622 research outputs found

    Coming to America: Multiple Origins of New World Geckos

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    Geckos in the Western Hemisphere provide an excellent model to study faunal assembly at a continental scale. We generated a time-calibrated phylogeny, including exemplars of all New World gecko genera, to produce a biogeographic scenario for the New World geckos. Patterns of New World gecko origins are consistent with almost every biogeographic scenario utilized by a terrestrial vertebrate with different New World lineages showing evidence of vicariance, dispersal via temporary land bridge, overseas dispersal, or anthropogenic introductions. We also recovered a strong relationship between clade age and species diversity, with older New World lineages having more species than more recently arrived lineages. Our data provide the first phylogenetic hypothesis for all New World geckos and highlight the intricate origins and ongoing organization of continental faunas. The phylogenetic and biogeographical hypotheses presented here provide an historical framework to further pursue research on the diversification and assembly of the New World herpetofauna

    Population Genetic Structure and Species Delimitation of a Widespread, Neotropical Dwarf Gecko

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    Amazonia harbors the greatest biological diversity on Earth. One trend that spans Amazonian taxa is that most taxonomic groups either exhibit broad geographic ranges or small restricted ranges. This is likely because many traits that determine a species range size, such as dispersal ability or body size, are autocorrelated. As such, it is rare to find groups that exhibit both large and small ranges. Once identified, however, these groups provide a powerful system for isolating specific traits that influence species distributions. One group of terrestrial vertebrates, gecko lizards, tends to exhibit small geographic ranges. Despite one exception, this applies to the Neotropical dwarf geckos of the genus Gonatodes. This exception, Gonatodes humeralis, has a geographic distribution almost 1,000,000 km2 larger than the combined ranges of its 30 congeners. As the smallest member of its genus and a gecko lizard more generally, G. humeralis is an unlikely candidate to be a wide-ranged Amazonian taxon. To test whether or not G. humeralis is one or more species, we generated molecular genetic data using restriction-site associated sequencing (RADseq) and traditional Sanger methods for samples from across its range and conducted a phylogeographic study. We conclude that G. humeralis is, in fact, a single species across its contiguous range in South America. Thus, Gonatodes is a unique clade among Neotropical taxa, containing both wide-ranged and range-restricted taxa, which provides empiricists with a powerful model system to correlate complex species traits and distributions. Additionally, we provide evidence to support species-level divergence of the allopatric population from Trinidad and we resurrect the name Gonatodes ferrugineus from synonymy for this population

    Multimodal and autoregulation monitoring in the neurointensive care unit

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    Given the complexity of cerebral pathology in patients with acute brain injury, various neuromonitoring strategies have been developed to better appreciate physiologic relationships and potentially harmful derangements. There is ample evidence that bundling several neuromonitoring devices, termed “multimodal monitoring,” is more beneficial compared to monitoring individual parameters as each may capture different and complementary aspects of cerebral physiology to provide a comprehensive picture that can help guide management. Furthermore, each modality has specific strengths and limitations that depend largely on spatiotemporal characteristics and complexity of the signal acquired. In this review we focus on the common clinical neuromonitoring techniques including intracranial pressure, brain tissue oxygenation, transcranial doppler and near-infrared spectroscopy with a focus on how each modality can also provide useful information about cerebral autoregulation capacity. Finally, we discuss the current evidence in using these modalities to support clinical decision making as well as potential insights into the future of advanced cerebral homeostatic assessments including neurovascular coupling

    Successful modeling, design, and test of electron cyclotron resonance ion sources

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    Plasmas in electron cyclotron resonance ion sources (ECRIS) are collisionless and can therefore be simulated by only following the motion of electrons in the confining static magnetic and oscillating microwave field of ECRIS. The experimental performance of three different ECRIS is successfully compared to calculated spatial electron (plasma) and electron energy density as well as to the energy spectrum and the average energy of the electrons. Further simulations suggest a new and better design of an ECRIS, the good experimental performance of which corresponds to the predictions

    A comparison of electrochemical degradation of phenol on boron doped diamond and lead dioxide anodes

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    This work compares two electrode materials used to mineralize phenol contained in waste waters. Two disks covered with either boron doped diamond (BDD) or PbO2 were used as anodes in a one compartment flow cell under the same hydrodynamic conditions. Efficiencies of galvanostatic electrolyses are compared on the basis of measurements of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Galvanostatic electrolyses were monitored by analysis of phenol and of its oxidation derivatives to evaluate the operating time needed for complete elimination of toxic aromatics. The experimental current efficiency is close to the theoretical value for the BDD electrode. Other parameters being equal, phenol species disappeared at the same rate using the two electrode materials but the BDD anode showed better efficiency to eliminate TOC and COD. Moreover, during the electrolysis less intermediates are formed with BDD compared to PbO2 whatever the current density. A comparison of energy consumption is given based on the criterion of 99% removal of aromatic compounds

    Escape responses of cryptic frogs (Anura: Brachycephalidae: Craugastor) to simulated terrestrial and aerial predators

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    Summary Cryptic prey may increase likelihood of being detected if they move. When approached by predators, they must assess probabilities of survival if they remain immobile or attempt escape. Probability of survival is the joint probability of being detected, attacked if detected, and captured if attacked. We studied escape responses of several species of cryptic Craugastor (= Eleutherodactylus) frogs to simulated ground and aerial predators by varying elevation angle of attack. Frogs were predicted to escape more frequently when attacked from higher angles because a predator attacking from above on a trajectory leading directly to the prey is more likely to have detected and be attacking than a predator approaching directly, but horizontally. Frogs approached horizontally rarely jumped. The proportion of frogs that jumped increased as attack angle increased, and the proportion that turned or twitched was greatest for 45 • approaches. Distance jumped did not vary among attack angles. Escape was directed away from the object approaching at 45 • , but was random with respect to the frog's orientation during vertical approaches. Variation in escape tendency may occur because risk increases as attack angle increases, possibly because risk of being detected from above is greater and/or aerial predators are more efficient

    The Long-term Middle Atmospheric Influence of Very Large Solar Proton Events

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    Long-term variations in ozone have been caused by both natural and humankind related processes. The humankind or anthropogenic influence on ozone originates from the chlorofluorocarbons and halons (chlorine and bromine) and has led to international regulations greatly limiting the release of these substances. Certain natural ozone influences are also important in polar regions and are caused by the impact of solar charged particles on the atmosphere. Such natural variations have been studied in order to better quantify the human influence on polar ozone. Large-scale explosions on the Sun near solar maximum lead to emissions of charged particles (mainly protons and electrons), some of which enter the Earth's magnetosphere and rain down on the polar regions. "Solar proton events" have been used to describe these phenomena since the protons associated with these solar events sometimes create a significant atmospheric disturbance. We have used the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) to study the long-term (> few months) influences of solar proton events from 1963 through 2004 on stratospheric ozone and temperature. There were extremely large solar proton events in 1972, 1989,2000,2001, and 2003. These events caused very distinctive polar changes in layers of the Earth's atmosphere known as the stratosphere (12-50 km; -7-30 miles) and mesosphere (50-90 km; 30-55 miles). The solar protons connected with these events created hydrogen- and nitrogen-containing compounds, which led to the polar ozone destruction. The nitrogen-containing compounds, called odd nitrogen, lasted much longer than the hydrogen-containing compounds and led to long-lived stratospheric impacts. An extremely active period for these events occurred in the five-year period, 2000- 2004, and caused increases in odd nitrogen which lasted for several months after individual events. Associated stratospheric ozone decreases of >lo% were calculated to last for up to five months past the largest events. However, the computed total column ozone and stratospheric temperature changes connected with the solar events were not found to be statistically significant. Thus, solar proton events do not likely contribute significantly to measured total column ozone fluctuations and stratospheric temperature changes