25 research outputs found

    Smoking and alcohol use incidence among physical education teachers

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    According to the data from Lithuanian adult’s healthy living observation project (FINBALT HEALTH MONITOR) incidence of smoking among Lithuanian women had increased since 1994 yr. And incidence of smoking among Lithuanian men had increased till 2000 yr. while decreased later. The occurrence of strong alcoholic drinks usage among men hadn’t changed. Women started using alcoholic drinks more often. The consumption of beer increased as well. Alcohol and narcotic usage incidence among adults as well as among schoolchildren. 15-16 years old Lithuanian schoolchildren research (ESPAD 99) data showed that smoking incidence in country same as using of alcohol. The personal pedagogue’s characteristics and his lifestyle have a very large educational impact on schoolchildren health education. The aim of this study: To define incidence of smoking and using alcohol among physical education (PE) teachers. This investigation was performed during the 2005-2006 school years. The investigation involved 320 PE teachers (184 men and 136 women) who have been selected randomly from all Lithuanian secondary schools. The average age of all participants is 42,5±21,5 years. In this study we used anonymous questionnaire method. There was applied Lithuanian population lifestyle and practical nutrition questionnaire from National nutrition centre and World Health organisation survey, which was accomplished in 1997 year (Kadziauskienė ir kt., 1999). The SPSS for WINDOWS analytical software was employed for... [to full text

    The study of PE teachers nutrition and physical activity from the wellness perspective

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    The general programs at Lithuanian secondary schools and educational standards emphasize the importance of the knowledge about healthy living while promoting successful development of physical education. The activity of physical education (PE) teacher is closely related to health education and PE teacher's personal competence has a very large educational impact on it. Thus we have a problematic question to answer and would like to know if PE teachers themselves lead healthy living while promoting healthy lifestyle. The aim of this reseach is to investigate PE teachers' nutrition and physical activity...[Visą santraukos tekstą skaitykite spustelėję interneto prieigos nuorodą]

    The Effects of diet, physical activity and social factors on stress perceived by students

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    Backgroud. General health status of students is becoming worse due to an intensive lifestyle: a difficult job or study routine, improper diet, and low physical activity (Poteliūnienė, 2010). One of the common problems among students is stress. Stressful situations on a daily basis have been found to be associated with a worse physical and psychological status, harmful habits or personal relationships with friends (Dusselier, Dunn, Wang, Shelley, & Whalen, 2005; Leppink, Odlaug, Lust, Christenson, & Grant, 2016). Methods. According to the following questionnaires, dietary habits and some social peculiarities (Grabauskas, Zaborskis, Klumbienė, Petkevičienė, & Žemaitienė, 2004), physical activity (Aadahl & JØrgensen, 2003) and perceived stress (Konduri, Gupchup, Borrego, & Worley-Louis, 2006) by female and male students were determined. The data obtained were processed using mathematical statistical methods. The relationships between qualitative determinants were evaluated by chi square (χ2) criterion. A value at p.05). Married female students did not perceive high level of stress; moderate level was reported by females living with a partner; high level of stress – by single students. Marital status and perceived stress did not differ in male students

    The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on mental health and lifestyle in the population of Kaunas city

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    Background: Nationwide lockdowns, encompassing mass quarantine under stay-at-home ordinances, have already proven effective in controlling the COVID-19 outbreak. A prolonged homestay may also be associated with potential side effects, which may jeopardize people’s health. Some undesirable consequences of prolonged homestay can be physical inactivity, behavioral addiction disorders and social isolation (Henry, Bovo, & Sanchis-Gomar, 2020). The aim of the study is to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and lifestyle in the population of Kaunas city. Methods of research: anonymous online survey, which included questions on demographics, eating habits, alcohol and tobacco consumption, physical activity (Global Physical Activity Questionnaire), sleep quality (Pittsburgh sleep quality index) and mental health (Patient Health Questionnaire – 9). Results: the study involved 388 respondents from Kaunas city. Women accounted for 80,7 %, and men for 19,3 % of respondents. Average of sedentary behavior during the pandemic – 430, 93 ± 233,47 min., before the pandemic – 324, 42 ± 216,21 min. (p <0,05). Average of moderate-intensity physical activity (PA) before the pandemic 122,40 ± 148,98 min., and during the pandemic – 85,33 ± 98,08 min. (p<0,05). Average of vigorous-intensity PA during the pandemic – 21,20 ± 34,13 min, and before – 47,13 ± 104,08 (p<0,05). The consumption of fast food on daily basis before the pandemic – 0,8 %, during the pandemic – 1,5 % (p<0,05). Before the pandemic 15,7 % of respondents overate, during the pandemic – 30,2 % of respondents (p<0,05). Before the pandemic 1,8% of respondents consumed alcohol every day, during the pandemic – 3,4 % of respondents (p<0,05). Symptoms of depression: 7,26 ± 1,46 points before the pandemic and 10,40 ± 2,20 points during the pandemic (p<0,05). Quality of sleep: 5,73 ± 2,20 points before the pandemic and 6,44 ± 2,99 during the pandemic (p<0,05). Conclusion: Sedentary behavior increased, while moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity PA decreased (p<0,05) during the pandemic. The consumption of fruit and fast food increased during the pandemic (p<0,05) as well as the daily consumption of alcohol (p<0,05). The symptoms of depression were evaluated as mild (5–9 points) before the pandemic, and as moderate (10-14 points) during the pandemic (p<0,05). The quality of sleep was evaluated as worse during the pandemic than before the pandemic (p<0,05)

    Fluctuation of the physical activity of adolescents according to the aspects of sex and health

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    Neišspręstos mokinių mažo fizinio aktyvumo laisvalaikiu problemos skatina tęsti tyrimus, atskleidžiančius jų fizinio aktyvumo tendencijas. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti paauglių fizinį aktyvumą lyties ir sveikatos aspektu. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 294 mokiniai: 142 berniukai ir 152 mergaitės, atsitiktinės atrankos būdu pasirinkti iš keturių Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo vidurinių mokyklų ir gimnazijų. Atrankos vienetu laikyta klasė. Pasirinktos aštuntos, dešimtos ir dvyliktos klasės. Apklausoje dalyvavusių mokinių amžius -14-18 metai. Tyrimas atliktas anketinės apklausos metodu. Nustatyta tarpusavio priklausomybė parodė, jog apklausti fiziškai aktyvesni paaugliai teigiamiau vertino savo sveikatos būklę. Fizinio aktyvinimo formų analizė išryškino lyčių skirtumus tiek aktyvios, tiek fizinės veiklos aspektais. Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai reikšmingi ieškant priemonių mokinių fiziniam aktyvumui laisvalaikiu didinti.The unsolved problems of low physical activity of pupils during their leisure time stimulate the continuation of researches, showing the tendencies of their physical activity. The aim of the research is to evaluate the physical activity of adolescents according to the aspects of sex and health. The researched group consisted of 294 pupils: 142 boys and 152 girls, accidentally chosen from four secondary schools and gymnasiums of Vilnius. One class is considered to be a unit. Pupils from 8th, 10th and 12th classes were chosen. The age of the pupils was 14-18 years. The research was done by the method of questionnaire. The links, pointed out, showed that the adolescents, physically more active, evaluated the state of their health more positively. The analysis of the forms of physical activity showed the differences between sexes in the aspects both active and physical activities. The results of the research are important in search for methods of development of pupils' physical activity during their free time

    The effect of calorie restricted diet on body compoisition and blood lipids concentration

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    The aim of this research was to measure the effect of calorie restricted diet on some indexes of body composition and lipoprotein concentration. This research was carried out to estimate the indexes of body composition (skinfold thickness, the percentage of body fat), the body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio, and the concentration of blood lipoproteins before and after calorie restricted diet. Eight healthy women aged from 28 to 46 years participated in the research. The women where selected at random. All the participants filled in the questionnaire about their life style, harmful habits and physical activity. Participating women were healthy, non-smoking, leading a sedentary way of life and not using alcoholic beverages. For one and a half months three times a week during the research the women where on a calorie restricted diet, and they got 1300 ± 100 kcal with food, the other days they had regular meals. The proportions of the main nutrients coressponded to those recommended. During the research, the women registered their usual nutrition ration. The indexes of the body composition, skinfold thickness, waist-to-hip ratio, BMI, serum total cholesterol (Tchol), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-ch), and triglyceride (TG) concentration were estimated before and after the calorie restricted diet lasting for one and a half month. The participating women’s body mass and body mass index significantly decreased because of the calorie restricted diet. The decrease of... [to full text

    Gender differences related to lifestyle behaviour of university students

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    Background. A healthy lifestyle is the one of the most relevant subjects in a modern society comprising three factors – healthy diet, sufficient physical activity, and absence of harmful habits (Strukčinskienė et al., 2014). It has been pointed out that healthy lifestyle behavioural patterns contribute to the prevention of diabetes mellitus type II, cardiovascular, and oncological diseases (Javtokas et al., 2014). Studies performed in different countries have discovered that students’ dietary habits do not correspond to the recommendations of the World Health Organization on healthy diet (Akhtar Zareen, & Sarmad, 2018; Česnavičienė, Proškuvienė, & Motiejūnaitė, 2015). In their study, Sigmundova, Chmelik, Sigmund, Feltlova, and Frömel (2013) found that the lowest level of physical activity was reached by only two thirds of students. The prevalence of harmful habits was also very high: more than half of students used tobacco during the last 12 months, and about 92% of students used alcohol over the last year (Dobrovolskij & Stukas, 2014). Literature review revealed that recently a number of studies analysing students’ lifestyle patterns were performed, however, there is still a lack of studies on lifestyle behaviour among the Lithuanian Sports University students. Methods. Questionnaires and statistical analysis. Results. The results showed that meat consumption was indicated by twice more males than females (p <.05). More males consumed ice cream, while yoghurt was preferred more frequently by females (p <.05). Fried potatoes were used more frequently by males (p <.05). With the respect to sedentary lifestyle, high intensity activity and moderate intensity activity, there were no differences between males and females, however, more females than males walked (p <.05). Beer consumption was more prevalent between males while wine consumption was more common between females (p <.05)

    Interfaces of student lifestyle and perceived stress

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    Background. It is becoming obvious that healthy lifestyle of students in higher education institutions is an important factor contributing to the duration of their professional career as well as for general health (Bolotin & Bakayev, 2015). High academic expectations increase tension and pose a threat to physical and mental health of students (Shamsuddin et al., 2013). During studies young people are more vulnerable to developing harmful habits, they do not follow proper nutrition, and do not look after their health (Tarejeva, Žagminas, & Serapinas, 2015), therefore, it is important to understand the association between lifestyle of a young person and daily perceived stress. Methods. The study included 155 students of the Lithuanian Sports University. In order to establish nutrition and harmful habits among students, the analysis of nutrition and harmful habits questionnaire was used. Physical activity of students was evaluated using the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-LT). The analysis of stress was based on the questionnaire using the Stress in Academic Life Scale. The results were processed using methods of mathematical statistics. The statistical analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS software version 23.0. Results. Statistically significant difference of physical activity was determined between genders – females were more active than males (p <.05). The frequency of the consumption of breakfast, sweets, meat, beer, and wine statistically significantly differed between females and males (p <.05). Perceived stress of students was associated with physical activity, consumption of cereal grains, sweets, carbonated beverages, and smoking (p <.05). Conclusions. The majority of students were sufficiently physically active. Females more frequently had breakfast, consumed sweets, while males more frequently consumed meat. Regular breakfast consumption was reported by 88.6% of females and 73.1% of males. Males more frequently had intake of beer, while females – wine. Significant relationship between perceived stress and physical activity among students was determined in the study

    Lifestyle peculiarities of yoga practitioners and non-practitioners

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    Background. In the modern world, people are short of time for physical and spiritual education, which may lead to major health problems. Due to passive lifestyle, many of them have a poor body composition, impaired circulation and reduced flexibility, which may contribute to physical disorders and susceptibility to chronic diseases (Chen, Tseng, Ting, & Huang, 2007). Hypothesis: lifestyle of yoga practitioners is healthier and health evaluation is better compared to those of non- practitioners. The aims of the research were to asses and compare the features of lifestyle and health evaluation of yoga practitioners and non-practitioners. Methods. The study included middle-aged participants (from 35 to 55 years). A total of 193 people were evaluated, 86 of them were practising yoga. Among these participants, 63 were women, 23 – men. The other 107 did not practise yoga, 58 of them were women, 43 – men. The questionnaire of the lifestyle of Lithuanian adults was used (Grabauskas, Klumbiene, & Petkeviciene, 2011). Results. The analysis of the results confirmed the hypothesis proposed at the beginning of the work. Yoga practitioners' nutrition, physical activity, addictions and evaluation of their health was better than those of nonpractitioners. Conclusion. Yoga practitioners have healthier lifestyle habits, they consume less animal fat, eat more fruits, cereals and cereal-based products. In addition, they are more physically active than non- practitioners, both men and women often exercise alone or in group practice sessions and without yoga they have more kinds of physical activity. A lower prevalence of addictions was observed among them; none of them smoked and they had a lower intake of alcohol beverages compared to yoga non-practitioners. Yoga practitioners are healthier and have a better value of their health and the quality of life