63 research outputs found


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    lstraživanja o utjecaju krupnoće zrna jarog ječma na dužinu klice i primarnih klicinih korjenčića sprovedena su tijekom 1993. godine u laboratoriju Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku. lz naturalnog sjemena ječma dobivene su frakcije sjemena na stroju za izdvajanje frakcija po EBC-u (sjeme promjena 2,8 mm, 2,5 mm i 2,2 mm). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je najdužu klicu i najduži primarni klicin korjenčić postiglo krupno sjeme ječma (sjeme promjena 2,8 mm) dok je najkraću klicu i primarni klicin korjenčić imalo sitno sjeme ječma (sjeme promjera 2,2mm). Drugi dio istraživanja obavljen je poljskim pokusima koji su postavljeni tijekom 1993. i 1994. godine po split-plot shemi na selekcijskim poljima Poljoprivrednog instituta u Osijeku. Pored navedene tri frakcije zrna u istraživanje je uzeto i neprosijano sjeme kao standard. Sjetva je obavljena u ranijem i kasnijem roku a dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da je klijavost u polju (broj izniklih biljaka po jedinici povrÅ”ine) bih veća kod prvog u odnosu na drugi rok sjetve. Također je ustanovljeno da je krupno sjeme ječma postiglo veću poljsku klijavost u odnosu na sitno sjeme. Razlike ispoljene u poljskoj klijavosti, kako između rokova sjetve tako i između frakcija zrna, pokazale su se statistički visoko opravdane (P<0,01).During 1993, some laboratory tests have conducted to determine the effects of seed size in spring brewing barley on the length of the germ and rootlet (seed fractions were as follows: 2,8 mm , 2,5 mm and 2.2 mm of diameter, respectively). By a statistical analysis of the date on the length of germ and rootlets in spring barley, statistically significant differences were found to be among the fractions tested, and the largest average value was attained by the seed fraction of 2,8 mm, and the lowest one by 2,2 mm. During 1993 and 1994, a trials have established on the selection field, following the split-plot method, to determine the effects of the above seed fractions and unsieved seed as standard in field trials, and two sowing dates, on field germination (the number of emerged plants /mĀ²). The differences in the number of emerged plants /mĀ² found between the two sowing dates were statistically very significant and the larger number of emerged plants/mĀ² was found after the first sowing date. As for the field trial, the differences found in the number of emerged plants /mĀ² among the fractions were statistically very significant. The largest number of emerged plants/mĀ² was attained with the seed fraction of 2,8 mm, and the lowest one with the seed fraction of 2,2 mm, in both years of investigation


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    The translocation between the short arm of chromosome 1R of rye and the long arm of chromosome 1A, 1B or 1D of wheat represents practically the most common introduced foreign genes into the genome of hexaploid wheat. 1RS chromosome arm represents a source of different useful genes, associated with increased disease resistance, improved adaptability, stress tolerance, and increased stability and level of yield. On the other hand, translocation is associated with poor technological quality of wheat as a result of the presence of secalin and reduced number of gluten loci. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of 1RS translocation among some Croatian winter wheat varieties using molecular markers. The study included 40 varieties of which 23 Croatian. Four pairs of primers: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR and PAW161 were used for determination of translocation. The presence of translocation was determined in 12 of 40 (30%) varieties, while among the Croatian wheat varieties translocation had 8 of 23 (34.78%) varieties (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda and Dea).Translokacija između kratkoga kraka kromosoma 1R raži i dugoga kraka kromosoma 1A, 1B ili 1D pÅ”enice predstavlja praktično najzastupljenije unesene strane gene u genom heksaploidne pÅ”enice. 1RS krak kromosoma predstavlja izvor različitih korisnih gena, koji se povezuju s povećanom otpornoŔću na bolesti, povećanom adaptabilnosti, tolerantnosti na stres te povećanom stabilnoŔću i visinom prinosa. S druge strane, translokaciju se povezuje i s loÅ”om tehnoloÅ”kom kvalitetom pÅ”enice, kao posljedicom prisutnosti sekalina i smanjenja broja glutenskih lokusa. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi zastupljenost 1RS translokacije u hrvatskom sortimentu ozime pÅ”enice koriÅ”tenjem molekularnih markera. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 40 kultivara pÅ”enice, od čega 23 hrvatska kultivara. Za identifikaciju translokacije koriÅ”tena su četiri para početnica: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR i PAW161. Istraživanjem je utvrđena prisutnost translokacije u 12 od 40 (30%) ispitivanih kultivara, dok je među hrvatskim kultivarima pÅ”enice translokaciju imalo 8 od 23 (34,78%) kultivara (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda i Dea)

    Sustainable Waste Management and the Impact of the Tourism Sector on Environmental Pollution

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    Tourism is one of the most important economic activity in Croatia. At the same time tourism sector has a major impact on the environment, which is especially expressed through an increase in the amount of waste generated during the tourist season. Environmental pollution in tourist areas is a common problem due to the large number of people and due to the various activities. Inadequate disposal of waste from hotels and rest areas leads not only to environmental pollution but also to health problems related to pests and infectious diseases. The problem of sustainable waste management is a slight resistance and misunderstanding by entrepreneurs in tourism, due to the common popular opinion that the most important thing is to make a big profit. Environmental protection comes last, although there are many examples of corporate social responsibility and environmental investment in tourism. Such an example is the company Ilirija d.d. In the case study their business and their activities related to waste management were investigated. The goal of the paper is to analyze the amount of waste produced for one year and explore the extent to which Ilirija resort d.d. business is environmentally responsible. The aim is also to investigate the impact of the tourism sector on environmental pollution and the role of waste generated in the this sector in the ecological crisis. The quantities of waste produced in 2018 were monitored and analyzed throughout all twelve months compared to the number of overnight stays. The following data collection methods were used in this study: review of company documents, interviews, surveys and field observations. The results have shown that the increase in the number of tourists increases the amount of waste during the tourist season, as well as preparations for the new season. In conclusion, guidelines and proposed measures for waste reduction will be given

    Sustainable Waste Management and the Impact of the Tourism Sector on Environmental Pollution

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    Tourism is one of the most important economic activity in Croatia. At the same time tourism sector has a major impact on the environment, which is especially expressed through an increase in the amount of waste generated during the tourist season. Environmental pollution in tourist areas is a common problem due to the large number of people and due to the various activities. Inadequate disposal of waste from hotels and rest areas leads not only to environmental pollution but also to health problems related to pests and infectious diseases. The problem of sustainable waste management is a slight resistance and misunderstanding by entrepreneurs in tourism, due to the common popular opinion that the most important thing is to make a big profit. Environmental protection comes last, although there are many examples of corporate social responsibility and environmental investment in tourism. Such an example is the company Ilirija d.d. In the case study their business and their activities related to waste management were investigated. The goal of the paper is to analyze the amount of waste produced for one year and explore the extent to which Ilirija resort d.d. business is environmentally responsible. The aim is also to investigate the impact of the tourism sector on environmental pollution and the role of waste generated in the this sector in the ecological crisis. The quantities of waste produced in 2018 were monitored and analyzed throughout all twelve months compared to the number of overnight stays. The following data collection methods were used in this study: review of company documents, interviews, surveys and field observations. The results have shown that the increase in the number of tourists increases the amount of waste during the tourist season, as well as preparations for the new season. In conclusion, guidelines and proposed measures for waste reduction will be given

    Utjecaj temperature i pH otopine na upijanje sjemena i svojstva klijanaca inkarnatke (Trifolium incarnatum L.)

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    Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L. convar. Inkara) seeds were imbibed with water solution of various pH values (4, 5, 6 and 7) at various ambiental temperatures (10, 15 and 22 Ā°C) with the aim to reveal treatments effects on seed (imbibition, germination energy, germination and electric conductivity) and seedling traits (stem, root and total length). Seeds were imbibed in a laboratory by the standard method for seed germination. When averaged over the inquired pH values, ambient temperature affected all the investigated traits except stem length. The highest seed imbibition (58.8%) and electric conductivity (82 ĀµS/cm per gram) were achieved at 22 Ā°C. The highest values for germination energy (70%), germination (68%), root length (31 mm) and total seedling length (77 mm) were achieved at 10 Ā°C. When averaged over the inquired ambiental temperatures, the highest germination energy (71%), germination (73%), root length (34 mm) and total seedling length (78 mm) were achieved at pH 4.U laboratorijskim uvjetima ispitivan je utjecaj upijanja sjemena inkarnatke (cv. ā€žInkaraā€œ) pri različitim temperaturama (10, 15 i 22 Ā°C) i pH otopina (4, 5, 6 i 7) na svojstva sjemena (upijanje, energiju klijanja i klijavost, električni konduktivitiet) i klijanaca (dužinu stabljike, korjena te ukupnu dužinu klijanaca). Sjeme izloženo upijanju na navedenim temperaturama i pH vrijednostima otopina naklijavano je standardnom metodom. Temperatura upijanja u prosjeku za pH vrijednosti otopine upijanja utjecala je na sva ispitivana svojstva sjemena i klijanaca osim na dužinu stabljike klijanaca. Najveće vrijednosti na 22 Ā°C dobivene su za upijanje sjemena (58,8%) i električni konduktivitet (82 ĀµS/cm per gram). Dobivene vrijednosti za energiju (70%) i klijavost sjemena (68%) kao i dužinu korjena (31 mm) i ukupna dužina klijanaca (77 mm) bile su najveće na 10Ā°C. U prosjeku za temperature, na pH 4 vrijednost otopine za upijanje dobivene su najveće vrijednosti za energiju klijanja (71%) i klijavost sjemena (73%), dužinu korjena (34 mm) i ukupnu dužinu klijanaca (78 mm)

    ā€œ00ā€ Oilseed Rape Cultivars in the Process of Drying

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    To provide production of biodiesel fuel agriculture is required to grow ā€œ00ā€ oilseed rape cultivars. In continuous process of the fuel production, grown oilseed rape seed should be regularly dried and properly stored. Drying rate and drying quality of the seed depends on physical conditions of the atmosphere when drying, physical and chemical properties of the material used, and the thickness of the layer through which water is diff used in the regime of drying. The study has been carried out on three ā€œ00ā€ oilseed rape cultivars during three years period. Mathematical models of drying have been made to enable mutual comparison among the cultivars. Among the cultivars tested no significant differences were found regarding drying during one-year period. However, significant differences were found when comparison was made within the years of examination


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    Tijekom 1994. i 1995. godine u laboratoriju Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku obavljene su analize utjecaja krupnoće sjemena suncokreta na energiju klijanja, klijavost i dužinu primarnih klicinih korjenčića. Pokus je postavljen sa 2 hibrida suncokreta (Fakir i Osječanin) u 5 ponavljanja sa 3000 pojedinačnih mjerenja. Najveće vrijednosti energije klijanja kod hibrida Fakir postigle su frakcije sjemena promjera 3.5 mm i 2.75 mm (80.5%), a najmanje frakcija sjemena promjera 2.5 mm (69.0%). Ispoljene razlike pokazale su se statistički značajne (p < 0.05* ). Kod hibrida Osječanin najveće vrijednosti energije klijanja postigla je frakcija sjemena promjera 3.5 mm (84.4%), slijedi fakcija 2.5 mm (81,6%) a najmanje vrijednosti imala je frakcija 2.75 mm (80.0%). Ispoljene razlike statistički nisu značajne (ns). Najveće vrijednosti ukupne klijavosti kod hibrida Fakir postigla je frakcija sjemena promjera 3.5 mm (90.8%), slijedi frakcija sjemena 2.75 mm (89,5%), a najmanje vrijednosti imala je frakcija sjemena promjera 2.5 mm (88,0%). Ispoljene razlike statistički nisu značajne (ns). Najveće vrijednosti ukupne klijavosti kod hibrida Osječanin postigla je frakcija sjemena promjera 3.5 mm (85.6%), slijedi frakcija sjemna 2.75 mm (84.0%) a najmanje vrijednosti imala je frakcija sjemena promjera 2.5 mm (83. 8%). Ispoljene razlike statistički nisu značajne (ns). Dužina primarnih klicinih korjenčića također je varirala po frakcijama sjemena, ali i po hibridima. Najveće prosječne vrijednosti dužine korjenčića kod hibrida Fakir ostvarila frakcija sjemena promjera 3.5 mm (7.95 cm), slijedi frakcija sjemena 2.75 mm (6.67 cm) a najniže vrijednosti imala je frakcija sjemena promjera 2.5 mm (5.86 cm). Slični rezultati dobiveni su i kod hibrida Osječanin tako da je najduži korjenčić postigla najkrupnija frakcija, a najkraći najsitnija frakcija sjemena. Ispoljene razlike u dužini korjenčića između pojedinih frakcija sjemena, kod oba hibrida, pokazale su se statistički visoko opravdane (P < 0.01** ).In the laboratory of the Agricultural faculty in Osijek - CROATIA, the analysis of seed size (seed fractions of 3.5 mm, 2.75 mm and 2.5 mm) on sprouting energy, germinability and rotlet length has been was made, during 1994 and 1995. Fakir and Osječanin sunflower varieties were used for the analysis. Seed fraction of 3.5 mm achieved the greatest sprouting energy (variety Fakir 80.5% and variety Osječanin 84.4%). Seed fraction of 2.5 mm achieved the smallest sprouting energy in variety Fakir (69.0%) and seed fraction of 2.75 mm in variety Osječanin (80.0%). By statistical analysis, between investigated seed fractions, demonstrated differences of sprouting energy in variety Fakir were significant (p < 0.05*) and in variety Osječanin were not significant (ns). Seed fractions of 3.5 mm achieved the greatest germinability in both varieties (variety Fakir 90.8% and variety Osječanin 85.6%). Seed fractions of 2.5 mm achieved the smallest germinability in both varieties (variety Fakir 88.0% and variety Osječanin 83.8%). By statistical analysis the values obtained by measuring germinability in both varieties, demonstrated differences between seed fractions which were not significant (ns). Seed fractions of 3.5 mm achieved the greatest rootlet length in both varieties (variety Fakir 7.95 cm and variety Osječanin 7.15 cm). Seed fractions of 2.5 mm achieved the smallest rootlet length in both varieties (variety Fakir 5.86 cm and variety Osječanin 6.17 cm). By statistical analysis, between investigated seed fractions, demonstrated differences of sunflower rootlet length were very significant (P < 0.01**), in both varieties
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