147 research outputs found
Monitoring mosselzaadinvang met MZI Wieringen in Waddenzee 2008
In de Waddenzee is in 2008 een experiment uitgevoerd ten behoeve van verbreding van kennis over mosselzaadinvang (MZI) op de percelen Wieringen 36 en 37. Hierbij is gebruik gemaakt van twee op de bodem geplaatste kooiconstructies met daarin collectortouwen die het zaad in kunnen vangen. Doel van het project is het onderzoeken van de mogelijkheden voor mosselinvang met behulp van speciaal ontwikkelde kooiconstructies met ‘fuzzy rope’ touw als collectoren. Hierbij is door Wageningen IMARES de invangcapaciteit, invangefficiëntie en groei-efficiëntie op de collectortouwen bepaald en zijn het aantal mossellarven in het water gemonitord. Een ander doel voor de ondernemer was ervaring opdoen met het plaatsten en oogsten van de installatie. Verder zijn observaties van en door de kweker gerapporteerd; dit betreft (1) de oogst, (2) de aanwezigheid van vogels en zeezoogdieren en (3) de visuele kenmerken van de invangsystemen, waarbij de landschappelijke effecten met behulp van foto’s in beeld zijn gebracht. Voor effecten op bodem en bodemfauna wordt gerefereerd aan het PRODUS project. De gekozen locatie is geschikt voor mosselzaadinvang; dit blijkt uit de aanwezigheid van schelpdierlarven in het water en schelpdierbroed en -zaad op de touwen. Ook de constructie is technisch/biologisch geschikt voor zaadinvan
PRODUS 1 d: Rendement MZI zaad op percelen 2005-2008
Fluctuaties in aanbod van mosselzaad en druk op de visserij hebben er toe geleid dat de sector mosselzaadinvangsystemen (MZI's) is gaan ontwikkelen. Door de extra kosten aan arbeid en materiaal is MZI zaad duurder dan traditioneel gevist zaad, daarom is een hoog rendement van het mosselzaad tijdens doorkweek op de percelen van belang. Dit is het onderwerp van studie van PRODUS deelproject 1d. Het rendement wordt bepaald door groei en overleving van het zaad. Het onderzoek heeft zich gericht op factoren die de groei en overleving van MZI zaad kunnen beïnvloeden. Het huidige rapport geeft een samenvatting van het onderzoek dat is uitgevoerd in de periode 2005-2008
MZI Monitoring en oogst van vier experimenten in Waddenzee en Oosterschelde 2008
Doel van het onderzoek was om met een viertal ondernemers een gezamelijke mzi monitoring uit te voeren op de oogst van vier verschillende MZI projecten: EMERGO, MIOS, de Rooij Mosselkweek en Mosselkweek Barbé B.V. De monitoring heeft plaatsgevonden op een uniforme wijze, aan boord van het oogstschip. De resultaten van de monitoring zijn collectief gerapporteerd. De eigen waarneming en monitoringgegevens van iedere ondernemer over ecologische effecten, landschappelijke effecten en totale oogst zijn apart onderdeel van de rapportage
Treatment of extra-articular proximal and middle phalangeal fractures of the hand: a systematic review
The aim of the study was to systematically review the patient reported and functional outcomes of treatment for extra-articular proximal or middle phalangeal fractures of the hand in order to determine the best treatment options. The review methodology was registered with PROSPERO. A systematic literature search was conducted in electronic bibliographic databases. Two independent reviewers performed screening and data extraction. The evaluation of quality of the included studies was performed using the Structured Effectiveness Quality Evaluation scale. The initial search yielded 2354 studies. The full text manuscripts of 79 studies were evaluated of which 16 studies met the inclusion criteria. In total, 513 extra-articular proximal and middle phalangeal fractures of the hand were included of which 118 (23%) were treated non-operatively, 188 (37%) were treated by closed reduction internal fixation (CRIF) and 207 (40%) by open reduction internal fixation. It can be recommended that closed displaced extra-articular phalangeal fractures can be treated non-operatively, even fractures with an oblique or complex pattern, provided that closed reduction is possible and maintained. Conservative treatment is preferably performed with a cast/brace allowing free mobilization of the wrist. No definite conclusion could be drawn upon whether closed reduction with extra-articular K-wire pinning or transarticular pinning is superior; however, it might be suggested that extra-articular K-wire pinning is favoured. When open reduction is necessary for oblique or spiral extra-articular fractures, lag screw fixation is preferable to plate and screw fixation. But, similar recovery and functional results are achieved with transversally inserted K-wires compared to lag screw fixation. Type of study/level of evidence: therapeutic III
REIMSEA: an LCA toxicity characterization model for the North Sea
Wetensch. publicatieInstitute of Environmental Science
Transcriptional heterogeneity between primary adult grey and white matter astrocytes underlie differences in modulation of in vitro myelination
BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammation-mediated demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that eventually results in secondary axonal degeneration due to remyelination failure. Successful remyelination is orchestrated by astrocytes (ASTRs) and requires sequential activation, recruitment, and maturation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). In both MS and experimental models, remyelination is more robust in grey matter (GM) than white matter (WM), which is likely related to local differences between GM and WM lesions. Here, we investigated whether adult gmASTRs and wmASTRs per se and in response to MS relevant Toll-like receptor (TLR) activation differently modulate myelination. METHODS: Differences in modulation of myelination between adult gmASTRs and wmASTRs were examined using an in vitro myelinating system that relies on a feeding layer of ASTRs. Transcriptional profiling and weighted gene co-expression network analysis were used to analyze differentially expressed genes and gene networks. Potential differential modulation of OPC proliferation and maturation by untreated adult gmASTRs and wmASTRs and in response to TLR3 and TLR4 agonists were assessed. RESULTS: Our data reveal that adult wmASTRs are less supportive to in vitro myelination than gmASTRs. WmASTRs more abundantly express reactive ASTR genes and genes of a neurotoxic subtype of ASTRs, while gmASTRs have more neuro-reparative transcripts. We identified a gene network module containing cholesterol biosynthesis enzyme genes that positively correlated with gmASTRs, and a network module containing extracellular matrix-related genes that positively correlated with wmASTRs. Adult wmASTRs and gmASTRs responding to TLR3 agonist Poly(I:C) distinctly modulate OPC behavior, while exposure to TLR4 agonist LPS of both gmASTRs and wmASTRs results in a prominent decrease in myelin membrane formation. CONCLUSIONS: Primary adult gmASTRs and wmASTRs are heterogeneous at the transcriptional level, differed in their support of in vitro myelination, and their pre-existing phenotype determined TLR3 agonist responses. These findings point to a role of ASTR heterogeneity in regional differences in remyelination efficiency between GM and WM lesions
Residual N-acetyl-α-glucosaminidase activity in fibroblasts correlates with disease severity in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB
Background: Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB (MPS IIIB) is a rare genetic disorder in which the deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme N-acetyl-α-glucosaminidase (NAGLU) results in the accumulation of heparan sulfate (HS), leading to progressive neurocognitive deterioration. In MPS IIIB a wide spectrum of disease severity is seen. Due to a large allelic heterogeneity, establishing genotype-phenotype correlations is difficult. However, reliable prediction of the natural course of the disease is needed, in particular for the assessment of the efficacy of potential therapies. Methods: To identify markers that correlate with disease severity, all Dutch patients diagnosed with MPS IIIB were characterised as either rapid (RP; classical, severe phenotype) or slow progressors (SP; non-classical, less severe phenotype), based on clinical data. NAGLU activity and HS levels were measured in patients’ fibroblasts after culturing at different temperatures. Results: A small, though significant difference in NAGLU activity was measured between RP and SP patients after culturing at 37 °C (p < 0.01). Culturing at 30 °C resulted in more pronounced and significantly higher NAGLU activity levels in SP patients (p < 0.001) with a NAGLU activity of 0.58 nmol.mg-1.hr-1 calculated to be the optimal cut-off value to distinguish between the groups (sensitivity and specificity 100 %). A lower capacity of patients’ fibroblasts to increase NAGLU activity at 30 °C could significantly predict for the loss of several disease specific functions. Conclusion: NAGLU activity in fibroblasts cultured at 30 °C can be used to discriminate between RP and SP MPS IIIB patients and the capacity of cells to increase NAGLU activity at lower temperatures correlates with disease symptoms
Treatment of extra-articular proximal and middle phalangeal fractures of the hand: a systematic review
The aim of the study was to systematically review the patient reported and functional outcomes of treatment for extra-articular proximal or middle phalangeal fractures of the hand in order to determine the best treatment options. The review methodology was registered with PROSPERO. A systematic literature search was conducted in electronic bibliographic databases. Two independent reviewers performed screening and data extraction. The evaluation of quality of the included studies was performed using the Structured Effectiveness Quality Evaluation scale. The initial search yielded 2354 studies. The full text manuscripts of 79 studies were evaluated of which 16 studies met the inclusion criteria. In total, 513 extra-articular proximal and middle phalangeal fractures of the hand were included of which 118 (23%) were treated non-operatively, 188 (37%) were treated by closed reduction internal fixation (CRIF) and 207 (40%) by open reduction internal fixation. It can be recommended that closed displaced extra-articular phalangeal fractures can be treated non-operatively, even fractures with an oblique or complex pattern, provided that closed reduction is possible and maintained. Conservative treatment is preferably performed with a cast/brace allowing free mobilization of the wrist. No definite conclusion could be drawn upon whether closed reduction with extra-articular K-wire pinning or transarticular pinning is superior; however, it might be suggested that extra-articular K-wire pinning is favoured. When open reduction is necessary for oblique or spiral extra-articular fractures, lag screw fixation is preferable to plate and screw fixation. But, similar recovery and functional results are achieved with transversally inserted K-wires compared to lag screw fixation. Type of study/level of evidence: therapeutic III
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