbar-p collider at the GSIComment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Test of the Universality of Naive-time-reversal-odd Fragmentation Functions

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    We investigate the ''spontaneous'' hyperon transverse polarization in e+ee^+e^- annihilation and semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering processes as a test of the universality of the naive-time-reversal-odd transverse momentum dependent fragmentation functions. We find that universality implies definite sign relations among various observables. This provides a unique opportunity to study initial/final state interaction effects in the fragmentation process and test the associated factorization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Hadronic Dijet Imbalance and Transverse-Momentum Dependent Parton Distributions

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    We compare several recent theoretical studies of the single transverse spin asymmetry in dijet-correlations at hadron colliders. We show that the results of these studies are all consistent. To establish this, we investigate in particular the two-gluon exchange contributions to the relevant initial and final state interactions in the context of a simplifying model. Overall, the results confirm that the dijet imbalance obeys at best a non-standard or "generalized" transverse-momentum-dependent factorization.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Resummed Cross Section for Jet Production at Hadron Colliders

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    We study the resummation of large logarithmic perturbative corrections to the single-inclusive jet cross section at hadron colliders. The corrections we address arise near the threshold for the partonic reaction, when the incoming partons have just enough energy to produce the high-transverse-momentum final state. The structure of the resulting logarithmic corrections is known to depend crucially on the treatment of the invariant mass of the produced jet at threshold. We allow the jet to have a non-vanishing mass at threshold, which most closely corresponds to the situation in experiment. Matching our results to available semi-analytical next-to-leading-order calculations, we derive resummed results valid to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We present numerical results for the resummation effects at Tevatron and RHIC energies.Comment: 10 figures include

    Threshold Resummation for W-Boson Production at RHIC

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    We study the resummation of large logarithmic perturbative corrections to the partonic cross sections relevant for the process pp -> W^+- X at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). At RHIC, polarized protons are available, and spin asymmetries for this process will be used for precise measurements of the up and down quark and anti-quark distributions in the proton. The corrections arise near the threshold for the partonic reaction and are associated with soft-gluon emission. We perform the resummation to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, for the rapidity-differential cross section. We find that resummation leads to relatively moderate effects on the cross sections and spin asymmetries.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures as eps files. One reference added and typo correcte

    Prospects for Spin Physics at RHIC

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    Colliding beams of 70% polarized protons at up to s\sqrt{s}=500 GeV, with high luminosity, L=2×1032\times10^{{\rm 32}} cm2^{-2}sec1^{-1}, will represent a new and unique laboratory for studying the proton. RHIC-Spin will be the first polarized-proton collider and will be capable of copious production of jets, directly produced photons, and WW and ZZ bosons. Features will include direct and precise measurements of the polarization of the gluons and of uˉ\bar{u}, dˉ\bar{d}, uu, and dd quarks in a polarized proton. Parity violation searches for physics beyond the standard model will be competitive with unpolarized searches at the Fermilab Tevatron. Transverse spin will explore transversity for the first time, as well as quark-gluon correlations in the proton. Spin dependence of the total cross section and in the Coulomb nuclear interference region will be measured at collider energies for the first time. These qualitatively new measurements can be expected to deepen our understanding of the structure of matter and of the strong interaction.Comment: 51 pages, 22 figures. Scheduled to appear in the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science Vol. 50, to be published in December 2000 by Annual Reviews, http://AnnualReviews.or

    Jartestforsøk med kjemisk felling av sigevann fra Ødegård avfallsdeponi

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    NIVA har gjort jartester med to ulike metallbaserte koagulanter på sigevann fra Ødegård avfallsdeponi på Årnes for å undersøke effekten av kjemisk felling som behandlingsmetode i f.h.t gjeldende og mulig kommende krav fra myndighetene på tungmetaller. Resultatene antyder at det vil være vanskelig å klare både nåværende og nye rensekrav.CCM Ødegård avfallsdeponi, Bjørn E. Berg AS v/Bjørn E Ber

    VADEvann som desinfeksjonsmiddel ved behandling av badevann - SLUTTRAPPORTERING av labtester

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    Årsliste 2006NIVA har gjennomført på oppdrag for VADE as en rekke tester med desinfeksjonsmiddelet VADEvann i løpet av våren og forsommeren 2006. Hensikten har vært å undersøke VADEvanns egnethet som desinfeksjonsmiddel i badeanlegg. VADEvann viste seg å være et effektivt desinfeksjonsmiddel mot bakterier som er betraktet som problemorganismer i badeanlegg. Med den mest robuste av testorganismene, indikatororganismen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ble det oppnådd en 4-log10-inaktivering med en VADEvanndose på 0,2 mg fritt Cl2/l ved en kontakttid på 1 min. Dette var ca halvparten av nødvendig dose med HOCl (tilsatt som hypokloritt og målt som fritt klor) for å oppnå samme inaktiveringsgrad av Ps. aerugionsa. Det er mulig det vil kunne være vanskelig å overholde et eventuelt krav til bundet klor tilsvarende det som gjelder ved bruk av hypokloritt dersom vannets innhold av nitrogen og organisk stoff er høyt.VADE AS, Hexum, A