12 research outputs found

    Antibacterial effect of calcium hydroxide combined with chlorhexidine on Enterococcus faecalis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) is the most frequently isolated strain in failed endodontic therapy cases since it is resistant to calcium hydroxide (CH). Whether a combination of CH and chlorhexidine (CHX) is more effective than CH alone against E. faecalis is a matter of controversy. Thus, the aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. Material and Methods: A comprehensive search in PubMed, EMbase, EBSCOhost, The Cochrane Library, SciELO, and BBO databases, Clinical trials registers, Open Grey, and conference proceedings from the earliest available date to February 1, 2013 was carried out and the relevant articles were identified by two independent reviewers. Backward and forward search was performed and then inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. The included studies were divided into "comparisons" according to the depth of sampling and dressing period of each medicament. Meta-analysis was performed using Stata software 10.0. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Eighty-five studies were retrieved from databases and backward/forward searches. Fortyfive studies were considered as relevant (5 in vivo, 18 in vitro, 18 ex vivo, and 4 review articles). Nine studies were included for meta-analysis. Inter-observer agreement (Cohen kappa) was 0.93. The included studies were divided into 21 comparisons for meta-analysis. Chi-square test showed the comparisons were heterogeneous (p<0.001). Random effect model demonstrated no significant difference between CH/CHX mixture and CH alone in their effect on E. faecalis (p=0.115). Conclusions: According to the evidence available now, mixing CH with CHX does not significantly increase the antimicrobial activity of CH against E. faecalis. It appears that mixing CH with CHX does not improve its ex vivo antibacterial property as an intracanal medicament against E. faecalis. Further in vivo studies are necessary to confirm and correlate the findings of this study with the clinical outcomes

    Viability of the Babassu Palm Eco-socio-system in Brazil: The Challenges of Coviability

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    Vol. 2: Coviability Questioned by a Diversity of Situations Chapitre 40 La version en français sera publiée ultérieurement aux éditions Matériologiques en co-édition avec les éditions IRDInternational audienceThe babassu palm tree (Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng.) is a species native to the Amazonian rainforest. The invasive nature of this palm tree results in a high density of babassu palm trees with a subsequent decrease in forage crop production. This is a serious problem for local farmers who have tried to resolve it by removing mature palms, seedlings and young individuals. Within these conditions, is coviability between the babassu palm tree and society possible? Our work consisted in developing tools and methods with the aim of producing knowledge and providing answers to this issue within a given territory. To understand the eco-socio-system, we have explored the available knowledge in the literature, produced specific field data, tools and methods such as mathematical modeling (dynamics of the palm tree population) and remote sensing (land use analysis thanks to Landsat high-resolution images and automatic detection of mature palm trees using Pleiades and GeoEye very high-resolution images). This multidisciplinary research in progress has already given us a good overview of the current situation of this eco-socio-system, enabling us to consider the best way to ensure its sustainability

    Radiographic prevalence of root canal ramifications in a sample of root canal treatments in a Brazilian Dental School Prevalência radiográfica de ramificações do canal radicular em uma amostra de tratamentos endodônticos em uma Faculdade de Odontologia Brasileira

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    The aim of this study was to radiographically investigate the presence of root canal ramifications found after endodontic treatment, and to determine any relationship between their presence and the type of the auxiliary chemical substance used. The study evaluated 1,470 endodontic treatments performed by final year undergraduate students at the Dental School of Piracicaba, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), SP, Brazil, during the period from 1998 to 2000. The X-rays taken during treatment were evaluated in order to establish the presence of ramifications of the root canal system. The initial X-ray did not show the presence of any canal ramifications. After filling, X-rays showed only 3 ramification types: 3.06% of lateral canals, 2.99% of apical deltas, and 0.1% of interradicular canals. The maxillary premolars showed the highest number of lateral canals (n = 13), followed by mandibular premolars (n = 10) and maxillary incisors (n = 10). Apical deltas were mostly found in mandibular molars (n = 14), followed by maxillary incisors (n = 9). Only mandibular molars had interradicular canals. The detection of ramifications increased with the use of EDTA. However, no statistically significant relationship was found between the type of auxiliary chemical substance used and the number of root canal ramifications detected after root canal filling. It was concluded that the frequency of root canal ramifications found radiographically was low in treatments performed by undergraduate students.<br>O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar radiograficamente a presença de ramificações do canal radicular encontrada depois do tratamento endodôntico, e determinar qualquer relação entre a presença destas e do tipo de substância química auxiliar usada. O estudo avaliou 1.470 tratamentos endodônticos executados pelos estudantes do último ano da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP, Brasil, no período de 1998 a 2000. Foram avaliadas as radiografias feitas durante o tratamento para verificar a presença das ramificações dos sistemas de canais radiculares. A radiografia inicial não mostrou a presença de qualquer ramificação. Depois da obturação as radiografias mostraram apenas 3 tipos de ramificação: 3,06% de canais laterais, 2,99% de deltas apicais e 0,1% de canais interradiculares. Os pré-molares superiores mostraram o maior número de canais laterais (n = 13), seguidos pelos pré-molares inferiores (n = 10) e incisivos superiores (n = 10). Deltas apicais foram encontrados principalmente em molares inferiores (n = 14), seguidos por incisivos superiores (n = 9). Apenas molares inferiores apresentaram canais interradiculares. A detecção de ramificações aumentou com o uso do EDTA. Entretanto, nenhuma relação estatisticamente significante foi encontrada entre o tipo de substância química auxiliar usada e o número de ramificações visualizadas após a obturação dos canais radiculares. Foi concluído que a freqüência de ramificações do canal radicular encontrada radiograficamente é baixa em tratamentos executados por estudantes universitários

    New Intracanal Formulations Containing Doxycycline or Chlorhexidine Against Enterococcus faecalis

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    Assessment of Coronal Leakage of Temporary Restorations in Root Canal-treated Teeth: An in vitro Study

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    In vitro Assessment of Tooth Color Alteration by Two Different Types of Endodontic Irrigants

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