33 research outputs found


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    Installation of electrical network at PT. PLN (Persero) is done by a vendor that works with the agency. Before the installation of the electricity network the vendors must fill the data first to know the responsibility of each job in the installation of electrical networks. The problem in this research is that there is no specific system used in the collection of vendors.  This research aims to design and build an application that can help PT. PLN (Persero) in supervising the electrical network installation conducted by the Vendor. The research method used is the Development research method, which is a research activity aimed at and develop or complete knowledge that is already know. The development system used is web Engineering.  The results of the research is the information system of installation control  electrical network that can help PT. PLN (Persero) in data and supervise the work that is done by the vendor so that the performance produced better and increase customer satisfaction. Keywords: Sistem Informasi,  Pengawasan,  Web Engineering, Berbasis We


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    This study aims to conduct a descriptive study of the level satisfaction online-based transportation users viewed based on the perception by users of online transportation services.  Measuring the level of satisfaction of users of online transportation services using the ServQual method provided by the driver to service users by using the variables Reliabiilty, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangibles. Based on the results of the study, it can be known that in each variable measured more than 50% of respondents responded to the good category of statements given related to the quality of service to users. In addition, the conclusion that can be obtained based on the results of the study is the average value of measurement shows the level of satisfaction in the category of satisfied with the quality of driver service in online-based transportation services


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    This study aims to determine and analyze the extent to which the development of the Budget Realization Information System (SIEPRA) by evaluating in terms of the level of acceptance with the aim that SIEPRA can increase user satisfaction, simplify the process, ease and speed in obtaining services so that performance achievement reports and overview of the performance realization of the Regional Equipment Work Unit (SKPD) can be timely and correct. The research instrument used is a questionnaire. This research uses the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method which will be used to determine SIEPRA user satisfaction.  The variables to be measured are Content, accuracy, format, ease of use and timeliness.  This study aims to analyze the extent to which the development of SIEPRA by evaluating the level of acceptance with the aim that SIEPRA can increase user satisfaction using the EUCS method. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the level of satisfaction of SIEPRA users on each EUCS variable is 74.6% for the content variable, 76.6% for the Accuracy variable, 78.8% for the Format variable, 70.2% for the Ease of Use variable and 70.2% for the Timeliness variable. In general, the level of satisfaction of SIEPRA users based on the results of the study is in the category of satisfied and very satisfied with a percentage ³ 70%

    Analisis Terhadap Perilaku Bertransaksi Online Pengguna Facebook Commerce

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    The concept of electronic commerce is widely used today's society, or better known as e-commerce, information technology was born as globalization in economics. Social networking is one of the media of electronic commerce, which currently has a lot of users. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence e-commerce user on social networks, one of which is the facebook for online transactions. Data analysis performed in this study using multiple linear regression techniques to look at the variables that affect behavior variables commerce facebook users either partially or simultaneously. The results of this study are expected to provide empirical evidence about the factors that influence the behavior of users of facebook commerce in conducting online transactions. In addition the test results are also expected to give evidence about the dominant factors that influence user behavior in online transactions through social networking media. Keywords: Perception of Service Quality, Perceived Ease, Perceived Trust worthiness, User Behavior, Facebook Commerce, Online Transactions

    Studi Deskriptif Pemanfaatan Fasilitas Hotspot Kampus Sebagai Pendukung Proses Pembelajaran

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    Tujuan Penelitian adalah  melakukan studi deskriptif tentang pemanfaatan fasilitas hotspot kampus  sebagai fasilitas pendukung proses pembelajaran yang akan dilihat berdasarkan persepsi mahasiswa dalam memanfaatkan fasilitas Hotspot kampus tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 variabel yang digunakan  sebagai indicator dalam instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner yang digunakan dalam penelitian. 4 Variabel tersebut adalah user expectation (Harapan Pengguna),  Service Quality  (Kualitas Layanan), Service Facilities (Fasilitas Layanan), Perceived Usefullness  (Manfaat Yang dirasakan). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa lebih dari 50% pengguna mengaggap bahwa fasilitas hotspot kampus yang ada sesuai dengan harapan Pengguna berdasarkan indicator yang menjadi dasar pengukuran pada  variable user expectation. Selain itu Mahasiswa sebagai responden penelitian menganggap bahwa kualitas layanan dan fasilitas layanan hotspot kampus sudah cukup baik berdasarkan indicator pengukuran pada variable service Quality dan Facilities quality. Adanya hotspot kampus, memberikan manfaat dalam  membantu responden yang berstatus sebagai mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran


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    Pendidikan merupakan ujung tombak dalam membentuk insan yang cerdas dan kompetitif sehingga menghasilkan Sumber daya Manusia yang berkualitas dan mampu berkompetisi atau bersaing. Pendidikan yang baik harus dimulai dari usia dini. Dengan pendidikan yang tepat, akan dapat menghasilkan anak-anak bangsa yang berkualitas secara intelektual. Untuk dapat mencapai harapan tersebut, maka diperlukan metode yang tepat dalam memberikan pengetahuan bagi anak – anak sejak usia Dini. Metode yang tepat dapat memberikan pola pemikiran yang baik bagi anak-anak usia dini tersebut sehingga dapat menstimulsi ingatan mereka yang juga dapat menjadi dasar yang kuat dalam proses pengembangan intelektualitas anak-anak tersebut. Keberadaan smartphone saat ini memberikan kemudahan bagi anak- anak dalam belajar. Aplikasi pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu anakanak yang dibangun di bawah platform android yang digunakan pada smartphone dapat membantu meningkatkan keinginan belajar anak-anak serta menstimulasi otak mereka untuk dapat mengingat pembelajaran yang telah mereka lihat serta lakukan melalui fasilitas pembelajaran pada smartphone tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun aplikasi pembelajaran untuk anak usia dini berbasis android. Metode pemgembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah model Waterfall. Aplikasi yang dibangun diharapkan dapat membantu anak-anak usia dini untuk belajar baik untuk mengenal angka, mengenal huruf, mengenal kata dan berhitung


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    The concept of electronic commerce is widely used today's society, or better known as e-commerce, information technology was born as globalization in economics. Social networking is one of the media of electronic commerce, which currently has a lot of users. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence e-commerce user on social networks, one of which is the facebook for online transactions. Data analysis performed in this study using multiple linear regression techniques to look at the variables that affect behavior variables commerce facebook users either partially or simultaneously. The results of this study are expected to provide empirical evidence about the factors that influence the behavior of users of facebook commerce in conducting online transactions. In addition the test results are also expected to give evidence about the dominant factors that influence user behavior in online transactions through social networking media