15 research outputs found

    New method for quantification of Trypanosoma cruzi in animal`s tissue in the chronic phase of experimental Chagas` disease

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    We developed a new method for the quantification of parasites in tissue. Trypanosoma cruzi strain CL parasites were genetically engineered to express the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene, lacZ and this enzyme is able to catalyze a colorimetric reaction with chlorophenol red beta-d galactopyranoside (CPRG) as the substrate. The animals were infected with clone CL Brener strain B5 of T. cruzi and treated with benznidazole in order to verify the reduction in the number of parasites in tissue study by quantifying the enzyme beta-galactosidase. The assay demonstrates a reduction in the number of parasites in the groups treated. Thus, this test can be used to test other substances with the aim of verifying the effectiveness in the chronic phase of experimental Chagas` disease.CAPE

    Reduction of parasitism tissue by treatment of mice chronically infected with Trypanosoma cruzi with lignano lactones

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    The reduction of parasitism tissue upon treatment with two lignano lactones, namely (-)- cubebin (CUB) and (-)-hinokinin (HNK), was evaluated in the chronic phase of Chagas` disease by quantifying the enzyme beta-galactosidase expressed by the CL B5 clone strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. Tissue karyometry was also performed. Treatment with the assessed lignans led to a larger reduction in parasitism tissue in all evaluated organs, compared with benznidazole (BZN). Oral treatment with CUB or HNK was more effective. Karyometry results demonstrated that the infected control animals had increased nuclear area compared with uninfected controls, indicating cellular hypertrophy. Results also revealed that use of CUB or HNK was able to significantly prevent this increase, and a slight decrease in the nuclear area was observed, compared with mice treated with BZN. Taken together, these data demonstrate that CUB and HNK could be considered as potential compounds for the development of new drugs for treatment of Chagas` disease.CAPESCNPqFAPES

    Natural products and Chagas’ disease: the action of triterpenes acids isolated from Miconia species

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    The protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas’ disease, a neglected illness that remains a relevant public health concern in Latin America. In Brazil, Benznidazole is available for its treatment. This compound is effective against circulating forms of the parasite in the acute phase of the disease, but its efficacy during the chronic stage is debatable. The search for new medications that can treat Chagas’ disease is therefore mandatory. Natural sources display a wide range of secondary metabolites and may play an important role in the discovery of new potential drugs. Miconia is one of the largest genus of the family Melastomataceae and includes approximately 1,000 plant species; Brazil alone is home to approximately 250 of these species, which exist in forests and savannas. Studies on the various biological activities of the Miconia species have reported promising results. Several researchers have screened these plants as well as their extracts in vitro against trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi, which displayed significant trypanocidal activity. It has been demonstrated that the presence of ursolic and oleanolic determines this biological activity

    Terapia de espelho na melhoria da função do membro superior: caso clínico de um utente com AVC hemorrágico tálamo-capsular

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    Introdução: A recuperação neurológica pós-AVC não apresenta um padrão linear, tem uma variação multifatorial e interpessoal significativa. O fisioterapeuta dispõe de uma grande diversidade de estratégias que devem ser selecionadas de forma criteriosa, de modo a permitir que o utente atinja a máxima independência funcional com a melhor qualidade de movimento possível. A Terapia de Espelho (TE) é uma intervenção inovadora que consiste na reeducação do movimento através da realização de tarefas básicas, em que o indivíduo move o membro “são”, sendo este visto ao espelho como se fosse o membro “afetado”. Este feedback visual recruta várias áreas cerebrais promovendo a neuroplasticidade. Esta intervenção está fundamentada nas propriedades dos neurónios espelho, uma classe de neurónios que são ativados quando se executa uma determinada tarefa motora e também quando se observa a realização dessa mesma tarefa. A existência de sistema espelho nos seres humanos é atualmente suportada pela evidência e é essencial para explicar os mecanismos de aprendizagem observacional. Caso clínico: Apresentação: Homem de 68 anos, previamente autónomo, vítima de AVC hemorrágico direito com hematoma tálamocapsular de etiologia hipertensiva, do qual resultou hemiparesia esquerda com hipostesia e dependência funcional severa. 56 dias após o AVC foi transferido para internamento de MFR de modo a intensificar programa de reabilitação, apresentava alterações significativas do controlo postural e da sensibilidade (superficial e profunda), com heminegligência, movimentos ativos não seletivos nem funcionais à esquerda, equilíbrio precário com dificuldade de assumir e manter de forma autónoma a posição ortostática, incapacidade para a marcha e dor no ombro esquerdo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio