421 research outputs found

    Generation of second mode solitary waves by the interaction of a first mode soliton with a sill

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    Results of an experimental and theoretical study of the interaction of a first mode internal solitary wave with a localised bottom topography (sill) are presented. Laboratory experiments have been performed in a 10m long and 0.33m wide channel filled with a stratified fluid. The interface between the two layers (fresh and salt water) is diffuse and has a finite thickness. Soliton-type disturbances of the interface having characteristics of the first baroclinic mode are generated at one channel end. They move along the channel and encounter an underwater obstacle (sill) in the middle of the channel, where they break into reflected and transmitted waves. Two types of internal waves are produced by the interaction: a fast first mode internal soliton and a slower (by a factor of approximately 3) second mode soliton-like wave. A numerical model, based on the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in the Boussinesq approximation, is used tore produce the laboratory experiment. The detailed analysis of the horizontal and vertical structures of transmitted and reflected waves showed that the fast reflected and transmitted waves observed in the experiment can be interpreted as a first mode internal solitary wave whose characteristics are very close to those of the K-dV solitons. It is also demonstrated that the slow speed waves, generated during the interaction behind the first fast wave have vertical and horizontal structures very close to the second mode internal K-dV solitons

    Challenges of D=6 N=(1,1) SYM Theory

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    Maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories have several remarkable properties, among which are the cancellation of UV divergences, factorization of higher loop corrections and possible integrability. Much attention has been attracted to the N=4 D=4 SYM theory. The N=(1,1) D=6 SYM theory possesses similar properties but is nonrenomalizable and serves as a toy model for supergravity. We consider the on-shell four point scattering amplitude and analyze its perturbative expansion within the spin-helicity and superspace formalism. The integrands of the resulting diagrams coincide with those of the N=4 D=4 SYM and obey the dual conformal invariance. Contrary to 4 dimensions, no IR divergences on mass shell appear. We calculate analytically the leading logarithmic asymptotics in all loops. Their summation leads to a Regge trajectory which is calculated exactly. The leading powers of s are calculated up to six loops. Their summation is performed numerically and leads to a smooth function of s. The leading UV divergences are calculated up to 5 loops. The result suggests the geometrical progression which ends up in a finite expression. This leads us to a radical point of view on nonrenormalizable theories.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Late

    Generation of second mode solitary waves by the interaction of a first mode soliton with a sill

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    International audienceResults of an experimental and theoretical study of the interaction of a first mode internal solitary wave with a localised bottom topography (sill) are presented. Laboratory experiments have been performed in a 10m long and 0.33m wide channel filled with a stratified fluid. The interface between the two layers (fresh and salt water) is diffuse and has a finite thickness. Soliton-type disturbances of the interface having characteristics of the first baroclinic mode are generated at one channel end. They move along the channel and encounter an underwater obstacle (sill) in the middle of the channel, where they break into reflected and transmitted waves. Two types of internal waves are produced by the interaction: a fast first mode internal soliton and a slower (by a factor of approximately 3) second mode soliton-like wave. A numerical model, based on the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in the Boussinesq approximation, is used tore produce the laboratory experiment. The detailed analysis of the horizontal and vertical structures of transmitted and reflected waves showed that the fast reflected and transmitted waves observed in the experiment can be interpreted as a first mode internal solitary wave whose characteristics are very close to those of the K-dV solitons. It is also demonstrated that the slow speed waves, generated during the interaction behind the first fast wave have vertical and horizontal structures very close to the second mode internal K-dV solitons

    Divergences in maximal supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in diverse dimensions

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    The main aim of this paper is to study the scattering amplitudes in gauge field theories with maximal supersymmetry in dimensions D=6,8 and 10. We perform a systematic study of the leading ultraviolet divergences using the spinor helicity and on-shell momentum superspace framework. In D=6 the first divergences start at 3 loops and we calculate them up to 5 loops, in D=8,10 the first divergences start at 1 loop and we calculate them up to 4 loops. The leading divergences in a given order are the polynomials of Mandelstam variables. To be on the safe side, we check our analytical calculations by numerical ones applying the alpha-representation and the dedicated routines. Then we derive an analog of the RG equations for the leading pole that allows us to get the recursive relations and construct the generating procedure to obtain the polynomials at any order of (perturbation theory) PT. At last, we make an attempt to sum the PT series and derive the differential equation for the infinite sum. This equation possesses a fixed point which might be stable or unstable depending on the kinematics. Some consequences of these fixed points are discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures, pdf LaTex, v2 minor changes and references adde

    Biosimilar insulins in international and domestic practice of pharmacist

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    In Ukraine, people with diabetes receive insulin, including insulin biosimilars in pharmacies, so pharmacists should increase their knowledge about biosimilar because they become more available in the coming years. The aim of the work was to summarize current information on insulin biosimilars. Research materials ‒ regulatory database information and scientific publications on biosimilars. Content analysis, bibliosemantic, analytical, generalizing analyzes were used. The terminology related to reproducible biological drugs (biosimilars) is difference and it depend on the regulatory agency or the country that controls the approve of drugs. Insulin was the first biopharmaceutical drug which was developed. For approving biosimilars, it is necessary to establish similarity with the reference drug in terms of safety, purity and efficacy. Regulatory of biosimilars and requirements for demonstration the biosimilarity are specified in regulatory of the EMA and WHO. The regulatory of the approving of biosimilar in Ukraine is harmonized with European regulatory. The rules on interchangeability are not determined by all regulatory agency. The International Diabetes Federation emphasizes the role of the pharmacist, stating that they should be well informed about the forms of insulin, includes biosimilars. In Ukraine, pharmacists must dispense insulin, including biosimilars, exactly in accordance to the prescription in which the trade name of insulin (or biosimilars) is indicated. Insulin biosimilars can be an alternative to original insulins that have lost patent protection by increasing the availability of drugs, which can lead to increased market competition and access insulin for patients. Based on the analysis of current information on biosimilars, generalizations about their terminology, aspects of manufecture, regulatory, interchangeability, prospects in the treatment of diabetes and their replacement of referens insulins are presented. The potential impact of biosimilar insulins to patients and the health care system was determinated. The importance of awareness of these drugs by pharmacists as part of the diabetic team are highlighted

    Медичний туризм: світовий досвід, проблеми та перспективи розвитку в Україні

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    The article examines the experience of countries that have successfully worked in the medical tourism market for many years and the problems Ukraine has in the development of this industry. The successes of the branches of domestic medicine that can become the basis for the development of the sphere of medical medical tourism in Ukraine are highlighted. According to individual positions, Ukraine can compete with the leading countries of the world: there are a lot of highly qualified specialists in the domestic medicine that provide the highest quality assistance; prices for services are much lower than those in the European Union; our country is in the geographic center of Europe and has a sufficiently developed hotel and transport infrastructure. The most progressive directions currently are reproduction, ophthalmology, dentistry, cell therapy, plastic surgery, cardio surgery, aesthetic medicine. It is positive that in Ukraine today is a favorable legislative framework in the field of reproduction and cell therapy. This gives a lot of interest in obtaining this medical service in Ukraine. Foreign patients of oncological clinics also have a great interest in treatment in our country. Aesthetic medicine is today world-wide. Profit in this area is tens of billions of dollars. For the successful functioning of this industry in Ukraine, first of all, it must be legalized and simplified taxation system. An important issue is the accreditation of medical institutions in Ukraine, which will be a confirmation of the proper quality for potential clients. The certification of ISO 9001 will significantly affect the growing authority of medical institutions. The main flows of outbound medical tourism from Ukraine for the purpose of visiting and the countries where tourists visit the most often are analyzed. It is shown that successful development of the sphere of medical tourism will promote not only improvement of medical and service services, but also will work to create the image of Ukraine as an economically developed state. The current task of the present is to develop an effective program for the development of medical tourism, which would be consistent with the overall strategy. In order to achieve success in the field of medical tourism, it is necessary to combine efforts both from medicine and tourism. The development of on-line medical tourism is a prospect of attracting investment and receiving high profits to the state budget.В статті розглянуто досвід країн, які успішно працюють на ринку медичного туризму протягом багатьох років та проблеми, які має Україна на шляху розвитку цієї галузі. Висвітлено успіхи галузей вітчизняної медицини, які можуть стати базисом розбудови сфери в’їзного медичного туризму в Україні. За окремими позиціями Україна може скласти гідну конкуренцію провідним державам світу: у вітчизняній медицині працює багато високопрофесійних профільних фахівців, які надають допомогу найвищої якості; ціни на послуги значно нижчі порівняно з такими у Європейському союзі; наша країна знаходиться в георгафічному центрі Європи та має достатньо розвинену готельну і транспортну інфраструктуру. Найпрогресивніші на сьогодні напрями – репродуктологія, офтальмологія, стоматологія, клітинна терапія, пластична хірургія, кардіохірургія, естетична медицина. Позитивним є те, що в Україні на сьогоднішній день сприятлива законодавча база в галузі репродукції та клітинної терапії. Це дає велику зацікавленість у отриманні даної медичної послуги в Україні. Великий інтерес до лікування в нашій державі мають також іноземні пацієнти онкологічних клінік. Естетична медицина на сьогодні в усьому світі займає вагомі позиції. Прибуток у цій сфері нараховує десятки мільярдів доларів. Для успішного функціонування цієї галузі в Україні в першу чергу потрібно легелізувати її, спростити систему оподаткування. Важливим питанням є акредитація медичних закладів України, що стане підтвердженням належної якості для потенційних клієнтів.  Проведення сертифікування ISO 9001 суттєво вплине на зростання авторитетності медичних закладів. Проаналізовано найбільші потоки виїзного медичного туризму з України за метою відвідування та країнами, куди туристи найчастіше їдуть. Показано, що успішний розвиток сфери медичного туризму сприятиме не лише покращенню медичного та сервісного обслуговування, а й працюватиме на створенню іміджу України як економічно розвиненої держави. Актуальним завданням сьогодення є розробка дієвої програми розвитку в’їзного медичного туризму, яка б узгоджувалася із загальною стратегією. Для досягнення успіху в сфері медичного туризмі необхідно обєднати зусилля як з боку медицини, так і туризму. Розвиток вїзного медичного туризму – це перспектива залучення інвестицій та одержання високих прибутків до державного бюджету