12 research outputs found


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    Zimska rez je v vinogradu zelo pomemben ampelotehnični ukrep, ki daje izhodišče za nov kakovosten vinski letnik. V lastnem vinogradu s sorto \u27Rebula\u27 smo leta 2015 opravili bločni poskus s tremi obravnavanji, to so enojni guyot z vodoravno vezanim šparonom (EG), enojni guyot z v loku vezanim šparonom (L) ter cordone speronato (CS). S poskusom smo želeli ugotoviti vpliv modificirane gojitvene oblike na količino in kakovost grozdja ter vina sorte \u27Rebula\u27. V začetku rastne dobe smo beležili rastni in rodni potencial. V številu vseh in odgnanih očes na trto so se med obravnavanji pokazale značilne razlike, saj sta obravnavanji CS in L imeli značilno več vseh očes, kot pa obravnavanje EG, medtem ko pa v številu rodnih in nerodnih očes med obravnavanji ni bilo značilnih razlik. Obravnavanje L je imelo na trto za 20 % značilno večje število kabernikov kot ostali dve obravnavanji. Med rastno dobo smo opravili vsa potrebna ampelotehnična dela. Ob trgatvi se med obravnavanji niso pokazale značilne razlike v kakovosti grozdja. Značilne razlike smo zabeležili med vini v vsebnosti alkohola (CS 11,4 vol.% ostali dve obravnavanji 10,4 vol.%), vsebnosti skupnega ekstrakta (CS 21,6 g/l ostali dve obravnavani približno 20,2 g/l), reducirajočih sladkorjev (CS 1,17 g/l ostali dve obravnavani približno 0,8 g/l), skupnih kislin (CS 4,7 g/l ostali dve obravnavani 5,3 g/l), hlapne kisline (CS 0,09 g/l ostali dve obravnavani približno 0,065 g/l). Pri organskih kislinah je bila značilna razlika samo pri vsebnosti vinske kisline (CS 2,4 g/l ostali dve obravnavani 2,8 g/l). Opravljeni poskus je bil enoleten in za boljše poznavanje vpliva modifikacije vinske trte na kakovost grozdja ter vina pa bi bilo potrebno poskus ponoviti vsaj še nadaljnje leto.The winter pruning is a very important ampelotechnic measure in the vineyard representing a basis for a new wine quality vintage. In our own vineyard with \u27Rebula\u27 grapevine variety a triple block study with three treatments was conducted in 2015. A single guyot with a horizontally bound cane (EG), a single guyot with an arch-shaped cane (L) and a cordone speronato (CS) were introduced. We wanted to determine the impact of the modified training system on the quantity and quality of the ‘Rebula’ grape and wine. At the beginning of the growing season, we recorded a vine growth and fertility potential. Significant differences were observed in the number of buds per vine, where CS and L had a significantly higher number of all buds than EG, while the difference in fertile and unfertile buds among treatment were not noticeable. L had 20% higher number of the inflorescences than the other two treatments. During the growth season, all the ampelotechnic measures were conducted. At harvest, no significant differences in the grape quality among treatments were observed. Significant differences among treatments were found in alcohol content of the wine (11.4 vol.% at CS, 10.4 vol.% at EG and L), total extract content (CS 21.6 g/lEG and L approx. 20.2 g/l), reducing sugars (CS 1.17 g/lEG and L approx. 0.8 g/l), total acidity (CS 4.7 g/lEG and L approx. 5.3 g/l), and volatile acidity (CS 0.09 g/lEG and L approx. 0,065 g/l). Among organic acids, a significant difference in the tartaric acid content (CS 2.4 g/lEG and L approx. 2.8 g/l) was recorded, only. The study was conducted only in vintage 2015 and for obtaining a better knowledge regarding the impact of modified training system on ‘Rebula’ grape and wine quality it should be done at least three consecutive vintages


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    Limites séries, equações e sistemas lineares e não-lineares, equações diferenciaisO MAXIMA é um programa de manipulação algébrica que permite fazer diversos tipos de cálculo matemático desde a construção de simples gráficos, passando por resolução de equações e sistemas lineares e não-lineares, equações diferenciais com e sem condição inicial, derivadas, integrais, transformada de Laplace, Fourier, limites séries e outrosComponente Curricular::Educação Superior::Ciências Exatas e da Terra::Matemátic

    A Multihoming Clustering Algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Clustering in vehicular ad hoc networks is an effective approach to make dynamic wireless vehicular sensor networks more manageable and stable. To make vehicle clustering applicable everywhere regardless of the provided infrastructure, vehicles must rely only on themselves and must not take any supporting services, such as location or external communication services, for granted. In this paper, we propose a new clustering metric and a clustering algorithm with multihoming support. It relies only on the vehicle's ability to send and receive wireless packets which identify the vehicle relationship. Clusters are created with redundant connections between nodes to increase the communication reliability in case of topological changes and the cluster creation process is also inverted compared to other algorithms. The presented solution is verified and compared to MOBIC with the use of ns-3 and SUMO simulation tools. Simulation results have confirmed the expected behavior and show that our algorithm achieves better node connectivity and cluster stability than the former

    On embeddings of snarks in the torus

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    On <img src='/image/spc_char/pi.gif' border=0>-electron excess of rings of benzenoid molecules

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    347-351In a previous paper [Gutman I, Indian J Chem 43A (2004) 1615], the concept of -electron excess of rings of benzenoid hydrocarbons has been introduced, aimed at amending the electron contents of rings computed on the basis of Pauling bond orders. We now show how a -electron-content-like quantity can be computed from the Hosoya bond orders and establish its close relation with the π-electron excess

    Grunbaum colorings of even triangulations on surfaces

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    A Grunbaum coloring of a triangulation G is a map c : E(G){1,2,3} such that for each face f of G, the three edges of the boundary walk of f are colored by three distinct colors. By Four Color Theorem, it is known that every triangulation on the sphere has a Grunbaum coloring. So, in this article, we investigate the question whether each even (i.e.,Eulerian) triangulation on a surface with representativity at least r has a Grunbaum coloring. We prove that, regardless of the representativity, every even triangulation on a surface F has a Grunbaum coloring as long as F is the projective plane, the torus, or the Klein bottle, and we observe that the same holds for any surface with sufficiently large representativity. On the other hand, we construct even triangulations with no Grunbaum coloring and representativity r=1,2, and 3 for all but finitely many surfaces. In dual terms, our results imply that no snark admits an even map on the projective plane, the torus, or the Klein bottle, and that all but finitely many surfaces admit an even map of a snark with representativity at least3