7,688 research outputs found

    Torsional-flexural buckling of unevenly battened columns under eccentrical compressive loading

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    In this paper, an analytical model is developed to determine the torsional-flexural buckling load of a channel column braced by unevenly distributed batten plates. Solutions of the critical-buckling loads were derived for three boundary cases using the energy method in which the rotating angle between the adjacent battens was presented in the form of a piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation (PCHI) for unequally spaced battens. The validity of the PCHI method was numerically verified by the classic analytical approach for evenly battened columns and a finite-element analysis for unevenly battened ones, respectively. Parameter studies were then performed to examine the effects of loading eccentricities on the torsional-flexural buckling capacity of both evenly and unevenly battened columns. Design parameters taken into account were the ratios of pure torsional buckling load to pure flexural–buckling load, the number and position of battens, and the ratio of the relative extent of the eccentricity. Numerical results were summarized into a series of relative curves indicating the combination of the buckling load and corresponding moments for various buckling ratios.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant number (No.) 51175442 and Sichuan International Cooperation Research Project under grant No. 2014HH002

    Axion-induced oscillations of cooperative electric field in a cosmic magneto-active plasma

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    We consider one cosmological application of an axionic extension of the Maxwell-Vlasov theory, which describes axionically induced oscillatory regime in the state of global magnetic field evolving in the anisotropic expanding (early) universe. We show that the cooperative electric field in the relativistic plasma, being coupled to the pseudoscalar (axion) and global magnetic fields, plays the role of a regulator in this three-level system; in particular, the cooperative (Vlasov) electric field converts the regime of anomalous growth of the pseudoscalar field, caused by the axion-photon coupling at the inflationary epoch of the universe expansion, into an oscillatory regime with finite density of relic axions. We analyze solutions to the dispersion equations for the axionically induced cooperative oscillations of the electric field in the relativistic plasma.Comment: 7 pages, misprints correcte

    Novel Nonreciprocal Acoustic Effects in Antiferromagnets

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    The possible occurrence of nonreciprocal acoustic effects in antiferromagnets in the absence of an external magnetic field is investigated using both (i) a microscopic formulation of the magnetoelastic interaction between spins and phonons and (ii) symmetry arguments. We predict for certain antiferromagnets the existence of two new nonreciprocal (non-time invariant) effects: A boundary-condition induced nonreciprocal effect and the occurrence of transversal phonon modes propagating in opposite directions having different velocities. Estimates are given and possible materials for these effects to be observed are suggested.Comment: Euro. Phys. Lett. (in press

    Application of the method of decomposition of lidar signal-to-noise ratio to the assessment of laser instruments for gaseous pollution detection

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    A general methodology for rating both performance and potential of lidar systems used for detection of atmospheric trace constituents including pollutants and gas leaks is developed. By individually examining and decomposing the contribution of both lidar system parameters and atmospheric operating conditions on signal-to-noise-ratio, a generalized figure of merit, V, for lidar quality is introduced and evolved. Computer simulations based on V and atmospheric parameters are carried out to determine achievable lidar performance. A simple design procedure is outlined for determination of lidar instrumentation parameters to ensure the best monitoring efficiency for a given set of initial parameters/requirements, including operation range, minimum detectable gas concentration, and so on.Postprint (published version

    Hydrodynamic Instability of the Flux-antiflux Interface in Type-II Superconductors

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    The macroturbulence instability observed in fluxline systems during remagnetization of superconductors is explained. It is shown that when a region with flux is invaded by antiflux the interface can become unstable if there is a relative tangential flux motion. This condition occurs at the interface when the viscosity is anisotropic, e.g., due to flux guiding by twin boundaries in crystals. The phenomenon is similar to the instability of the tangential discontinuity in classical hydrodynamics. The obtained results are supported by magneto-optical observations of flux distribution on the surface of a YBCO single crystal with twins.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    A Lorentz-Poincar\'e type interpretation of the Weak Equivalence Principle

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    The validity of the Weak Equivalence Principle relative to a local inertial frame is detailed in a scalar-vector gravitation model with Lorentz-Poincar\'e type interpretation. Given the previously established first Post-Newtonian concordance of dynamics with General Relativity, the principle is to this order compatible with GRT. The gravitationally modified Lorentz transformations, on which the observations in physical coordinates depend, are shown to provide a physical interpretation of \emph{parallel transport}. A development of ``geodesic'' deviation in terms of the present model is given as well.Comment: v1: 9 pages, 2 figures, v2: version to appear in International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    A new apparatus for deep patterning of beam sensitive targets by means of high-energy ion beam

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    The paper reports on a high precision equipment designed to modify over 3-dimensions (3D) by means of high-energy gold ions the local properties of thin and thick films. A target-moving system aimed at creating patterns across the volume is driven by an x-y writing protocol that allows one to modify beam sensitive samples over micrometer-size regions of whatever shape. The apparatus has a mechanical resolution of 15 nm. The issue of the local fluence measurement has been particularly addressed. The setup has been checked by means of different geometries patterned on beam sensitive sheets as well as on superconducting materials. In the last case the 3D modification consists of amorphous nanostructures. The nanostructures create zones with different dissipative properties with respect to the virgin regions. The main analysis method consists of magneto-optical imaging that provides local information on the electrodynamics of the modified zones. Features typical of non-linear current flow hint at which pattern geometry is more functional to applications in the framework of nanostructures across superconducting films.Comment: 7 page

    Fractional Systems and Fractional Bogoliubov Hierarchy Equations

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    We consider the fractional generalizations of the phase volume, volume element and Poisson brackets. These generalizations lead us to the fractional analog of the phase space. We consider systems on this fractional phase space and fractional analogs of the Hamilton equations. The fractional generalization of the average value is suggested. The fractional analogs of the Bogoliubov hierarchy equations are derived from the fractional Liouville equation. We define the fractional reduced distribution functions. The fractional analog of the Vlasov equation and the Debye radius are considered.Comment: 12 page

    A simple formula for the L-gap width of a face-centered-cubic photonic crystal

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    The width L\triangle_L of the first Bragg's scattering peak in the (111) direction of a face-centered-cubic lattice of air spheres can be well approximated by a simple formula which only involves the volume averaged ϵ\epsilon and ϵ2\epsilon^2 over the lattice unit cell, ϵ\epsilon being the (position dependent) dielectric constant of the medium, and the effective dielectric constant ϵeff\epsilon_{eff} in the long-wavelength limit approximated by Maxwell-Garnett's formula. Apparently, our formula describes the asymptotic behaviour of the absolute gap width L\triangle_L for high dielectric contrast δ\delta exactly. The standard deviation σ\sigma steadily decreases well below 1% as δ\delta increases. For example σ<0.1\sigma< 0.1% for the sphere filling fraction f=0.2f=0.2 and δ20\delta\geq 20. On the interval δ(1,100)\delta\in(1,100), our formula still approximates the absolute gap width L\triangle_L (the relative gap width Lr\triangle_L^r) with a reasonable precision, namely with a standard deviation 3% (4.2%) for low filling fractions up to 6.5% (8%) for the close-packed case. Differences between the case of air spheres in a dielectric and dielectric spheres in air are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figs., RevTex, two references added. For more info see http://www.amolf.nl/external/wwwlab/atoms/theory/index.htm

    Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis and Hadronic Decay of Long-Lived Massive Particles

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    We study the big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) with the long-lived exotic particle, called X. If the lifetime of X is longer than \sim 0.1 sec, its decay may cause non-thermal nuclear reactions during or after the BBN, altering the predictions of the standard BBN scenario. We pay particular attention to its hadronic decay modes and calculate the primordial abundances of the light elements. Using the result, we derive constraints on the primordial abundance of X. Compared to the previous studies, we have improved the following points in our analysis: The JETSET 7.4 Monte Carlo event generator is used to calculate the spectrum of hadrons produced by the decay of X; The evolution of the hadronic shower is studied taking account of the details of the energy-loss processes of the nuclei in the thermal bath; We have used the most recent observational constraints on the primordial abundances of the light elements; In order to estimate the uncertainties, we have performed the Monte Carlo simulation which includes the experimental errors of the cross sections and transfered energies. We will see that the non-thermal productions of D, He3, He4 and Li6 provide stringent upper bounds on the primordial abundance of late-decaying particle, in particular when the hadronic branching ratio of X is sizable. We apply our results to the gravitino problem, and obtain upper bound on the reheating temperature after inflation.Comment: 94 pages, 49 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. This is a full length paper of the preprint astro-ph/040249