175 research outputs found

    Kaon physics from lattice QCD

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    I review lattice calculations and results for hadronic parameters relevant for kaon physics, in particular the vector form factor f+(0) of semileptonic kaon decays, the ratio fK/fpi of leptonic decay constants and the kaon bag parameter BK. For each lattice calculation a colour code rating is assigned, by following a procedure which is being proposed by the Flavianet Lattice Averaging Group (FLAG), and the following final averages are obtained: f+(0)=0.962(3)(4), fK/fpi = 1.196(1)(10) and \hat BK = 0.731(7)(35). In the last part of the talk, the present status of lattice studies of non-leptonic K--> pi pi decays is also briefly summarized.Comment: Plenary talk at 27th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2009), Beijing, China, 25-31 Jul 2009. v2: two references and one comment added, typos correcte

    Determination of V_us: recent progresses from theory

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    Recent experimental and theoretical results on kaon semileptonic decays have significantly improved the determination of the CKM matrix element V_us. After briefly summarizing the impact of the new experimental determinations, I will concentrate in this talk on the theoretical progresses, coming in particular from lattice QCD calculations. These results lead to the estimate |V_us|=0.2250 +- 0.0021, in good agreement with the expectation based on the determination of |V_ud| and the unitarity of the CKM matrix.Comment: Prepared for 17th Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste: Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Italy, February 27-March 5, 200

    Determination of Vus: Recent Input from the Lattice

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    The two most precise determinations of the CKM matrix element V_us are based on the analyses of leptonic and semileptonic kaon decays. These studies also rely on the lattice QCD calculations of two hadronic parameters, namely the ratio of the kaon and pion decay constants, f_K+/f_pi+, and the kaon semileptonic vector form factor at zero momentum transfer, f_+(0). In this talk, I review the recent lattice results for these quantities, by showing that the sub-percent accuracy required by the phenomenological analyses has been reached by lattice QCD. As best estimates of the lattice calculations I quote f_K+/f_pi+ = 1.193(4) and f_+(0)=0.965(3). I also discuss some recent theoretical progress in the evaluation of the small, but phenomenologically relevant, SU(2) isospin breaking corrections.Comment: Kaon 2013 conference proceeding

    Light quark masses and CKM matrix elements from lattice QCD

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    I give a brief overview of recent results from lattice QCD calculations which are relevant for the phenomenology of the Standard Model. I discuss, in particular, the lattice determination of light quark masses and the calculation of those hadronic quantities, such as semileptonic form factors, decay constants and B-parameters, which are of particular interest for the analysis of the CKM mixing matrix and the origin of CP violation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, uses espcrc2.sty (included). Based on invited talk given at the QCD 98 Euroconference, Montpellier, France, 2-8 July 199

    Lattice QCD, Flavor Physics and the Unitarity Triangle Analysis

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    Lattice QCD has always played a relevant role in the studies of flavor physics and, in particular, in the Unitarity Triangle (UT) analysis. Before the starting of the B factories, this analysis relied on the results of lattice QCD simulations to relate the experimental determinations of semileptonic B decays, K-Kbar and B_{d,s}-B_{d,s}bar mixing to the CKM parameters. In the last years much more information has been obtained from the direct determination of the UT angles from non-leptonic B decays. In this talk, after a presentation of recent averages of lattice QCD results, we compare the outcome of the "classical" UT analysis (UTlattice) with the analysis based on the angles determinations (UTangles). We discuss the role of the different determinations of Vub, and show that current data do not favour the value measured in inclusive decays. Finally we show that the recent measurement of Delta ms, combined with Delta md and epsilonK, allows a quite accurate extraction of the values of the hadronic parameters, BK, fBs*sqrt(B_Bs) and xi. These values, obtained "experimentally" by assuming the validity of the Standard Model, are compared with the theoretical predictions from lattice QCD.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of HQL06, Munich, October 16th-20th 2006. 11 page

    Flavour physics and Lattice QCD: averages of lattice inputs for the Unitarity Triangle Analysis

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    We review recent results of Lattice QCD calculations relevant for flavour physics. We discuss in particular the hadronic parameters entering the amplitudes of K0-K0bar, D0-D0bar and B0-B0bar mixing, the B- and D-meson decay constants and the form factors controlling B-meson semileptonic decays. On the basis of these lattice results, which are extensively collected in the paper, we also derive our averages of the relevant hadronic parameters.Comment: Plenary talk at IFAE 2008, Bologna, Italy, 26-28 March 200

    Light quark masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from Nf=2 twisted mass QCD

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    We present the results of the lattice QCD calculation of the average up-down and strange quark masses and of the light meson pseudoscalar decay constants, recently performed with Nf=2 dynamical fermions by the ETM Collaboration. The simulation is carried out at a single value of the lattice spacing with the twisted mass fermionic action at maximal twist, which guarantees automatic O(a)-improvement of the physical quantities. Quark masses are renormalized by implementing the non perturbative RI-MOM renormalization procedure. Our results for the light quark masses are m_{ud}^{MSbar}(2 Gev)=3.85 +- 0.12 +- 0.40 MeV, m_s^{MSbar}(2 Gev)=105 +- 3 +- 9 MeV and m_s/m_{ud}=27.3 +- 0.3 +- 1.2. We also obtain f_K=161.7 +- 1.2 +- 3.1 MeV and the ratio f_K/f_pi=1.227 +- 0.009 +- 0.024. From this ratio, by using the experimental determination of Gamma(K -> mu {bar nu}_mu (gamma))/Gamma(pi -> mu {bar nu}_mu (gamma)) and the average value of |V_{ud}| from nuclear beta decays, we obtain |V_{us}|=0.2192(5)(45), in agreement with the determination from K_{l3} decays and the unitarity constraint.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 2007 (July 30 - 4 August 2007, Regensburg, Germany

    Thermodynamics and microscopic theory: an educational proposal for the high school

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    We present an educational proposal which aims to illustrate the elegant, refined and coherent physics contained in Thermodynamics, through a path which assigns to the microscopic description of the physical systems a constantly privileged role. This approach allows to reach a simple and, at the same time, deep understanding of the laws of Thermodynamics, while still emphasizing their great generality, which permits their application to all macroscopic systems, from simple gases to black holes, arriving to characterize the evolution of the entire Universe.Comment: Communications: SIF Congress 2022. 6 page

    O(a^2) corrections to 1-loop matrix elements of 4-fermion operators with improved fermion/gluon actions

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    We calculate the corrections to the amputated Green's functions of 4-fermion operators, in 1-loop Lattice Perturbation theory. The novel aspect of our calculations is that they are carried out to second order in the lattice spacing, O(a^2). We employ the Wilson/clover action for massless fermions (also applicable for the twisted mass action in the chiral limit) and the Symanzik improved action for gluons. Our calculations have been carried out in a general covariant gauge. Results have been obtained for several popular choices of values for the Symanzik coefficients (Plaquette, Tree-level Symanzik, Iwasaki, TILW and DBW2 action). We pay particular attention to ΔF=2\Delta F=2 operators, both Parity Conserving and Parity Violating (FF stands for flavour: S, C, B). We study the mixing pattern of these operators, to O(a^2), using the appropriate projectors. Our results for the corresponding renormalization matrices are given as a function of a large number of parameters: coupling constant, clover parameter, number of colors, lattice spacing, external momentum and gauge parameter. The O(a^2) correction terms (along with our previous O(a^2) calculation of ZΨZ_\Psi) are essential ingredients for minimizing the lattice artifacts which are present in non-perturbative evaluations of renormalization constants with the RI'-MOM method. A longer write-up of this work, including non-perturbative results, is in preparation together with members of the ETM Collaboration.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Presented at the "XXVII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", July 26-31 2009, Peking University, Beijing, Chin
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