9 research outputs found

    Primena fungicida u zaštiti višnje od prouzrokovača pegavosti lista (Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx.)

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    The export-oriented fruit production of sour cherry takes an important place in our country. The production of sour cherry is a promising and number of trees increases from year to year. Cherry leaf spot Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx. is an economically significant pathogen of all varieties of sour cherry which can be find in our country. Harmful effects of this pathogen is reflected in the early defoliation, which has an impact on the reduction of yield and fruit quality. The aim of the research is to examine the efficiency of preparations based on dodine, dithianon and mancozeb in control B. jaapii in the cherry orchard in the locality Dimitrovgrad. The applied fungicides have demonstrated high efficiency in the protection of sour cherry from B. jaapii.U izvozno orijentisanoj voćarskoj proizvodnji, višnja zauzima značajno mesto u našoj zemlji. Proizvodnja višnje je perspektivna i broj stabala se uvećava iz godine u godinu. Pegavost lista višnje Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx. predstavlja ekonomski značajnog patogena svih sorti višnje zastupljenih u našoj zemlji. Štetnost patogena se ogleda u ranoj defolijaciji, što ima uticaja na smanjenje prinosa i kvalitet ploda. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje efikasnosti preparata na bazi dodina, ditianona i mankozeba u suzbijanju B. jaapii u zasadu višnje u lokalitetu Dimitrovgrad. Primenjeni fungicidi su ispoljili visoku efikasnost u zaštiti višnje od B. jaapii

    Intezivna pojava žute rđe pšenice (Puccinia Striiformis Westend ) na području grada Bihaća

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    Wheat rust (Puccinia striiformis) is the most important plant disease which we encounter for many years. Development of yellow rust on wheat depends on the weather conditions, primarily on increased rainfall and lower temperatures. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the connection between climate changes with the emergence of specific diseases such as rust of wheat, which intensively occurs in areas with colder climate. This paper deals with the occurrence of rust on wheat for three consecutive years: 2014, 2015 and 2016 on the varieties of wheat that are commonly used in the Una Sana Canton, a types Bosanka and Novosadska S 40. The highest level of disease was observed in 2014 on the mentioned varieties. During 2015 there has not been occurrence of rust on wheat, whereas in 2016 on the wheat variet Bosanka occurrence of rust was observed again, less pronounced than it was in 2014.Rđa pšenice (Puccinia striiformis) je značajno oboljenje sa kojim se susrećemo duži niz godina. Razvoj žute rđe na pšenici ovisi o vremenskim uvetima, prvenstveno o povećanoj količini padavina i nižim temperaturama. Cilj ovog rada bio je dokazivanje povezanosti klimatskih promena sa pojavom specifičnih bolesti kao što je rđa pšenice koja se intenzivnije javlja u područjima sa hladnijim klimatom. U ovom radu praćena je pojava rđe na pšenici tokom tri uzastopne godine: 2014., 2015. i 2016. na sortama pšenice koje se najčešće koriste na području Unsko sanskog kantona, Bosanka i NS 40S. Najveći intenzitet bolesti primećen je tokom 2014. godine na pomenutim sortama. Tokom 2015. godine nije došlo do pojave rđe na pšenici dok je 2016. godine na sorti pšenice Bosanka ponovo primećena pojava rđe manjeg intenziteta nego što je to bilo 2014. godine

    Genetic diversity of pseudomonas syringae pv. Syringae isolated from sweet cherry in southern and northern regions in Serbia

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    Bacterial canker and leaf spot caused by plant pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas is among the most destructive cherry diseases worldwide. Nowadays in Serbia, sweet cherry production significantly increased and the new plantations, mainly grown from imported planting material are being raised every year. During spring, 2018 and 2019, occurrence of bacterial canker and leaf spot symptoms was observed on a newly planted sweet cherry plantations in two localities, Zitorada (Southern region) and Karavukovo (Northern region-Vojvodina). Typical P. syringae colonies were isolated on Nutrient Sucrose Agar supplemented with 5% sucrose (NSA). A total of fifteen isolates were selected and identified. Results of the LOPAT test (+---+) determined them to belong to fluorescent Pseudomonas Group Ia, while results of G(+)A(+)T(-)Ta(-) tests indicate presence of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. Pathogenicity was confirmed on immature sweet and sour cherry fruitlets by forming of black, sunken lesions for all tested isolates. Genes syrB and syrD were successfully detected in all tested isolates. DNA sequencing using gapA, gltA, gyrB and rpoD housekeeping genes determined tested isolates to belong to P. s. pv. syringae using the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) nucleotide BLAST. The Serbian isolates shared 99.47% to 100% (Zitorada) and 99.38% to 100% (Karavukovo) identity with bacterium P. s. pv. syringae. Phylogenetic analysis grouped isolates from Zitorada in one tree cluster, separate from the Karavukovo isolates,indicating presence of two genetically diverse groups of causal pathogen P. s. pv. syringae, obtained from two geographically distinct localities in Serbia. Phylogeographic analysis grouped isolates from Zitorada in multilocus haplotype coded as REz and isolates originated from Karavukovo in multilocus haplotype coded as REk. Considering that during last few years P. syringae continuously occurs mainly in young sweet cherry plantations, where imported material is used for raising, health status check is recommended to be included as obligatory measure when nursery material is used from import

    Da li Pseudomonas aeruginosa perzistira u biljkama?

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    Persistence of pathogenic bacteria in plants, is a major threat to human health, especially in plants that are used in food with no heat treatment. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a possibility of persistence of human isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cucumbers, cabbage, peppers and tomatoes. In cucumber and cabbage P. aeruginosa was isolated from all 12 plants, tomato by 9 and 7 of pepper plants. Based on the results, there is the possibility of persistence P. aeruginosa in the above vegetables.Mogućnost perzistencije patogenih bakterija u biljkama, predstavlja veliku opasnost po zdravlje ljudi, pogotovo kod biljaka koje se koriste u ishrani bez termičke obrade. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li postoji mogućnost perzistencije humanog izolata Pseudomonas aeruginosa u krastavcu, kupusu, paprici i paradajzu. Pseudomonas aeruginosa izolovan je iz svih 12 biljaka krastavca i kupusa, iz 9 paradajza i 7 paprika. Na osnovu rezultata rada, u navedenom povrću postoji mogućnost perzistencije P. aeruginosa

    Bolesti kupusa tokom 2016. godine

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    Cabbage presents important vegetable for R. Serbia, both in terms of production and consumption. Mistaces in agrotechnology and disease occurrence are important factors in the yield decline in relation to the genetic potential. Investigations conducted in 2016 at several locations aimed at determining the occurrence of pathogens on cabbage at different periods and stages of growth. Investigations has shown the presence of seven causal agents of mycosis: Plasmodiophora brassicae, Phoma lingam, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans, Peronospora parasitica, Alternaria brassicae, Pythium spp., Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; and two bacterial diseases: Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, Pectobacterium carotovorum.Kupus predstavlja značajnu povrtarsku vrstu za R. Srbiju. Greške u agrotehnici i pojava bolesti, značajni su činioci smanjenja prinosa u odnosu na genetski potencijal. Istraživanje sprovedeno tokom 2016. godine na više lokaliteta imalo je za cilj utvrđivanje pojave patogena na kupusu u različitim periodima i fenofazama razvoja. Istraživanjima je utvrđeno prisustvo sedam prouzrokovača mikoza: Plasmodiophora brassicae, Phoma lingam, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans, Peronospora parasitica, Alternaria brassicae, Pythium spp., Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; i dve bakterioze: Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, Pectobacterium carotovorum

    Efikasnost nekih preparata u kontroli crne truleži kupusnjača (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris)

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    Diseases of brassicas present a significant limiting factor for the successful production of these plants. Causal agent of black rot or bacterial diseases-vessel Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris is a widespread and damaging bacterial diseases, causing significant losses in condition of moderate climate. Research carried out in 2015. were aimed to testing the efficacy of some different bactericides in control of black rot on the cabbage cultivar Futoški. The best efficacy was observed in the combination of copper - hydroxide and ethylenebis - dithiocarbamate and the copper - hydroxide.Bolesti kupusnjača predstavljaju značajan ograničavajući faktor uspešne proizvodnje ovih biljaka. Prouzrokovač crne truleži ili sudovne bakterioze kupusnjača Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris predstavlja veoma rasprostranjenu i štetnu bakteriozu, prouzrokujući značajne gubitke u uslovima umerenog klimata. Istraživanje sprovedeno 2015. god. imalo je za cilj ispitivanje efikasnost nekih preparata u kontroli ove bakterioze na kupusu sorte Futoški. Najbolja efikasnost je zabeležena kod kombinacije bakar – hidroksida i etilenbis – ditiokarbamata i samog bakar – hidroksida

    Kila kupusa – da li predstavlja opasnost?

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    The causal agent of cabbage clubroot, historically is one of the oldest diseases and today is getting more and more important. The reason for this is primarily increase the area under brassicas, short crop rotation or rotation within the same family, as well as the difficulty in pathogen control. In recent years there has been a more intensive appearance of this pathogen at locations where brassicas is traditionally grown, but also on new ones which indicate its spread. Certain control measures slowly lose their importance, while respecting crop rotation as basic measures are often ignored. Everything indicates that cabbage is a threat and that it is necessary to apply all hygienic and sanitary measures in order to stop the pathogen.Kila kupusa, istorijski gledano kao jedno od najstarijih oboljenja, danas dobija sve više na značaju. Tome pre svega doprinosi povećanje površina pod kupusnjačama, kratka rotacija useva ili rotacija u okviru iste familije, kao i otežano suzbijanje patogena. Poslednjih godina dolazi do intenzivnije pojave ovog patogena na lokalitetima gde se tradicionalno gaje kupusnjače, ali i na novim, što ukazuje na njegovo širenje. Pojedine mere u suzbijanju polako gube na značaju, a poštovanje plodoreda kao osnovne mere često se zanemaruje. Sve izneto ukazuje da kila kupusa predstavlja opasnost i da je blagovremeno potrebno primeniti pre svega sve higijensko-sanitarne mere kako bi se patogen zaustavio

    Ispitivanje fitopatogenih odlika kliničkih izolata Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

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    Existence of persistence ability of clinical isolates bacteria in plants, raises the question of their phytopathogenic characteristic and possibilities to cause pathological changes in the plants. The study included clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and their possibility to causing rot on potato tubers, slices of carrots, onion cloves, hypersensitive response (HR) on tobacco leaves and hydrolysis of starch. In the case of some isolates was observed potential symptoms of onion rot, while the other tests of phytopathogenic characteristics were negative.Postojanje mogućnosti perzistencije kliničkih izolata bakterija u biljkama, otvara pitanje o njihovim fitopatogenim svojstvima i mogućnostima da izazovu patološke promene na biljkama. Ispitivanjima su obuhvaćeni klinički izolati Pseudomonas aeruginosa i njihova mogućnost prouzrokovanja truleži na krtolama krompira, kriškama mrkve, lukovicama crnog luka, kao i hipersenzitivne reakcije (HR) na duvanu i hidrolize skroba. Kod pojedinih izolata zabeležena je mogućnost pojave simptoma truleži glavica crnog luka, dok su ostala ispitivana fitopatogena svojstva negativna