289 research outputs found

    Economic links between Russia and China: from cross-border to interregional cooperation (the case of Sverdlovsk region and Heilongjiang province)

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    The article considers major trends in the cooperation between Russia and China on the regional level. China is one of Russia’s main trade partners, which makes it particularly important to enhance the efficiency of this relationship on the national as well as on the regional level. Considering the dynamics of international integration processes, the authors analyze how the role of cross-border and interregional cooperation is changing over time, paying special attention to those regions that are remote from each other. The article focuses on the case of Sverdlovsk region and Heilongjiang province. The available data demonstrate the diversity of the existing trade and other relations between these industrial regions and enable the authors to characterize the institutional framework for this cooperation, its key priorities and problems. A general overview of the current and prospective joint projects is also provided. The authors compare economic specialization, systems of settlement, the level of urbanization of Sverdlovsk region and Heilongjiang province and draw a conclusion that the economies of these regions are complementary. The article also points out that it is essential to consider the long-term effects of Eurasian integration projects and to assess the positive and negative impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative on Sverdlovsk region in order to identify priorities for the region’s foreign policy

    Discovery of metastable tetragonal disordered phase upon phase transitions in the equiatomic nanostructured FePd alloy

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    Specific features of the phase transformation 1 → L10 (space groups Fm3m and P4/mmm, respectively) in single crystals of the equiatomic alloy FePd subjected to annealings both in the absence and in the presence of external uniaxial load, as well as in polycrystalline samples that had undergone severe plastic deformation via high-pressure torsion and subsequent annealing, have been studied. An investigation of the single crystals in a nanostructured state formed at different stages of ordering annealing was performed using optical polarization, thermomagnetic and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods. The nanostructured state of the polycrystalline samples FePd after deformation of both disordered and ordered FePd alloys and subsequent annealing was examined with the help of TEM and X-ray techniques. The results obtained were analyzed based on the known concepts of the symmetry theory of phase transitions. It was concluded that the atomic ordering in the FePd alloys is preceded by the formation of a ferroelastic disordered body-centered tetragonal phase with the structural type 6 and the space group I4/mmm. Experimental data that evidence the existence of a tetragonal disordered phase both in the single crystals and in the polycrystalline samples of FePd after severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing are reported. Thus, the A1 ↔ A6 ↔ L10 phase transformation represents a combination of different types of phase transitions such as cooperative displacement A1 ↔ 6 and ordering A6 ↔ L10 of atoms

    Pedagogical potential of the career guidance course “Professional career planning” to form pupils and students’ self-determination in the integrated system “school—vocational college”

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The article is aimed at revealing pedagogical potential of an elective career guidance course to form pupils and students’ professional self-determination in the integrated system “school—vocational college”. The basic approach to research this problem is an integrative one that causes efficiency of pupils and students’ career guidance work in dual integrated system. The content of career guidance course “Professional Career Planning” developed and presented in this article is aimed at pupils’ professional self-determination formation, consciousness and steady interest in choosing future profession. As for vocational college students, the course is directed towards the students’ choice of their own individual educational and career way, revealing their adaptation abilities to future professional activity. Materials of the article are of value for school and vocational college teachers while organizing and planning career guidance work at the educational institutions

    Labor mobility as a developing factor of sustainable labor market development

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    Sustainable development of the modem labor market parametrically has a number of dependencies, among which the labor mobility does not only form the equilibrium, the balance of demand and supply of labor but also determines the determinant of the competence profile of the labor potential of the employe