11 research outputs found

    Antioxidant capacity, total phenolic compounds and fatty acids composition in walnut oil and bagasse pellets produced at different parameters of the screw press

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    Different rotational speeds and nozzle diameters of screw press were used to process walnut kernels. To evaluate the influence of pressing conditions on the quality of walnut oil and bagasse pellets the oil pressing temperature, yield of oil, total phenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity and fatty acid composition were measured. The results show that the pressing at different conditions affected the antioxidant capacity and TPC of either bagasse pellets and pressed oil. Higher values of antioxidant capacity and TPC were measured in bagasse pellets than in pressed oils. Higher amount of pressed oil was yielded by using lower nozzle diameter, however, by lowering the nozzle diameter the oil pressing temperature was rising, which affected the fatty acids. Positive correlations with oil pressing temperatures were calculated at saturated fatty acids, while the correlation coefficients of polyunsaturated fatty acids were positive, but not significant. Monounsaturated fatty acids were negatively affected by higher oil pressing temperatures showing, that monounsaturated fatty acids were more susceptible to higher temperatures than polyunasturated and saturated fatty acids.O

    Chemometric approach to characterization of the selected grape seed oils based on their fatty acids composition and FTIR spectroscopy

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    Addressing the issues arising from the production and trade of low-quality foods necessitates developing new quality control methods. Cooking oils, especially those produced from the grape seeds, are an example of food products that often suffer from questionable quality due to various adulterations and low-quality fruits used for their production. Among many methods allowing for fast and efficient food quality control, the combination of experimental and advanced mathematical approaches seems most reliable. In this work a method for grape seed oils compositional characterization based on the infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and fatty acids profile is reported. Also, the relevant parameters of oils are characterized using a combination of standard techniques such as the Principal Component Analysis, k-Means, and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) fitting parameters. Two different approaches to perform unsupervised clustering using GMM were investigated. The first approach relies on the profile of fatty acids, while the second is FT-IR spectroscopy-based. The GMM fitting parameters in both approaches were compared. The results obtained from both approaches are consistent and complementary and provide the tools to address the characterization and clustering issues in grape seed oils.O

    Depth Application of Organic Matter in Vineyards and a Verification of Effect on Soil and Growth Conditions

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    Předkládaná publikace přináší ucelený souhrn výsledků, které byly dosaženy při realizaci experimentů, spojených s návrhem, konstrukčním vývojem a ověřováním zařízení pro hloubkovou aplikaci organické hmoty do příkmenných pásů vinic v období 2017-2020. Nově vyvinuté zařízení je řešeno jako traktorový návěsný stroj na jednonápravovém podvozku s ložnou korbou o objemu 3,0 m3 a s celkovou nosností 2,0 t. Pracovní ústrojí tvoří 2 zapravovací radlice s předsunutým kotoučovým krojidlem, které jsou uchyceny na bočně výsuvných nosnících. Radlice po zahloubení vytváří brázdu, do ní je přiváděn aplikovaný materiál a brázda je následně zahrnuta. Osová vzdálenost obou radlic je stavitelná s ohledem na rozdílnou šířku meziřadí vinic. Stroj umožňuje aplikovat materiál, nejčastěji kompost, do příkmenného pásu v meziřadích o šířce 2,20-3,00 m. Aplikovaná dávka je v rozmezí 20-50 t.ha-1, pracovní rychlost soupravy je 2-4 km.h-1. Vedle vývoje zařízení probíhaly současně poloprovozní experimenty ve vinicích na dvou stanovištích a to v Lednici a ve Velkých Bílovicích. Cílem těchto experimentů bylo ověření vlivu hloubkové aplikace organické hmoty. Hodnocení bylo zaměřeno na zlepšení fyzikálních a chemických vlastností půdy a současně na růst révy vinné, výnos a kvalitu hroznů. Z provedených, opakovaných sledování za období 2018-2020, vyplývá pozitivní účinek aplikované organické hmoty na zlepšení fyzikálních vlastností půdy a na snížení penetrometrického odporu. Z chemických vlastností půdy byl hodnocen obsah základních přístupných živin v půdě, půdní reakce, obsah Corg a z něho vypočítaný obsah humusu. Dále byla hodnocena kvalita humusu a stupeň humifikace. Získané výsledky opět naznačují příznivé účinky hloubkové aplikace kompostu jak na vlastnosti půdy, tak i na růst a vývoj keřů. Z provedeného ekonomického hodnocení vyplývá, že průměrná úspora nákladů na hloubkovou aplikaci, ve srovnání se standardními postupy, dosahuje 2 200-2 600 Kč. ha- 1. V závislosti na šířce meziřadí to představuje 34-49 %. Výsledky práce ukazují, že hloubková aplikace kompostu do příkmenných pásů má vliv na zlepšení půdních podmínek na produkčních plochách vinic a umožňuje dosažení vyšších výnosů i vyšší kvality produkce. Lze očekávat, že dalšími přínosy tohoto způsobu aplikace bude také zvýšení retenční schopnosti půdy a snížení eroze ve svahovitých polohách.The presented publication provides a comprehensive summary of the results achieved in the implementation of experiments associated with the design, construction development and verification of equipment for deep application of organic matter to the inter-row strips in vineyards in the period 2017-2020. The newly developed device is designed as a tractor-mounted machine on a single- axle chassis with a loading shell with a volume of 3.0 m3 and a total load capacity of 2.0 t. The working device consists of 2 defraying ploughshares with an advanced disc coulter, which are mounted on laterally extendable beams. After the countersinking, the ploughshare forms a furrow, the applied material is fed into it and the furrow is subsequently covered. The axial distance of both ploughshares is adjustable with regard to the different width of the inter-rows of vineyards. The machine allows to apply the material, most often compost, to the inter-row strips in inter-rows with a width of 2.20-3.00 m. The applied dose is in the range of 20-50 t/ha, the working speed of the set is 2-4 km/h. In addition to the development of the facility, semi-operating experiments were carried out simultaneously in vineyards at two sites in Lednice and Velké Bílovice. The aim of these experiments was to verify the effect of deep application of organic matter. The evaluation focused on improving the physical and chemical properties of the soil and at the same time on the growth of the vine, the yield and the quality of the grapes. The performed, repeated observations for the period 2018-2020 show a positive effect of the applied organic matter on the improvement of the physical properties of the soil and on the reduction of the penetrometric resistivity. From the chemical properties of the soil, the content of basic accessible nutrients in the soil, soil reactions, the content of Corg and the humus content calculated from it were evaluated. Furthermore, the quality of humus and the degree of humification were evaluated. The obtained results again indicate the beneficial effects of deep application of compost both on soil properties and on the growth and development of vine shrubs. The performed economic evaluation shows that the average saving of deep application costs, in comparison with standard procedures, reaches 2 200-2 600 CZK/ha. Depending on the width of the inter-row, this represents 34-49 %. The results of the work show that the deep application of compost into the inter-row strips in vineyards has an effect on the improvement of soil conditions in the production areas of vineyards and allows to achieve higher yields and higher quality of production. It can be expected that other benefits of this method of application will also be an increase in soil retention capacity and a reduction in erosion in sloping positions.Published Versio

    Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících efektivitu údržby okrasných porostů a parkových ploch při využití malé mechanizace

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    The thesis titled Analysis of factors affecting the efficiency of the maintenance of ornamental vegetation and park areas using small machinery is addressing the issue of evaluation of effects of the factors which determine the performance of deployed equipment. In evaluating the performance of cutting machines, bush cutters, and hedge trimmers we have considered the effects of terrain segmentation and steepness in the locality, the character, plant species, and size parameters of the growths as well as the technical condition and design of machinery. The processed results then became the basis for the calculation of coefficients expressing the effect of each monitored factor on the performance of a given type of machine. Developed methods for 5-level evaluation of growths represent an original way of assessment of diverse factors on the performance of the machines by quantifying them. The proposed coefficients are clearly grouped so as their use under normal conditions of green areas maintenance is simple and practical. These coefficients are developed for the use of lawn tractors, riders, hand held mowers, hedge trimmers, hedge trimmer attachments, and brush cutters, and have been tested in practice. The identified and verified coefficients permit to evaluate the effects of selected factors under real-area conditions and determine the actually achieved performance. In the framework of the management of green areas maintenance their use is appropriate for the correction of performance of used machinery for more precise economic calculation of prices of maintenance works and deployment of equipment and personnel. The results of the work are also useful in garden, park, and landscape design and implementation where they can define the spatial distribution of vegetation elements with respect to the effective movement of machinery during maintenance

    The Economic Analysis of Semi-mechanised Harvesting of Lemon Balm

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    In recent years area for cultivation of Melissa officinalis is ranged around 40 ha. Low production could be also caused by less intensive use of machinery. Aerial parts could be fully harvested by mechanisation, but in case of small growers using of special machinery is not economic. The majority of growers harvest manually and this type of harvest represents up to 80% of the costs associated with the cultivation. The less expensive alternative of harvest by a hedge trimmer is evaluated in this article. The goal is to compare two ways of harvest (manual harvest and hedge trimmer harvest) of lemon balm aerial parts in production practise. According to results of experiments were calculated and determined boundaries of effective use of hedge trimmer in production of lemon balm in comparision to manual harvest and fully mechanised harvest. Obtained data shown an increase of harvest performance in case of hedge trimmer (0.0425–0.0525 ha.hr−1) compared to manual harvest (0.0185–0.0216 ha.hr−1). According to calculations, we can say that effective use of hedge trimmer (including purchase price) is from 0.37 ha at planting surface and 0.48 ha at planting rows. Results could also be used for other MAP crops with similar harvest technology as for lemon balm (for example Mentha spp., Origanum spp., Achillea spp.)

    The comparison of pressed seed oils features

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    The grape seed oils are characteristic by a very high content of substances. However, a lipid oxidation is the fundamental problem of the seed oils quality degradation. The important indicator for determining the specific type’s purity, stability and level of oil degradation might be its colour parameter. The aim of this study was to identify the different varieties of oils, to evaluate its development during storage and to identify changes in different pressed seed oils. The CIELAB method and NIR spectroscopy were used during the research. Its main advantages include speed, accuracy and simplicity. The use of NIR seemed to be unsuitable as it could not reliably identify different kinds of grape seed oils. Only three kinds of grape seed oils out of six were identified. Contrary, the colour values obtained, using the CIELAB method, correlated significantly with the maturity of the individual varieties. This method can help to verify the authenticity of the oil. The CIELAB method also enabled colour changes in storage. The results show that after six months of storage, the oil got browner and the L* value had decreased. After another 6 months, the shift in values was not so significant. Similarly, the values of other parameters had changed. Using the CIELAB method can be recommended for testing of larger sample sizes for future use in the evaluation of the authenticity and quality of seed oils. The CIELAB method will not replace the standard methods but it might be used for pre-selection of tested samples

    The Effect of Mulch Materials on Selected Soil Properties, Yield and Grape Quality in Vineyards under Central European Conditions

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    The results of this study provide overall information on the verification of the effect of applying two different mulching materials of an organic origin to the soil surface in the area between rows of grape vines in vineyards on selected physical and chemical properties of the soil and, at the same time, on the yield and quality parameters of the grape vines (Vitis vinifera L.). During the period under study, 2018–2020, the effect of shredded cereal straw (CS) and compost from garden waste (CO) was investigated. The control variant (CWC) was left without any cover and was regularly cultivated with a coulter cultivator to a depth of 60 mm. During the experiments, meteorological data were monitored and recorded along with soil temperature and soil moisture for each variant. The results show that the lowest temperature was measured for the straw cover variant (11.10–11.87 °C), while the highest soil temperature was measured for compost (11.93–13.16 °C). Under the straw, the moisture level in the soil was higher compared to the other variants, and there was a gradual increase (of 3%) in soil bulk density values compared to the baseline. By contrast, the compost variant showed a decrease (of 1%) in bulk density values. The differences in nutrient content were slight among the variants. The only statistically significant difference was identified for the compost variant with respect to the content of total nitrogen and phosphorus. Further results demonstrated a positive effect of both mulch material variants on grape yield, which was 6–19% higher in the variants with a cover layer. In addition, the use of mulch also had a positive effect on grape quality. For example, the sugar content—one of the main quality parameters—increased by 1–7% due to the mulch layer. Based on these results, the use of mulching materials can be recommended for areas with low total rainfall during the growing season, as well as when growing varieties with irregular yields and uneven grape quality

    The Effect of Mulch Materials on Selected Soil Properties, Yield and Grape Quality in Vineyards under Central European Conditions

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    The results of this study provide overall information on the verification of the effect of applying two different mulching materials of an organic origin to the soil surface in the area between rows of grape vines in vineyards on selected physical and chemical properties of the soil and, at the same time, on the yield and quality parameters of the grape vines (Vitis vinifera L.). During the period under study, 2018–2020, the effect of shredded cereal straw (CS) and compost from garden waste (CO) was investigated. The control variant (CWC) was left without any cover and was regularly cultivated with a coulter cultivator to a depth of 60 mm. During the experiments, meteorological data were monitored and recorded along with soil temperature and soil moisture for each variant. The results show that the lowest temperature was measured for the straw cover variant (11.10–11.87 °C), while the highest soil temperature was measured for compost (11.93–13.16 °C). Under the straw, the moisture level in the soil was higher compared to the other variants, and there was a gradual increase (of 3%) in soil bulk density values compared to the baseline. By contrast, the compost variant showed a decrease (of 1%) in bulk density values. The differences in nutrient content were slight among the variants. The only statistically significant difference was identified for the compost variant with respect to the content of total nitrogen and phosphorus. Further results demonstrated a positive effect of both mulch material variants on grape yield, which was 6–19% higher in the variants with a cover layer. In addition, the use of mulch also had a positive effect on grape quality. For example, the sugar content—one of the main quality parameters—increased by 1–7% due to the mulch layer. Based on these results, the use of mulching materials can be recommended for areas with low total rainfall during the growing season, as well as when growing varieties with irregular yields and uneven grape quality

    Effects of Irrigation and Fertigation on Yield and Quality Parameters of ’Gala‘ and ’Fuji‘ Apple

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    The climate change and growing production of crops increase the demand for the water and the efficient use of water in agriculture becomes more critical. This experiment presents the results of research in the orchard with different irrigation programs and fertigation on yield and quality parameters of the ’Gala‘ and ’Fuji‘ apple tree. Three irrigation programs were applied IR + F – full irrigation with fertigation; IR – full irrigation without fertigation; NON‑IR – non‑irrigation, only natural precipitations. There were no differences observed among these three irrigation programs for tree diameter, sugar content, starch content and fruits firmness (P < 0.05). Significant deficit of water was in program IR and NON‑IR, at the length of annual growth, where the reduction was from from 680 mm to 440 mm at the ‘GALA’ variety. Statistically important differences between the irrigation variants were found out at the variety ‘Fuji’, in parametres yield, fruit weight and fruit diameter. Between programs IR + F and NON‑IR was the difference of fruit weight 25.6 g (14.3 %) and of fruit diameter 4.5 mm (5.8 %)

    Evaluation of the Effect of Deep Compost Application in the Areas around Vineyard Tree Trunks on Selected Soil Chemical Properties and the Vegetative Growth of the Vine

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    In the context of sustainability, viticulture will address issues related to soil fertility in the coming period. Greater attention will therefore be paid to replacing traditional manure-based fertilisers, such as farmyard manure, with new types of fertiliser in the form of composts, digestate, etc. Experience to date suggests that good-quality composts are not only a source of nutrients that the vines take from the soil each year, but also a source of organic matter. The application of compost and its subsequent decomposition in the soil profile can have a positive effect on the growth of the roots and above-ground parts of the vine. However, optimising the effects and action of compost is linked to determining the necessary doses and methods of application. The aim of this three-year study was to provide an overview of the results aimed at evaluating the effects of the application of compost (CO) and compost enriched with the addition of lignohumate (CO+L20), at a rate of 30 t·ha−1, in the areas around vineyard tree trunks on selected soil chemical properties and the vegetative growth of the vine (Vitis vinifera L.). The unfertilised variant (CWC) was used as a control. Each variant was established in three replicates that were 20 m long. Experimental measurements and evaluation were carried out in the period of 2018–2020 on two sites with different soil conditions (Lednice and Velké Bílovice) and two different grape varieties (Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Gris). Meteorological data were continuously monitored during the period under review. Chemical properties of the soil samples of the three experimental variants were determined (e.g., content of organic carbon, humic acids, humic substances, humification rate, etc.). The evaluations that were carried out confirmed that the addition of organic matter in the form of composts to the soil in the CO and CO+L20 variants positively influenced the quality of organic matter. The organic carbon content increased by 56–139% in variants with deep compost application (CO, CO+L20) during the monitored period compared to the CWC, depending on the location. Similarly, the degree of humification increased by 70–84%, and the soil microbial biomass increased by 38–136% in the treated variants compared to the CWC. In addition to the dynamics of the changes in the chemical properties, the aim of the performed measurements was to evaluate the rate of the growth shoots, which was linked to the fertilizing effects of the applied compost in the experimental vineyard. At the site in Velké Bílovice, the total difference in the length of the shoots was higher in the CO by 2.6–4.6% and in the CO+L20 by 7.5–12.5% compared to the CWC. At the site in Lednice, the situation was similar, and the total difference in the length of the shoots was higher in the CO by 4.6–7.2% and in the CO+L20 by 5.3–13.2%. The results that were obtained may constitute an important basis for the management of organic fertilization on plots with different soil conditions and cultivated varieties in order to optimize the vegetative growth of the vine