22 research outputs found

    The specification of noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC) neurones depends on bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs).

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    The role of BMPs in the development of the major noradrenergic centre of the brain, the locus coeruleus (LC), was investigated. LC generation is reflected by initial expression of the transcription factors Phox2a and Phox2b in dorsal rhombomere1 (r1), followed by expression of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase. Bmp5 is expressed in the dorsal neuroepithelium in proximity to Phox2-expressing cells. BMP inhibition in stage 10 chick embryos resulted in the lack of LC neurones or in their generation at the dorsal midline, and loss of roof plate and rhombic lip, but it did not affect neural crest development. These results reveal late essential BMP functions in the specification of dorsal neuronal phenotypes in r1, including LC neurones, and in the development of dorsal midline structures

    The specification of noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC) neurones depends on bone morphogenetic proteins

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    The role of BMPs in the development of the major noradrenergic centre of the brain, the locus coeruleus (LC), was investigated. LC generation is reflected by initial expression of the transcription factors Phox2a and Phox2b in dorsal rhombomere1 (r1), followed by expression of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase. Bmp5 is expressed in the dorsal neuroepithelium in proximity to Phox2-expressing cells. BMP inhibition in stage 10 chick embryos resulted in the lack of LC neurones or in their generation at the dorsal midline, and loss of roof plate and rhombic lip, but it did not affect neural crest development. These results reveal late essential BMP functions in the specification of dorsal neuronal phenotypes in r1, including LC neurones, and in the development of dorsal midline structures

    New concepts for reconstruction of retinal and pigment epithelial tissues

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    The rise of stem cell-based regenerative medicine has created great hopes for novel therapies for major blinding diseases. Intensive relevant research is grounded on a deep cellular and molecular knowledge of the complex embryonic development of the neural retina and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) from the eye vesicle. This research similarly relies on a long history of transdifferentiation studies, having revealed an innate capacity to regenerate a more or less complete retinal tissue from RPE. To analyze principles of self-organization that govern retinal tissue (re-)construction under normal or regenerative conditions on a ‘cell-by-cell’ basis, the reaggregate approach of dispersed embryonic progenitor cells into retinotypic cellular spheres has been instrumental. Based on this knowledge, a multitude of fascinating studies using embryonic, induced pluripotent, adult stem cells, or permanent cell lines from various species have been carried out over the past two decades, and directed production of human retinal and RPE cell types has become possible. Moreover, reconstruction of complete retinal tissue, of functioning RPE monolayers, or even eye-like structures has become feasible. After their implantation into appropriate animal models for blinding diseases, some functional recovery has been observed. Here, we review some historical, cellular and molecular perspectives of this vast research program

    Co-opting functions of cholinesterases in neural, limb and stem cell development.

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    Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a most remarkable protein, not only because it is one of the fastest enzymes in nature, but also since it appears in many molecular forms and is regulated by elaborate genetic networks. As revealed by sensitive histochemical procedures, AChE is expressed specifically in many tissues during development and in many mature organisms, as well as in healthy and diseased states. Therefore it is not surprising that there has been a long-standing search for additional, "non-classical" functions of cholinesterases (ChEs). In principle, AChE could either act non-enzymatically, e.g., exerting cell adhesive roles, or, alternatively, it could work within the frame of classic cholinergic systems, but in non-neural tissues. AChE might be considered a highly co-opting protein, since possibly it combines such various functions within one molecule. By presenting four different developmental cases, we here review i) the expression of ChEs in the neural tube and their close relation to cell proliferation and differentiation, ii) that AChE expression reflects a polycentric brain development, iii) the retina as a model for AChE functioning in neural network formation, and iv) non-neural ChEs in limb development and mature bones. Also, possible roles of AChE in neuritic growth and of cholinergic regulations in stem cells are briefly outlined

    Acetylcholinesterase Regulates Skeletal In Ovo Development of Chicken Limbs by ACh-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms.

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    Formation of the vertebrate limb presents an excellent model to analyze a non-neuronal cholinergic system (NNCS). Here, we first analyzed the expression of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) by IHC and of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) by ISH in developing embryonic chicken limbs (stages HH17-37). AChE outlined formation of bones, being strongest at their distal tips, and later also marked areas of cell death. At onset, AChE and ChAT were elevated in two organizing centers of the limb anlage, the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) and zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), respectively. Thereby ChAT was expressed shortly after AChE, thus strongly supporting a leading role of AChE in limb formation. Then, we conducted loss-of-function studies via unilateral implantation of beads into chicken limb anlagen, which were soaked in cholinergic components. After varying periods, the formation of cartilage matrix and of mineralizing bones was followed by Alcian blue (AB) and Alizarin red (AR) stainings, respectively. Both acetylcholine (ACh)- and ChAT-soaked beads accelerated bone formation in ovo. Notably, inhibition of AChE by BW284c51, or by the monoclonal antibody MAB304 delayed cartilage formation. Since bead inhibition of BChE was mostly ineffective, an ACh-independent action during BW284c51 and MAB304 inhibition was indicated, which possibly could be due to an enzymatic side activity of AChE. In conclusion, skeletogenesis in chick is regulated by an ACh-dependent cholinergic system, but to some extent also by an ACh-independent aspect of the AChE protein

    Multiple functions of fibroblast growth factor-8 (FGF-8) in chick eye development.

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    Fibroblast growth factor-8 (FGF-8) is an important signaling molecule in the generation and patterning of the midbrain, tooth, and limb. In this study we show that it is also involved in eye development. In the chick, Fgf-8 transcripts first appear in the distal optic vesicle when it contacts the head ectoderm. Subsequently Fgf-8 expression increases and becomes localized to the central area of the presumptive neural retina (NR) only. Application of FGF-8 has two main effects on the eye. First, it converts presumptive retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) into NR. This is apparent by the failure to express Bmp-7 and Mitf (a marker gene for the RPE) in the outer layer of the optic cup, coupled with the induction of NR genes, such as Rx, Sgx-1 and Fgf-8 itself. The induced retina displays the typical multilayered cytoarchitecture and expresses late neuronal differentiation markers such as synaptotagmin and islet-1. The second effect of FGF-8 exposure is the induction of both lens formation and lens fiber differentiation. This is apparent by the expression of a lens specific marker, L-Maf, and by morphological changes of lens cells. These results suggest that FGF-8 plays a role in the initiation and differentiation of neural retina and lens

    Cholinergic control of bone development and beyond.

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    There is ample evidence that cholinergic actions affect the health status of bones in vertebrates including man. Nicotine smoking, but also exposure to pesticides or medical drugs point to the significance of cholinergic effects on bone status, as reviewed here in Introduction. Then, we outline processes of endochondral ossification, and review respective cholinergic actions. In Results, we briefly summarize our in vivo and in vitro studies on bone development of chick and mouse [1,2], including (i) expressions of cholinergic components (AChE, BChE, ChAT) in chick embryo, (ii) characterisation of defects during skeletogenesis in prenatal ChE knockout mice, (iii) loss-of-function experiments with beads soaked in cholinergic components and implanted into chicken limb buds, and finally (iv) we use an in vitro mesenchymal 3D-micromass model that mimics cartilage and bone formation, which also had revealed complex crosstalks between cholinergic, radiation and inflammatory mechanisms [3]. In Discussion, we evaluate non-cholinergic actions of cholinesterases during bone formation by considering: (i) how cholinesterases could function in adhesive mechanisms; (ii) whether and how cholinesterases can form bone-regulatory complexes with alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and/or ECM components, which could regulate cell division, migration and adhesion. We conclude that cholinergic actions in bone development are driven mainly by classic cholinergic, but non-neural cycles (e.g., by acetylcholine); in addition, both cholinesterases can exert distinct ACh-independent roles. Considering their tremendous medical impact, these results bring forward novel research directions that deserve to be pursued