14 research outputs found

    Antioxidant capacity of different cheeses: Affecting factors and prediction by near infrared spectroscopy

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    In this study, we analyzed antioxidant capacity of 224 cheese samples prepared using 16 varied mixtures of milk from cows, ewes, and goats, in 2 manufacturing seasons (winter and summer), and over 6 mo of ripening. Antioxidant capacity was evaluated using the spectrophotometric 2,2-azinobis(3-ethylenebenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) method. Total antioxidant capacity was significantly correlated with season of manufacturing and time of ripening but not with animal species providing the milk. Moreover, statistically significant correlations between the total antioxidant capacity and retinol (r = 0.399), fat percentage (r = 0.308), protein percentage (r = 0.366), K (r = 0.385), Mg (r = 0.312), Na (r = 0.432), and P (0.272) were observed. We evaluated the use of near infrared spectroscopy technology, together with the use of a remote reflectance fiber-optic probe, to predict the antioxidant capacity of cheese samples. The model generated allowed us to predict antioxidant capacity in unknown cheeses of different compositions and ripening times.Junta de Castilla y León SA1390

    Seasonal evolution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic peptide contents in cheeses made from ewe's goat's or cow's milk

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    Proteolysis is the principal and most complex biochemical event occurring during the maturation of the majority of ripened cheese varieties. In addition to softening the cheese body, proteolysis influences the development of cheese flavour via the formation of amino acid and peptides which make a direct contribution to flavour. Goat, cow and sheep cheeses have been elaborated with raw milk and calf rennet. The extent of proteolysis was monitored over six months of ripening and means of HPLC peptide profile analysis. The influence of season on the changes in hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides and the HO/HI ratio during the ripening of the cheeses were studie

    Papel del método biplot canónico en el estudio de compuestos volátiles en quesos de composición variable

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    The canonical biplot method (CB) is used to determine the discriminatory power of volatile chemical compounds in cheese. These volatile compounds were used as variables in order to differentiate among 6 groups or populations of cheeses (combinations of two seasons (winter and summer) with 3 types of cheese (cow, sheep and goat’s milk). We analyzed a total of 17 volatile compounds by means of gas chromatography coupled with mass detection. The compounds included aldehydes and methyl-aldehydes, alcohols (primary, secondary and branched chain), ketones, methyl-ketones and esters in winter (WC) and summer (SC) cow’s cheeses, winter (WSh) and summer (SSh) sheep’s cheeses and in winter (WG) and summer (SG) goat’s cheeses. The CB method allows differences to be found as a function of the elaboration of the cheeses, the seasonality of the milk, and the separation of the six groups of cheeses, characterizing the specific volatile chemical compounds responsible for such differences.El m.todo biplot can.nico (CB) se utiliza para determinar el poder discriminatorio de compuestos qu.micos vol.tiles en queso. Los compuestos vol.tiles se utilizan como variables con el fin de diferenciar entre los 6 grupos o poblaciones de quesos (combinaciones de dos temporadas (invierno y verano) con 3 tipos de queso (vaca, oveja y cabra). Se analizan un total de 17 compuestos vol.tiles por medio de cromatograf.a de gases acoplada con detecci.n de masas. Los compuestos incluyen aldeh.dos y metil-aldeh.dos, alcoholes (primarios de cadena, secundaria y ramificada), cetonas, metil-cetonas y .steres. Los seis grupos de quesos son, quesos de vaca de invierno (WC) y verano (SC); quesos de oveja de invierno (WSh) y verano (SSh) y quesos de cabra de invierno (WG) y verano (SG). El m.todo CB permite la separaci.n de los seis grupos de quesos y encontrar las diferencias en funci.n del tipo y estacionalidad de la leche, caracterizando los compuestos qu.micos vol.tiles espec.ficos responsables de tales diferencias

    Impact of volatile phenols and their precursors on wine quality and control measures of Brettanomyces/Dekkera yeasts

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    Volatile phenols are aromatic compounds and one of the key molecules responsible for olfactory defects in wine. The yeast genus Brettanomyces is the only major microorganism that has the ability to covert hydroxycinnamic acids into important levels of these compounds, especially 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol, in red wine. When 4-ethylphenols reach concentrations greater than the sensory threshold, all wine’s organoleptic characteristics might be influenced or damaged. The aim of this literature review is to provide a better understanding of the physicochemical, biochemical, and metabolic factors that are related to the levels of p-coumaric acid and volatile phenols in wine. Then, this work summarizes the different methods used for controlling the presence of Brettanomyces in wine and the production of ethylphenols