197 research outputs found

    Arthropods as vectors of esca-related pathogens: Transmission efficiency of ants and earwigs and the potential of earwig feces as inoculum source in vineyards

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    The spread of Grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) such as esca concerns wine growers worldwide. Besides rain-splash and air currents, arthropods may play an additional role in the dissemination of esca-related pathogens such as Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (Pch) and Phaeoacremonium minimum (Pmm). The present study confirms that black garden ants (Lasius niger L., Formicidae: Formicinae) and European earwigs (Forficula auricularia L., Dermaptera: Forficulidae) can, under artificial conditions, efficiently transmit spores of Pch and Pmm to healthy grapevine cuttings, causing new infections. The potential of earwig feces as inoculum source in vineyards is additionally discussed. Spores of Pch and Pmm retained germination ability after earwig gut passage, and infectious feces successfully infected wounded grapevine cuttings under artificial conditions. However, molecular detection frequencies of esca-related pathogens in earwig feces collected from the field were very low. With this, the risk of earwig feces as inoculum source for esca-related pathogens is probably only marginal. However, arthropods carrying esca-related spores on their exoskeletons, such as ants and earwigs, might contribute to the overall spread of esca in vineyards. The invasion of GTDs during the phase of pruning wound susceptibility, either by arthropod vectors or by airborne spores, can efficiently be prevented by adequate pruning wound protection

    Effects of canopy architecture and microclimate on grapevine health in two training systems

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    Semi minimal pruned hedge (SMPH) is a time and cost saving grapevine training system, which is becoming more and more popular in German viticulture. In this study we compared the canopy architecture and its effect on the microclimate of SMPH trained grapevines with those of plants trained in vertical shoot positioning (VSP). We detected a 3 % points higher humidity and a 0.9 °C lower mean temperature within the complex canopy architecture of SMPH trained vines compared to VSP. Moreover, we investigated the influence of the differing microclimate, canopy and bunch architecture, as well as berry skin characteristics of the two training systems on the incidence of the major fungal grapevine diseases Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew and Botrytis Bunch Rot, as well as on the occurrence and damage of the invasive insect pest Drosophila suzukii. We demonstrate that SMPH trained vines can be more susceptible to Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew than VSP trained vines. The incidence of Botrytis Bunch Rot can be higher in the latter system, even if berry skin characteristics are the same in both training systems. We trapped a higher number of D. suzukii in SMPH canopies, however no increased berry damage was observed. Based on our results we recommend a more adapted plant protection regime for SMPH trained vines due to their higher susceptibility to the major fungal diseases. Furthermore, we propose a combination of SMPH and fungal resistant grapevine cultivars, e.g. 'Reberger', to achieve a more competitive, environmentally friendly and high quality grapevine production

    Effect of Feeding Field Peas on Fresh Beef Quality

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    Th is study was conducted over two years to evaluate the use of field peas during two phases of production (grazing and finishing) on overall fresh beef quality. The backgrounding treatments included: no supplement, field peas, or dry- rolled corn and finishing treatments included the presence or absence of field peas. Loin samples (n = 232) were aged for 14 d and placed under retail display conditions for 7 d. Dietary treatments had no effect on tenderness (WBSF or SSF) or visual discoloration and minimal effects on objective color, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition. These data indicate field peas may be used as an alternative feed for growing and finishing cattle with minimal to no negative impact on fresh meat quality

    Effect of Feeding Field Peas on Fresh Beef Quality

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    Th is study was conducted over two years to evaluate the use of field peas during two phases of production (grazing and finishing) on overall fresh beef quality. The backgrounding treatments included: no supplement, field peas, or dry- rolled corn and finishing treatments included the presence or absence of field peas. Loin samples (n = 232) were aged for 14 d and placed under retail display conditions for 7 d. Dietary treatments had no effect on tenderness (WBSF or SSF) or visual discoloration and minimal effects on objective color, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition. These data indicate field peas may be used as an alternative feed for growing and finishing cattle with minimal to no negative impact on fresh meat quality

    A surrogate method for comparison analysis of salivary concentrations of Xylitol-containing products

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    Background: Xylitol chewing gum has been shown to reduce Streptococcus mutans levels and decay. Two studies examined the presence and time course of salivary xylitol concentrations delivered via xylitol-containing pellet gum and compared them to other xylitol-containing products. Methods: A within-subjects design was used for both studies. Study 1, adults (N = 15) received three xylitol-containing products (pellet gum (2.6 g), gummy bears (2.6 g), and commercially available stick gum (Koolerz, 3.0 g)); Study 2, a second group of adults (N = 15) received three xylitol-containing products (pellet gum, gummy bears, and a 33% xylitol syrup (2.67 g). For both studies subjects consumed one xylitol product per visit with a 7-day washout between each product. A standardized protocol was followed for each product visit. Product order was randomly determined at the initial visit. Saliva samples (0.5 mL to 1.0 mL) were collected at baseline and up to 10 time points (~16 min in length) after product consumption initiated. Concentration of xylitol in saliva samples was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Area under the curve (AUC) for determining the average xylitol concentration in saliva over the total sampling period was calculated for each product. Results: In both studies all three xylitol products (Study 1: pellet gum, gummy bears, and stick gum; Study 2: pellet gum, gummy bears, and syrup) had similar time curves with two xylitol concentration peaks during the sampling period. Study 1 had its highest mean peaks at the 4 min sampling point while Study 2 had its highest mean peaks between 13 to 16 minutes. Salivary xylitol levels returned to baseline at about 18 minutes for all forms tested. Additionally, for both studies the total AUC for the xylitol products were similar compared to the pellet gum (Study 1: pellet gum - 51.3 [micro]g.min/mL, gummy bears - 59.6 [micro]g.min/mL, and stick gum - 46.4 [micro]g.min/mL; Study 2: pellet gum - 63.0 [micro]g.min/mL, gummy bears - 55.9 [micro]g.min/mL, and syrup - 59.0 [micro]g.min/mL). Conclusion: The comparison method demonstrated high reliability and validity. In both studies other xylitol-containing products had time curves and mean xylitol concentration peaks similar to xylitol pellet gum suggesting this test may be a surrogate for longer studies comparing various products.NIDCR-NIH U54 DE14254; Head Start, HRSA 90YD0188/03; and MCHB, HRSA R40MC03622-03

    GUP1 and its close homologue GUP2, encoding multi-membrane-spanning proteins involved in active glycerol uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Many yeast species can utilise glycerol, both as sole carbon source and as an osmolyte. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, physiological studies have previously shown the presence of an active uptake system driven by electrogenic proton symport. We have used transposon mutagenesis to isolate mutants affected in the transport of glycerol into the cell. Here we present the identification of YGL084c, encoding a multi-membrane-spanning protein, as being essential for proton symport of glycerol into Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene is named GUP1 (Glycerol UPtake) and is important for growth on glycerol as carbon and energy source, as well as for osmotic protection by added glycerol, of a strain deficient in glycerol production. Another ORF, YPL189w, presenting a high degree of homology to YGL084c, similarly appears to be involved in active glycerol uptake in salt-containing glucose-based media in strains deficient in glycerol production. Analogously, this gene is named GUP2. To our knowledge, this is the first report on a gene product involved in active transport of glycerol in yeasts. Mutations with the same phenotypes occurred in two other open reading frames of previously unknown function, YDL074c and YPL180w.Comunidade Europeia (CE) - contract BIO4-CT95-0161

    Genome prediction of PhoB regulated promoters in Sinorhizobium meliloti and twelve proteobacteria

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    In proteobacteria, genes whose expression is modulated in response to the external concentration of inorganic phosphate are often regulated by the PhoB protein which binds to a conserved motif (Pho box) within their promoter regions. Using a position weight matrix algorithm derived from known Pho box sequences, we identified 96 putative Pho regulon members whose promoter regions contained one or more Pho boxs in the Sinorhizobium meliloti genome. Expression of these genes was examined through assays of reporter gene fusions and through comparison with published microarray data. Of 96 genes, 31 were induced and 3 were repressed by Pi starvation in a PhoB dependent manner. Novel Pho regulon members included several genes of unknown function. Comparative analysis across 12 proteobacterial genomes revealed highly conserved Pho regulon members including genes involved in Pi metabolism (pstS, phnC and ppdK). Genes with no obvious association with Pi metabolism were predicted to be Pho regulon members in S.meliloti and multiple organisms. These included smc01605 and smc04317 which are annotated as substrate binding proteins of iron transporters and katA encoding catalase. This data suggests that the Pho regulon overlaps and interacts with several other control circuits, such as the oxidative stress response and iron homeostasis

    Assessment of the current and emerging criteria for the histopathological classification of lung neuroendocrine tumours in the lungNENomics project

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    Background: Six thoracic pathologists reviewed 259 lung neuroendocrine tumours (LNETs) from the lungNENomics project, with 171 of them having associated survival data. This cohort presents a unique opportunity to assess the strengths and limitations of current World Health Organization (WHO) classification criteria and to evaluate the utility of emerging markers. Patients and methods: Patients were diagnosed based on the 2021 WHO criteria, with atypical carcinoids (ACs) defined by the presence of focal necrosis and/or 2-10 mitoses per 2 mm2. We investigated two markers of tumour proliferation: the Ki-67 index and phospho-histone H3 (PHH3) protein expression, quantified by pathologists and automatically via deep learning. Additionally, an unsupervised deep learning algorithm was trained to uncover previously unnoticed morphological features with diagnostic value. Results: The accuracy in distinguishing typical from ACs is hampered by interobserver variability in mitotic counting and the limitations of morphological criteria in identifying aggressive cases. Our study reveals that different Ki-67 cut-offs can categorise LNETs similarly to current WHO criteria. Counting mitoses in PHH3+ areas does not improve diagnosis, while providing a similar prognostic value to the current criteria. With the advantage of being time efficient, automated assessment of these markers leads to similar conclusions. Lastly, state-of-the-art deep learning modelling does not uncover undisclosed morphological features with diagnostic value. Conclusions: This study suggests that the mitotic criteria can be complemented by manual or automated assessment of Ki-67 or PHH3 protein expression, but these markers do not significantly improve the prognostic value of the current classification, as the AC group remains highly unspecific for aggressive cases. Therefore, we may have exhausted the potential of morphological features in classifying and prognosticating LNETs. Our study suggests that it might be time to shift the research focus towards investigating molecular markers that could contribute to a more clinically relevant morpho-molecular classification.</p

    Differences in energy balance-related behaviours in European preschool children: The ToyBox-study

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    Background: The aim of the current study was to compare levels of energy balance-related behaviours (physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and dietary behaviours (more specifically water consumption, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and unhealthy snacking)) in four- to six-year-old preschoolers from six European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland, and Spain) within the ToyBox cross-sectional study. Methods: A sample of 4,045 preschoolers (4.77 ± 0.43 years; 52.2% boys) had valid physical activity data (steps per day), parents of 8,117 preschoolers (4.78 ± 0.46 years; 53.0% boys) completed a parental questionnaire with questions on sedentary behaviours (television viewing, computer use, and quiet play), and parents of 7,244 preschoolers (4.77 ± 0.44 years; 52.0% boys) completed a food frequency questionnaire with questions on water consumption, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and unhealthy snacking. Results: The highest levels of physical activity were found in Spain (12,669 steps/day on weekdays), while the lowest levels were found in Bulgaria and Greece (9,777 and 9,656 steps/day on weekdays, respectively). German preschoolers spent the least amount of time in television viewing (43.3 min/day on weekdays), while Greek preschoolers spent the most time in television viewing (88.5 min/day on weekdays). A considerable amount of time was spent in quiet play in all countries, with the highest levels in Poland (104.9 min/day on weekdays), and the lowest levels in Spain (60.4 min/day on weekdays). Belgian, German, and Polish preschoolers had the lowest intakes of water and the highest intakes of sugar-sweetened beverages. The intake of snacks was the highest in Belgian preschoolers (73.1 g/day) and the lowest in Greek preschoolers (53.3 g/day). Conclusions: Across six European countries, differences in preschoolers'' energy balance-related behaviours were found. Future interventions should target European preschoolers '' energy balance- related behaviours simultaneously, but should apply country-specific adaptations
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