102 research outputs found

    Bi-Hamiltonian ODEs with matrix variables

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    We consider a special class of linear and quadratic Poisson brackets related to ODE systems with matrix variables. We investigate general properties of such brackets, present an example of a compatible pair of quadratic and linear brackets and found the corresponding hierarchy of integrable models, which generalizes the two-component Manakov's matrix system in the case of arbitrary number of matrices.Comment: 9 pages, late

    Parameter-dependent associative Yang-Baxter equations and Poisson brackets

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    We discuss associative analogues of classical Yang-Baxter equation meromorphically dependent on parameters. We discover that such equations enter in a description of a general class of parameter-dependent Poisson structures and double Lie and Poisson structures in sense of M. Van den Bergh. We propose a classification of all solutions for one-dimensional associative Yang-Baxter equations.Comment: 18 pages, LATEX2, ws-ijgmmp style. Few typos corrected, aknowledgements adde

    Confluence on the Painlev\'e Monodromy Manifolds, their Poisson Structure and Quantisation

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    In this paper we obtain a system of flat coordinates on the monodromy manifold of each of the Painlev\'e equations. This allows us to quantise such manifolds. We produce a quantum confluence procedure between cubics in such a way that quantisation and confluence commute. We also investigate the underlying cluster algebra structure and the relation to the versal deformations of singularities of type D4,A3,A2D_4,A_3,A_2, and A1A_1.Comment: Version 1, 16 pages, 3 figure

    Algebras of quantum monodromy data and decorated character varieties

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    The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence is an isomorphism between the de Rham moduli space and the Betti moduli space, defined by associating to each Fuchsian system its monodromy representation class. In 1997 Hitchin proved that this map is a symplectomorphism. In this paper, we address the question of what happens to this theory if we extend the de Rham moduli space by allowing connections with higher order poles. In our previous paper arXiv:1511.03851, based on the idea of interpreting higher order poles in the connection as boundary components with bordered cusps (vertices of ideal triangles in the Poincar\'e metric) on the Riemann surface, we introduced the notion of decorated character variety to generalize the Betti moduli space. This decorated character variety is the quotient of the space of representations of the fundamental groupid of arcs by a product of unipotent Borel sub-groups (one per bordered cusp). Here we prove that this representation space is endowed with a Poisson structure induced by the Fock--Rosly bracket and show that the quotient by unipotent Borel subgroups giving rise to the decorated character variety is a Poisson reduction. We deal with the Poisson bracket and its quantization simultaneously, thus providing a quantisation of the decorated character variety. In the case of dimension 2, we also endow the representation space with explicit Darboux coordinates. We conclude with a conjecture on the extended Riemann-Hilbert correspondence in the case of higher order poles.Comment: Dedicated to Nigel Hitchin for his 70th birthday. 22 pages, 6 figure

    Generalizations of Poisson structures related to rational Gaudin model

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    The Poisson structure arising in the Hamiltonian approach to the rational Gaudin model looks very similar to the so-called modified Reflection Equation Algebra. Motivated by this analogy, we realize a braiding of the mentioned Poisson structure, i.e. we introduce a "braided Poisson" algebra associated with an involutive solution to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation. Also, we exhibit another generalization of the Gaudin type Poisson structure by replacing the first derivative in the current parameter, entering the so-called local form of this structure, by a higher order derivative. Finally, we introduce a structure, which combines both generalizations. Some commutative families in the corresponding braided Poisson algebra are found.Comment: LATEX, 16 p

    Quasi-hopf algebras associated with sl 2 and complex curves

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    We construct quasi-Hopf algebras quantizing double extensions of the Manin pairs of Drinfeld, associated to a curve with a meromorphic differential, and the Lie algebrasl 2. This construction makes use of an analysis of the vertex relations for the quantum groups obtained in our earlier work, PBW-type results and computation ofR-matrices for them; its key step is a factorization of the twist operator relating "conjugated” versions of these quantum group
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