2,192 research outputs found

    Kardar-Parisi-Zhang asymptotics for the two-dimensional noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation

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    We study numerically the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation forced by external white noise in two space dimensions, that is a generic model for e.g. surface kinetic roughening in the presence of morphological instabilities. Large scale simulations using a pseudospectral numerical scheme allow us to retrieve Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) scaling as the asymptotic state of the system, as in the 1D case. However, this is only the case for sufficiently large values of the coupling and/or system size, so that previous conclusions on non-KPZ asymptotics are demonstrated as finite size effects. Crossover effects are comparatively stronger for the 2D case than for the 1D system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; supplemental material available at journal web page and/or on reques

    Application of Constrained Optimization Techniques in Optimal Shape Design of a Freezer to Dosing Line Splitter for Ice Cream Production

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    Design of multiple branches splitting of equal mass flow rate in complex rheological flows like ice cream near melting point temperature can be a challenging task. Pulsations in flow rate due to air pumping process and small fluctuations in temperature affecting flow rheology can determine a consistent difference in internal pipe velocity distribution, resulting in a significant difference in the distribution of ice cream dosage. Computational sciences and engineering techniques have allowed a major change in the way products and equipment can be engineered, as a computational model simulating physical processes can be more easily obtained, rather than making prototypes and performing multiple experiments. Among such techniques, optimal shape design (OSD) represents an interesting approach. In OSD, the essential element with respect to classical numerical simulations in fixed geometrical configurations relays on the introduction a certain amount of geometrical degrees of freedom as a part of the unknowns. This implies that the geometry is not completely defined, but part of it is allowed to move dynamically in order to minimize or maximize an objective function. From a mathematical point of view, OSD is a branch of differentiable optimization and more precisely the application of optimal control for distributed systems. OSD is still today numerically difficult to implement, because it relies on a computer intensive activity and moreover because the concept of “optimal” is a compromise between shapes that are good with respect to several criteria. In this work, the applications of a multivariate constrained optimization algorithm is proposed in the case of a mechanical ice cream 1 to 5 splitting system, required to distribute in an evenly way from one freezer into five dosing valves. Results allowed to design a retro-fitting system on an existing production plant reducing the dosing error down to 3% on the average

    Paroxysmal eye–head movements in Glut1 deficiency syndrome

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    Objective:To describe a characteristic paroxysmal eye–head movement disorder that occurs in infants with Glut1 deficiency syndrome (Glut1 DS).Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the medical charts of 101 patients with Glut1 DS to obtain clinical data about episodic abnormal eye movements and analyzed video recordings of 18 eye movement episodes from 10 patients.Results:A documented history of paroxysmal abnormal eye movements was found in 32/101 patients (32%), and a detailed description was available in 18 patients, presented here. Episodes started before age 6 months in 15/18 patients (83%), and preceded the onset of seizures in 10/16 patients (63%) who experienced both types of episodes. Eye movement episodes resolved, with or without treatment, by 6 years of age in 7/8 patients with documented long-term course. Episodes were brief (usually &lt;5 minutes). Video analysis revealed that the eye movements were rapid, multidirectional, and often accompanied by a head movement in the same direction. Eye movements were separated by clear intervals of fixation, usually ranging from 200 to 800 ms. The movements were consistent with eye–head gaze saccades. These movements can be distinguished from opsoclonus by the presence of a clear intermovement fixation interval and the association of a same-direction head movement.Conclusions:Paroxysmal eye–head movements, for which we suggest the term aberrant gaze saccades, are an early symptom of Glut1 DS in infancy. Recognition of the episodes will facilitate prompt diagnosis of this treatable neurodevelopmental disorder.</jats:sec

    Spectra of Empirical Auto-Covariance Matrices

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    We compute spectra of sample auto-covariance matrices of second order stationary stochastic processes. We look at a limit in which both the matrix dimension NN and the sample size MM used to define empirical averages diverge, with their ratio α=N/M\alpha=N/M kept fixed. We find a remarkable scaling relation which expresses the spectral density ρ(λ)\rho(\lambda) of sample auto-covariance matrices for processes with dynamical correlations as a continuous superposition of appropriately rescaled copies of the spectral density ρα(0)(λ)\rho^{(0)}_\alpha(\lambda) for a sequence of uncorrelated random variables. The rescaling factors are given by the Fourier transform C^(q)\hat C(q) of the auto-covariance function of the stochastic process. We also obtain a closed-form approximation for the scaling function ρα(0)(λ)\rho^{(0)}_\alpha(\lambda). This depends on the shape parameter α\alpha, but is otherwise universal: it is independent of the details of the underlying random variables, provided only they have finite variance. Our results are corroborated by numerical simulations using auto-regressive processes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure


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    The paper has analysed outputs generated by the development policies implemented in last decades in the South of Italy, starting from the Extraordinary Intervention (since 1950, until 1992) to the European cohesion policy (since 1996). The first one was a high-centralized development policy. Differently, the European cohesion policy is based on multilevel governance, and follows a bottom-up approach oriented to stimulate local stakeholders’ participation. The analysis, exposed in previous paragraphs, has described these two different policy experiences, the related effects on local development and on convergence between North and South of Italy and among European regions. The paper has tried to answer to a fundamental question: what factors have negatively affected the implementation of these policies, generating unexpected effects

    Cavity and replica methods for the spectral density of sparse symmetric random matrices

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    We review the problem of how to compute the spectral density of sparse symmetric random matrices, i.e. weighted adjacency matrices of undirected graphs. Starting from the Edwards-Jones formula, we illustrate the milestones of this line of research, including the pioneering work of Bray and Rodgers using replicas. We focus first on the cavity method, showing that it quickly provides the correct recursion equations both for single instances and at the ensemble level. We also describe an alternative replica solution that proves to be equivalent to the cavity method. Both the cavity and the replica derivations allow us to obtain the spectral density via the solution of an integral equation for an auxiliary probability density function. We show that this equation can be solved using a stochastic population dynamics algorithm, and we provide its implementation. In this formalism, the spectral density is naturally written in terms of a superposition of local contributions from nodes of given degree, whose role is thoroughly elucidated. This paper does not contain original material, but rather gives a pedagogical overview of the topic. It is indeed addressed to students and researchers who consider entering the field. Both the theoretical tools and the numerical algorithms are discussed in detail, highlighting conceptual subtleties and practical aspects.Comment: 52 pag., 5 fig. Typos fixed. Submission to SciPos

    Number statistics for β\beta-ensembles of random matrices: applications to trapped fermions at zero temperature

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    Let Pβ(V)(NI)\mathcal{P}_{\beta}^{(V)} (N_{\cal I}) be the probability that a N×NN\times N β\beta-ensemble of random matrices with confining potential V(x)V(x) has NIN_{\cal I} eigenvalues inside an interval I=[a,b]{\cal I}=[a,b] of the real line. We introduce a general formalism, based on the Coulomb gas technique and the resolvent method, to compute analytically Pβ(V)(NI)\mathcal{P}_{\beta}^{(V)} (N_{\cal I}) for large NN. We show that this probability scales for large NN as Pβ(V)(NI)exp(βN2ψ(V)(NI/N))\mathcal{P}_{\beta}^{(V)} (N_{\cal I})\approx \exp\left(-\beta N^2 \psi^{(V)}(N_{\cal I} /N)\right), where β\beta is the Dyson index of the ensemble. The rate function ψ(V)(kI)\psi^{(V)}(k_{\cal I}), independent of β\beta, is computed in terms of single integrals that can be easily evaluated numerically. The general formalism is then applied to the classical β\beta-Gaussian (I=[L,L]{\cal I}=[-L,L]), β\beta-Wishart (I=[1,L]{\cal I}=[1,L]) and β\beta-Cauchy (I=[L,L]{\cal I}=[-L,L]) ensembles. Expanding the rate function around its minimum, we find that generically the number variance Var(NI){\rm Var}(N_{\cal I}) exhibits a non-monotonic behavior as a function of the size of the interval, with a maximum that can be precisely characterized. These analytical results, corroborated by numerical simulations, provide the full counting statistics of many systems where random matrix models apply. In particular, we present results for the full counting statistics of zero temperature one-dimensional spinless fermions in a harmonic trap.Comment: 34 pages, 19 figure

    Jacobi Crossover Ensembles of Random Matrices and Statistics of Transmission Eigenvalues

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    We study the transition in conductance properties of chaotic mesoscopic cavities as time-reversal symmetry is broken. We consider the Brownian motion model for transmission eigenvalues for both types of transitions, viz., orthogonal-unitary and symplectic-unitary crossovers depending on the presence or absence of spin-rotation symmetry of the electron. In both cases the crossover is governed by a Brownian motion parameter {\tau}, which measures the extent of time-reversal symmetry breaking. It is shown that the results obtained correspond to the Jacobi crossover ensembles of random matrices. We derive the level density and the correlation functions of higher orders for the transmission eigenvalues. We also obtain the exact expressions for the average conductance, average shot-noise power and variance of conductance, as functions of {\tau}, for arbitrary number of modes (channels) in the two leads connected to the cavity. Moreover, we give the asymptotic result for the variance of shot-noise power for both the crossovers, the exact results being too long. In the {\tau} \rightarrow 0 and {\tau} \rightarrow \infty limits the known results for the orthogonal (or symplectic) and unitary ensembles are reproduced. In the weak time-reversal symmetry breaking regime our results are shown to be in agreement with the semiclassical predictions.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure