1,568 research outputs found

    Propaganda pombalina em França: tradução, visualização, radicalização

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    The fact that Pombal is today one of the most important actors of enlightened absolutism is due above all to his comprehensive reform program, which included virtually all political fields of action of the 18th century. At least as important, however, is the fact that he accompanied his measures with extremely intensive public relations work: Pombal had understood how important it was to get public opinion in Europe on his side, because especially those reforms that threatened the traditional rights and positions of power of the Catholic Church were the subject of controversial debate in a Europe divided along confessional lines. France played an important role in the European battle of opinion: French intellectuals and publicists dominated international public opinion, and French was the language of the educated and enlightened. This paper will therefore examine how Pombal's propaganda functioned in France and what significance French translations and adaptations had for the European battle of opinion.O facto de Pombal ser hoje um dos mais importantes atores do despotismo esclarecido deve-se sobretudo ao seu abrangente programa de reformas aberto a praticamente todos os campos de atuação política do século xviii. Igualmente importante, também, é o facto de ter acompanhado as suas medidas com um trabalho de relações públicas extremamente intenso: Pombal compreendera a importância de ter a opinião pública europeia do seu lado porque precisamente aquelas reformas que ameaçavam os direitos e cargos tradicionais de poder da Igreja Católica foram objeto de um debate controverso numa Europa dividida por linhas confessionais. A França desempenhou um papel importante na batalha europeia de opinião: os intelectuais e publicitários franceses dominaram a opinião pública internacional e o francês era a língua falada pela população educada e ilustrada. Este artigo examinará, portanto, a propaganda de Pombal em França e o papel das traduções e adaptações na batalha de opinião pública.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Eine Interviewstudie zum Lesen von Diagrammen

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    Diagramme sind nicht nur in öffentlichen Medien ein gängiges Darstellungsmittel, sondern auch in den Lehrmaterialien vieler Unterrichtsfächer. Damit kommt dem sachgerechten Lesen von Diagrammen eine wichtige Rolle im Fachunterricht zu: struktur- und kontextspezifische Informationen müssen ausgelesen, eingebracht und zusammengedacht werden

    Protein Family Expansions and Biological Complexity

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    During the course of evolution, new proteins are produced very largely as the result of gene duplication, divergence and, in many cases, combination. This means that proteins or protein domains belong to families or, in cases where their relationships can only be recognised on the basis of structure, superfamilies whose members descended from a common ancestor. The size of superfamilies can vary greatly. Also, during the course of evolution organisms of increasing complexity have arisen. In this paper we determine the identity of those superfamilies whose relative sizes in different organisms are highly correlated to the complexity of the organisms. As a measure of the complexity of 38 uni- and multicellular eukaryotes we took the number of different cell types of which they are composed. Of 1,219 superfamilies, there are 194 whose sizes in the 38 organisms are strongly correlated with the number of cell types in the organisms. We give outline descriptions of these superfamilies. Half are involved in extracellular processes or regulation and smaller proportions in other types of activity. Half of all superfamilies have no significant correlation with complexity. We also determined whether the expansions of large superfamilies correlate with each other. We found three large clusters of correlated expansions: one involves expansions in both vertebrates and plants, one just in vertebrates, and one just in plants. Our work identifies important protein families and provides one explanation of the discrepancy between the total number of genes and the apparent physiological complexity of eukaryotic organisms

    Ring Finger 149-Related Is an FGF/MAPK-Independent Regulator of Pharyngeal Muscle Fate Specification

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    During embryonic development, cell-fate specification gives rise to dedicated lineages that underlie tissue formation. In olfactores, which comprise tunicates and vertebrates, the cardiopharyngeal field is formed by multipotent progenitors of both cardiac and branchiomeric muscles. The ascidian Ciona is a powerful model to study cardiopharyngeal fate specification with cellular resolution, as only two bilateral pairs of multipotent cardiopharyngeal progenitors give rise to the heart and to the pharyngeal muscles (also known as atrial siphon muscles, ASM). These progenitors are multilineage primed, in as much as they express a combination of early ASM- and heart-specific transcripts that become restricted to their corresponding precursors, following oriented and asymmetric divisions. Here, we identify the primed gene ring finger 149 related (Rnf149-r), which later becomes restricted to the heart progenitors, but appears to regulate pharyngeal muscle fate specification in the cardiopharyngeal lineage. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated loss of Rnf149-r function impairs atrial siphon muscle morphogenesis, and downregulates Tbx1/10 and Ebf, two key determinants of pharyngeal muscle fate, while upregulating heart-specific gene expression. These phenotypes are reminiscent of the loss of FGF/MAPK signaling in the cardiopharyngeal lineage, and an integrated analysis of lineage-specific bulk RNA-seq profiling of loss-of-function perturbations has identified a significant overlap between candidate FGF/MAPK and Rnf149-r target genes. However, functional interaction assays suggest that Rnf149-r does not directly modulate the activity of the FGF/MAPK/Ets1/2 pathway. Instead, we propose that Rnf149-r acts both in parallel to the FGF/MAPK signaling on shared targets, as well as on FGF/MAPK-independent targets through (a) separate pathway(s).publishedVersio

    Buffering by gene duplicates: an analysis of molecular correlates and evolutionary conservation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One mechanism to account for robustness against gene knockouts or knockdowns is through buffering by gene duplicates, but the extent and general correlates of this process in organisms is still a matter of debate. To reveal general trends of this process, we provide a comprehensive comparison of gene essentiality, duplication and buffering by duplicates across seven bacteria (<it>Mycoplasma genitalium, Bacillus subtilis, Helicobacter pylori, Haemophilus influenzae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli</it>), and four eukaryotes (<it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>(yeast), <it>Caenorhabditis elegans </it>(worm), <it>Drosophila melanogaster </it>(fly), <it>Mus musculus </it>(mouse)).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In nine of the eleven organisms, duplicates significantly increase chances of survival upon gene deletion (P-value ≤ 0.05), but only by up to 13%. Given that duplicates make up to 80% of eukaryotic genomes, the small contribution is surprising and points to dominant roles of other buffering processes, such as alternative metabolic pathways. The buffering capacity of duplicates appears to be independent of the degree of gene essentiality and tends to be higher for genes with high expression levels. For example, buffering capacity increases to 23% amongst highly expressed genes in <it>E. coli</it>. Sequence similarity and the number of duplicates per gene are weak predictors of the duplicate's buffering capacity. In a case study we show that buffering gene duplicates in yeast and worm are somewhat more similar in their functions than non-buffering duplicates and have increased transcriptional and translational activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In sum, the extent of gene essentiality and buffering by duplicates is not conserved across organisms and does not correlate with the organisms' apparent complexity. This heterogeneity goes beyond what would be expected from differences in experimental approaches alone. Buffering by duplicates contributes to robustness in several organisms, but to a small extent – and the relatively large amount of buffering by duplicates observed in yeast and worm may be largely specific to these organisms. Thus, the only common factor of buffering by duplicates between different organisms may be the by-product of duplicate retention due to demands of high dosage.</p

    Biomechanics of Pediatric Manual Wheelchair Mobility

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    Currently, there is limited research of the biomechanics of pediatric manual wheelchair mobility. Specifically, the biomechanics of functional tasks and their relationship to joint pain and health is not well understood. To contribute to this knowledge gap, a quantitative rehabilitation approach was applied for characterizing upper extremity biomechanics of manual wheelchair mobility in children and adolescents during propulsion, starting, and stopping tasks. A Vicon motion analysis system captured movement, while a SmartWheel simultaneously collected three-dimensional forces and moments occurring at the handrim. A custom pediatric inverse dynamics model was used to evaluate three-dimensional upper extremity joint motions, forces, and moments of 14 children with spinal cord injury (SCI) during the functional tasks. Additionally, pain and health-related quality of life outcomes were assessed. This research found that joint demands are significantly different amongst functional tasks, with greatest demands placed on the shoulder during the starting task. Propulsion was significantly different from starting and stopping at all joints. We identified multiple stroke patterns used by the children, some of which are not standard in adults. One subject reported average daily pain, which was minimal. Lower than normal physical health and higher than normal mental health was found in this population. It can be concluded that functional tasks should be considered in addition to propulsion for rehabilitation and SCI treatment planning. This research provides wheelchair users and clinicians with a comprehensive, biomechanical, mobility assessment approach for wheelchair prescription, training, and long-term care of children with SCI

    Das Kunstwerk als Geschichtsquelle: Einblicke in die vormoderne 'art world'

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    Wie kann die Geschichtswissenschaft Kunstwerke sinnvoll als Quellen nutzen? - Dieser nur auf den ersten Blick schlichten Frage geht der Züricher Historiker Bernd Roeck nach. Er reiht sich damit in die aktuellen Debatten um einen "visual turn" in den Kultur- und Geschichtswissenschaften ein und plädiert dafür, die Textfixierung der Geschichte im Rahmen neuer kulturhistorischer Ansätze aufzubrechen. Indem er das Feld des interdisziplinären Dialogs zwischen Kunstgeschichte und Geschichtswissenschaft klarer zu konturieren versucht, zeigt er in aller Deutlichkeit das Potential, aber auch die Grenzen der Quellenfunktion von Kunstwerken auf

    “A Páscoa do Piemonte”: encenações nos media do Massacre dos Valdenses em 1655

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    Partindo do exemplo do massacre dos Valdenses ocorrido no Piemonte em 1655, o artigo interroga o processo de mediatização dos massacres na Época Moderna, visando analisar o papel que a exploração mediática destes acontecimentos desempenharam na fabricação das memórias colectivas