7 research outputs found
Peace Dividends in a Trade-theoretic Model of Conflict
We construct a trade-theoretic model for three open economies two of which are in conflict with each other and the third is the source of foreign investments to the two warring countries. War efforts — which involve the use of soldiers — is determined endogenously. The purpose of war is the capture of land, but the costs are production sacrificed, reduced flow of foreign investments, and general disruptions in the economy. We examine the effect of a bilateral piecemeal reduction in war efforts on the level of foreign investments and on welfare in the three countries. We find positive effects on all fronts.War, peace dividend, foreign investment.
Comportamentul consumatorilor de produse si servicii financiare (investitorii)
In cadrul pietei de capital, actioneaza doua categorii de investitori: investitori profesionali si investitori individuali. Investitorii profesionali sunt considerati investitorii care detin experienta si cunostinte si sunt calificati pentru a lua decizii de investitii si pentru evaluarea riscului pe care acestea il presupun. O categorie la fel de importanta o constituie si investitorii individuali, categorie care include marii investitori denumiti si investitori institutionali (toti investitorii care nu indeplinesc in totalitate regulile de conduita in afaceri), precum si micii investitori.omportamentul consumatorilor, produse financiare, investitori, investitori profesionali, investitori individuali, investitori calificati, consumer behavior, financial products, financial services, qualified investors, professional investors, individual investors
This paper presents the results of laboratory experiments regarding the valorizing of different types of lignocellulosic wastes coming from woody species through controlled cultivation of two mushroom species, namely Ganoderma lucidum and Pleurotus ostreatus. Both mushroom species were cultivated in controlled conditions of temperature, humidity, and aeration in order to get their carpophores. The main aim of this work was focused on finding out the best way to convert the woody wastes into useful food products, such as mushroom fruit bodies, by using them as growing sources for the mentioned edible and medicinal mushrooms. The final produced carpophores were weighted and the results were compared to find out the optimal variant to be applied for intensive cultivation of mushrooms
Foreign Investment and Environment in a North-South Model with Cross-border Pollution
We develop a North-South model with cross-border. In the South, pollution is abated by both private producers and the public sector. The North suffers from cross-border from the South. The policy instruments are the foreign aid for the North, and the fraction of aid allocated to public abatement and emission tax rate for the South. We characterize the Nash optimal level of policy instruments and analyze the effect of foreign investment on environment when the instruments are adjusted optimally. We also look at the case where the North changes both the amount of aid and the level of foreign investment in an income neutral fashion
No Eastern and Central European left behind: a cross country regression for fertility, human capital and market economy
In 1999, fertility rates in Central and Eastern European countries reached the lowest levels in the world. Using panel data, this paper analyses the sharp decline in fertility for these countries during their transition towards a market economy. It extends previous research in three ways: First, it distinguishes education by gender as a proxy for human capital. Second, in addition to GDP more economic variables are used to capture the effect of a declining standard of living, including unemployment. Finally, it tries to capture the relationship between advancement toward a new market economy and fertility. Some of the results reflect some special features of the CEE region: only tertiary education is correlated with fertility; fertility is responsive to a 'business cycle' type of macroeconomic factors, particularly, to female unemployment; and foreign direct investment (FDI) as a proxy for new market economy has a negative association with fertility. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.