65 research outputs found
Acute inflammatory reactions to hemostatic materials mimicking post-operative intracranial abscess
AbstractOxidized cellulose can cause acute neurologic worsening in the immediate post-operative period. MRI often shows restricted diffusion around the surgical cavity on the first post-operative MRI. When acute clinical deterioration occurs with the typical MRI findings, the material must be removed surgically
Ibrutinib Unmasks Critical Role of Bruton Tyrosine Kinase in Primary CNS Lymphoma.
Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) links the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) and Toll-like receptors with NF-κB. The role of BTK in primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma (PCNSL) is unknown. We performed a phase I clinical trial with ibrutinib, the first-in-class BTK inhibitor, for patients with relapsed or refractory CNS lymphoma. Clinical responses to ibrutinib occurred in 10 of 13 (77%) patients with PCNSL, including five complete responses. The only PCNSL with complete ibrutinib resistance harbored a mutation within the coiled-coil domain of CARD11, a known ibrutinib resistance mechanism. Incomplete tumor responses were associated with mutations in the B-cell antigen receptor-associated protein CD79B
Transgene Excision Has No Impact on In Vivo Integration of Human iPS Derived Neural Precursors
The derivation of induced human pluripotent stem cells (hiPS) has generated significant enthusiasm particularly for the prospects of cell-based therapy. But there are concerns about the suitability of iPS cells for in vivo applications due in part to the introduction of potentially oncogenic transcription factors via viral vectors. Recently developed lentiviral vectors allow the excision of viral reprogramming factors and the development of transgene-free iPS lines. However it is unclear if reprogramming strategy has an impact on the differentiation potential and the in vivo behavior of hiPS progeny. Here we subject viral factor-free, c-myc-free and conventionally reprogrammed four-factor human iPS lines to a further challenge, by analyzing their differentiation potential along the 3 neural lineages and over extended periods of time in vitro, as well as by interrogating their ability to respond to local environmental cues by grafting into the striatum. We demonstrate similar and efficient differentiation into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes among all hiPS and human ES line controls. Upon intracranial grafting in the normal rat (Sprague Dawley), precursors derived from all hiPS lines exhibited good survival and response to environmental cues by integrating into the subventricular zone, acquiring phenotypes typical of type A, B or C cells and migrating along the rostral migratory stream into the olfactory bulb. There was no teratoma or other tumor formation 12 weeks after grafting in any of the 26 animals used in the study. Thus neither factor excision nor persistence of c-myc impact the behavior of hiPS lines in vivo.United States. National Institutes of HealthNew York State Stem Cell ScienceNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.)Starr Foundation (Tri-Institutional Starr Stem Cell Scholars Fellowship
Long-Term Impact of Radiation on the Stem Cell and Oligodendrocyte Precursors in the Brain
Background. The cellular basis of long term radiation damage in the brain is not fully understood. Methods and Findings. We administered a dose of 25Gy to adult rat brains while shielding the olfactory bulbs. Quantitative analyses were serially performed on different brain regions over 15 months. Our data reveal an immediate and permanent suppression of SVZ proliferation and neurogenesis. The olfactory bulb demonstrates a transient but remarkable SVZ-independent ability for compensation and maintenance of the calretinin interneuron population. The oligodendrocyte compartment exhibits a complex pattern of limited proliferation of NG2 progenitors but steady loss of the oligodendroglial antigen O4. As of nine months post radiation, diffuse demyelination starts in all irradiated brains. Counts of capillary segments and length demonstrate significant loss one day post radiation but swift and persistent recovery of the vasculature up to 15 months post XRT. MRI imaging confirms loss of volume of the corpus callosum and early signs of demyelination at 12 months. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrates progressive degradation of myelin sheaths with axonal preservation. Areas of focal necrosis appear beyond 15 months and are preceded by widespread demyelination. Human white matter specimens obtained post-radiation confirm early loss of oligodendrocyte progenitors and delayed onset of myelin sheath fragmentation with preserved capillaries. Conclusions. This study demonstrates that long term radiation injury is associated with irreversible damage to the neural stem cell compartment in the rodent SVZ and loss of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in both rodent and human brain. Delayed onset demyelination precedes focal necrosis and is likely due to the loss of oligodendrocyte precursor
تطوير المواد الدراسية في تعليم مهارة الكتاب في برنامج الخاض لتعليم اللغة العربية في جامعة مولانا مالك ابراهم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج
Perkembangan Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Islam yang berkembang pesat membutuhkan terobosan- terobosan yang handal. Salah satu hal penting yang tidak bisa dipisahkan adalah peranan penting dari PKPBA (Program Khusus Pengembangan Bahasa Arab).
PKPBA sebagai sebuah unit pengembangan bahasa, telah berperan penting dalam membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa mahasiswa khususnya bahasa arab.
Banyak dari mahasiswa yang pertama kali masuk PKPBA belum
mengetahui bahasa Arab. Namun setelah belajar di PKPBA mereka mampu mengenal ilmu bahasa arab. Namun, tidak hanya berhenti pada mengetahui bahasa arab saja, program ini juga berupaya agar semua mahasiswa mampu untuk menguasai salah satu dari 4 ketrampilan bahasa yakni ketrampilan menulis.
Tujuan dari peneliyian ini adalah untuk melengkapi proses pengembangan penyusunan materi ajar menulis dan mengetahui ke-efektifan materi yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan prosedur eksperimen dimana peneliti
mendisain Pre-test dan Postest terhadap dua kelompok yakni kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pembelajaran ketrampilan menulis dengan menggunakan buku ajar lebih efektif dari pada tanpa menggunakan buku ajar. Dengan indikasi bahwa t-test kelas eksperimen (J3) lebih efektif dengan indikasi bahwa t-test kelas kontrol adalah 3,4. dimana hasil ini lebih besar dari pada tingkat t-table 5% 2,059 dan tingkat 1% 2,787. Dari hasil ini menunjukan bahwa pengajaran menulis bahasa Arab efektif dengan menggunakan materi ajar
yang telah disusun oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Penyusunan materi ajar untuk PKPBA dimulai dengan membatasi tujuan pengajaran, kemudian menentukan pembagian materi sesuai dengan jumlah hari yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran dalam satu minggu. (2) Pembelajaran menulis bahasa Arab dengan menggunakan Materi ajar ini dinyatakan efektif.
Dari hasil yang disebutkan diatas, sudah semestinya materi pengajaran menulis bahasa Arab dapat dimanfaatkan dengan benar dalam proses pengajaran, selain itu penulis berharap agar penelitian ini menjadi referensi untuk penelitian
lanjutan yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini sehingga dapat dikembangkan ke dalam desain materi ajar menulis untuk tingkat selanjutnya.
The expansion of State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim need some powerful breakthrough. One of the important things is the role of Intensive Arabic Program as unit for improving Arabic, have played an important for
helping Arabic language improvement.
Most of the students when the first time they enter to this Program, they haven’t yet Arabic knowledge. But after studying in this program for several months they could understand about Arabic. But is not enough in knowing the
Arabic only, but this program also try to make all students are mastering one of these four skills, that is writing skill.
This research aims at designing process of writing teaching material and finding out the effectiveness of writing teaching material using in Intensive Arabic Program of State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
This research uses the experimental method that the researcher design pre-test and post-test for both groups (Experiment and Control group). This research reach the degree of t-test 3,4 this biggest than t-table at the
level of 5% (2,059) and at the level 1% (2,787). This indicates that the use of writing Teaching Material in Arabic for improving writing skill is effective. And
the result of this research are obtained bellow: (1) Preparing this teaching material process started by determining the goals, finding out the learning material based on the days in a week which used for teaching (2) The use of writing Teaching Material in Arabic for improving writing skill is effective.
Based on these results, teaching material must be used as good as possible in teaching process. Besides, the researcher hopes that the research becomes the reference for further researchers which have a relation with this chapter and could be developed to other teaching material for advance grade
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