136 research outputs found

    Crossing of cyclotron and spin resonances in two-dimensional Coulomb gas

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    We predict the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of the fine structure of the cyclotron resonance near its crossing with the spin resonance in the degenerate two-dimensional Coulomb gas subjected to a strong tilted magnetic field. The spin-orbit coupling splits these resonances into three lines with the splitting gaps varying with the filling factor from v(so)p(F) to v(so)p(F)/square-root 2 at odd- and even-integer filling, respectively. This indicates reentrance of the system into a partially spin-polarized state and can be treated as manifestation of a new spin-density wave mode in it

    Rabi oscillations of two-photon states in nonlinear optical resonators

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    We demonstrate that four-wave mixing processes in high-quality non-linear resonators can lead to Rabi-like oscillations in photon occupation numbers and second-order correlation functions, being a characteristic feature of the presence of entangled photon pairs in the optical signal. In the case of a system driven by a continuous coherent pump, the oscillations occur in the transient regime. We show that driving the system with pulsed coherent pumping would generate strongly anti-bunched photon states.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Superconductivity-induced features in electronic Raman spectrum of monolayer graphene

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    Using the continuum model, we investigate theoretically contribution of the low-energy electronic excitations to the Raman spectrum of superconducting monolayer graphene. We consider superconducting phases characterised by an isotropic order parameter in a single valley and find a Raman peak at a shift set by the size of the superconducting gap. The height of this peak is proportional to the square root of the gap and the third power of the Fermi level, and we estimate its quantum efficiency as I1014I\sim10^{-14}.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Interplay between spin-relaxation and Andreev reflection in ferromagnetic wires with superconducting contacts

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    We analyze the change in the resistance of a junction between a diffusive ferromagnetic (F) wire and normal metal electrode, due to the onset of superconductivity (S) in the latter and a double Andreev scattering process leading to a complete internal reflection of a large fraction of the spin-polarized electrons back into the ferromagnet. The superconducting transition results in an additional contact resistance arising from the necessity to match spin-polarized current in F-wire to spin-less current in S-reservoir, which is comparable to the resistance of a piece of a F-wire with the length equal to the spin-relaxation length.Comment: 4 pages, 2 fig

    Silicane and germanane:tight-binding and first-principles studies

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    We present a first-principles and tight-binding model study of silicane and germanane, the hydrogenated derivatives of two-dimensional silicene and germanene. We find that the materials are stable in freestanding form, analyse the orbital composition, and derive a tight-binding model using first-principles calculations to fit the parameters

    Magnetic ratchet effect in bilayer graphene

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    We consider the orbital effect of an in-plane magnetic field on electrons in bilayer graphene, deriving linear-in-field contributions to the low-energy Hamiltonian arising from the presence of either skew interlayer coupling or interlayer potential asymmetry, the latter being tunable by an external metallic gate. To illustrate the relevance of such terms, we consider the ratchet effect in which a dc current results from the application of an alternating electric field in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field and inversion-symmetry breaking. By comparison with recent experimental observations in monolayer graphene [C. Drexler et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 8, 104 (2013)], we estimate that the effect in bilayer graphene can be two orders of magnitude greater than that in monolayer graphene, illustrating that the bilayer is an ideal material for the realization of optoelectronic effects that rely on inversion-symmetry breaking

    Electrons and phonons in single layers of hexagonal indium chalcogenides from ab initio calculations

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    We use density functional theory to calculate the electronic band structures, cohesive energies, phonon dispersions, and optical absorption spectra of two-dimensional In2X2 crystals, where X is S, Se, or Te. We identify two crystalline phases (alpha and beta) of monolayers of hexagonal In2X2, and show that they are characterized by different sets of Raman-active phonon modes. We find that these materials are indirect-band-gap semiconductors with a sombrero-shaped dispersion of holes near the valence-band edge. The latter feature results in a Lifshitz transition (a change in the Fermi-surface topology of hole-doped In2X2) at hole concentrations n(S) = 6.86 x 10(13) cm(-2), n(Se) = 6.20 x 10(13) cm(-2), and n(Te) = 2.86 x 10(13) cm(-2) for X= S, Se, and Te, respectively, for alpha-In2X2 and n(S) = 8.32 x 10(13) cm(-2), n(Se) = 6.00 x 10(13) cm(-2), and n(Te) = 8.14 x 10(13) cm(-2) for beta-In2X2

    Tunable graphene system with two decoupled monolayers

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    The use of two truly two-dimensional gapless semiconductors, monolayer and bilayer graphene, as current-carrying components in field-effect transistors (FET) gives access to new types of nanoelectronic devices. Here, we report on the development of graphene-based FETs containing two decoupled graphene monolayers manufactured from a single one folded during the exfoliation process. The transport characteristics of these newly-developed devices differ markedly from those manufactured from a single-crystal bilayer. By analyzing Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, we demonstrate the possibility to independently control the carrier densities in both layers using top and bottom gates, despite there being only a nanometer scale separation between them

    Multiphoton Processes in Driven Mesoscopic Systems

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    We study the statistics of multi-photon absorption/emission processes in a mesoscopic ring threaded by an harmonic time-dependent flux Φ(t)\Phi(t). For this sake, we demonstrate a useful analogy between the Keldysh quantum kinetic equation for the electrons distribution function and a Continuous Time Random Walk in energy space with corrections due to interference effects. Studying the probability to absorb/emit nn quanta ω\hbar\omega per scattering event, we explore the crossover between ultra-quantum/low-intensity limit and quasi-classical/high-intensity regime, and the role of multiphoton processes in driving it.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, extended versio

    k · p theory for two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors

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    We present k.p Hamiltonians parametrized by ab initio density functional theory calculations to describe the dispersion of the valence and conduction bands at their extrema (the K , Q , Γ , and M points of the hexagonal Brillouin zone) in atomic crystals of semiconducting monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). We discuss the parametrization of the essential parts of the k.p[ Hamiltonians for MoS2 , MoSe2 , MoTe2 , WS2 , WSe2 , and WTe2 , including the spin-splitting and spin-polarization of the bands, and we briefly review the vibrational properties of these materials. We then use k.p theory to analyse optical transitions in two-dimensional TMDCs over a broad spectral range that covers the Van Hove singularities in the band structure (the M points). We also discuss the visualization of scanning tunnelling microscopy maps