269 research outputs found

    Inspired by Sea Urchins: Warburg Effect Mediated Selectivity of Novel Synthetic Non-Glycoside 1,4-Naphthoquinone-6S-Glucose Conjugates in Prostate Cancer

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    The phenomenon of high sugar consumption by tumor cells is known as Warburg effect. It results from a high glycolysis rate, used by tumors as preferred metabolic pathway even in aerobic conditions. Targeting the Warburg effect to specifically deliver sugar conjugated cytotoxic compounds into tumor cells is a promising approach to create new selective drugs. We designed, synthesized, and analyzed a library of novel 6-S-(1,4-naphthoquinone-2-yl)-d-glucose chimera molecules (SABs)—novel sugar conjugates of 1,4-naphthoquinone analogs of the sea urchin pigments spinochromes, which have previously shown anticancer properties. A sulfur linker (thioether bond) was used to prevent potential hydrolysis by human glycoside-unspecific enzymes. The synthesized compounds exhibited a Warburg effect mediated selectivity to human prostate cancer cells (including highly drug-resistant cell lines). Mitochondria were identified as a primary cellular target of SABs. The mechanism of action included mitochondria membrane permeabilization, followed by ROS upregulation and release of cytotoxic mitochondrial proteins (AIF and cytochrome C) to the cytoplasm, which led to the consequent caspase-9 and -3 activation, PARP cleavage, and apoptosis-like cell death. These results enable us to further clinically develop these compounds for effective Warburg effect targeting


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    This article is devoted to the topic of analysis of borrowed vocabulary in Russian and Chinese languages that is relevant in modern linguistics and language processes based on the lexicon of Internet communication in the field of computer and network technologies. The article provides a comparative analysis of the ways of borrowing foreign language lexical units in the field of information and communication technologies in the Russian and Chinese languages. The authors identify such types of borrowings as phonetic and semantic (word-formation and combination of tracing paper; etymological tracing, semantic tracing paper) in Russian and phonetic and semantic borrowing in Chinese, as well as graphical borrowed computer and network terms used in Russian and Chinese-language forums, and borrowing of English abbreviation terms in Russian and Chinese. Separately considered professional and slang vocabulary in the field of information and communication technologies, used in the Russian-speaking and Chinese-speaking forums. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of their formation and functioning in the Russianspeaking and Chinese-speaking communicative space of the Internet


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    The article discusses the structure of lexical-semantic field “interpersonal relations” based on the novel “The Idiot”, by F. Dostoevsky. In the article we describe the set of lexical item representing the field, as well as the place of units of the field in the author's style. The subject of the research was chosen by the relevance of studying vocabulary as a layer of a literary language that discloses information about the material and spiritual culture of society. The relevance of this work can also be considered from the point of view of the need for the development of a comprehensive methodology for the linguistic analysis of semantic relations within the lexical-semantic field “interpersonal relations”. Our goal is to highlight all the variety of units of lexical-semantic field “interpersonal relations” used in F.M. Dostoevsky’s novel. Also we want to reveal the uniqueness of their contextual use, as well as to trace the dynamics of relations and at the same time the change in the lexical content as for relation descriptions between characters. We have developed criteria for selecting lexical markers. We used continuous sampling method, analysis of vocabulary definitions and componential analysis during the preparation of the article. It is established that the lexical-semantic field “interpersonal relations” is a clearly structured system, a well- structured system, which units are united by common semantic features. The pre-nuclear zone is made up of units united by the name of field “relation”, but with a small number of differential signs. In the field we are considering, these are 'negative attitude', 'positive attitude', 'intense', 'non-intensive', 'benevolence', 'hostility', 'sympathy', 'pity', 'indifference'. These features determine the structure and place of the field we are considering in the lexical-semantic system of the Russian language, helping to native speakers’ mind to expand the idea of the content and structure of the lexical-semantic field “interpersonal relations”. Most of the vocabulary of lexical-semantic field “interpersonal relations” are words with a high emotional code that characterizes the author’s style. The linguistic personality of Dostoevsky can be called an individually and creatively verbalized world view through the prism of the writer's consciousness

    Паремия в контексте современной французской социальной интернет-рекламы

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    The research is devoted to the study of the functioning of paremias in the discourse of modern French social advertising. The relevance of the problem under consideration lies in the insufficient knowledge of the representation features of the French language paroemiological fund in modern public Internet advertising published in France. The utmost aim of the paper is to describe the main constitutive and linguistic features of modern French public Internet advertising and the specifics of the realisation of language paremiological units in it. The research material includes 312 objects of French public advertising distributed on the Internet in the period from 2016 to 2022. The study used methods of comparative, lexicographic and statistical analysis, as well as the method of semantic analysis of linguistic units. The results revealed that the use of paroemias as figure of speech in modern French public advertising is insignificant, due to the fact that the semantically complex message of the original proverbs and sayings can significantly narrow the target audience of public advertising. The use of paroemias as an element of public advertising (In its original, partially or completely modified form) makes it more intellectual and attractive directly to native French speakers.Исследуется функционирование паремий в дискурсе современной французской социальной рекламы. Актуальность рассматриваемой проблемы заключается в недостаточной изученности особенностей репрезентации паремиологического фонда французского языка в современной социальной интернет-рекламе, публикуемой во Франции. Цель работы - описание основных конститутивных и лингвистических особенностей современной французской социальной интернет-рекламы и специфики реализации в ней паремиологических единиц языка. Материалом исследования послужили 312 объектов французской социальной рекламы, распространяемой в сети Интернет в период с 2016 по 2022 г. В ходе исследования использовались методы сравнительно-сопоставительного, лексикографического и статистического анализа, а также метод семантического анализа языковых единиц. Исследование показало, что употребление паремий в качестве средств выразительности в современной французской социальной рекламе незначительно вследствие того, что семантическисложный посыл оригинальных пословиц и поговорок может значительно сузить целевую аудиторию социальной рекламы. Использование паремий в качестве элемента социальной рекламы (в оригинальном, частично или полностью измененном виде) делает ее более интеллектуальной и привлекательной непосредственно для носителей французского языка

    Sargassopenillines A–G, 6,6-Spiroketals from the Alga-Derived Fungi Penicillium thomii and Penicillium lividum

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    Seven new 6,6-spiroketals, sargassopenillines A–G (1–7) were isolated from the alga-derived fungi Penicillium thomii KMM 4645 and Penicillium lividum KMM 4663. The structures of these metabolites were determined by HR-MS and 1D and 2D NMR. The absolute configurations of compounds 1, 5 and 6 were assigned by the modified Mosher’s method and by CD data. Sargassopenilline C (3) inhibited the transcriptional activity of the oncogenic nuclear factor AP-1 with an IC50 value of 15 µM