6,074 research outputs found

    Semimetallic features in quantum transport through a gate-defined point contact in bilayer graphene

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    We demonstrate that, at the onset of conduction, an electrostatically defined quantum wire in bilayer graphene (BLG) with an interlayer asymmetry gap may act as a 1D semimetal, due to the multiple minivalley dispersion of its lowest subband. Formation of a non-monotonic subband coincides with a near-degeneracy between the bottom edges of the lowest two subbands in the wire spectrum, suggesting an 8e2/h8e^2/h step at the conduction threshold, and the semimetallic behaviour of the lowest subband in the wire would be manifest as resonance transmission peaks on an 8e2/h8e^2/h conductance plateau.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures (including appendices

    Twist-controlled Resonant Tunnelling between Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene

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    We investigate the current-voltage characteristics of a field-effect tunnelling transistor comprised of both monolayer and bilayer graphene with well-aligned crystallographic axes, separated by three layers of hexagonal boron nitride. Using a self-consistent description of the device's electrostatic configuration we relate the current to three distinct tunable voltages across the system and hence produce a two-dimensional map of the I-V characteristics in the low energy regime. We show that the use of gates either side of the heterostructure offers a fine degree of control over the device's rich array of characteristics, as does varying the twist between the graphene electrodes.Comment: 5 pages including references and 3 figure

    Calculation of transition probabilities and ac Stark shifts in two-photon laser transitions of antiprotonic helium

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    Numerical ab initio variational calculations of the transition probabilities and ac Stark shifts in two-photon transitions of antiprotonic helium atoms driven by two counter-propagating laser beams are presented. We found that sub-Doppler spectroscopy is in principle possible by exciting transitions of the type (n,L)->(n-2,L-2) between antiprotonic states of principal and angular momentum quantum numbers n~L-1~35, first by using highly monochromatic, nanosecond laser beams of intensities 10^4-10^5 W/cm^2, and then by tuning the virtual intermediate state close (e.g., within 10-20 GHz) to the real state (n-1,L-1) to enhance the nonlinear transition probability. We expect that ac Stark shifts of a few MHz or more will become an important source of systematic error at fractional precisions of better than a few parts in 10^9. These shifts can in principle be minimized and even canceled by selecting an optimum combination of laser intensities and frequencies. We simulated the resonance profiles of some two-photon transitions in the regions n=30-40 of the \bar{p}^4He^+ and \bar{p} ^3He^+ isotopes to find the best conditions that would allow this.Comment: 18 pages 2 tables 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bering's proposal for boundary contribution to the Poisson bracket

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    It is shown that the Poisson bracket with boundary terms recently proposed by Bering (hep-th/9806249) can be deduced from the Poisson bracket proposed by the present author (hep-th/9305133) if one omits terms free of Euler-Lagrange derivatives ("annihilation principle"). This corresponds to another definition of the formal product of distributions (or, saying it in other words, to another definition of the pairing between 1-forms and 1-vectors in the formal variational calculus). We extend the formula (initially suggested by Bering only for the ultralocal case with constant coefficients) onto the general non-ultralocal brackets with coefficients depending on fields and their spatial derivatives. The lack of invariance under changes of dependent variables (field redefinitions) seems a drawback of this proposal.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, amssym

    Diffusion of bedload particles in open-channel flows : distribution of travel times and second-order statistics of particle trajectories

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    Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the reviewers for thorough reviews, constructive comments and useful suggestions that have been gratefully incorporated in the final manuscript. Funding for this research was provided in part by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences through the Project for Young Scientists No. 16/IGF PAN/2011/Mł ‘‘Dynamics and topography of riverbed forms: an analysis of experimental data and modelling of sediment transport in the light of Einstein’s theory’’, by Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education within statutory activities No. 3841/E-41/S/2015, and by EPSRC, UK (EP/G056404/1) within the project ‘‘High-resolution numerical and experimental studies of turbulence-induced sediment erosion and near-bed transport.’’ Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Trapped Rainbow Techniques for Spectroscopy on a Chip and Fluorescence Enhancement

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    We report on the experimental demonstration of the broadband "trapped rainbow" in the visible range using arrays of adiabatically tapered optical nano waveguides. Being a distinct case of the slow light phenomenon, the trapped rainbow effect could be applied to optical signal processing, and sensing in such applications as spectroscopy on a chip, and to providing enhanced light-matter interactions. As an example of the latter applications, we have fabricated a large area array of tapered nano-waveguides, which exhibit broadband "trapped rainbow" effect. Considerable fluorescence enhancement due to slow light behavior in the array has been observed.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Published in Applied Physics