805 research outputs found

    Carbon Stars and other Luminous Stellar Populations in M33

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    The M33 galaxy is a nearby, relatively metal-poor, late-type spiral. Its proximity and almost face-on inclination means that it projects over a large area on the sky, making it an ideal candidate for wide-field CCD mosaic imaging. Photometry was obtained for more than 10^6 stars covering a 74' x 56' field centered on M33. Main sequence (MS), supergiant branch (SGB), red giant branch (RGB) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) populations are identified and classified based on broad-band V and I photometry. Narrow-band filters are used to measure spectral features allowing the AGB population to be further divided into C and M-star types. The galactic structure of M33 is examined using star counts, colour-colour and colour-magnitude selected stellar populations. We use the C to M-star ratio to investigate the metallicity gradient in the disk of M33. The C/M-star ratio is found to increase and then flatten with increasing galactocentric radius in agreement with viscous disk formation models. The C-star luminosity function is found to be similar to M31 and the SMC, suggesting that C-stars should be useful distance indicators. The ``spectacular arcs of carbon stars'' in M33 postulated recently by Block et al. (2004) are found in our work to be simply an extension of M33's disk.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Searching for tidal tails around ω\omega Centauri using RR Lyrae Stars

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    We present a survey for RR Lyrae stars in an area of 50 deg2^2 around the globular cluster ω\omega Centauri, aimed to detect debris material from the alleged progenitor galaxy of the cluster. We detected 48 RR Lyrae stars of which only 11 have been previously reported. Ten among the eleven previously known stars were found inside the tidal radius of the cluster. The rest were located outside the tidal radius up to distances of 6\sim 6 degrees from the center of the cluster. Several of those stars are located at distances similar to that of ω\omega Centauri. We investigated the probability that those stars may have been stripped off the cluster by studying their properties (mean periods), calculating the expected halo/thick disk population of RR Lyrae stars in this part of the sky, analyzing the radial velocity of a sub-sample of the RR Lyrae stars, and finally, studying the probable orbits of this sub-sample around the Galaxy. None of these investigations support the scenario that there is significant tidal debris around ω\omega Centauri, confirming previous studies in the region. It is puzzling that tidal debris have been found elsewhere but not near the cluster itself.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, Accepte

    A segmented period-luminosity relation for nearby extragalactic δ\delta Scuti stars

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    The period-luminosity relations (PLR) of Milky Way δ\delta Scuti (δ\delta Sct) stars have been described to the present day by a linear relation. However, when studying extragalactic systems such as the Magellanic Clouds and several dwarf galaxies, we notice for the first time a non-linear behaviour in the PLR of δ\delta Sct stars. Using the largest sample of 3700\sim 3700 extragalactic δ\delta Sct stars from data available in the literature -mainly based on OGLE and SuperMACHO survey in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)- we obtain that the best fit to the period-luminosity (MVM_V) plane is given by the following piecewise linear relation with a break at logP=1.03±0.01\log{P} = -1.03 \pm 0.01 (or 0.093±0.0020.093 \pm 0.002 d) for shorter periods (sp) and longer periods (lp) than the break-point: MVsp=7.08(±0.25)logP5.74(±0.29);logP<1.03M_V^{sp} = -7.08 (\pm 0.25) \log{P} -5.74 (\pm 0.29) ;\hspace{5pt} \log{P} < -1.03 MVlp=MVsp+4.38(±0.32)(logP+1.03(±0.01));logP1.03M_V^{lp} = M_V^{sp} + 4.38 (\pm 0.32) \cdot (\log{P} + 1.03 (\pm 0.01));\hspace{5pt} \log{P} \geq -1.03 Geometric or depth effects in the LMC, metallicity dependence, or different pulsation modes are discarded as possible causes of this segmented PLR seen in extragalactic δ\delta Sct stars. The origin of the segmented relation at 0.09\sim 0.09 days remains unexplained based on the current data.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication into The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Virgo stellar over-density: Mapping the infall of the Sagittarius tidal stream onto the Milky Way disk

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    The recently discovered Virgo stellar over-density, which expands over \~1000deg^2 perpendicularly to the Galactic disk plane (7< Z <15 kpc, R~7 kpc), is the largest clump of tidal debris ever detected in the outer halo and is likely related with the accretion of a nearby dwarf galaxy by the Milky Way. We carry out N-body simulations of the Sagittarius stream to show that this giant stellar over-density is a confirmation of theoretical model predictions for the leading tail of the Sagittarius stream to cross the Milky Way plane in the Solar neighborhood. Radial velocity measurements are needed to confirm this association and to further constrain the shape of the Milky Way dark matter halo through a new generation of theoretical models. If the identification of Virgo over-density and the Sagittarius leading arm is correct, we predict highly negative radial velocities for the stars of Virgo over-density. The detection of this new portion of the Sagittarius tidal stream would represent an excellent target for the on-going and future kinematic surveys and for dark matter direct detection experiments in the proximity of the Sun.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Supplementary movies to this paper are available at: http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~mjuric/sgr-virgo

    Proper Motions in Kapteyn Selected Area 103: A Preliminary Orbit for the Virgo Stellar Stream

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    We present absolute proper motions in Kapteyn Selected Area (SA) 103. This field is located 7 degrees west of the center of the Virgo Stellar Stream (VSS, Duffau et al. 2006), and has a well-defined main sequence representing the stream. In SA 103 we identify one RR Lyrae star as a member of the VSS according to its metallicity, radial velocity and distance. VSS candidate turnoff stars and subgiant stars have proper motions consistent with that of the RR Lyrae star. The 3D velocity data imply an orbit with a pericenter of 11 kpc and an apocenter of ~90 kpc. Thus, the VSS comprises tidal debris found near the pericenter of a highly destructive orbit. Examining the six globular clusters at distances larger than 50 kpc from the Galactic center, and the proposed orbit of the VSS, we find one tentative association, NGC 2419. We speculate that NGC 2419 is possibly the nucleus of a disrupted system of which the VSS is a part.Comment: ApJL accepte