583 research outputs found

    Gene expression and regulation of molecules involved in pharynx inflammatory response induced by LPS in Ciona intestinalis

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    In the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, the pharynx (hemopoietic organ) connects the external environment to the gastrointestinal system for two main activities, respiration and food collection, potentially exposing the ascidian to high concentrations of pathogenic microorganisms. Recently, evidence in C. intestinalis has indicated that the pharynx is involved in the inflammatory reaction induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection into the body wall. Immune-related genes such as cytokines, galectins, pro-PO, CAP are expressed in pharynx hemocytes and are up-regulated by the inflammatory agent LPS. Studies of the expression pattern of the immune gene clearly show that in C. intestinalis, as in vertebrates, immune gene expression can be regulated through Alternative Polyadenylation (APA) Mechanism and GAIT element al 3\u2019UTR

    Molecular characterisation, evolution and expression analysis of g-type lysozymes in Ciona intestinalis

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    Lysozyme is an important defense molecule of the innate immune system. Known for its bactericidal properties, lysozyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of b-(1,4)-glycosidic bonds between the N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid in the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls. In this study, the complete coding sequence of four g-type lysozymes were identified in Ciona intestinalis. Phylogenetic analysis and modelling supported the hypothesis of a close relationship with the vertebrate g-type lysozymes suggesting that the C. intestinalis g-type lysozyme genes (CiLys-g1, Cilys-g2, CiLys-g3, CiLys-g4) share a common ancestor in the chordate lineage. Protein motif searches indicated that C. intestinalis gtype lysozymes contain a GEWL domain with a GXXQ signature, typical of goose lysozymes. Quantitative Real-Time PCR analysis results showed that transcripts are expressed in various tissues from C. intestinalis. In order to determine the involvement of C. intestinalis g-type lysozymes in immunity, their expression was analyzed in the pharynx, showing that transcripts were significantly up-regulated in response to a challenge with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). These data support the view that CiLys g-type are molecules with potential for immune defense system against bacterial infection

    A new Leucoagaricus species of section Piloselli (Agaricales, Agaricaceae) from Spain

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    The new species Leucoagaricus variicolor is described from a public park in Zaragoza, Spain, based on both morphological and molecular characters. Illustrations of fresh basidiomata in situ and of the main macro- and micromorphological features are added. Leucoagaricus variicolor belongs to section Piloselli and is compared with similar taxa

    The Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus spreading in the Tyrrhenian sea: evidence of an established population in the Stagnone di Marsala (Sicily, southern Italy)

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    The blue crab Callinectes sapidus is a portunid brachyuran native of the Atlantic coasts of America. In the last decades, the species has greatly expanded its range in invaded areas, currently including the Atlantic coasts of Morocco, the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea as well as the eastern Atlantic coasts of Europe from Portugal to France, Belgium, and Germany. In the present study, several specimens of C. sapidus were collected in May, June and July 2021 in the Stagnone di Marsala, a semi-enclosed basin located in the north-western coast of Sicily (southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea) characterized by low hydrodynamics and water exchange with the adjacent open sea and high salinity conditions. Juveniles at diff erent instar stages and ovigerous females were repeatedly captured, suggesting the presence of an established population of the blue crab, despite the peculiar environmental conditions characterizing the basin. These fi ndings are discussed in the context of the current expansion of the species along the African coasts of the Mediterranean Sea

    Bottom-Up Control of Macrobenthic Communities in a Guanotrophic Coastal System

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    Soft bottom macrobenthic communities were studied seasonally in three coastal ponds (Marinello ponds, Italy) at increasing distances from a gull (Larus michahellis) colony to in- vestigate the effect of seabird-induced eutrophication (i.e. guanotrophication) on macro- benthic fauna.We hypothesized that enhanced nutrient concentration and organic load caused by guano input significantly alter the trophic and sedimentological condition of ponds, affecting benthic fauna through a bottom-up control. The influence of a set of envi- ronmental features on macrobenthic assemblages was also tested. Overall, the lowest macrobenthic abundances and functional group diversity were found in deeper sites, espe- cially in the pond characterised by severe guanotrophication, where the higher disturbance resulted in a decline in suspension feeders and carnivores in favour of deposit feeders. An increase in opportunistic/tolerant taxa (e.g. chironomid larvae and paraonids) and totally azoic sediments were also found as an effect of the harshest environmental conditions, re- sulting in a very poor ecological status. We conclude that macrobenthic assemblages of the Marinello coastal system display high spatial variability due to a synergistic effect of trophic status and the geomorphological features of the ponds. Themacrobenthic response to gua- notrophication, which was a clear decrease in abundance, diversity and trophic functional groups, was associated with the typical response to severe eutrophication, magnified by the geomorphological features

    Ciona intestinalis galectin (CiLgals-a and CiLgals-b) genes are differentially expressed in endostyle zones and challenged by LPS

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    Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization assays were performed to answer the question whether the endostyle, that is the initial gastro-intestinal trait of Ciona intestinalis pharynx, is involved in galectin (CiLgals-a and CiLgals-b) production during the pharynx inflammatory response to LPS inoculation. Specific anti-CiLgal-a and anti-CiLgals-b antibodies, and oligonucleotide probes, that mark inflammatory hemocytes inside the pharynx vessels and vessel epithelium as shown by a previous paper, were assayed on endostyle histological sections. For the first time, we show that galectins are produced by endostyle zones, and both CiLgals-a and eb genes are upregulated by LPS. CiLgals-a and CiLgals-b are constitutively expressed in the endostyle zone 2 and 3, respectively, both genes are upregulated by LPS in the zone 2, and CiLgals-b in the zone 3 and 4. The antibody-reacting material contained in intracellular and extracellular large vesicles suggest an unexpected vesicle-dependent transporting mechanism of galectins not provided with signal peptide. Differential expression and gene upregulation in not-treated and LPStreated specimens, support the role of endostyle galectins both in filter feeding and defense responses

    Diagnostic approach and epidemiology of Microbial Keratitis: findings from an Italian Tertiary Care center

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    Rapid identification of causative microorganisms of microbial keratitis (MK) and knowledge of the most common local pathogens are prerequisites for rational antimicrobial therapy. We retrospectively reviewed the characteristics of MK diagnosed at the IRCCS Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova of Reggio Emilia (Italy) in a 5-years period, where the Ophthalmologist Unit is a reference center for corneal infections. During the study period, 183 MK were evaluated through corneal scrapings cultures. The positivity rate was 54,1%. A total of 107 microorganisms have been isolated: Acanthamoeba species was the etiologic agent in 19 cases. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus were more frequently isolated in bacterial keratitis, while Fusarium spp., Candida albicans, and Alternaria alternata were predominant among the fungal isolates. Strict cooperation between ophthalmologists and clinical microbiologists is advisable to allow the best diagnostic approach for MK

    Aquaculture of emerging species in North-Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea: a systematic review on sea cucumber farming and potential development

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    Sea cucumbers are considered a traditional food delicacy in Asian countries. In last decades high market demand, uncontrolled exploitation and inadequate management have led to stock overexploitation, driving commercial interest in new target species and new areas. In recent years, Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic sea cucumbers have become fishing targets, and, due to overfishing, a significant decline of wild populations have been observed, with detrimental effects on benthic communities and ecosystems. Indeed, in addition to being an important economic resource, sea cucumbers play a key ecological role in benthic dynamics where they are involved as ecosystem engineers in the processing of organic matter in the detrital food web pathway. In this context, aquaculture can play a crucial role in supporting the conservation of natural stocks by reducing harvesting pressure on wild populations and enabling restoration programmes for depleted stocks. Commercial sea cucumber farming is already an established reality in the Indo-Pacific region, where it has become one of the most profitable sectors of aquaculture production. In Europe, on the other hand, sea cucumber aquaculture is still an emerging sector, whose development is hampered by poor and fragmented information on the farming requirements of native species. In this context, this systematic review was carried out with the aim of providing a comprehensive summary of the state of the art of farming practices of the European sea cucumbers considered as a target of commercial fisheries. A total of 34 original articles were included in this review, after title, abstract and full-text screening. The results highlighted a sharp increase in the number of studies over the last six years. Portugal, Turkey and Italy are the countries where most research has been carried out. Among the selected species, Holothuria tubulosa was the most studied, while only one article was found on Parastichopus regalis. The main aims of this review were i) to gather all available literature on the farming practices of North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean sea cucumber species, ii) to outline the most common farming practices, iii) to identify gaps and future directions in this emerging aquaculture sector