5 research outputs found

    Field studies of harp seal (Phoca Groenlandica) distribution and feeding ecology in the Barents Sea in september 1990

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    The harp seal Phoca groenlandica is the most abundant seal species in the Barents Sea, and it may be a significant predator on other marine resources in this area. In order to evaluate the ecological role of harp seals, field studies, including both analysis of harp seal stomach contents and concurrent estimates of prey abundance, were carried out in the Barents Sea during August/September 1990. It appeared that, at this time of the year, the harp seals were confined to the northmost areas of this sea, either close to or within the pack ice belt. Trawl surveys revealed that the most abundant food resources in sea surface layers in areas close to the pack ice belt were the amphipod Parathemisto libellula and krill Thysanoessa spp. The fish fauna is poor, and occurs mainly near the bottom. Numerically, capelin Mallotus villosus and polar cod Boreogadus saida dominated, but also long rough dab Hippoglossoides platessoides, Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, snailfish Liparis fabricii and Atlantic poacher Leptagonus decagonus occured quite frequently. The amphipod P. libellula is the prey item found most often in seal stomachs and it also contributed most to the biomass of the seal diet. A few fish, in particular polar cod and Greenland halibut, were also found in the seal stomachs

    Diet of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) feeding between the breeding and moulting seasons in the southern Barents and White Seas

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    The harp seal Phoca groenlandica is the most abundant seal species in the Barents Sea. In order to evaluate the ecological importance of the species, diet studies have recently been carried out at various times of the year. In 1992, data were collected from seals sampled between the breeding and moulting seasons (March-May). There is no doubt that the animals feed during this period. From examinations of stomach and intestine contents, harp seals, sampled in the southwestern parts (Varangerfjord, North Norway) of the Barents Sea, appeared to have been feeding intensively on capelin Mallotus villosus. The harp seal diet in the commercial hunting areas north of the White Sea (the East Ice) consisted of prawns Pandalus borealis, capelin, cod Gadus morhua, saithe Pollachius virens, sculpins (Cottidae), snailfish (Liparidae) and long rough dab (Hippoglossoides plattessoides). Feeding in the East Ice area and in the White Sea appeared to have been less intensive than further to the west. In the White Sea the harp seals had been feeding mainly on crustaceans and the fishes sandeels (Ammodytidae), capelin and White Sea herring (Clupea harengus marisalbi)

    Preliminary data on feeding and condition of Barents Sea harp seals (Phoca Groenlandica) throughout the year

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    In order to evaluate the ecological role of the most abundant seal species in the Barents Sea, the harp seal Phoca groenlandica, field studies have been carried out in September 1990, in February, March/April, June and September 1991, and in March and April 1992

    Seasonal distribution of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) in the Barents Sea

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    The distributional patterns of Barents Sea harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) throughout the year are presented based on existing literature and recent Norwegian and Russian field observations. The harp seals breed in February-March in the White Sea. Moulting occurs during April to June in the White Sea and southern Barents Sea. Feeding.behaviour is closely related to the configuration and localisation of the drifting sea-ice during summer and autumn (June-October) when the seals follow the receding ice edge, retiring gradually northwards and northeastwards in the Barents Sea. The southward movement of the population in autumn probably takes place in November prior to the advance of the ice edge, and is likely related to food-search. Apparently, most Barents Sea harp seals seems to concentrate at the southern end of their range in winter and spring

    Seasonal distribution of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) in the Barents Sea

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    The distributional patterns of Barents Sea harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) throughout the year are presented based on existing literature and recent Norwegian and Russian field observations. The harp seals breed in February-March in the White Sea. Moulting occurs during April to June in the White Sea and southern Barents Sea. Feeding.behaviour is closely related to the configuration and localisation of the drifting sea-ice during summer and autumn (June-October) when the seals follow the receding ice edge, retiring gradually northwards and northeastwards in the Barents Sea. The southward movement of the population in autumn probably takes place in November prior to the advance of the ice edge, and is likely related to food-search. Apparently, most Barents Sea harp seals seems to concentrate at the southern end of their range in winter and spring